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Wikibase Community User Group/Meetings/2021-11-25

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Online meeting of the Wikibase Community User Group.



  • Documentation from Lozana on how to use OpenRefine as a method for importing data into Wikibase
  • The OpenRefine team is designing a new representation format for (batch) Wikibase edits (including Wikidata, of course), and would like to hear your use cases and general feedback.
  • Recruiting participants to test new Federated Properties feature. Is anyone willing and able to participate?


Brief discussion on the platform choice for Wikiversity for the resource prepped at TIB for OpenRefine to Wikibase pipeline

Antonin elaborates on how the new format for Wikibase edits + Commons edits will be more expressive -- it will allow uploading files + attendant statements / wikitext, edit statements, etc.

  • OR Batch edit.
    • George: is there chance of increasing capacity of the tool?
    • Not necessarily unless you run OR in cloud infrastructure (not entirely a fix with PAWS now either)
    • Hence why an alternative tool developed from scratch might be a better option.
    • Sandra: its hard to adapt the code that magnus writes for his tool so its more complicated to have adapted QS instead
    • Main interest (of Antonin) for new format is that the QS text format cannot accommodate images.
    • Mohammed: Would OR like any feedback from WMDE engineers?
    • Antonin: Yes, that would be quite interesting. Especially in terms of any work going on on the API side particularly regarding ingestion rates.
  • Mohammed shares the API link: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:REST_API_feedback_round
    • Georgina: We are in planning phase from next week, so we will know more soon & the roadmap will be published early next year which will specify whether any more work will happen on the API or not.
    • Dennis raised the issue of API speed > does not care about the way the API looks, but actually cares about the speed of ingestion. Discussion if this was mentioned during WDCon > Adam made a note that external devs could possibly also help with this.
  • We need to complete annual report + finalize user group contacts. GR & Lozana to follow up with Wikimedia.
    • As part of the annual report maybe we can set up a blog post / page on Meta re. Arm64 infrastrucutre & Wikibase. Some notes from GR below (in response to some discussions on the mailing list):
  • Wikibase ARM 64
    • Had issues getting this work, but many seem wholly related to me trying to run it on an IPv6-only server on Oracle Cloud (they have IPv4 too, I was just using both IPs for something else)
    • Docker just added https://www.docker.com/blog/beta-ipv6-support-on-docker-hub-registry/
    • Docker packages available at https://hub.docker.com/u/jmformenti
   They do not have :latest default, you need to specify e.g.

         docker pull jmformenti/wikibase-bundle:1.35.3-wmde.2


         docker pull registry.ipv6.docker.com/jmformenti/wikibase-bundle:1.35.3-wmde.2

  template.env from GitHub's run folder seems to be missing some definitions, e.g. DB_SERVER=mysql.svc:3306 ?

  Or build your own: https://github.com/jmformenti/docker-images/tree/master/raspberrypi/wikibase

  Had trouble doing this with IPv6, can use in hosts if IPv6 is not resolved:

   2620:0:861:1:208:80:154:10 apt.wikimedia.org

  But this external definition seems to not be passed into the building process. 

Potentially have to have MySQL database set up separately and specified with DB_SERVER (May have to have blazegraph set up too? Thought wdqs itself was sufficient.)

blazegraph: command not found

Suggestion from Lozana to create a post on meta about how to set it up.

  • Georgina > we need user testing for federated properties > LR would be interested in participating.
  • GR: what's the state of play with fall release? Is it 1.36 or 1.37?
    • Mohammed > hoping there will be a release this month, or worst case December. There will be a security update by Dec. 1st.