Wiki i Izrfan n Ufgan 2021 ɣ Lmɣrib/Imdrawn

Manka s rad zmmemɣ ixf inu
Afad ad didnɣ tkcmt ɣ umcala y'ad ɛafak/m zayd nɣ rnu yism n umiḍan nnk d ryrlayt nna s rad tswurit ɣ talgamt n Imdrawn. Ilmma, akud nna tɛdlt nɣ tsbuɣlut kran tasniwin " s yat ɣ kraṭṭ tutlayin ad (Taɛrabt,Tafransist,Darija,Taclḥit)", urri daɣ s ugzzum n imdrawn d zayd nɣ rnu gis uzday nɣ usml n tasniwin ddu yism nnk, d tinqqiḍin lli tlkmt. Angraw n usiḍn n tinqqiḍin ittuyssfraw ddaw-as s imdyatn.
Irbbi zayd nɣ rnu uhactag #WikiForHumanRightsinMa ɣ ugzul n isnfal d isbddiln nnk: mayad ar fllaɣ isrxu twwuri fad ad naf imdrawn.
Tgit amasay f usiḍn n tinqqiḍin nnk s ugayyu nnk. Ha manik as ra'st tskrt:
- +0.5 tanqqiḍt i kraygat "tawlaft" tzayd st ɣ kran umgrad ɣ Wikipidya s yat ɣ kraṭṭ tutlayin ad (Taɛrabt,Tafransist,Darija,Taclḥit) (ula tiwlafin nnk ttuyḥasabn).
- +1 tanqqiḍt i kraygat "+1,000 bytes n ukttur tzayd st ɣ kran umgrad ɣ Wikipidya s yat ɣ kraṭṭ tutlayin (Taɛrabt, Tafransist, Darija, Taclḥit).
- +1 tanqqiḍt i kraygat "uɣbalu amaynu" tzayd st ɣ kran umgrad yad illan ɣ Wikipidya s yat ɣ kraṭṭ tutlayin (Taɛrabt, Tafransist, Darija, Taclḥit).
- +1 tanqqiḍt i kraygat tamyazant Wikidata item nna tsbuɣlut.
- +2 tinqqiḍin i kraygat "usuɣl amaynu n kran umgrad illan yad ɣ Wikipidya s yat ɣ kraṭṭ tutlayin (Taɛrabt, Tafransist, Darija, Taclḥit).
- +10 tinqqiḍin iɣ iga umgrad nnk zɣ imgradn "ittuyxtarn" nna d srsn imsudas n umcala.
- +25 tinqqiḍin i kran Amgrad ifulkin s yat ɣ kraṭṭ tutlayin (Taɛrabt, Tafransist, Darija, Taclḥit).
- Iɣ tsuɣlt kran umgrad illan yad s umdya s tɛrabt d gis uggar n 4,100 bytes ɣ tiɣzi nns, ar dark ttilin 6 tinqqaḍ: 2 tinqqiḍin i usuɣl d 4 i tiɣzi n umgrad.
- Iɣ tzuydt 3,600 bytes n ukttur ɣ kran umgrad illan yad, ar dark ttilin 3 tinqqiḍin.
- Iɣ tzuydt 3,600 bytes n wikiḍṛiṣ (talɣa, infobox, abdar) ɣ kran umgrad illan yad, ar dark ttilin 3 tinqqiḍin.
- Iɣ tzuydt 2 iɣbula imaynutn ɣ kran mgrad illan yad nna ɣ illa umukris n "abdar ur illi", ar dark ttilin 2 tnqqaḍ
- Iɣ tɛdlt nɣd trnut kran ugmrad d tsmnidt i tamatart n Amgrad Ifulkin, bdr-tt ɣ ustal lli tgit i ugayyu nnk! Tẓḍar taskkirt n tamrniwt n tamatart ad tamẓ imikk n tizi, ɣayn af rann qql sin imalassn ɣ lliɣ d ikmml umcala fad ad nẓṛ is as tettuyfka tmatart nɣd uhu. Iɣ iɣʷi umgrad nnk tamatart n Amgrad Ifulkin, ar dark ttilin 25 tinqqiḍin.
Example user (Darija, French) 165.5 points total
- Example article 1: +4,753 bytes, suggested article, new translation, 1 image = 4+10+2+0.5 = 16.5 points
- Example article 2: +25,317 bytes, new article, 0 images = 25 = 25 points
- Example article 3: +19,904 bytes, improved article, 4 new sources for the existing text, 1 image = 19+4+0.5 = 23.5 points
- Example article 4: +21,325 bytes, new article, 0 references = 0 points (one shouldn't create articles without sources!)
