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Wikimedia Tunisie/Report 2023

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This is the Wikimedia TN User Group report of the year 2023

The Wikimedia Community User Group Tunisia has actively participated in various events and programs during the last year.

This report offers a comprehensive overview of the activities undertaken by the user group, encompassing participation in international conferences, the organization of local events, workshops, community gatherings, and others activities.

Our user group has successfully advanced efforts to preserve cultural heritage and history while championing gender equality. Through dedicated work, we managed to attract new young users to actively contribute about local figures through various projects, and we continued the work done in narrowing the gender gap concerning Tunisian figures represented on Wikipedia.

The user group is represented by the same board since January 2023. The elected board for 2023-2024 is:

The elected board started working in January 2023. The main goals of Tunisia User Group are:

  1. Representing the Wikimedia Foundation in Tunisia.
  2. Establishing a base and a reference for all Tunisians in Wikipedia and all other Wikimedia projects.
  3. Promoting and developing the content related to Tunisia.
  4. Organizing activities, gatherings, workshops and different projects for contributors.
  5. Unifying the efforts of the contributors under one umbrella, especially those with technical skills.
  6. Gathering the contributors who live abroad and have them put some focus and efforts in enhancing content, especially what's related to Tunisia.
  7. Unifying the contribution in the international activities, such as Wiki Love… contests and others.

Elections for 2025-2026 are planned to take place in December 2024.



WikiChallenge Ecoles d'Afrique 2022/2023


Coordinator : Afek Ben Chahed

The Wikimedia TN User Group participated for the 5th year in the WikiChallenge Ecoles d'Afrique. This year, the WikiChallenge contest in Tunisia resulted in 29 articles created on Vikidia and 305 images uploaded on Commons. The article Ksours de Tataouine, by Ras El Oued Primary School in Smar Tataouine won the International Prize (5000 EUR) and the article Poterie de Djerba, by Fetou Ennour Primary School in Djerba won the National Prize (2000 EUR)

Coordinators : Houcemeddine Turki and Sami Mlouhi

Created in September 2021, Data Engineering and Semantics has been created as a hub for Wikimedia researchers, open science advocates, specialists in big data, social network analysis, and knowledge engineering. Recognized by the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, it has the right to launch research projects to develop the Wikimedia Research Community in Tunisia. As of 2023, Houcemeddine Turki and Sami Mlouhi were appointed as Wikimedia liaisons by the Data Engineering and Semantics Research Unit until December 2023 to keep collaboration between the created research structure and the local Wikimedia community.

This year is marked by the development of the first Wikimedia-funded Research Project in the country. The Project is entitled "Adapting Wikidata to support clinical practice using Data Science, Semantic Web and Machine Learning" and it aims to develop the representation of biomedical knowledge in Wikidata using the multidisciplinary skills of the members of Data Engineering and Semantics as well as through the establishment of several research collaborations with Ronin Institute, University of Virginia, the University of Pretoria, SisonkeBiotik, University of Sfax, and IEEE Tunisia.

Representing the Group




Wikimedia TN User Group participated in Wikimania 2023 held in Singapore with two of its members: Yamen and Houcemeddine. Both of them were former core organizing team members.

They have presented several sessions regarding the activities of Wikimedia Tunisia, particularly regarding Wikimedia Research and Development:



Wiki Indaba conference is the regional conference for Africans both within and in the diaspora. Wiki Indaba 2023 was hosted by Wikimedia Morocco in Agadir, Morocco.

Three members of the Wikimedia Community User Group Tunisia participated in the event, volunteering on different committees and delivering presentations.

These members are :

One presentation was made during the conference:

WikiConvention francophone


3 members participated in WikiConvention francophone 2023 in Abidjan. Habib, Yamen and Afek made sixc presentations about :

The list of the participants in place from Tunisia is :