Wikimanía 2023
- 2025 Por determinar
- Detalles de pasadas Wikimanías
- 2024 Kraków, Poland
- 2023 (Singapur)
- 2022 (evento virtual)
- 2022 (evento virtual)
- 2020 (cancelado)
- 2019 (Estocolmo, Suecia)
- 2018 (Ciudad del Cabo, Sudáfrica)
- 2017 (Montreal, Canadá)
- 2016 (Esino Lario, Italia)
- 2015 (Ciudad de México, México)
- 2014 (Londres, Reino Unido)
- 2013 (Hong Kong SAR, China)
- 2012 (Washington, D.C., EE.UU)
- 2011 (Haifa, Israel)
- 2010 (Gdansk, Polonia)
- 2009 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- 2008 (Alexandria, Egipto)
- 2007 (Taipei, Taiwán)
- 2006 (Boston, EUA)
- 2005 (Frankfurt, Alemania)
Resumen de organización de Wikimanía: Comparativo • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 • 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 • 2020 • 2021 • 2022 • 2023 • 2024 • 2025 • 2026 • 2027

Wikimania 2023, the 18th Wikimedia conference, was an in-person and online event. You may visit the event page at 2023:Wikimania. For video archives of the event, you may go to program page.
Wikimanía 2023 tendrá lugar del 16 al 19 de agosto de 2023. Será un evento presencial en Singapur, así como un evento híbrido.
Equipo organizador principal (COT)
El ESEAP hub llevará el liderazgo en la organización de la conferencia.

(L-R) Robert Sim, Agus Damanik, Butch Bustria, Vanj Padilla, Athikhun Suwannakhan, Nur Fahmia, Venus Lui, Gnangarra..
- Butch Bustria (Philippines), Event Lead and Program Subcommittee Chair
- Gnangarra (Australia), Scholarships Chair and Exhibitions Chair
- Robert Sim (Singapore), Technical Events (Hackathon) Subcommittee Chair and Event Technology Selection Subcommittee Chair
- Nur Fahmia (Indonesia), Communications Subcommittee Chair and Chair for Social Media & Visual Designs
- Vanj Padilla (Philippines) Events related to Equity and Inclusion Chair, Social Media & Public Relations and Event Documentation
- Venus Lui (Hong Kong), Trust and Safety Subcommittee Chair
- Agus Damanik (Indonesia), Volunteer & Human Resource Coordination Subcommittee Chair
- Athikhun Suwannakhan (Thailand), ESEAP Community Relations and Wikimania 2020 Event Lead
- Andrew Lih (United States), Lead Adviser and Liaison to the Wikimania Steering Committee
- Ameisenigel, Wikimania wiki translations admin
- Gisca Syalindri, Scholarship Coordination
- Naila Rahmah, Visual designs
- Adien Gunarta, Visual designs
- Wikimedia Foundation Movement Communications
- Mayur Paul
- Lisa McCabe
- Mehrdad Pourzaki
- Elena Lappen
- Rachit Sharma
- Others from the Wikimedia Foundation include Sakti Pramudya (Strategic partnerships), Kelsi Stine-Rowe (Evaluation), Lucas Pascual, Brooke Camarda and Lauren Dickinson (Social Media), Trust and Safety Team, Digital Safety Team.
- Program Subcommittee
- Scholarship Subcommittee
- Technology Selection Subcommittee
- Technology Events (Hackathon) Subcommittee
- Video uploads/ archiving
- Volunteer Coordination Subcommittee
- Onsite (Singapore)
- Virtual
- Expo Subcommittee
- Trust & Safety Subcommittee
- Report Documentation & Event Communication Subcommittee
In the past the Wikimania COT's relied on the support of subcommittees to help assess Scholarships, Programming, and Trust & Safety. For 2023 we intend to return to this format and expand it to include new features as part of enabling hybrid components building on the successes of 2021 and 2022. We ask that if you are interested, please add yourself below and identify the specific area(s) or committee(s) you'd like to help with. The COT lead for each will contact you from this page first, these roles are not location-dependent and are open to everyone in the community. Asegúrese de que sus preferencias de usuario en esta wiki tengan su dirección de correo electrónico habilitada para que los organizadores se comuniquen con usted para obtener el resultado de su expresión de interés enviada.
The Wikimania 2023 Core Organizing Team and ESEAP thank you for offering your support, and there will still be more opportunities if you haven't already signed up.
Hecho Fase 1 Concluida el 19 de agosto de 2022 - Wikimania 2023/Volunteers
- Registros continuo de voluntarios, en curso - wikimania:2023:Volunteer
Consulte #Updates para obtener reciente información.
Updates as the Core Organizing Team (COT) and Steering Committee (SC) progress with Wikimania 2023 planning. Now over on
20 de septiembre de 2022
- Call for volunteers has concluded for Phase 1. Thanks to all who have generously signed up! There will be additional opportunities to volunteer, as we will need more help as Wikimania approaches. You can visit wikimania:2023:Volunteer to find out more.
The Wikimania 2023 Core Organizing Team and ESEAP thank you for offering your support, and there will still be more opportunities if you haven't already signed up.
What happens next: The COT will review the offers on what areas volunteers have indicated. Some of the immediate roles will require volunteers to undergo a Wikimedia Foundation Trust & Safety review as signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) due to having access to private information. Once this is completed, we will send invitations to join a subcommittee.
Don't despair, this phase will take some time, and our focus will be on the areas that the COT need to get underway early, like the Scholarship teams. As a hybrid event, Wikimania will be merging two events (in-person and online) so there will be many opportunities coming up.
A medida que el COT comience a probar las opciones, también le pediremos que participe en esas discusiones, utilizando varias herramientas que estarán disponibles.
Si se ha perdido este llamado, todavía hay un llamado en curso para voluntarios, ya que todavía estamos imaginando lo que es posible. Vaya a la página de voluntarios en wikimania:2023:Volunteer por más información.
6 de septiembre de 2022
- La convocatoria de voluntarios ha comenzado y se ha publicado en varios canales: Wikimedia-L, grupos de Telegram, Facebook, en wiki. Fecha límite 19 de septiembre de 2022.
5 de septiembre de 2022
- La convocatoria para el Equipo Organizador Central 2023 se ha cerrado con los nuevos miembros de los equipos notificados
1 de septiembre de 2022
- COT, Comité Directivo, WMF
- integración de eventos en formato IRL, online, eventos satélite
- opciones de lugar
- cronograma de preparativos para presentaciones, becas y eventos satélite
- Phabricator ticket to request be made ready for 2023
- will be the focal point of all information, applications, program submissions
- COT & SC are exploring a deeper dive into the impact of Wikimania features, activities, and formats
26 de agosto de 2022
- Ciudad: Singapur confirmada
- Fecha: julio/agosto -
- COT: growing see above call out
- Theme: Power of diverse collaboration: Sharing knowledge brings people together – tentative original theme for 2020
Diseño del evento
(p. det.)
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