Wiki Battiato User Group is an international user group contributing to filling Wikipedia knowledge gaps with the accompaniment of Franco Battiato.
Franco Battiato (1945-2021) is a notable Italian singer, songwriter and composer, and a quality article on Wikipedia in Sicilian dialect (under Francu Battiatu). Thanks to an eclectic and eccentric production, Franco Battiato’s songs are a collection of hints and suggestions capable of triggering our interest, passion and commitment to the world.
Wiki Battiato User Group aims to involve Wikipedia contributors and new contributors in improving the content of the Wikimedia projects. It addresses fans of this well-known singer-songwriter by involving them in events and new activities to create relevant content for everyone in an engaging and exciting atmosphere.
The work of the user group relies on Franco Battiato quotes made available on Wikiquote, with specific attention to material and immaterial heritage.
The sources are georeferenced on OpenStreetMap using UMap, and they generate a list of articles which are evaluated through a visual tool focussed on topics on Wikipedia.
Institutions and individuals are invited to provide content - such as texts of songs, images, essays, videos, and samples of music - under open licenses and open tools (CC0, CC BY and CC BY-SA) to enrich open content accessible through the Wikimedia projects.
Nell'Irlanda del Nord Nelle balere estive Coppie di anziani che ballano Al ritmo di sette ottavi
In Northern Ireland In the Summer dancing clubs Couples of old people who dance in 7/8 rhythm
Voglio vederti danzare
Summer dancing clubs (balere estive) in the southern part of Po Valley in Lombardy Region in Italy
Nella Bassa padana / Nelle balere estive / Coppie di anziani che ballano / Vecchi valzer viennesi
Voglio vederti danzare
Voglio vederti danzare Come le zingare del deserto Con candelabri in testa O come le balinesi nei giorni di festa
I want to watch you dancing Like the gypsies in the desert with chandeliers on their heads or like Balinese women on feast days
Voglio vederti danzare
Venezia mi ricorda istintivamente Istanbul / stessi palazzi addosso al mare / rossi tramonti che si perdono nel nulla.
Tunis, Tunisia
Pieni gli alberghi a Tunisi / Per le vacanze estive / A volte un temporale / Non ci faceva uscire
Full were the hotels in Tunis / for the Summer holidays / Sometimes a storm / wouldn't let us leave
L'era del cinghiale bianco
Damascus, Syria
Profumi indescrivibili / Nell'aria della sera / Studenti di Damasco / Vestiti tutti uguali
Indescribable scents / in the evening air / students from Damascus / all dressed tha same
L'era del cinghiale bianco
Nevskij Prospekt, Saint Petersburg / Leningrad, Russia
Entire song
Un vento a trenta gradi sotto zero / Incontrastato sulle piazze vuote e contro i campanili / A tratti, come raffiche di mitra / Disintegrava i cumuli di neve
Prospettiva Nevskij
Alexander Platz
Entire song
Alexander Platz, auf-widersen / C'era la neve / Faccio quattro passi a piedi/ Fino alla frontiera / Vengo con te
Alexander Platz
Poggibonsi è stata evacuata / e Gerusalemme liberata