Félag Wikimedianotenda á Íslandi
Formerly Active Affiliate This page is kept for historical interest. It documents a formerly active affiliate group whose recognition has ended. To find active Wikimedia affiliates throughout the world visit the Affiliates Portal. |
Félag Wikimedianotenda á Íslandi | |
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![]() Location of Iceland (green) in Europe (dark grey) | |
Location | Ísland ![]() |
Country code | ISL |
Legal status | Non-profit org |
Founding date | 9 febrúar 2014 |
Approval date | 28 febrúar 2014 [1] |
Extinction | 15 mars 2015 |
- CH Wikimedia CH
- GB Wikimedia UK
- KR 위키미디어 한국
- US-NYC Wikimedia New York City
- CAT Amical Wikimedia
- ESP-WE Wikiesfera Grupo de Usuarixs
- H-GAPS H-GAPS User Group
- MK-SK Shared Knowledge
- NGA-HA Hausa Wikimedians User Group
- NGA-IG Igbo Wikimedians User Group
- RU-Don Don Wikimedians User Group
- US-NE New England Wikimedians
- WJ WikiJournal
- WK? Whose Knowledge?
Félag Wikimedianotenda á Íslandi skipuleggur viðburði fyrir almenning til að hvetja þá og núverandi Wikimedia notendur til að breyta Wikimedia síðum.
Undirbúningur stofnun íslensks félags byrjaði snemma á árinu 2013. Fjórir fundir voru haldnir frá febrúar til maí. Samþykkt var að stefna að viðurkenningu og innleiðingu.
Fyrst og fremst að auka nýliðun. Fyrsta markmið hópsins er að auka fjölda mjög virkra notenda (>100 breytingar á mánuði) upp í 15. Vikuleg Wikipedia-kvöld eru haldin þar sem veitt er aðstoð við breytingar á Wikimedia-verkefnum. Þessi kvöld eru haldin frítt í Landsbókasafni Íslands. (sjá vikuleg Wikipedia-kvöld).
Seinna markmiðið er að fá frí gögn frá opinberum stofnunum til að innifela í Wikimedia verkefnum.
- Skipuleggjendur tillagna
Skýrsla um starfsemi
Skýrsla fyrir fyrsta ár (14. mars 2014 - 13. mars 2015)
In the period of January to May 2014 Wikimedians of Iceland (WMIS) held open meetings in the National and University Library of Iceland. The decision to hold the meetings was made at a conference that was held in December 2013 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Icelandic Wikipedia. [1] On that same occasion WMIS freed photos, obtained from the National Archives, from an important historical event in Icelandic history, the protests because of Iceland’s participation in the founding of NATO in 1949. [2]
People were invited and encouraged to attend and be tutored by experienced users in editing Wikipedia and participating in other Wikimedia projects. Attendance was lower than hoped for but the meetings were effective in raising awareness. WMIS members attended radio as well as newspaper interviews.
The work of WMIS entered a hiatus during the summer and focus was put on gaining a formal relationship with the WMF in order to be able to communicate with third parties as a legitimate actor.
In 2015 Icelanders celebrate a centenary of women’s suffrage. We applied for and received a grant 50.000 ISK (364 USD) which was used to print a life size poster and smaller posters. We obtained public domain photos from the National Museum documenting that historical moment and are now available on Commons [3] Again open meetings, now with more focused advertisment, were people were invited and encouraged to attend were organised with disappointing turnouts.
Looking to the future, WMIS, wants to a) attract more active users to build a vibrant Wikimedia community b) free photos locked in institutions
Íslensk WP grein
- ↑ "Resolution:Approval of Wikimedia Macedonia.". Retrieved 1 March 2014.