Wikimedia Digitization User Group/Reports/2016/SFPD

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- MediaWiki of the Public Domain Project
- Annual and financial reports
- Chronology since 2009 in german language
SFPD - Swiss Foundation Public Domain
[edit]Public Domain Project
[edit]- We've got the first time user statistics from Wikimedia Commons for the month of October 2015. We are very happy that all our audio files we provide on Wikimedia Commons were downloaded 40,000 times in that month! We hoped that people are interested in the results of our work but to have the numbers on the table that quite a lot of people are interested in it, is a great compliment for us. This usage statistic is therefore a great boost in motivation to continue our work.
[edit]- At the Linux Audio Conference 2016 in Berlin, Nuess0r has held a presentation about the Usage of Free and Open Source Software for Digital Long Time Archives. The Linux Audio Conference is a annual event of the Linuxaudio Community (video recording (download und streaming),
file of the presentation)
[edit]- Again we attended the Wikimania conference, this year in Esino Lario, a mountain villige in north Italy. In a very cosy and relaxed atmosphere discussions about many topics were held and we could make new interesting contacts in the Wikimedia movement. It could be clearly seen from the conference program and the attendees in different events that the work with GLAM's gets more important. For different reasons and on eye level. We from the public domain project are also happy about that the Wikimedia Foundation installed a GLAM Coordinator to support the work in this areas
[edit]- The Public Domain Project was the first time the subject of a research paper. At the Bern University of Applied Sciences a student was working on the topic of digital long time preservation of audio works in general and developing a concept how this concepts could be applied to the Public Domain Project. As a by product an audit was undertaken to determine the current status of the Public Domain Project and its long time preservation strategies:
- The Importance of the Sound Collection from the Swiss Foundation Public Domain (
letter of recommendation by Memoriav)
[edit]- Our office for the digitization work in Switzerland has been moved. It is now located at the Sonnegstrasse 27 inside a building of the ETH Zurich. Just the beautiful view over Zurich from the lake, the main station to Schlieren is worth a visit in our office.
[edit]- Micro-Grant request to buy more books for the clearing of copyrights (Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart)
[edit]- Micro-Grant request to complete the copy stand
- Purchase of the 78 rpm grammophone collection of "Phonomandy" with unique pieces and rarities (Swiss part of the collection)