- Example article 5: +3,456 bytes, suggested article, new translation, 2 images, improved Wikidata item = 3+10+2+1+1 = 17 points
- Example article 6: +46,459 bytes, suggested article, 3 images, improved Wikidata item, Good Article = 46+10+1.5+1+25 = 83.5 points
Imsudas ad dar illa wawal igguran ɣ tinqqiḍin n kraygat amdraw d ẓḍarn ad ssfrun ilugann d tinqqaḍ. Irbbi ad tili ɣ ugayyu nnk masd awttas nnɣ lli akkʷ izwarn iga tt ad nsbuɣlu Wikipidya s imgradn ilan atig, ilmma kraygat ukttur ixcnn ittuzayadn rad ak isnaqṣ tinqqiḍin nɣd ad akkʷ fllak ẓẓun zɣ umcala, iɣ msasan fllas imsudas. Irbbi ḍfṛ Smuss Igjda d ilugann yaḍnin n Wikipidya: sti kran imrsi ifulkin, ara s yat tɣarast igan tarawsant, bdr iɣbula nnk, ad ur tswurit s usuɣl aymani bla a'st tsgiddit, atg.
Irbbi kʷti
Tinqqaḍ ad nskr tn ɣar bac ad nzayd imik n lfjuj! Mqqar ur tkcmt s umcala fad ad rbḥt rad darnɣ ig addur imqqurn ad nssn uggar f twuri nnk dffir/ḍaṛat imjṛi y'ad, ilmma gt-inn ɣid ak isrbḥ rbbi. Tadrawt nnk s yixf nns dars atig, s kraygat usnfl ar t tskart ar ttawst Wikipidya ad tfalki uggar.
Amdraw amaynu
Iɣ tgit amaynu ɣ ammas n Wikipidya, ad ak zwar nini, brrk! Ar k n.... a'nn taggʷt ɣ Wikipidya:Asuɣl d Wikipidya:Tazwart. Ɣayad ra fllak isrxu tuddma! Kud-nna tbdit tirra, tasna n Tamyaqqant n tamamkt tẓḍar ad ak taws. Ismln ad ar ttawin s Wikipidya s Tanglizt, macc tasniwin ad llan s kigan n tutlayin. Kud-nna tn tkkit, irbbi smaqql ɣ tasga n ufus nnk aẓlmaḍ (ddu "Tutlayin") d ẓṛ is llan s tutlayt nnk. Wikipidya gis agudi n ilqman n tutlayin, d kraygat yan gisn iga afrdi, iṭṭaf tagrbazt nns d timyaqqanin nns, yuf ak a'nn taggʷt s ilugann ad.
Armmus n anagraw n ustal ikka d WikiGap Challenge.
Talgamt n imdrawn
Taclḥit (Tachelhite) : 255.5 points
- shi.wikipedia : Maha Laziri : Suggested article, one source, translation from arabic, added photo, improved wikidata item 10+1+2+0.5+1= 13.5 points
- shi:wikipedia: Laṭifa Lbuḥsini : Suggested article, two sources, translation from arabic, added photo, improved wikidata item 10+2+2+0.5+1= 14.5 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Ɛica Ccnna/Aicha chenna one image, 1649 bytes, 7 sources, one contribution on wikidata, suggested article, translation from English 0.5+1+7+1+10+2=21.5 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Asira anamur n tanfrut tadusant n isadurn/ Office national de sécurité sanitaire des produits alimentaires two images(Taclḥit and french), 1000 bytes, 2 sources, two contributions on wikidata, suggested article, translation from English 1+1+2+2+10+2=18 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Ɛbdelmalk Faraj/ Abdelmalk Faraj threeimages(Taclḥit, arabic and french), 1092 bytes, 3 sources, two contributions on wikidata, suggested article, translation from arabic and french 1.5+1+3+2+10+2=19.5 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Azrf g twnnaḍt idusn (Right to a healthy environment) two images, 1450 bytes, 3 sources, one contribution on wikidata, suggested article, translation from English and arabic 1+1+3+1+10+2=18 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Akabar n tanzzarfut d tanflit one image, 1371 bytes, 4 sources, two contributions on wikidata, suggested article, translation from English and arabic 1+1+4+2+10+2=20 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Tamsmunt tamɣribit n izrfan n ufgan (Moroccan Association for Human Rights) one image, 2 sources, suggested article, translation from English and arabic 0.5+2+10+2=14.5 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Tamssugurt n twwuri tanamunt (تعاضدية العمل الاجتماعي one image, 4 sources, suggested article, translation from Arabic and French, contribution in arabic and french articles, contribution in wikidata improvment, 1558 bytes 0.5+4+10+2+2+1+1=20.5 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Timrslt Muḥmmad V i