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Wiki Loves Africa 2025/Tools

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Wiki Loves Africa 2025 : Farm to Plate

Editing and uploading tools


Mass upload tools


Strongest suggestions are Pattypan or Commonist - but those might not be operating any more

ALWAYS test with small number of photos first



Cut, Craft, Captivate: Building the Future of Wiki Videos with VideoCutTool : webinar

Reverse video


Search how-to guide :

Design tools for videos


Check out our suggested design platforms and communications tools!

More suggestions


General stats and usage tools


Commons Impact Metrics


The Wiki Loves tool


It displays a bunch of general participation stats per year and per country on WLA
Made by Jean-Fred and Erik Zachte. To get support for that tool, you can contact user:GuillaumeG.


Baglama2 (deprecated to check)


Baglama2 displays page view numbers on pages including images from a category (aka, images views on wikipedia)

To add a new year, one can add categories. Check out to add new categories, log into WiDaR, then reload this page

Page views


Individual wikipedia pages views

Public paws



Commons impact metrics


Based on Wikimedia Analytics API : https://doc.wikimedia.org/generated-data-platform/aqs/analytics-api/reference/page-views.html
To make a new request : https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/commons-impact-metrics-requests
Explanations : https://diff.wikimedia.org/2024/07/19/commons-impact-metrics-now-available-via-data-dumps-and-api/

Glamorous (deprecated to check)


Glamorous provides % of use of all images in a commons category, on wikimedia projects

Glamorgan (deprecated to check)


Alternate to Baglama2. View and stats of WP articles with photos

Jury tools


Montage : tool for image selection by jury


To request a set-up, check out https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons_talk:Montage#Wiki_Loves_Africa

Visibility and participation tracking


Page views of landing page


Getting stats and participants user names (queries)


Contributors to WLA for one year (2023)


  SELECT DISTINCT actor_name, rev_actor
FROM commonswiki_p.page p 
INNER JOIN commonswiki_p.categorylinks cl ON p.page_id = cl.cl_from 
INNER JOIN commonswiki_p.revision r ON p.page_id = r.rev_page
join actor on rev_actor = actor_id and actor_user is not null
WHERE cl.cl_to IN (
-- WHERE cl.cl_to LIKE "Images\_from\_Wiki\_Loves\_Africa\_20__"
AND p.page_namespace = 6 
AND r.rev_parent_id = 0;

Getting a list of unique participants in the 9 WLA years


SELECT DISTINCT actor_name, rev_actor
FROM commonswiki_p.page p 
INNER JOIN commonswiki_p.categorylinks cl ON p.page_id = cl.cl_from 
INNER JOIN commonswiki_p.revision r ON p.page_id = r.rev_page
join actor on rev_actor = actor_id and actor_user is not null
WHERE cl.cl_to IN (
  "Images_from_Wiki_Loves_Africa_2021 »,
-- WHERE cl.cl_to LIKE "Images\_from\_Wiki\_Loves\_Africa\_20__"
AND p.page_namespace = 6 
AND r.rev_parent_id = 0;

List of images uploaded between two dates


USE commonswiki_p;
SELECT page_title, rev_timestamp, rev_len
FROM page
JOIN revision ON page_id = rev_page
WHERE page_namespace = 6
AND rev_parent_id = 0
AND rev_timestamp >= '20230326100000'
AND rev_timestamp <= '20230326120000'
AND rev_deleted = 0 
ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC
LIMIT 300;


For additional queries support : https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Request_a_query

Blocked participants


Limits to account creation (6) during events


There is a limit to the number of accounts you may create from the same IP address. This is an issue when you organize an event. There are solutions though, but you better anticipate.
Ressources available include


Blocked ip issues


Some reported they can not edit because blocked. Check if the block is justified by the person (poor behavior, copyvios...) or if the editor is affected by a global block unrelated to him/her

Supported by templates


If you upload photo as part of your local group, consider creating a dedicated template for your Usergroup and using it to categorize images that results from your group activity.

See https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Media_supported_by_Wikimedia_France. This is the upper category that host all images taken with the support of Wikimedia France. Files are placed in and removed from this category by placing the template Supported by Wikimedia France.
See this template here : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:Supported_by_Wikimedia_France
See an example of how this is used on a picture

Interface translations


Some pages are translated. Usually, the main pages are protected.

To help with the set-up of the translation system or to update pages, contact Translation administrators User:Anthere or User:Bachounda or user:Romaine.

