![]() | Diese Seite auf den Punkt gebracht: To ease maintenance Wikipedia now fetches interwiki links from the Wikidata central database for languages sidebar. As of February 2013, local interwiki links that duplicate those at Wikidata can be safely removed from articles, with several important caveats. |
![]() | To ensure that the transition to Wikidata goes smoothly:
Wikidata je Wikimedijowy projekt, zo by wotewrjenu datowu banka za zhromadne dźěło wutworił. Wot februara 2013 přenošuje projekt Wikidata mjezyrěčne wotkazy z jednotliwych nastawkow do centralneje datoweje banki, zo by wothladowanje wosnadnił.
Wšě Wikipedije móža nětko mjezyrěčne wotkazy wužiwać, kotrež so we Wikidata składuja. Na přikład přińdu mjezyrěčne wotkazy nalěwo na en:Douglas Adams a fr:Douglas Adams wot d:Q42.
W přichodźe budźe Wikidata druhe družiny poćahowe daty zapřijimać, kaž na přikład informacije, kotrež so w infokašćikach wužiwaja.
Mjezyrěčne wotkazy (faza 1)
Each Wikipedia page with an entry in Wikidata uses the language links stored there to populate the language links that show in the left column. Traditional interwiki links in a page's wiki-text are still recognized, and simply override the information for that language (if any) from Wikidata.
If the article is linked to from Wikidata, then it will display all links listed there, in addition to any links entered in the article wiki-text. In the case of a conflict, or intentional difference, between a local link and a Wikidata link for a given language, the local link will be displayed; the Wikidata links for all other languages will still display.
If the article is not yet linked to from Wikidata, then it will display whatever links are in the article wiki-text, as before. In some cases, there may be a Wikidata item that corresponds to the article, but the article on a local Wikipedia has not yet been associated with it. In the course of routine maintenance at Wikidata, these instances will be fixed.
Mjezyrěčne wotkazy z Wikidata rjadować
Nowe nastawki
- Q1. Sym runje nastawk na XEN wutworił; wěm, tam je hižo nastawk ze samsnej temu z mjenom XSW na němskej, francoskej a suahelskej Wikipediji. Kak wutworju mjezyrěčny wotkaz?
- Go to XSW. On the left, there should be a list of interwiki links followed by a pen. Click on pen, this will take you to the Wikidata page (item) for XSW. Go to the bottom of the item, click on "add", fill in in the opened cases the language code (en for English) and the name of the article you created (XEN). Then click on "save". You are done.
- If the pen does not show up, go to Wikidata.
- In the main panel (in Vector interface, on the left) locate "Item by title".
- Click on "Item by title".
- On the resulting page, fill in the language code (for example, de for German) and the name of the page on the corresponding Wikipedia (XSW). Then click on Search.
- If the item already exists, go to the bottom of the item, click on "add", fill in in the opened cases the language code (en for English) and the name of the article you created (XEN). Then click on "save". You are done.
- If the item does not exist, create it by clicking on "create the item", filling in its name (XEN) and (preferably) a description of the item. Then add to the item the interlanguage links, as described above.
- If you are planning to add interlanguage links often, you may want to switch on the gadget "slurpInterwiki", available in your Wikidata gadgets. Once the gadget is on, and you are on the item page, click on "Import interwiki" on the menu on the left.
- At least for some time, the old way of adding interlanguage links (just adding them to the Wikipedia pages) will still work, but most likely fewer bots will be checking new articles, and the time until the links propagate to other articles will be longer.
Přesunjene nastawki
- Q2. Sym runje nastawk wo YEN do NEY na lokalnej Wikipediji přesunył, a jeho mjezyrěčne nastawki su so zhubili. Kak mam činić?
Wopačne interwikijowe wotkazy

- Q3. Sym pytnył, zo nastawk ZEN je z wopačnym nastawkom XSW na němskej|francoskej|suahelskej Wikipediji zwjazany. Kak móžu to korigować?
- In the interwiki links section of the article ZEN click on the pen below the interwiki links. This will take you to the Wikidata item for ZEN.
- On the "List of pages linked to this item" section of the item on Wikidata, find the Swahili entry for XSW.
- Click on the "edit" button next to the entry and click "remove".
- Repeat this with other erroneous entries.
- If the pen does not show up on your Wikipedia, the item has not yet been added to Wikidata. Then act as in Q1 above.
Wjace hač jedna interwikijowa swójba
- Q4. I've just noticed that the articles en:YEN, de:YDE and fr:YFR are linked together, and that cs:YCS and hu:YHU are linked together. Actually all five articles are on the same subject. How do I locate and merge their entries on Wikidata?