twisi (Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity 1 sources, suggested article, translation from Arabic,contribution in wikidata improvment, 1265 bytes 1+10+2+1+1=15 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Tazmrt tafukant g Lmɣrib (Solar power in Morocco 4 sources, suggested article, translation from english,contribution in wikidata improvment, 1481 bytes, three images added 4+10+2+1+1+1.5=19.5 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Ɛbdllah ibn Ɛazzuz 1 sources, suggested article, translation from english,contribution in wikidata improvment 1+10+2+1=14 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Sidi Ḥraẓm 2 sources, suggested article, translation from english,contribution in wikidata improvment, one image added 2+10+2+1+0.5=15.5 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Izilf 1 sources, suggested article, translation from arabic 1+10+2=13 points
- shi:Wikipedia : Imɣyan g Lmɣrib 3 sources, suggested article, translation from english, five images added 3+10+2+2.5=17.5 points
Anass Sedrati - see per language
Arabic - 19 points
- ar:wikipedia:التعويض عن فقدان الشغل بالمغرب : added +3,301 bytes, new translation, added 4 references, suggested article = 3+2+4+10= 19 points
Darija - 17 points
- ary:wikipedia:لجمعية لمغريبية د حقوق لإنسان: added +2,884 bytes, new translation, added 3 references, suggested article = 2+2+3+10= 17 points
Rachid — 16 points (Moroccan Arabic)
- wikipedia:ary:Amina Lemrini :+4,753 bytes,, suggested article,new translation:4+10+2=16 points
Abdou — see per language
Tachelhit - 12 points
- shi:wikipedia:Asif n Tamri : added +680 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 2+10=12 points
Arabic - 29 points
- ar:wikipedia:نهر تامري : added +1,475 bytes, new translation, improved 1 wikidata item, suggested article = 1+2+1+10=14 points
- ar:wikipedia:وادي الجنة : new translation, improved 1 wikidata item = 2+1 = 3 points
- ar:wikipedia:سهوب العرعر في الأطلس الكبير : new translation, suggested article = 2+10 = 12 points
Darija - 27 points
- ary:wikipedia:واد تامري : added +1,021 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 1+2+10=13 points
- ary:فاضمة عبي : added +2,721 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 2+2+10=14 points
French - 14 points
- fr:Fatima Ouassak : added +3,513 bytes, suggested article, improved wikidata item = 3+10+1=14 points
Ayour — see per language
Tachelhit - 234 points
- wikipedia:shi:Tamawast n tdusi : +5,030 bytes, new translation, suggested article, 1 image, 2 reference = 5+0.5+2+2+10 = 19.5 points
- wikipedia:shi:Xalid Ayt Ṭalb : +3,142 bytes, new translation, suggested article, 1 image, 5 reference = 10+2+5+3+0.5 = 20.5 points
- wikipedia:shi:Ayyur azggʷaɣ amɣribi : +2186 bytes, new translation, suggested article, 1 image, 4 reference = 10+2+4+2+0.5 = 18.5 points
- wikipedia:shi:Azuknni : +625 bytes, 1 image, 1 reference = 0.5+0.5+1 = 2 points
- wikipedia:shi:Timijja : +611 bytes, 1 reference = 0.5+0.5 = 1 points
- wikipedia:shi:Tiskrt : +693 bytes, 1 reference = 0.5+1 = 1.5 points
- wikipedia:shi:Izri : +838 bytes, 1 image, 1 reference = 0.5+0.5+1 = 2 points
- wikipedia:shi:Faṭima Mrwan : +3267 bytes, new translation, suggested article, 6 reference = 10+2+3+6 = 21 points
- wikipedia:shi:Aṭṭan n Kuruna ɣ Lmɣrib : +7114 bytes, new translation, suggested article, 1 image, 20 reference = 10+2+7+20+0.5 = 39.5 points
- wikipedia:shi:Tasnurayt tamɣribit n taẓḍaṛt tasulant : +3,152 bytes, new translation, suggested article, 1 image, 5 reference = 10+2+3+5+0.5 = 20.5 points
- wikipedia:shi:Ammas asgnaf amsdaw Ibn Sina : +5 175 bytes, new translation, suggested article, 5 reference = 10+2+5+5 = 22 points
- wikipedia:shi:Ammas asgnaf amsdaw Ibn Rucd : +4 190 bytes, new translation, suggested article, 6 reference = 10+2+4+6 = 22 points
