Communications/Resource center/Capacity building/Building a communications strategy
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Communications Resource Center
Sharing knowledge on Wikimedia communications — Please add!
Construire une stratégie de communication
- Each area of the world is different
- Contact Wikimedia Foundation Communications team for regional help
- There are ways to do communications as a volunteer group
Why have a communications strategy or plan?
- Prioritize "core" vs. "strategic" communications work
- Better prepared to handle "surprises"
- Clarity on roles and process
- Opportunity to learn and improve
- Takes abstract concept of "communications" and makes it more measurable
What topics are covered in a communications strategy or plan?
- Timeline
- Channels
- Audience
- Smart goals
- Evaluation
- Team (but individual capacities too)
À inclure :
- Événements Wikimedia
- Événements externes
- Événements mondiaux
- Développement de l'organisation
- Annonce de produit/programme
- Sujets prévus
Communications audit
- Review goals for past year
- Assess press coverage and impact
- Assess media channels
- Assess marketing efforts and impact
- Identify common narratives or questions
- Opportunity to identify focus areas for upcoming year
Developing resources
- Press kit
- Web page for press releases
- Blog
- Clear objective
- Audience
- Timely
- Outreach
- Support disseminating
- Social media presence
- Press release template
- Communications team mailing list