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Ntuliaka Wikimedia Foundation/2024

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2024 and the translation is 68% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Na 2024, oge ọrụ nke Community- and Affiliate-selected Trustees nke afọ 4 (anọ) na Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees ga-abịa na njedebe. Ndị bọọdụ na-akpọ otu Wikimedia isonye na usoro nhọrọ nke afọ a ma tụọ votu iji mejuo oche ndị ahụ.

Kọmitii ntuliaka ga-ahụ maka usoro a site na nkwado sitere n'aka ndị ọrụ Foundation.


The Elections Committee and Wikimedia Foundation staff verify the candidates based on candidate criteria.

Eligible candidates

The following candidates are verified eligible:

Usoro ịtụ vootu na Ebe a ga-atụ votu

A ga-eji Votu a na-enyefeghị otu na SecurePoll na ntuliaka nke afọ a.

Maka ndị na-adọ ndọrọ ndọrọ

Debanye ka ị bụrụ onye na-adọ ndoro-ndoro ochichi

Akụkọ nke bụ isi: Ntuliaka nke Wikimedia Foundation/2024/Ndebanye ndị na-adọ ndọrọ ndọrọ

Usoro ndepụta aha

Na 2024, a ga-enwe oghere oche anọ . N'oge nke gara aga, enwere oghere anọ n'oche anọ, enwere ọnụ ọgụgụ dị ukwuu nke ndị na-eme ntuliaka ịtụle. Kọmitii ntuliaka na Board of Trustees kowapụtara na ndị na-adọ ndọrọ ndọrọ iri na abụọ ga-abụ nọmba dị mma maka ndị ntuliaka iji mee nyochaa. Ọ bụrụ na enwere ndị na-adọ ndọrọ ndọrọ karịrị iri ise tozuru etozu dịka Kọmitii ntuliaka si kwuo, Usoro nhọrọ ndepụta aha ga adị. Usoro a ga - ebipụta mmadụ iri na abụọ. Nke a ga-eso usoro nke ngalaba òtù. Ọ bụrụ na enwere ndị rụrụ iri na ise 15 ma ọ bụ belata, agaghị eme usoro nhọrọ ndepụta aha . Usoro ahụ ga-abụ ọtụtụ ọrụ nye ndị mmekọ naanị iji kpochapụ ndị na-adọ ndọrọ ndọrọ atọ ma ọ bụ obere maka ịtụ vootu Otu ngalaba.

Ajuju ngalaba òtù maka ndi na-adọ ndoro-ndoro ochichi

In each selection process, the community has the opportunity to submit questions for the Board of Trustees candidates to answer. The Election Committee selects questions from the list developed by the community for the candidates to answer. Candidates are only required to answer these selected questions. This year, the Election Committee will select five (5) questions for the candidates to answer. The selected questions may be a combination of what’s been submitted from the community, if they’re alike or related. Once selected, each question is broken into a subpage to help with readability.

Mkparịta ụka ya na ndị na-adọ ndọrọ ndọrọ

  • A ga-enwe oge ajụjụ ọnụ nke ndị niile ahọpụtara. Ajụjụ ọnụ a ga-adị na ikuku ma aga enwe nkọwa ya; ma dekọọ ya maka ndị na-enweghị ike ịsonye.
  • Iji hụ na enwere nha, a ga-ekekọrịta ajụjụ ndị a nye ndị ahọpụtara tupu oge eruo ka ha nwee ike ịkwado. Ndị ọrụ nkwado ga-eme ka ọ dị mfe ịhụ na enwere oge ikwu okwu ha nha maka onye ọ bụla.

Iwu mkpọsa

Isi isiokwu: Ntụliaka Wikimedia Foundation /2024/ Ntuziaka onye naonye na ndọrọ ndọrọ

Maka ndị na-atụ Vootu

Ntuziaka ntozu ndị ntuliaka

Akụkọ nke bụ isi: Ntuliaka nke Wikimedia Foundation/2024/ Ntuziaka ntozu ndị ntuliaka

For a quick verification of whether you are eligible to vote or not, please use the AccountEligibility tool.

For communities

Ajụjụ ndị a na-ajụkaarị

Election volunteers

Election Volunteers are a bridge between the Elections Committee, the support team and the movement. If you would like to support this, please sign up here.

Usoro oge iheomume

Agbata Ihe ịrịba ama Usoro oge iheomume Ọnọdụ
Usoro ịbụ onye naonye na ịgbasa Ozi Ịma ọkwa usoro ntuliaka na-abịa 12 Maachị 2024 Completed Completed
Ọkpụkpọ oku ndị na-adọ ndọrọ ndọrọ na ọkpụkpọ oku maka ajụjụ (Izu 3) 8 Mee 2024―29 Mee 2024 Completed Completed
Oghere ịkpọ Oku maka ajụjụ meghere izu ise (Izu 5) 8 Mee 2024―12 Jụn 2024 Completed Completed
Nyocha nke ndị na-adọ ndọrọ ndọrọ dabere na iwu na ntụziaka ntozu nke ndị nsonyem:Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation elections/2024/Candidate application#Candidate criteria 30 Mee 2024―7 Jụn 2024 Completed Completed
Nwepụta aha ndị ahọpụtara aha (ọ bụrụ na ọdabara) Jụn 2024 Unnecessary Unnecessary
EC shortlists the questions for candidates from community members 13 Jụn 2024―19 Jụn 2024 Completed Completed on 21 Jụn 2024
Candidates answer shortlisted questions from community members 20 Jụn 2024―1 Julaị 2024 Completed Completed
Nnọkọ tupu mbanye nke mndị nwere ike na ndị ahọpụtara 25 Jụn 2024―26 Ọgọọst 2024 In progress…
Mkparịta ụka nke ndị na-adọ ndọrọ ndọrọ (ịgba ajụjụ ọnụ) Ọgọọst 2024
Ịtụ vootu na mpụtara Vote launches 3 Septemba 2024 at 00:01 UTC
Vote closes 17 Septemba 2024 at 23:59 UTC
Ezi nyocha, ngụkọ, na ọkwa mmalite nke mpụtara ntuliaka 18 Septemba 2024―30 Septemba 2024
Preliminary announcement of results by 9 Ọktoba 2024
nkwenye Nyocha ndabere na nkwenye nke ndị ahọpụtara; Board of Trustees na-akparịta gbasara ndị nsonye Ọktoba 2024―Novemba 2024
Ndị Board of Trustees na-atụ Vootu maka ndị ahọpụtara Desemba 2024 (nnọkọ otú bọọdụ)