- wikipedia:shi:Tagant n Harhura : +991 bytes, new translation, suggested article, 1 reference = 10+2+1+1 = 14 points
- wikipedia:shi:Tagant n Kurukuru : +1 356 bytes, new translation, suggested article, 1 reference = 10+2+1+1 = 14 points
- wikipedia:shi:Tagant n Idln Guru : +1 831 bytes, new translation, suggested article, 1 image, 3 reference = 10+2+1+3+0.5 = 16.5 points
Moroccan Arabic - 71 points
- wikipedia:ary:Hôpital universitaire international Cheikh Zaid : +1,018 bytes, new translation, suggested article, wikidata item, 1 image, 1 reference = 0.5+1+1+1+2+10 = 15.5 points
- wikipedia:ary:Oumama Aouad Lahrech : +5,399 bytes, new translation, suggested article, wikidata item, 1 image, 2 reference = 0.5+5+1+2+2+10 = 20.5 points
- wikipedia:ary:Office national de sécurité sanitaire des produits alimentaires : +3,660 bytes, new translation, suggested article, wikidata item, 3 reference = 3+3+2+10+1 = 19 points
- wikipedia:ary:Ibn Al-Nafees Hospital : +1,430 bytes, new translation, suggested article, wikidata item, 2 reference = 1+2+1+2+10 = 16 points
Hamzamathiw — see per language
Moroccan Arabic - 134.5 points
- wikipedia:ary:Ministry of Health :+2,124 bytes, new translation, 1 image, 2 references,suggested article = 2+2+0.5+2+10 = 16.5 points
- wikipedia:ary:Croissant rouge marocain :+2,023 bytes, new translation, 1 image, 3 references = 2+2+0.5+3 = 17.5 points
- wikipedia:ary:Institut Pasteur (Maroc) :+3,374 bytes, new translation, 4 references, suggested article = 3+2+4+10 = 19 points
- wikipedia:ary:Ouarzazate Solar Power Station :+3,126 bytes, new translation, 5 references, 1 image, suggested article = 3+2+5+0.5+10 = 20.5 points
- wikipedia:ary:Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy :+3,064 bytes, new translation, 5 references, 1 image, suggested article = 3+2+5+0.5+10 = 20.5 points
- wikipedia:ary:Fatima Marouane :+3,006 bytes, new translation, 4 references, suggested article = 3+2+4+10 = 19 points
- wikipedia:ary:Tighmert :+3,738 bytes, new translation, 5 references, suggested article + 3 images = 3+2+5+10+1.5 = 21.5 points
Arabic - 694.5 points
- wikipedia:ar:Lac Tiguelmamine :+3,050 bytes, new translation, 3 references, suggested article = 3+2+3+10 = 18 points
- wikipedia:ar:Tighmert :+4,508 bytes, new translation, 5 references, suggested article, 2 images = 4+2+5+10+1 = 22 points
- wikipedia:ar:CHU Ibn Rochd :+8,300 bytes, 7 references, suggested article = 8+7+10 = 25 points
- wikipedia:ar:Benchimol Hospital :+2,430 bytes, 3 references, suggested article, 1 image, new translation = 2+3+10+0.5+2 = 17.5 points
- wikipedia:ar:CHU Ibn Sina :+6,314 bytes, 5 references, suggested article = 6+5+10 = 21 points
- wikipedia:ar:CHU Mohammed VI Marrakech :+6,533 bytes, 8 references, suggested article = 6+8+10 = 24 points
- wikipedia:ar:CHU Hassan II (Fès) :+2,437 bytes, 6 references, suggested article = 2+6+10 = 18 points
- wikipedia:ar:CHU Agadir :+4,079 bytes, 3 references, suggested article = 4+3+10 = 17 points
- wikipedia:ar:Institut national d'hygiène du Maroc :+2,449 bytes, 2 references, suggested article = 2+2+10 = 14 points
- wikipedia:ar:CHU Oujda :+3,041 bytes, 5 references, suggested article = 3+5+10 = 15 points
- wikipedia:ar:Flore du Maroc :+3,494 bytes, 4 references, suggested article = 3+4+10 = 17 points
- wikipedia:ar:Stethoscope Revolution :+5,567 bytes, 2 references, suggested article = 5+2+10 = 17 points
- wikipedia:ar:African crimson-winged finch :+3,234 bytes, 1 references, 2 images, suggested article = 3+1+1+10 = 15 points
- wikipedia:ar:Labeobarbus reinii :+1,880 bytes, 2 references, suggested article = 1+2+10 = 13 points
- wikipedia:ar:Amina Slaoui :+8,073 bytes, 3 references, suggested article = 8+3+10 = 21 points
- wikipedia:ar:Saadia Wadah :+6,760 bytes, 2 references, suggested article = 6+2+10 = 18 points
- wikipedia:ar:Fatima Zahra Ben Omar :+6,750 bytes, 1 reference, suggested article = 6+1+10 = 17 points
