ウィキメディア財団選挙/2022年/候補者/Gina Bennett
Gina Bennett (Redwidgeon)
Redwidgeon (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
候補者の詳細 | ![]()
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自己紹介/立候補の動機まとめ この欄は翻訳対象(原文150単語以内) |
私のキャリアの全ては人々の知識へのアクセスを改善するために費やされており、私は自分のWMFの関与を、そうした情熱の延長線上にあるものと考えています。自国、そして海外で仕事をしたことで私は学習機会の不平等について知ることになり、末端の人々との協力、教育コンテンツの共有、そして国際的なチームとの連携に対し情熱を燃え上がらせることになりました。現在、私はより広範なウィキメディアの運動に対し、様々な控え目な方法で貢献しています。私が特に関心を持っているのは、どのように姉妹プロジェクトを使用すれば、普段はウィキペディア/ウィキメディアに参加せず、どのようにすれば彼ら自身もまた「知識の総体」に対し貢献できるかなんて、考えたこともないかもしれないような人々を関与させることができるのか、ということです。私はセミリタイアした教育者としての視点、そして自分を女性と認識している年長者としての視点を提供します。私は現在、アメリカおよびカナダのWMF地域資金委員会に務めています。 | |
ウィキメディア・プロジェクトへの貢献、ウィキメディアの組織または提携団体の参加、ウィキメディア運動の活動主催者、またはウィキメディア運動と同盟する組織への参画。 (100 単語以内) |
I made my first edit in English Wikipedia in 2006. However, I did little editing until 2016, when I retired from my job as educator. Since then I have contributed mostly as a Wikignome, helping to improve articles though copyediting, improved translation, writing lead paragraphs, etc. I was an active participant and graduate of the Education Greenhouse Project (2020); a mentor and mentee in the Wikipedia & Education User Group Mentorship Pilot (2021); contributed a [to Wikiversity] (2021); and currently serve on the Wikimedia Regional Grants Committee, US & Canada (2021-2023). | |
(最大150 単語) |
In my vocation as educator, I provided leadership for many curriculum projects, both domestic and international. Working in small teams, we assessed educational & community needs, devised delivery strategies, implemented and evaluated projects. Most of our projects involved educational technology, configuring and supporting learning management systems. I have little formal experience with public policy law, data science and analysis, or machine learning. My main skills are related to team building and support, active analytical listening, and appreciative strategy development. | |
世界各地での生活体験。アフリカ、南アジア、東アジア・南東アジア・太平洋、ラテンアメリカ・カリブ海の各地域での体験を特に必要としています。これらの地域での経験は、より公平な参加という運動戦略の目標を達成するために、理事会の能力を伸長させるはずです。同時に、他の経験も重要な貢献をもたらすと認識しています。 (最大250 単語) |
Most of my life has been lived in small, rural communities on both east and west coasts of Canada; I have very little lived experience of the stated areas of particular interest. However, in my work as curriculum developer, I have participated in projects with on-site teams in a number of international locations, including Tanzania, Kenya, Colombia, Ecuador, and Chile. | |
母国語以外の地域や言語に対する文化的・言語的な流暢さ。異文化を理解することは、多文化社会における架け橋となります。 (最大250 単語) |
I have linguistic fluency only in English, although I can function at a basic level in French and Spanish. I do love languages and am currently learning Swahili, Welsh, and Esperanto (as well as attempting to expand my French and Spanish fluency). I have, for decades, volunteered as an English tutor for immigrants new to Canada or preparing for citizenship and consequently have enjoyed vicarious exposure to a wide variety of cultures. Earlier in my career I completed a Post-Graduate certificate program in Intercultural Communication, which has aided me greatly in my various international postings. | |
すべての人にとって安全で協力的な場を作るための、提唱者としての経験、および/または検閲、抑圧、その他の人権に対する攻撃を受けた状況や文脈での経験。 (最大250 単語) |
My career as an educator was focused almost entirely on developing and implementing ways to increase access to information and learning, and to the many doors such opportunities open. When teaching, my students have usually been adults who needed literacy, linguistic, or numeracy support before being able to access post-secondary or vocational programs. When working with learning management systems, my focus was always on finding ways to include and engage students who had previously been denied educational access due to isolation, parental responsibilities, disability, or work schedules. My international work was usually focused on helping educators develop skills to develop their own, culturally-appropriate curriculum rather than relying on curriculum imported or inherited from colonial education systems.
Throughout my career, I have been a strong proponent of open access: open science, open data, Creative Commons publishing, and (of course) Wikipedia. | |
権力構造において歴史的に差別や過小評価に直面してきた集団(カースト、人種、民族、肌の色、出身国、国籍、性自認、性表現、性的指向、年齢、宗教、言語、文化、教育、能力、収入、環境など)に関連した(あるいはその一員として共有したいと思う範囲の)経験を有する。 (最大250 単語) |
I have been extremely fortunate to live the privilege of a white, cis-gender woman in a generally liberal and tolerant country. As a young woman pursuing a career in science, I encountered some roadblocks because of my gender but this discrimination has reduced considerably over the years. My heritage does include indigenous ancestors but I was not raised nor identified as a member of that cultural group. Given my "senior" age I do encounter some ageism; although that is annoying, it has not interfered with my ability to contribute to my family or community. | |
確認 | 確認は選挙管理委員もしくはウィキメディア財団職員によって実施されます。 | |
立候補資格: ![]() 確認者: Matanya (talk) 09:12, 17 May 2022 (UTC) |
身分証明: ![]() 確認者: Joe Sutherland (Wikimedia Foundation) (talk) 23:54, 18 May 2022 (UTC) |