維基媒體基金會理事會選舉/2022年/候選人/Abdermane Abakar Brahim
Abderamane Abakar Brahim (Abakar B)
Abakar B (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
候选人详情 | ![]()
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Introductory statement / Application summary. This section to be translated. (150 word maximum) |
我在2018年建立了我的維基百科志願者帳戶,自此參與了維基百科、維基共享資源、維基愛非洲、維基庫曼(wiki Kouman)等項目的工作。我的主要目標始終是透過服務社群在知識的傳播上發揮作用,因為有人有需要。我學到與社群分享,並鼓勵其他人也成為志願者。了解到代表性不足社群的問題和他們在不同項目上的參與,以及運動策略,我希望更多社群能遵守建議,以達成他們的多樣性目標。 | |
對維基媒體項目的貢獻、在維基媒體組織或自治體的成員資格、作為維基媒體運動組織者的活動,或與維基媒體運動盟友組織一同參與(的經驗)。 (大約100個字) |
As Wikipedia is a project that allows us to contribute and improve our local content in 2018, I participated as a voluntary contributor and the creation of the Chad user group in 2019 by working as a project wiki love africa, wikpedia , commons, wiktionary. | |
(大約150個字) |
I am training in oracle database and I have participated in several citizen activities in my community as an awareness and advocacy campaign I know how to use google drive, slack, zoom... communication, Plaidoyer , Edith-on, local language | |
在世界各地的歷練。我們對非洲、南亞、東亞、東南亞和太平洋,以及拉丁美洲和加勒比海的經歷特別有興趣。我們認為在這些地區的經驗可以幫助擴大理事會的能力,來實現更公平參與的運動策略目標。儘管我們承認其他經驗也可能提供重要的貢獻。 (大約250個字) |
In 2011 I was as a visitor to Benin more precisely in Cotonou I am a student passing through but when I arrived in Ghana I was registered at ELA (Excellence Language Accademic) in Accra where I participated in several activities as an office observation from Chadian student in Accra, schools Accredited or not in Ghana, player of the Chadian team for French-speaking games, in 2019 I was also at wikiindaba in Nigeria and in 2021 I was in Dubai for the Arab leader conference. ... | |
除了您的地區和母語之外,對於其他地區文化的理解和其他語言的流利程度。跨文化意識有助在我們的多元文化社群中架起橋樑。 (大約250個字) |
in 2021 we collaborated with the Ivorian community on the Kouman wiki project which allowed us to contribute on the two local languages Chadian Arabic and Ngambaye, I speak French and English | |
擁有為眾人創建安全和協作空間的倡導者經驗和/或有和審查制度、壓迫或其他侵犯人權情況相關或脈絡下的經驗。 (大約250個字) |
my local milk is a campaign in which I participated as a volunteer which promotes local milk, Weeks of my world of entrepreneurship as an organizational member to allow young people to undertake and Digital November is a month dedicated to digital tools (discover digital tools for young people) and AfricActiviste it is thanks to Oxfam that you received this training to do our advocacy. | |
在權力結構中面臨歷史歧視或代表性不足的群體相關經驗(您可以自行決定您願意分享的程度),包括但不限於種姓、種族、民族、膚色、祖籍國、國籍、性別認同、性別表達、性取向、年齡、宗教、語言、文化、教育、能力、收入和環境。 (大約250個字) |
As a member of my community I am flexible I have not had any problems I render service as I also ask for it I have the chance to also collaborate with other members from other countries such as Botswana, Nigeria and the coast of ivory and waiting with sudan. | |
驗證 | 驗證由選舉委員會或維基媒體基金會工作人員執行。 | |
資格: ![]() 验证者: Matanya (talk) 08:59, 17 May 2022 (UTC) |
身份验证: |