- wikipedia:ar:Ayman Charkaoui :+6,846 bytes, 2 references, suggested article = 6+2+10 = 18 points
- wikipedia:ar:Barrage Sakia El Hamra :+4,995 bytes, 5 references, suggested article = 4+5+10 = 19 points
- wikipedia:ar:Barrage Sidi Abdellah :+6,087 bytes, 5 references, suggested article = 6+6+10 = 22 points
- wikipedia:ar:Barrage Dar Khrofa :+3,851 bytes, 2 references, suggested article = 3+2+10 = 15 points
- wikipedia:ar:Barrage Fask :+5,730 bytes, 5 references, suggested article = 5+5+10 = 20 points
- wikipedia:ar:Dayet Hachlaf :+6,125 bytes, 4 references, new translation, suggested article = 6+4+2+10 = 22 points
- wikipedia:ar:Lac Ouiouane :+5,163 bytes, 4 references, suggested article = 5+4+10 = 19 points
- wikipedia:ar:Climate change litigation :+6,495 bytes, 2 references, suggested article, new translation = 6+2+10+2 = 20 points
- wikipedia:ar:Dait Iffer :+6,042 bytes, 5 references, suggested article, new translation = 6+5+10+2 = 23 points
- wikipedia:ar:Dait Ifrah :+3,100 bytes, 2 references, suggested article, new translation, improved Wikidata item = 3+2+10+2+1 = 18 points
- wikipedia:ar:Dait Afourgah :+3,327 bytes, 1 reference, suggested article, new translation, improved Wikidata item = 3+1+10+2+1 = 17 points
- wikipedia:ar:Aguelmim Tifounasine :+3,247 bytes, 3 references, suggested article, new translation, improved Wikidata item = 3+3+10+2+1 = 19 points
- wikipedia:ar:Lac Afennourir :+4,328 bytes, 4 references, suggested article, new translation = 4+4+10+2 = 20 points
- wikipedia:ar:Aguelmame Abakhane :+3,450 bytes, 4 references, suggested article, new translation, improved Wikidata item = 3+4+10+2+1 = 20 points
- wikipedia:ar:Aguelmame N'Miaami :+2,699 bytes, 2 references, suggested article, new translation, improved Wikidata item = 2+2+10+2+1 = 17 points
- wikipedia:ar:Balearic shearwater :+2,781 bytes, 1 references, suggested article, new translation, improved Wikidata item = 2+1+10+2+1 = 16 points
- wikipedia:ar:Slender-billed curlew :+3,133 bytes, 1 references, suggested article, new translation, improved Wikidata item = 3+1+10+2+1 = 17 points
- wikipedia:ar:Barbus massaensis :+2,012 bytes, 1 references, suggested article, new translation, improved Wikidata item = 2+1+10+2+1 = 16 points
- wikipedia:ar:Lesueur's goby :+1,922 bytes, 1 references, suggested article, new translation, improved Wikidata item = 1+1+10+2+1 = 15 points
- wikipedia:ar:Lorryia formosa :+1,991 bytes, 1 references, suggested article, new translation, improved Wikidata item = 1+1+10+2+1 = 15 points
- wikipedia:ar:CHU Tanger :+4,355 bytes, 2 references, suggested article, improved Wikidata item = 4+2+10+1 = 17 points
French - 275 points
- wikipedia:fr:Institut Pasteur Maroc :+3,126 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 3+2+10 = 15 points
- wikipedia:fr:Hôpital Benchimol (Tanger) :+1,217 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 1+2+10 = 13 points
- wikipedia:fr:CHU Ibn Sina (Rabat) :+5,138 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 5+2+10 = 17 points
- wikipedia:fr:CHU Ibn Rochd (Casablanca) :+5,967 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 5+2+10 = 17 points
- wikipedia:fr:CHU Mohammed VI (Marrakech) :+4,189 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 4+2+10 = 16 points
- wikipedia:fr:CHU Hassan II (Fès) :+3,087 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 3+2+10 = 15 points
- wikipedia:fr:CHU Agadir :+2,535 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 2+2+10 = 14 points
- wikipedia:fr:CHU Oujda :+4,877 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 4+2+10 = 16 points
- wikipedia:fr:Révolution du stéthoscope :+4,486 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 4+2+10 = 16 points
- wikipedia:fr:Labeobarbus reinii :+962 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 2+10 = 12 points
