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Wikibase Community User Group/Meetings/2021-10-31

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Online meeting of the Wikibase Community User Group.




Information about the session
  • David Fichtmueller: It is interesting to see other use cases of wikibase, but I liked in particular the presentations where the presenters shared special approaches and problems that were solved, that can also be useful to others, such as WikibaseSync.
  • Yes, we want to highlight what new things are happening in different instances, so we can learn form each other.
  • GR: maybe we can make more use of the Registry.
  • [17:34] Welcome to Room 1!
  • [17:36] Lozana Rossenova: etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WikidataCon2021-WikibaseCommunityUserGroup
  • [17:37] SJ: sorry that wikicite conflicted with this track -- plenty of overlap today :)
  • [17:37] Addshore: Yes i can change it like that too
  • [17:37] Addshore: +1
  • [17:38] Addshore: Really good balance I think
  • [17:38] Addshore: so many sessions!
  • [17:38] Daniel Mietchen: Too much going on in parallel.
  • [17:39] SJ: one idea that came up in the open discussion at wikicite: the idea of a 'SuperWikiData' collection of large core wikibases, which may show up in a significant % of federated queries
  • [17:39] Addshore: 18 sessions in 7 hours? :D
  • [17:39] Lozana Rossenova: a bit of video
  • [17:39] Lozana Rossenova: if anyone wants to join pls do
  • [17:39] Lozana Rossenova: this is the informal part of the programme
  • [17:39] Renat Shigapov: This is my first WikidataCon and I enjoyed it! But because of many parallel sessions, I have missed a lot.
  • [17:40] SJ: including things like scholarly-metadata wikibases, the Internet Archive's new WP Citations DB, astro / genetics / other specialized WBs
  • [17:40] Addshore: Got a link? :)
  • [17:41] Daniel Mietchen: https://wikipediacitations.wiki.opencura.com/wiki/Main_Page
  • [17:41] Addshore: Hah, I love when I get linked to wbstack things I havn't seen yet
  • [17:41] SW: Speaking of DataTrek, I wish that talk hadn't been cut off!
  • [17:43] Addshore: +1 Join us!
  • [17:43] Magnus Sälgö salgo60: +1 accept all
  • [17:44] David Fichtmueller: It is interesting to see other use cases of wikibase, but I liked in particular the presentations where the presenters shared special approaches and problems that were solved, that can also be useful to others, such as WikibaseSync.
  • [17:45] Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry: Snuck off to find a backup webcam. :-)
  • [17:46] Addshore: i need a wbcam in the middle of my screen ...
  • [17:48] David Fichtmueller: https://wikibase-registry.wmflabs.org/wiki/Main_Page
  • [17:48] Daniel Mietchen: +1 for making more active use of the registry
  • [17:48] Lozana Rossenova: +1
  • [17:48] Jeroen De Dauw: Page on wikiba.se?
  • [17:49] Susanna Ånäs | AvoinGLAM: Yes!
  • [17:50] Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry: Sorry for whoever is taking notes on this in Etherpad, lots of chat!
  • [17:50] Susanna Ånäs | AvoinGLAM: Or crowdsource
  • [17:50] Susanna Ånäs | AvoinGLAM: Exactly
  • [17:52] Daniel Mietchen: we should think of network parameters that give systemic resilience, i.e. avoid single points of failure. Roundtripping in multiple directions is a challenge though.
  • [17:52] Addshore: it will have backups, thats for sure ;)
  • [17:52] Addshore: data dumps for wbstack is certainly a requested feature
  • [17:53] Addshore: and can be provided manually, but will be automated in the future
  • [17:53] David Lindemann: So happy with wbstack.com, I could use it for my research data without admin hassle, and the support given in the telegram group is just wonderful.
  • [17:53] SJ: "One weird trick to getting your FQueries to complete before timing out!"
  • [17:54] ESM: +1 about what @David Lindemann said about the help in the Telegram group. Also, it's been nice to see who's actually behind the usual names connected with Wikibase :) ( *
  • [17:55] rdrg109: List of Wikimedia telegram channels: Telegram
  • [17:55] rdrg109: Wikibase community on Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/HGjGexZ9NE7BwpXzMsoDLA
  • [17:55] Magnus Sälgö salgo60: Skills acceleration: "clone people" like MagnusManske, Lydia, LucasW, Addshore, JanAinali is more than important.... specially when we start address communities that are not early adopters
  • [17:55] Hogü-456: What is a criteria to be allowed to join the UserGroup. I have thought about creating some tools related to data processing and analysis that could also help maybe users of Wikibase and is the UserGroup a platform to discuss to get help how things could be done.
  • [17:56] Lozana Rossenova: No requirements to joining
  • [17:56] Lozana Rossenova: open to all
  • [17:57] David Fichtmueller: it is MIT licensed now
  • [17:57] Addshore: woo! :P my tweeting at magnus worked
  • [17:58] David Fichtmueller: one last question: when is the next meetup scheduled?
  • [17:58] Addshore: With Sam & Tom!
  • [17:59] Magnus Sälgö salgo60: +1 domain experts
  • [17:59] Addshore: I know we are both british ;)
  • [17:59] SJ: +1
  • [17:59] Susanna Ånäs | AvoinGLAM: +1 Lozana
  • [17:59] Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry: David: It's not but we're usually at the end of the month.
  • [17:59] Sarah (Tech Support): my pleasure :)
  • [18:00] Lozana Rossenova: Thanks Sarah!
  • [18:00] Addshore: g2g present my wikidata present, but will check the social room after :)
  • [18:00] David Fichtmueller: Thank you to everyone who did the Tech Support during the last three days!!!
  • [18:00] SJ: <3  tech support
  • [18:00] Renat Shigapov: Thank you!
  • [18:00] Magnus Sälgö salgo60: Thanks this is great news !!!!
  • [18:00] Sam Alipio: Thank you everyone! What an amazing track
  • [18:00] Alice Santiago Faria: Thank you!
  • [18:00] ESM: thank you!
  • [18:00] David Lindemann: Many thanks!!
  • [18:00] Sam Alipio: see you next year :)