- You can find their entries as shown in Q1 above – in this case, you could try d:Special:ItemByTitle/en/YEN and d:Special:ItemByTitle/cs/YCS; if those don't work, try searching for all the other Wikipedias' titles, as in some cases it's possible that an item has been created for one title, but not the article it's linked to.
- If you find two items, then remove all the links from one (generally the one with the higher Q number, but it's okay to use the other one if it has many fewer linked articles), add them to the second one, and request deletion of the now empty item.
- If you find one item, simply add the links to the relevant articles.
- If you find no items, then just create an item for all five articles, as explained in Q1 above.
- You can find their entries as shown in Q1 above – in this case, you could try d:Special:ItemByTitle/en/YEN and d:Special:ItemByTitle/cs/YCS; if those don't work, try searching for all the other Wikipedias' titles, as in some cases it's possible that an item has been created for one title, but not the article it's linked to.
Nowe mjezywikijowe wotkazy přerjadować
- Q5. In the article which has its Wikidata entry, and the links were removed by the bot longtime ago, someone added a Swahili interwiki link. What should I do?
- Check that the Swahili article exists and is on the same topic;
- If it does, consider it as a request to add the Swahili link to Wikidata, act as in Q1.
- If it does not exist, delete the link.
Zasakłe konflikty
- Q6 I'm trying to do all this, but I keep on running into conflicts with other wikis.
- Just go over to w:Wikipedia talk:Wikidata#Interwiki conflicts and bring it up. It'll be handled as fast as possible, or forwarded to d:WD:IWC if it requires attention from other Wikipedias.
- If you need help for any other reason, feel free to contact any of the users in the box in the "Any questions?" section, or to go to #wikimedia-wikidataconnect.
Přerjadowanje mjezyrěčnych wotkazow
Local interlanguage links in Wikipedia pages can be safely removed if the local list and the Wikidata list match. Understand that unexplained removal of interlanguage links could appear to be vandalism. To avoid being reverted, leave an edit summary when removing local links, preferably linking to this page.
In general, it is best to remove interwiki links in Wikipedia articles once they are associated with Wikidata. (You can tell that the page is "associated" with Wikidata by the presence of the "Edit links" text below the language list.) This is because whatever interwiki links are left over will always override the more current information that Wikidata endeavors to provide. Page sizes also decrease noticeably when long lists of interwikis are removed. However, you should not remove links if you have not verified that they have been copied to Wikidata. This task is now done by a bot (Addbot), so you don't need to do this manually on most pages.
Awtomatiske přerjadowanje wotkazow
Bot operators using the pywiki framework should upgrade to a minimum of pyrev:11073. Bot operators using bots editing interwikis using other frameworks or methods should stop running their bot until they have fixed their code to avoid changing interwikis. See w:Wikipedia:Bot owners' noticeboard/Archive 8#Wikidata..
Poławtomatiske přerjadowanje wotkazow
Deleka su metody, kotrež hodźa so wužiwać, zo bychu wotkazy na bóle awtomatiske wašnje změnili, kotrež móžnosć pomjeńšuja, zo by při přenošowanju wotkazow zmylk činiło.
- You may want to add the following JavaScript to your common.js page on your home Wikipedia, which will allow you, when editing a page, to click a "remove interwikis" button, which will remove all interlanguage links that have been copied to Wikidata:
- slurpinterwiki je specialna funkcija Wikidata, kotraž hodźi so wužiwać, zo by nowe wotkazy poławtomatisce z nastawka ćahnyła. Hlej Rajtark Specialne funkcije nastajenjow.
Manuelne přerjadowanje wotkazow
Slědowaca metoda je zakładne wašnje, zo by mjezyrěčne wotkazy wobdźěłało
- Go to the Wikidata item. There are two manual methods to do this:
- Click the grey "edit links" link at the bottom of the "Languages" bar
- Go to d:Special:ItemByTitle and search for your page
- Compare the links with the article's
- Edit the links in Wikidata. This should be straightforward; each interlanguage wiki link has an [edit] next to it. Click that link exposes several forms:
- The first is for the language code
- The second is for the languages' link
- Where the [edit] link was should now appear three options: save, remove, and cancel.
- Save is used when you have completely finished changing the information in the entry
- Remove completely removes the entry from the database
- Cancel cancels the interaction with the interface
- Add any missing links in Wikidata if appropriate. This can be done by going to the bottom of the interlanguage wiki link list and clicking on "add link". This exposes mostly the same forms as a normal edit.
- Once all links are accounted for, preview a version of the article on Wikipedia with all interlanguage links removed, and compare it to the current version of the article. Look to see if there are any differences between the rendered text. If there are not, they may be removed safely. If there are differences, you should either not remove the links that differ, or, better yet, return to editing Wikidata, and then remove them from the article.
