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Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Apply to be a Candidate/fr

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Apply to be a Candidate and the translation is 74% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Les élections sont terminées depuis le 31 août 2021. Il n’est plus possible de voter.
Les résultats ont été annoncés le 7 septembre 2021. N’hésitez pas à publier tout commentaire concernant les élections 2021 sur la page d’analyse à postériori des élections.

Élections 2021 au Conseil d’administration
Voting information
Single Transferable Vote
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Merci d'avoir pris la décision importante de vous proposer comme candidat au conseil d'administration. Remplissez le modèle pour vous soumettre en tant que candidat à l'élection du conseil d'administration de 2021. Voici un exemple de formulaire de demande rempli.

Candidatures acceptées entre 00h00 le 9 juin 2021 (UTC) et 23h59 le 29 juin 2021 (UTC). Vous ne pouvez modifier votre candidature que jusqu'à 3 jours après la soumission, ou avant la clôture de la période de nomination à 23h59 le 29 juin 2021 (UTC). Des corrections d'orthographe ou de traduction mineures sont acceptables en dehors de ces horaires. (Voir la note sur les corrections de soumission).

Des ressources sont disponibles pour soutenir les candidats lors de l'élection de 2021. N'hésitez pas à contacter les Facilitateurs des élections du conseil d'administration pour plus d'informations.

Questions de la communauté pour les candidats

Du 9 juin au 29 juin 2021, les membres du mouvement Wikimedia peuvent soumettre via cette page des questions aux candidats au Conseil d'administration. Vous pouvez poser votre question dans n'importe quelle langue ; le comité des élections fera un effort de traduction.

En plus de soumettre une question, vous pouvez également approuver ou commenter les questions soumises par d'autres personnes.

Le 30 juin 2021, le comité des élections rassemblera ensuite les questions auxquelles les candidats devront répondre à partir du 30 juin.

Cette méthode est utilisée pour rendre ce processus plus accessible et plus facile à gérer pour les candidats, les traducteurs, le comité des élections et les électeurs. Nous vous demandons de respecter le temps de toutes les personnes impliquées et de ne pas utiliser les pages de questions pour créer des liens vers d'autres pages contenant plus de questions, ni de contacter les candidats sur leurs pages de discussion ou par e-mail. Merci d'avance pour votre respect et votre courtoisie.


Veuillez ne pas répondre aux questions avant que le Comité des élections n'ait affiché une liste collationnée le 30 juin 2021.

Il est fortement conseillé que les réponses aux questions ne dépassent pas environ 1600 caractères par question (sans compter les espaces). Veuillez ne pas créer de lien vers une autre page contenant une réponse détaillée, mais les liens pertinents utilisés à des fins descriptives sont acceptés. En raison du nombre d'électeurs et de candidats, cette mesure est nécessaire pour que ces pages restent lisibles, informatives et donc utiles aux électeurs.

Questions soumises

Thank you everyone who submitted questions for candidates. The question submission period is now closed. The list of questions the Elections Committee has selected for the candidates to answer can be seen on the Candidate Q&A page.

