Wikimedia Digitization User Group/Reports/2013/SFPD

Find more details:
- MediaWiki of the Public Domain Project
- Annual and financial reports
- Chronology since 2009 in german language
SFPD - Swiss Foundation Public Domain
[edit]Public Domain Project
[edit]- The Swiss Foundation Public Domain is now under supervision of the Federal Department of Home Affairs
- Based on § 61 lit. G StG and Art. 56 lit. G DBG, we filed a petition for the tax exemption of our nonprofit organization
[edit]- The Student Organization for Sustainable Development (project21) invites us for a presentation at the ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich) (
file of the presentation)
[edit]- The Cantonal Tax Office (Canton of Zurich) confirms the tax exemption of our foundation
- We participate in the Digitization Expertpool for GLAM organizations in Aarau, initiated by the BJ Institute, which is committed to the digitization of cultural heritage and its availability in Switzerland and India
[edit]- The first digitized Edison Diamond Disc is available: Edison 80745 (Wikimedia Commons files: Martha Overture, Ange d'Amour (Angel of Love))
[edit]- Grant request to Wikimedia CH for 2014 to finance a professional Keith Monks RCM (grammophone records cleaning machine), alternative civilian workers and 2nd hand Encyclopedic Discographies and Dictionaries for the rights clearing of the grammophone records
[edit]- We accompanied Wikimedia CH to the Wikimania 2013 in Hong Kong to actively participate in the Chapters Village. Through Christoph's speech (video of the presentation (see at 7.-11. August in our chronology)), a contact to the WMF Board and a partnership with a digitization project in Uruguay is established. In a developer of Kiwix we find the long-sought support for the programming of a bot program, which should simplify the digitization process and automate our uploading process of public domain sound files to the Wikimedia Commons
[edit]- Temporary storage of 35,000 grammophone records in the Swiss Federal Archives