If you encounter any interwiki conflicts (most notably situations where you get an error message informing you that a link you've tried to add is already in use on another item), you can raise the issue at w:Wikipedia talk:Wikidata#Interwiki conflicts or d:Wikidata:Interwiki conflicts, though if you can think of a way to resolve it yourself, by all means please do.
If you run into any confusion in the process of transferring links from Wikipedia to Wikidata, feel free to drop by at d:Wikidata:Project Chat or ask for advice on IRC at #wikimedia-wikidataconnect. You may also see the ""Any questions?" section below for more help.
Přiwuzne informacije
Pokazowarje nastawkoweho statusa
Good Articles and Featured Articles on other Wikipedias are indicated by a star beside the language link. This star is generated by a template. Since Wikidata does not store this information, these templates should not be removed. The corresponding language link itself may be removed.
Mjezyrěčne wotkazy z kótwičkami
Sometimes an interlanguage link includes an anchor, which is a link to a section of an article. The anchor is represented by the "#" character (e.g. [[fr:Analyse de survie#Fonction de survie]]). Such a link is used when the linked Wikipedia does not have an exactly corresponding article, but has an article that deals in part with the same subject. Wikidata's language links do not support anchors by design, so language links with anchors must be retained on Wikipedia if desired. For an example, see the end of the wikitext in the article w:Survival function: Wikidata is providing all of the language links—via d:Q2915096—except for the one to the French Wikipedia, which, since it is a section link, is instead listed locally in the article itself.
Wotkazy Wikidata potłóčić
An individual article can completely suppress Wikidata links by using the {{noexternallanglinks}} magic word. The magic word also supports suppression of only specific languages, in the form "{{noexternallanglinks:es|fr|it}}", which would suppress the Spanish, French, and Italian links.
Wobłuk mjezyrěčnych wotkazow Wikidata
The Wikidata community agreed in an RFC that all namespaces of Wikipedia projects other than "User" are eligible for storage on Wikidata. This means that interwiki links for categories, templates, and Wikipedia policy pages can also be stored in Wikidata and removed locally if effected by both communities. For an example of a Wikidata item referring to the Wikipedia namespace, see item Q4167836, which refers to w:Wikipedia:Categories.
Zasadźene mjezyrěčne wotkazy
Inline interlanguage links (those of the format [[:<language>:<article>]]
) continue to work as before and have not been changed by Wikidata. For instance, you can link the German version of this information page without in any way affecting its interlanguage links, here or on Wikidata. (Just remember to start with a colon!)
Aktualne změny
Změny we Wikidata, kotrež so na nastawki w tutej Wikipediji pócahuja, pokazaja so w aktualnych změnach, jeli nastajenje je wot wužiwarja zmóžnjene. Hlej Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rc.
Infokašćiki (faza 2)
Wikidata aims to hold information in many languages that can eventually be re-used on Wikipedias, particularly in infoboxes. The choice to use this information is left entirely to the Wikipedia community itself—future changes to the wiki software will only provide an option to retrieve information from Wikidata if desired. (For example, some wiki-text may ask for the atomic number of a chemical element, or the population of a country.) Wikidata will support citations for all data. This phase of the Wikidata project is a large one, and is still in development.
It is envisaged that articles will be able to incorporate facts from the corresponding Wikidata page using a {{#property:}}
syntax, described at Wikidata/Notes/Inclusion syntax. Such transclusions will have to be added inline to articles explicitly on a page-by-page or template-by-template basis, either manually or by bots, and will not be attached automatically to articles in the way that Phase 1 interwiki links are.
Maš hišće prašenja?
If you still have questions, or you would like some assistance from a user who speaks your language, you may try reading the links on the Main Page of Wikidata, especially the introduction, Help:Contents, the FAQ, and the glossary. If you would like to ask someone, you may go to the "project chat" in your language, and ask there. More technical questions can be asked on the "Contact the development team" page.
Móžeš tež #wikidataconnect na IRC (freenode) za pomoc wopytać. Dźiwaj na to, zo so kanal zjawnje protokoluje.
Deleka je lisćina wužiwarjow, kotřiž chcedźa pomhać, kaž tež jich rěčne znajomnosće a lisćina wikijow, w kotrychž su administratorojo.
Hlej tež
- Nastawk Wikipedia Signpost Technology report wot 4. februara 2013
- Wikidata/Ambassadors – lisćina "wulkopósłancow" Wikidata.
Eksterne wotkazy
- Wikidata - hłowna strona we Wikidata
- Huste prašenja we Wikidata
- Zawjedźenje we Wikidata
- Wikidata w Meta-Wiki
- #wikimedia-wikidataconnect – IRC-chatowy rum, jeli trjebaš pomoc
- Lydia Pintscher (13. februara 2013). Wikidata live on the English Wikipedia w blogu Wikimedia DE.
- Wikidata now live on all Wikipedias w blogu Wikimedia DE.