  1. Que pensent les candidats de l'augmentation du nombre de volontaires dans les projets de la Fondation Wikimedia et comment y parvenir ?
  2. Où souhaitez-vous personnellement voir le conseil d'administration par rapport aux autres entités du Wikivers (communautés, affiliés, etc.) à l'avenir (cf. par exemple Assurer l'équité dans la prise de décision) ?
  3. Comment les candidats entreront-ils en contact avec la communauté une fois au conseil d'administration ?
  4. Expliquez votre point de vue sur la transparence et la communication.
    1. Endorse. --Yair rand (talk) 23:57, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Que pensez-vous des communautés Wikimedia émergentes ?
  6. Pourquoi pensez-vous que vous seriez un bon candidat pour un siège au conseil d'administration ?
    1. Endorse. --Yair rand (talk) 23:57, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  7. Existe-t-il un lien entre vos intérêts professionnels ou financiers et le Conseil ? Si oui, veuillez décrire comment vous pouvez vous assurer que cela n'interfère pas.
  8. Comment la Fondation devrait-elle traiter les projets gérés par la fondation qui suscitent une forte opposition sur le wiki ?
    1. Endorse. I believe this is, by far, the most serious issue the Foundation needs to resolve. Alsee (talk) 20:38, 27 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    2. Endorse in the strongest possible terms. Seraphimblade (talk) 02:44, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    3. Endorse absolutely, "on-Wiki oppositions" and/or "over-all community disagreement"... -- টিটো দত্ত (কথা) 07:53, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    4. Endorse strongly. An important and sensitive issue. ProcrastinatingReader (talk) 14:42, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    5. Endorse. --Yair rand (talk) 21:09, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    6. Endorse - Jr8825 (talk) 22:53, 22 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  9. Pensez-vous qu'il y ait des limites à la portée de la Fondation Wikimedia, et si oui, quelles sont ces limites ?
  10. Comment envisagez-vous que les wikis façonnent l'avenir de l'internet, et comment la Wikimedia Foundation peut-elle soutenir les communautés wiki afin de faire de cette vision une réalité ?
  11. Comment pouvons-nous inciter davantage d'experts (chercheurs, universitaires, praticiens) à rejoindre notre mouvement ?
    1. Endorse but might add "while maintaining the ability of non-experts to contribute." Smallbones (talk) 01:34, 22 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    2. Endorse -- Llywrch (talk) 07:00, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  12. Quelle est votre opinion sur la revendication d'autonomie par les différentes communautés de Wikipédia et les tentatives de Wikimédia de réguler beaucoup de choses maintenant de manière centralisée ?
    1. Conditional Endorse. This is a good question in itself, but I consider #8 + #41 better. If those others are included then this question may have too much overlap. Alsee (talk) 20:38, 27 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  13. Que pensez-vous du changement de marque de Wikimédia à Wikipédia, qui estompe la différence ?
    1. Endorse --Andreas JN466 20:21, 25 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    2. Endorse -- টিটো দত্ত (কথা) 15:37, 27 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    3. Endorse Alsee (talk) 20:38, 27 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    4. Endorse -Killarnee (CTU) 20:44, 27 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    5. Suggest removing "which is blurring the difference" -- that part makes this a leading question. ProcrastinatingReader (talk) 00:51, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    6. Endorse with ProcrastinatingReader's suggested modification. Seraphimblade (talk) 02:44, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    7. Endorse this question in either format. -- Llywrch (talk) 07:00, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    8. EndorseAmmarpad (talk) 08:27, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    9. Endorse strongly. EpicPupper (talk) 17:29, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  14. Pensez-vous que la structure actuelle des règles et des processus de Wikipédia prévient efficacement la partialité ? En tant que leader de la communauté, que pourrait-on faire, le cas échéant, pour améliorer la lutte contre les préjugés ?
  15. Que pensez-vous de la remise en question croissante des projets Wikimedia au niveau mondial et que feriez-vous pour y remédier ?
  16. Il existe plusieurs mouvements (en particulier ceux fondés par la communauté des experts) qui ont exactement la même vision que nous (diffusion de connaissances libres sur Internet). Mais ils ont décidé de créer leur propre plateforme (ou d'utiliser une autre plateforme) autre que Wikipédia pour atteindre leur vision. Quelle est votre opinion à ce sujet ? Devrions-nous essayer de les "intégrer" à Wikimedia, ou les laisser avoir leur propre indépendance ?
  17. Que pensez-vous de la façon dont la Wikimedia Foundation devrait s'engager plus efficacement avec les WikiCommunautés des pays du Sud dans un futur proche (2 à 3 ans) ?
    1. Endorse, global south and/or "emerging communities". -- টিটো দত্ত (কথা) 15:41, 27 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    2. Endorse - Jr8825 (talk) 22:53, 22 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  18. Les projets Wikimedia devraient-ils s'impliquer davantage dans la Décennie d'action de l'ONU (pour les Objectifs de développement durable, l'Accord de Paris, les objectifs de la Convention sur la biodiversité, etc...) ? Et quel rôle d'intermédiaire la Wikimedia Foundation peut ou doit-elle jouer à cet égard ?
  19. Que pensez-vous de l'avenir de WikiSpecies, WikiNews, Wikiversity et des autres petits Wikiprojets ? Et comment la Wikimedia Foundation peut-elle les soutenir ?
