Izbori u Zakladi Wikimedia/2022/Kandidati/Tobechukwu Precious Friday (Tochiprecious)
Tobechukwu Precious Friday (Tochiprecious)
Tochiprecious (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Introductory statement / Application summary. This section to be translated. (150 word maximum) |
Postao sam Wikimedian 2017., sudjelovao sam u osnivanju korisničke grupe 2018., postao Wikimedian na rezidenciji. Otada surađujem na raznim projektima u obje Wikimedijine zajednice te ulažem napore u razvoj novih zajednica. Jedan sam od onih koji čvrsto vjeruju u volonterstvo, organiziranje zajednica, raznolikost i inkluziju te slobodno i dostupno znanje za sve. Moja je profesionalna karijera fokusirana na upravljanje projektima i programima, organizacijske strategije, prevođenje, podučavanje i mentorstvo, upravljanje zajednice (zajedničko upravljanje), te upravljanje dosegom.
Kad bi mi se pružila prilika, moji bi ciljevi bili sljedeći: zagovarati raznolikost u svim njenim oblicima, uključujući sadržaj, njegove urednike, entuzijaste itd., veća podrška organizacijama zajednica za stvaranje pravednijih modela zagovaranja, izgradnja kapaciteta, dodjela resursa i sl., te snažno djelovanje prema Preporukama strategije pokreta, posebice u točkama 1 (Povećanje održivosti našeg pokreta), 6 (Ulaganje u razvoj vještina i liderstva), 8 (Određivanje tema za djelovanje). | |
Doprinosi Wikimedia projektima, članstvo u Wikimediа organizacijama ili podružnicama, aktivnosti u ulozi organizatora pokreta Wikimedia ili sudjelovanje u organizaciji koja je saveznik pokreta Wikimedia. (najviše 100 riječi) |
I've been involved in the global Community since 2017.
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Stručnost u vještinama koje je Odbor identificirao kao potrebne.
(najviše 150 riječi) |
I am skilled in Organizational Strategy, Program and Projects Management, teaching and mentoring, community management, outreach management by having worked in the pioneer Technology Incubator and Accelerator in Nigeria (Wennovation Hub), I hold a Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures (German and French) and am currently pursuing a Masters degree in Project Management. My professional career is focused on Program & Project Management, Community Management, Teaching and Translation, language activism. I am the founder of Smarter Languages Hub- a language services company. A Alumnus of Cherie Blair Foundation Women in Business Mentorship Program. In 2018, I was appointed the Ambassador, The Next Economy Nigeria Program funded by the Netherlands Ministry Of Foreign Affairs. In 2018, I also served as a Mentor for the Zimba Women in Business Mentorship Program, Uganda. | |
Proživljena iskustva u svijetu. Posebno smo zainteresirani za čitanje o proživljenim iskustvima u regijama Afrike, Južne Azije, Istočne i Jugoistočne Azije i Pacifika te Latinske Amerike i Kariba. Vjerujemo da bi iskustvo u tim regijama moglo pomoći u proširenju sposobnosti odbora da ispuni cilj strategije pokreta, a to je pravednija zastupljenost. Naravno, svjesni smo da bi i druga iskustva također mogla dati važan doprinos. (najviše 250 riječi) |
Although I haven’t lived in other regions, I was born in Nigeria, live and work in the African region, one of my experiences is the knowledge gap. Wikipedia for example has more information about Paris, a city in France than Africa as a whole. Also, coming from a marginalized community in Nigeria whose language is predicted by UNESCO as an endangered Language has better shaped my mind to understand and relate to some of the challenges faced by some Communities in the region. I’m a strong supporter of the Movement Strategy Recommendations, especially numbers: 1 (Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement), 6 (Invest in Skills and Leadership Development), 8 (Identify Topics for Impact), and try as much as possible to uphold them in my region. One example is the volunteer community in Mozambique which I’m mentoring and have helped to put their Makhuwa Language Wikipedia into the incubator and support them in becoming knowledge producers. Other projects I’ve been involved in which promotes the aforementioned Movement Strategy recommendations in Africa are: AfroCuration Mozambique 1.0, AfroCuration Mozambique 2.0, AfroCuration Zimbabwe, AfroCuration South Africa, AfroCuration Event with African Leadership Academy. These have further deepened my experience working in the region. With a younger population than other continents, there's still a lot of knowledge gap in the African continent which makes it a place with great opportunity for the Wikimedia Movement to thrive. If given the opportunity, I would use my experiences to help accomplish this. | |
Odlično poznavanje drugih kultura, regija i jezika koji nije vaš materinski. Interkulturalna svest pomaže u izgradnji mostova u našoj multikulturalnoj zajednici. (najviše 250 riječi) |
My background as a graduate of Foreign Languages & Literatures, as a translator, who is also currently a Masters in Project Management Student at Rome Business School (where I'm learning Italian), a language activist has further opened my mind to people and national cultures. I'm a language enthusiast, one who appreciates languages and cultures and which has helped me become more accommodating and open to learning. I'm a native Igbo Language Speaker, I speak fluent English, I can read and write good French and German but have basic to mid speaking ability. As a startup founder of Smarter Languages Hub (a language services start up which helps to bridge the language gap), I have taught and networked with people from various continents and countries. In the various Wiki projects I have organized, I've also got help from volunteers from different Wiki communities in South Africa, Portugal, Brazil, Tanzania, Ghana, Italy, Israel and so forth. This further demonstrates my open mindedness in working and collaborating with people from different walks of life. | |
Iskustvo u ulozi zagovornika stvaranja sigurnih i kolaborativnih prostora za sve i/ili iskustvo u situacijama ili kontekstima cenzure, represije ili drugih napada na ljudska prava. (najviše 250 riječi) |
As a Nigerian, I have experiences regarding censorship and repression but I would prefer not to include details. I'm an advocate for Human Rights especially in the area of Human Trafficking where I've worked with Devatop Centre For Africa Development and A-TIPSOM (Action Against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants in Nigeria) to create awareness of human trafficking on Igbo Wikipedia in other to make the knowledge accessible. As a member of the Wiki Loves Women Focus Group, I organize and host events to bridge the internet gender gap. Some of my most recent projects can be found here Wiki Loves Women Focus Group SheSaid Nigeria campaign and Igbo Wikimedians User Group WikiGap Challenge | |
Iskustvo u odnosu na grupu (ili iskustvo kao člana grupe, u mjeri u kojoj to odlučite podijeliti) koja se suočila s povijesnom diskriminacijom i nedovoljnom zastupljenošću u strukturama moći (uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na kastu, rasu, etničku pripadnost, boju kože, nacionalno podrijetlo, nacionalnost, rodni identitet, spolno izražavanje, seksualnu orijentaciju, dob, vjeru, jezik, kulturu, obrazovanje, sposobnosti, prihod i okruženje). (najviše 250 riječi) |
In my country, I come from an ethnic group which is underrepresented in terms of power. I would prefer not to share more details. | |
Verification | Identity verification performed by Wikimedia Foundation staff and eligibility verification performed by the Elections Committee | |
Eligibility: ![]() Potvrđeno: Matanya (talk) 08:53, 17 May 2022 (UTC) |
Identification: |
2022 Board of Trustees Analysis Committee Rating
Candidate Name | Wikimedia Background | Sought Skills | Sought Regional Experience | Human Rights & Underrepresentation | Overall rating from the average score of the four categories | Overall rating from the average score of the nine criteria |
Tobechukwu Precious Friday | Gold | Silver | Gold | Silver | Silver | Gold |