- wikipedia:fr:Accès universel à l'éducation :+3,251 bytes, new translation, 2 réferences, suggested article = 3+2+2+10 = 17 points
- wikipedia:fr:Barrage Sakia El Hamra :+5,761 bytes, new translation, 4 réferences, suggested article = 5+2+4+10 = 21 points
- wikipedia:fr:Barrage Sidi Abdellah :+6,823 bytes, new translation, 3 réferences, suggested article = 6+2+3+10 = 21 points
- wikipedia:fr:Barrage Dar Khrofa :+5,327 bytes, new translation, 2 réferences, suggested article = 5+2+2+10 = 19 points
- wikipedia:fr:Hôpital de Ben Smim :+1,488 bytes, new translation, 4 réferences, suggested article = 1+2+4+10 = 17 points
- wikipedia:fr:Barrage Fask :+6,525 bytes, new translation, 5 réferences, suggested article = 6+2+5+10 = 23 points
- wikipedia:fr:Oued Fès :+4,197 bytes, new translation, 2 réferences, suggested article = 4+2+2+10 = 18 points
Ahmed Samy — 923.5 points (Arabic)
- wikipedia:ar:Party of Hope (Morocco) :+4,402 bytes, 4 reference, improve Wikidata, new translation, suggested article :4+4+1+2+10=21 points
- wikipedia:ar:Party of Liberty and Social Justice :+7,503 bytes, 2 reference, improve Wikidata, new translation, suggested article :7+2+1+2+10=22 points
- wikipedia:ar:MAS :+2٬021 bytes, 1 reference, improve Wikidata, new translation, suggested article :2+1+1+2+10=16 points
- wikipedia:ar:Democratic Society Party :+5٬136 bytes, 1 reference, improve Wikidata, new translation, suggested article :5+1+1+2+10=19 points
- wikipedia:ar:Neo-Democrats Party :+6٬305 bytes, 4 reference, improve Wikidata, new translation, suggested article, 1 image :5+1+1+2+10=23.5 points
- wikipedia:ar:Social Centre Party :+6٬345 bytes, 4 reference, new translation, suggested article :6+4+2+10=22 points
- wikipedia:ar:Citizen Initiative for Development :+5٬006 bytes, 3 reference, improve Wikidata, new translation, suggested article :5+3+1+2+10=21 points
- wikipedia:ar:National Party for the Realization of Moroccan Reforms :+4٬017 bytes, 2 reference, new translation, suggested article :5+2+2+10=19 points
- wikipedia:ar:National Party of the Independence Generation :+4٬136 bytes, 4 reference, new translation, suggested article :4+4+2+10=20 points
- wikipedia:ar:Liberal Reformist Party (Morocco) :+4٬817 bytes, 5 reference, new translation, suggested article :454+2+10=21 points
- wikipedia:ar:Death benefit in Morocco :+1٬013 bytes, improve Wikidata, new translation, suggested article :1+1+2+10=14 points
- wikipedia:ar:Independent Liberal Party :+3٬113 bytes, 1 reference, improve Wikidata, new translation, suggested article :3+1+1+2+10=17 points
- wikipedia:ar: Moroccan Union Party :+4٬673 bytes,, 4 reference, new translation, suggested article :4+4+2+10=20 points
- wikipedia:ar:Party of the People's Jihad :+3٬680 bytes, 2 reference, new translation, suggested article :3+2+2+10=17 points
- wikipedia:ar:Wifaq :+4٬089 bytes, 1 reference, new translation, improve Wikidata, suggested article :4+1+2+1+10=18 points
- wikipedia:ar: Answers Solutions Knowledge :+10٬322 bytes, 4 reference, new translation, improve Wikidata, suggested article :10+4+2+1+10=27 points
- wikipedia:ar:National Ittihadi Congress :+4٬654 bytes, 3 reference, suggested article :4+3+10=17 points
- wikipedia:ar:Front of Democratic Forces :+5٬162 bytes, 5 reference, suggested article, 1 image :5+5+10=20.5 points
- wikipedia:ar:Democratic and Social Movement (Morocco) :+4٬653 bytes, 4 reference, suggested article :4+4+10=18 points
- wikipedia:ar:Popular Movement (Morocco) :++6٬696 bytes, 8 reference, suggested article, 1 image :6+8+10+0.5=24.5 points
- wikipedia:ar:Mohammed Saeme :+5٬097 bytes, 4 reference, suggested article, 1 image, improve Wikidata ,new translation :5+4+10+0.5+1+2=22.5 points
- wikipedia:ar:Joseph ben Judah of Ceuta :+1٬061 bytes, suggested article, 1 image, improve Wikidata ,new translation :1+10+0.5+1+2=14.5 points
