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Tarabbut n Wikimidya MA

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia MA User Group and the translation is 9% complete.
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Tarabut n Wikimidya MA tga yat zɣ tirubba n Wikimidya nna itcjjaɛn iwikimidyan imɣrabiyn. Ar tskar manik bac ad taws i isnfarn n Wikimidya ɣ Lmɣrib.

Ma nga


Lliɣ tettuyqbal trabbut n Wikimidya MA ɣ wass n 6 ɣ Uktubr n 2015 dar WMF Affiliations Committee, Ibidd Reda Benkhadra f usnflul n trabbut ad ntta d Ismael Zniber d Anass Sedrati bac ad tmttaln Iwikimdyan ɣ Lmɣrib.


Wikimedia MA User Group seeks to contribute actively to the dissemination, improvement and advancement of free knowledge and culture through the development and distribution of encyclopedias, collections of quotations, books and other educational compilations of documents, especially in the languages spoken in Morocco.[1]


The user group aims to support Wikimedia projects that are directly or indirectly related to Morocco. It also aims to support Moroccan Wikimedians and to become in the near future a recognized chapter of Wikimedia in Morocco.


  • Contribute actively to the dissemination, improvement and advancement of free knowledge and culture through the development and distribution of encyclopedias, collections of quotations, books and other educational compilations of documents, especially in the languages spoken in Morocco (Arabic, Berber, French and English – depending on the needs), that:
  • are available through Internet technologies and the like —provided the availability of data sources, the usage of free format, and the availability of the work which is not restricted by technical measures;
  • the content of these works should be free, either by licensing conditions or limitations and scope of the rules governing copyright. What "freedom" means is to
  • use such works while enjoying the benefits of their use;
  • study these works and to apply knowledge acquired from them;
  • make and redistribute copies, in whole or part, of the information or expression;
  • make changes and improvements, and to distribute derivative works;
  • promote and support of the Wikimedia Foundation projects directly or indirectly;
  • raise funds intended for such purposes;
  • maintain relations and cultural exchanges with other foreign, public or private entities and authorities.


Group activities

Wikimedia MA User Group plans to host outreach events, such as edit-a-thons and training sessions, around the country where experienced editors and newcomers can contribute to the Wikimedia projects together. We also plans to work with institutions to improve the quality of content on Wikipedia:

  • Edit-a-thons – to help new Wikipedians learn editing techniques, to enrich content about Morocco or work on and develop a certain topic.
  • Meetings – for the Wikimedians in Morocco to exchange ideas and to check what support do they need to continue editing Wikipedia.
  • Editing contests – to encourage existing users edit Wikipedia and to encourage non-users join.
  • Photography trips and contests – to encourage users upload photos to Commons.

Possible projects

By year

Contact information


Social Media

Proposed headquarters

Annual Reports


Wikimedia MA User Group activities