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Saradnici Wikimedia pokreta

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia movement affiliates and the translation is 22% complete.

U znak na raznolikosti na grupama koji učestvovati u Викимедииното kretanje, Odbor na доверители ima utvrditi način na здруженост u okvir na kretanju — ограноци, tematski organizacije i кориснички grupe.

Map of geographic based affiliates

As of 24 August 2021      Wikimedia chapters (blue)      Wikimedia user groups with a geographic focus (green)

History News Chapters Thematic organizations Wikimedia user groups


The current Wikimedia affiliation models was developed by the Movement roles project. Development began in 2010 after discussion at the Chapters meeting 2010 and was approved unanimously by the Board of Trustees on March 31, 2012. The Affiliations Committee advises and makes recommendations regarding the recognition and existence of Wikimedia movement affiliates.

History News Chapters Thematic organizations Wikimedia user groups

News from the Affiliations Committee:

AffCom session at Wikimania

History News Chapters Thematic organizations Wikimedia user groups

Chapters are incorporated independent non-profits representing the Wikimedia movement and supporting movement work globally, focused within a specific geography.

History News Chapters Thematic organizations Wikimedia user groups

Thematic organizations are incorporated independent non-profits representing the Wikimedia movement and supporting work focused on a specific theme, topic, subject or issue within or across countries and regions.

History News Chapters Thematic organizations Wikimedia user groups

User groups are open membership groups with an established contact person and history of projects, designed to be easy to form.