- wikipedia:ar:Oued Rkel : 1 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata ,new translation :1+10+1+2=14 points
- wikipedia:ar:Ouled Nami : 2 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata ,new translation :2+10+1+2=15 points
- wikipedia:ar:Festuca mairei :+2٬033 bytes, 2 reference, new translation, suggested article, 1 image :2+2+2+10+0.5=16.5 points
- wikipedia:ar:Oulad Zayda :2 reference, new translation, suggested article :2+2+10=14 points
- wikipedia:ar:Río de Oro (Melilla) :+1٬324 bytes, new translation, suggested article, 5 image :1+2+10+2.5=15.5 points
- wikipedia:ar:Izilf :+1٬490 bytes, new translation, suggested article, improve Wikidata :1+2+10+1=14 points
- wikipedia:ar:Association Solidarité Féminine :+7٬156 bytes, 11 reference, suggested article :7+11+10=28 points
- wikipedia:ar:Al-ʽAhd (Morocco) :+3٬484 bytes, 5 reference, suggested article :3+5+10=18 points
- wikipedia:ar:Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity :+5٬087 bytes, 4 reference, suggested article :5+4+10=19 points
- wikipedia:ar:Carasobarbus harterti :+1٬742 bytes, 2 reference, suggested article, 1 image, improve Wikidata, new translation :1+2+10+0.5+1+2=15.5 points
- wikipedia:ar:Carasobarbus moulouyensis :+3٬101 bytes, 2 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :3+2+10+1+2=18 points
- wikipedia:ar:Synaphe fuscalis :+2٬152 bytes, 1 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :2+1+10+1+2=16 points
- wikipedia:ar:Synaphe glaisalis :+2٬187 bytes, 1 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :2+1+10+1+2=16 points
- wikipedia:ar:Synaphe rungsi :+2٬177 bytes, 1 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :2+1+10+1+2=16 points
- wikipedia:ar:Aglossa thamii :+2٬649 bytes, 1 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :2+1+10+1+2=16 points
- wikipedia:ar:Ameles maroccana :+2٬144 bytes, 1 reference, suggested article, new translation :2+1+10+2=15 points
- wikipedia:ar:Ameles moralesi :+2٬116 bytes, 1 reference, suggested article, new translation :2+1+10+2=15 points
- wikipedia:ar:Tristram's warble :+2٬924 bytes, 4 reference, suggested article, 1 image, improve Wikidata, new translation :2+4+10+0.5+1+2=19.5 points
- wikipedia:ar:Quedenfeldtia moerens :+5٬672 bytes, 4 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :5+4+10+1+2=22 points
- wikipedia:ar:Barbus paytonii :+2٬182 bytes, 3 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :2+3+10+1+2=18 points
- wikipedia:ar:Arctosa similis :+2٬460 bytes, 2 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :2+2+10+1+2=17 points
- wikipedia:ar:Capperia agadirensis :+1٬063 bytes, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :1+10+1+2=14 points
- wikipedia:ar:Zayan barbel :+1٬412 bytes, 4 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :1+1+10+1+2=15 points
- wikipedia:ar:Lessertia barbara :+2٬090 bytes, 1 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :2+1+10+1+2=16 points
- wikipedia:ar:Rabat barbel :+1٬455 bytes, 1 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :1+1+10+1+2=15 points
- wikipedia:ar:Tortilia trigonella :+2٬263 bytes, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :2+10+1+2=15 points
- wikipedia:ar:Symphodus :+5٬005 bytes, 6 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :5+6+10+1+2=24 points
- wikipedia:ar:Acrobasis aicha :+2٬272 bytes, 1 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :2+1+10+1+2=16 points
- wikipedia:ar:Carasobarbus fritschii :+1٬804 bytes, 2 reference, suggested article, improve Wikidata, new translation :1+2+10+1+2=16 points
ابنُ أحمد — 785 نُقطة (بالعربية)
- فاضنة عبي: أكثر من 8000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مرجعين، مقالة مُقترحة = 8+2+2+10 = 22 نُقطة
- إليسا شيمنتي: أكثر من 4000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 4+2+10 = 16 نُقطة