    1. Endorse, absolutely, yes please. I'll add Wikisource, Wikivoyage also. These projects often do not get the required support, and I find this question very important. -- টিটো দত্ত (কথা) 07:57, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    2. Endorse (but fix the capitalization please). --Yair rand (talk) 21:09, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  20. Avez-vous des objectifs ou des résultats spécifiques que vous souhaitez atteindre pendant votre mandat de membre du conseil d'administration ?
  21. Que signifie pour vous la diversité au sein de la communauté Wikimedia ? Et avez-vous un plan sur la façon dont elle peut être atteinte de manière tangible ou quantifiable ? (Exemple : réduction des écarts de données)
  22. Les dépenses de la fondation Wikimedia ont augmenté de façon constante au fil des ans. Que pensez-vous de cette question ? Devrait-il y avoir des plafonds de dépenses sur 5 ans ?
    1. Something like this would be good, but I don't think the question should specifically ask about caps. --Yair rand (talk) 23:57, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  23. Votre question ici.
    1. Endorse this question. Probably the single one I would choose if only one question was asked. MarioGom (talk) 15:59, 19 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    2. Endorse the concept but prefer wording/formulation of #50. ProcrastinatingReader (talk) 00:47, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  24. What do you think about the WMF using funds for purposes not related to Wikimedia projects?
    1. Endorse. --Yair rand (talk) 21:09, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    2. Endorse - I should note that this should be interpreted as "clearly and directly", as our inherent nature means everything could be claimed to be vaguely related Nosebagbear (talk) 21:12, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  25. Do you think the WMF should take any active role in relation to undisclosed paid editing?
  26. What do you think about Wikimedia_Enterprise? Do you think its criticsm is justfied?
    1. Endorse -Killarnee (CTU) 20:44, 27 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  27. Given recent comments by ex-staffers, should the new Board conduct an investigation about management misconduct at the WMF, including but not limited to bullying, union busting and discrimination based on sex, race or disabilities?
    1. Endorse. Especially given that multiple individuals raised such complaints, this needs to be investigated and resolved. Seraphimblade (talk) 02:59, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    2. Endorse -- Llywrch (talk) 07:00, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    3. (I recommend excluding the "including" part, to keep if brief.) --Yair rand (talk) 21:09, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    4. Endorse - Jr8825 (talk) 22:53, 22 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  28. How should the 4 community board seats due to be selected in 2022 be filled?
  29. Have you, or any members of your immediate family, received any financial benefits from the WMF or a WMF affiliate in the past 5 years?
  30. How did you contribute to the Movement Strategy process, the Movement Brands Project, the UCOC process, the proposed Bylaws amendments, and the call for feeback on community board selections?
  31. Under what (if any) circumstances should the board extend the term of community-selected trustees?
  32. When should Foundation projects require explicit approval by the community and how should that approval be assessed?
    1. Conditional Endorse. This is a good question in itself, but I consider #8 + #41 better. If those others are included then this question may have too much overlap. Alsee (talk) 20:38, 27 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  33. If you had been a Board member in 2019, would you have supported the Board's statement on the ban of Fram from the English Wikipedia? Would you have proposed any changes or additions to this statement?
  34. Allegations of a hostile workplace environment at WMF have been made by former employees here and here. What is your reaction to this and is there anything that you would do as a board member to change this?
  35. Katherine Maher recently floated the idea of paying contributors. Should the Foundation start discussions on what a model of compensation would look like?
    1. Endorse -Killarnee (CTU) 20:44, 27 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  36. Given the amount of work stewards do, do you think stewards should be paid? Why (not)? If yes, how much?
  37. Should there be a waiting period between the time a Board member leaves the Board, and they take on an employee, consultant, or other paid role with the Foundation?
    1. Endorse. Chico Venancio (talk) 19:44, 24 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    2. Endorse --Andreas JN466 20:21, 25 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    3. Endorse -Killarnee (CTU) 20:44, 27 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    4. Endorse. Seraphimblade (talk) 02:50, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    5. Endorse -- Llywrch (talk) 07:00, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    6. Endorse --RaiderAspect (talk) 12:57, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    7. Endorse -- though I'd prefer How long should be the waiting period... rather than Should there be a waiting period.... AllyD (talk) 06:07, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    8. Endorse -- B25es (talk) 16:57, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    9. Endorse - Jr8825 (talk) 23:06, 22 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  38. To reduce the possibility of conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflict of interest do you commit to not accept any employed or remunerated position with the Foundation for at least the duration of your stay on the board and 6 months until after leaving the board?
