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観衆調査: プロセス
- Wikimedia Foundation teams’ current perception of their audiences:
- How they define and segment their audiences;
- How well they believe current audiences are being served;
- Wikimedia Foundation’s current approach to audience development:
- How teams gather information about their audiences;
- How teams incorporate information about audiences into their work;
- Challenges to understanding and serving various audiences;
- Gaps in Wikimedia Foundation’s understanding or servicing of audiences that prevent the Foundation from achieving its mission.
This information is helping the cross-functional Audience Development team develop a framework to guide audience research and engagement. This framework will attempt to map audience segments based on factors such as: geography, motivation, behavior, acquisition pathways, barriers to access, workflow, brand awareness, language / reading levels, tools used, communication methods, and how well they are served. Within this framework, we will also identify:
- Strong areas of understanding;
- Knowledge gaps;
- Possible priorities for near-term research and engagement;
- Potential lines of inquiry for audience research;
- Opportunities and challenges for integrating audience research into Wikimedia’s processes;
- Recommendations for mitigating challenges in audience research when implementing through processes and resources;
- Develop a common language and framework for thinking about and engaging various audiences;
- Socialize and communicate framework organization-wide;
- Determine how best to focus Wikimedia time and resources, alongside community efforts, to conduct audience research;
- Guide generative audience research on priority audience segments;
- Define processes for audience development within various product teams.
- 観衆の洞察を組織および製品戦略の開発に反映。
- 製品開発方針において、観衆調査とユーザー目線の設計の導入をさらに促進。
- コミュニケーション戦略(メッセージやメディア関連等)を開発、ウィキメディア製品の認知度を高め理解を向上。
- 提携戦略を立て、ウィキメディア製品の浸透と利用継続を改善。
- 2016年10月
- 観衆の定義ワークショップ5回(部門合同2回、閲覧者チームReading1回、編集チームEditing1回)
- 2016年11月
- 観衆把握の現状を図式化。観衆および利害関係者の高次な枠組み作りと、使用するツール作成(データのチェックリスト、観衆および利害関係者の把握に用いるリソース割り当て)
- 2016年12月
- 図式化と枠組み作り、ツール作成の意見交換と開発の反復作業
- 2017年1月
- 枠組み作りを終え、基礎調査において各集団の割り出しができる準備完了。移管の計画に着手
- 2017年2月
- 製品基礎調査の戦略を計画
- ↑ 開催時期は2016年10月17日から同24日で参加は製品部門3チーム(発見Discovery、閲覧者Reading、編集Editing)ならびに部門合同2チーム。