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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation Audit Committee and the translation is 29% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

ウィキメディア財団の監査委員会は理事会を代表して財務会計を監査し、委員の経験に基づいて業務と財務、会計の相談に応じ、助言を行います。また理事会を代表して独立監査人(現在はKPMG )との関係を監査します。監査委員会の委員の任期は1年であり、年度の初めである7月から始まります。監査委員会の委員長は一般的には財務関係の経歴を持つ受託者が務め、それを出納係と最高財務責任者が補佐します。監査委員会の委員は他にもコミュニティ、諮問委員会、外部の顧問などの代表が務めます。



2024-2025 fiscal year

Regular members

  • Kathy Collins, Chair
  • Raju Narisetti - First half of the fiscal year
  • Lorenzo Losa - First half of the fiscal year
  • Esra'a Al Shafel - Second half of the fiscal year
  • Luis Bitencourt-Emilio - Second half of the fiscal year

Observers, advisors and alternates

  • Advisors: Julian Singh, Michael Snow and Tanya Capuano
  • Staff Liaison: Jaime Villagomez (Wikimedia Foundation, Chief Financial Officer)
  • Alternate: Nataliia Tymkiv (Board of Trustees) - First half of the fiscal year. Observer second half of the fiscal year
  • Alternate: Mike Peel (Board of Trustees)
  • Alternate: Luis Bitencourt-Emilio (Board of Trustees) - First half of the fiscal year
  • Alternate: Christel Steigenberger (Board of Trustees) - Second half of the fiscal year
  • Alternate: Maciej Artur Nadzikiewicz (Board of Trustees) - Second half of the fiscal year

2023–2024 fiscal year

Regular members[1]
Observers, advisors and alternates
  • Advisors: Julian Singh, Michael Snow and Tanya Capuano
  • Staff Liaison: Jaime Villagomez (Wikimedia Foundation, Chief Financial Officer)
  • Alternate: Nataliia Tymkiv (Board of Trustees)
  • Alternate: Mike Peel (Board of Trustees)
  • Alternate: Luis Bitencourt-Emilio (Board of Trustees)






  1. "Resolution: Board officers and committee membership 2016". ウィキメディア財団. Retrieved 2016-06-26.