    1. Endorse --Andreas JN466 20:21, 25 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    2. Endorse. Seraphimblade (talk) 02:50, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    3. Endorse -- Llywrch (talk) 07:00, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    4. Endorse -- AllyD (talk) 06:07, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    5. Endorse -- B25es (talk) 16:57, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  39. Non-affiliated volunteers (i.e. volunteers who are not members of any Wikimedia affiliate) do most of the work on the wikis, yet elect only a quarter of board seats. Do you think this is right?
  40. How can WMF deal with proposed or established intermediary liability rules in different countries and safeguard the local Wikimedia volunteers from prosecution by government agencies?
  41. The Foundation rejected repeated calls to make the Movement Strategy a consensus process. I believe none of the resulting projects have an established consensus, including the Code of Conduct. Rebranding was 92% opposed,[1] and an item to undermine our core content quality policies appears to have 100% opposition.[2] I believe those running the process clearly advanced their own agenda, disregarding all opposition. Do you consider the Strategy process legitimate? Do staff have a valid mandate to impose these Strategy projects on us? (Please to not get sidetracked on the merits of any particular project, this is a process question.)
  42. Would you be in favor of hiring an outside firm to do an independent audit of board actions over the preceding two years?
  43. As a board member, would you encourage the board to evaluate the wisdom of close relationships with specific outside groups such as the Tides Foundation?
  44. What are your thoughts on how to handle the competing representation issues between giving "seats in the room" for smaller/medium projects at the expense of reducing the "per-editor" vote of large projects, such as may be a question for the Global Council? An example of a proposal along these lines can be seen here, with issues raised on the talk page.
  45. What do you think about the problem that there are arbitration committees in a few wikis, but not in all, and so the parties can transfer their conflict to other wikis in order not to be punished there, or if the conflict was already on the other wiki, there is no independent dispute resolution body at all? What do you think of a single point of contact for all wikis? Otherwise there would often only be a) abandoning the project to avoid the bullying or b) a civil lawsuit.
  46. How important is privacy for you? Are you in favor of anonymous editors not automatically publishing their IP address, or should Wikipedia continue to lag behind in terms of privacy?
  47. Several severe communication issues have been reported with the iOS and Android mobile apps and the web client, all currently in production. Do you agree with the WMF's response to these? More generally, how can the community ensure the difficulties they experience with the software are prioritised in development resource allocations?
    1. Endorse - Nosebagbear (talk) 10:01, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    2. Endorse MarioGom (talk) 16:19, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  48. Do you feel the current spending and available personnel on development issues (both on building new features and fixing bugs in existing ones) is too low, too high, or about right?
    1. Endorse but I would favor wording of #23. MarioGom (talk) 16:19, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  49. Which past Board resolutions or other actions would you vote to overturn, if any?
  50. What percentage of the WMF's annual budget should be allocated among the following categories: (1) maintaining server uptime now and in the foreseeable future, (2) clearing the phabricator backlog, (3) recruiting new participants, and (4) everything else?
    1. Conditional Endorse. Another category should be added: "Improving and modernizing the interfaces for readers and editors" not limited to the current phabricator backlog. DGG (talk) 01:56, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  51. A number of board members, as well as C-level Foundation employees, have been brought onboard who never provide any clue what their opinions or thoughts about Wikimedia's mission is or should be -- neither at the beginning of their tenure nor at any time afterwards. What thoughts do you have about requiring them to provide some statement to the volunteers on this matter? -- Llywrch (talk) 07:00, 28 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  52. Do you believe that communication with individual editors as a Trustee is important? What are you views on how quickly, and in how much detail, Trustees should be expected to reply to individual queries by editors with regards to issues and their role (as an average across the year/term)?
  53. Do you think a community member can be an effective CEO of the WMF? Should the WMF look within the communities, rather than outside, to fill that vacancy?
  54. Do you think that a larger portion of the board seats should be directly elected by the community?
  55. Wikimedia Foundation has no dedicated accessibility team, do you think we should be doing more given both legal (Americans with Disabilities Act etc.) and ethical ramifications? Should web accessibility be a commitment by the Board of Trustees itself, like with, say, BLP policy?
  56. Name three elephants in the room. How do you propose to deal with them?
  57. From the 8 prioritized Movement Strategy initiaves (letterd A to H on Movement Strategy), the top priority is creating a Movement Charter whereby a Global Council will be created, and resposibilities will be transfered from the (Board of Trustees) of the Wikimedia Foundation to the Global Council. Please elaborate on this top priority.
  58. Should the Board wait until after the elections to choose the next CEO?
  59. What skills and qualities would you look for in the next CEO?
  60. Should the WMF fundraise in impoverished countries?
  61. Who is ultimately responsible for the Board of Trustees collective ability to follow its own procedures, policies and code of conduct?

Liste de questions collationnées

Le 30 juin 2021, le comité des élections rassemblera ensuite les questions auxquelles les candidats devront répondre à partir du 30 juin.