Translation of site notice and such : c:Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2019/Translations

See also c:Commons:Translators' noticeboard
Page translation log (provide list of active translation admins for article marking)

A diff article about translation administration : Understanding translation administration

User boxes et barnstars

How to add a userbox on a user page ? You may simply copy paste the following code in your user-page
{{your favorite template}}


Participants to Wiki Loves Africa are invited to add this box to their user pages:
WLA logo puzzle piece This user is a participant to Wiki Loves Africa.
On Wikimedia Commons, you may use this box
  • {{User WLA participant}}


Organizers of Wiki Loves Africa on meta can use
{{User WLA organizer}}

Jury members

A template userbox has been created for jury members :
On Wikimedia Commons, you may use this box :
  • {{User WLA jury member}}


Use on Wikimedia Commons

Quality issues


Image checking


Image recognition (Quality and Featured)

Pictures of the day
Media of the day

Quality elements

Involved in Research:Recommending Images to Wikidata Items, User:Miriam (WMF), a research scientist in the WMF team, with expertise in computer vision, proposed us to run her quality scoring system on categories of images related to WLA. Outcome of the runs is below. Florence took the opportunity to reflect on the outcome, hoping that it will be useful to improve the tool.

Structured data



ISA Tool


ISA campaigns


Mass contacting


Mass messaging tool


This tool can only be used by meta administrators. If you want to use it and are not an admin, contact a meta administrator for help.

Mass messaging is an effective way to inform people of Wiki Loves Africa updates. Previous participants can be informed of the start of a new competition, and current participants can receive updates during and after the competition.
To send a mass message:

  1. Acquire an audience. If you want a list of previous or current participants, you can get a list of uploaders within a category with the 'Uploaders in cat' tool.
  2. Another option : https://quarry.wmflabs.org/query/33627
  3. Create a list of talk pages you want to send messages to. Each link should be formatted like # {{#target:User talk:USERNAME}}
  4. Draft the message you want to send on a new page. Do not include a header, as the MassMessage tool has a separate field for that.
  5. If you are an admin, you can use Special:MassMessage yourself. Otherwise, ask an admin on the Commons to send the message out (you may use the Administrators' noticeboard). To make the process quick and easy, you will want to provide clear links to the list of recipients, the subject of the message, and the message body.

Use of mass messages during WLA

Mass Wikimail messages


It is also possible to send several wikimail in one shot.
Massenmail allows you to contact several users via wikimail through an easy tool. It is in particular helpful for people who need to contact users with non-public information which is not possible on user talk pages. A typical use of this would be to share a link to a zoom meeting (limits risk of zoom bombing).

To use the tool, see this page from user:DerHexer which explains the process to follow in details with screenshots.

Short version: Add this code to your individual javascript page on Special:MyPage/common.js:


For sending out more than 10 mails per day, you need to request a noratelimit right like the account creator one on en:Wikipedia:Requests for permissions/Account creator.

Training resources


Check out training webinars here

Other links

Wiki Loves Africa Technical set-up


Person to ask help from :

Central notice banners


Place to request banner slots (todo at least 3 months in advance)

Slides of Training Banner campaigns : File:VSN Training Banner campaigns, April 2022.pdf

Testing the banner : [18]

2024 banner : https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:CentralNoticeBanners/Edit/WikiLovesAfrica2024

2023 banner : https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:CentralNoticeBanners/Edit/WikiLovesAfrica2023

List of countries : AO, BF, BI, BJ, BW, CD, CF, CG, CI, CM, CV, DJ, DZ, EG, EH, ER, ET, GA, GH, GM, GN, GQ, GW, KE, KM, LR, LS, LY, MA, MG, ML, MR, MU, MW, MZ, NA, NE, NG, RW, SC, SD, SL, SN, SO, SS, ST, SZ, TD, TG, TN, TZ, UG, ZA, ZM and ZW

Upload wizard


2024 Set-up

  • One general funnel
  • One funnel for Nigeria

Landing pages


Templates for banner and upload systems


text banner

  • en: Share pictures of "Africa Creates" with the entire world and win great prizes!
  • fr: Partagez vos photos sur le thème "Fabriqué en Afrique" avec le monde entier et gagnez des prix !
  • ar: شارك صور "صنع في أفريقيا" مع العالم كله واربح جوائز رائعة!

other text

  • Done "Select the country where you made this photo:" (in the upload wizard)
    French: Sélectionnez le pays dans lequel la photo a été prise
    Arabic: اختر البلد حيث تم التقاط الصورة
    Portuguese: Selecione o país onde a foto foi tirada

other text

  • Done "No country selected" (in the upload wizard)
    French: Aucun pays sélectionné
    Arabic: لم يتم إختيار البلد
    Portuguese:Nenhum país selecionado

other text

  • Done "Select your country" (in the upload wizard)
    French: Sélectionnez votre pays
    Arabic: اختر بلدك
    Portuguese:Escolha o seu país

other text

other text

other text

Template header

Translations in 2020: c:Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2020/Translations

Cute icons...

For the banner

Changing the style.css on Meta




Social media


We have

Plus many other accounts from the local teams. Check here : c:Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2019/Local events -> c:Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2020/Local events

Advertising and Communication elements


Check out details and tools here : Wiki Loves Africa 2024/Communication