- قائمة مزارع الرياح في المغرب: أكثر من 8000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 8+2+10 = 20 نُقطة
- سد القنصرة:أكثر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+10 = 13 نُقطة
- فاطنة البويه: أكثر من 8000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 8+2+10 = 20 نُقطة
- حزب البديل الحضاري: أكثر من 4000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، 3 مراجع، مقالة مُقترحة = 4+2+3+10 = 19 نُقطة
- غابة أرز غورو: أكثر من 2000 بايت، مرجعين، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 2+2+2+10 = 16 نُقطة
- حركة الديمقراطيين المستقلين: أكثر من 1000 بايت، مرجع واحد، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+1+2+10 = 14 نُقطة
- الحركة القومية: أكثر من 2000 بايت، مرجع واحد، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 2+1+2+10 = 15 نُقطة
- شيرزاد راموند-حنان: أكثر من 2000 بايت، مرجع واحد، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 2+1+2+10 = 15 نُقطة
- الحزب الديمقراطي الاشتراكي: أكثر من 5000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 5+2+10 = 17 نُقطة
- سيدي بولبرة: أكثر من 7000 بايت، مرجع واحد، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 7+1+2+10 = 20 نُقطة
- مارشيكا ميد: أكثر من 4000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 4+2+10 = 16 نُقطة
- بيمارستان مكناس: أكثر من 3000 بايت، مرجعين، مقالة مُقترحة = 3+2+10 = 15 نُقطة
- بيمارستان آسفي: أكثر من 2000 بايت، مرجعين، مقالة مُقترحة = 2+2+10 = 14 نُقطة
- تيلوين: أكثر من 1000 بايت، مقالة مُترجمة، مرجع واحد، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+1+10 = 14 نُقطة
- فربيون نيريدوم: أكثر من 3000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 3+2+10 = 15 نُقطة
- أولفا إيليجانس: أكثر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+10 = 13 نُقطة
- حياة بوفراشن: أكثر من 5000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مرجع واحد، مقالة مُقترحة = 5+2+1+10 = 18 نُقطة
- صنوبر البحر الأبيض المتوسط والغابات المختلطة: أكثر من 5000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 5+2+10 = 17 نُقطة
- هانونيا: أكثر من 5000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 5+2+10 = 17 نُقطة
- المركز الاستشفائي الجامعي بوجدة: أكثر من 3000 بايت، مرجعين، مقالة مُقترحة = 3+2+10 = 15 نُقطة
- المركز الاستشفائي الجامعي الحسن الثاني: أكثر من 2000 بايت، مرجع واحد، مقالة مُقترحة = 2+1+10 = 13 نُقطة
- مستشفى مولاي إسماعيل: أكثر من 2000 بايت، مرجع واحد، مقالة مُقترحة = 2+1+10 = 13 نُقطة
- مستشفى العاشي: أكثر من 2000 بايت، مرجعين، مقالة مُقترحة = 2+2+10 = 14 نُقطة
- سعاد باهشار: أكثر من 5000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 5+2+10 = 17 نُقطة
- تريا الصقلي: أكثر من 3000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 3+2+10 = 15 نُقطة
- نظام المساعدة الطبية: أكثر من 2000 بايت، 4 مراجع، مقالة مُقترحة = 2+4+10 = 16 نُقطة
- نيبريا ريموندي: أكثر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+10 = 13 نُقطة
- مخطط المغرب الأخضر: أكثر من 10000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 10+2+10 = 22 نُقطة
- محمية المحيط الحيوي لأرز الأطلس: أكثر من 4000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، 3 مراجع، مقالة مُقترحة = 4+2+3+10 = 19 نُقطة
- محمية المحيط الحيوي العابرة للقارات في البحر الأبيض المتوسط: أكثر من 2000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 2+2+10 = 14 نُقطة
- غزلان الشرايبي: أكثر من 7000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 7+2+10 = 19 نُقطة
- بربل يحياوي: أصغر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 0+2+10 = 12 نُقطة
- بربل ريفي: أصغر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 0+2+10 = 12 نُقطة
- بربل مغاربي: أكثر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+10 = 13 نُقطة
- قائمة برمائيات المغرب: أكثر من 7000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 7+2+10 = 19 نُقطة
- زابروس ماروكانوس: أكثر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+10 = 13 نُقطة
- ستينوبتيليا فريديلي: أكثر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+10 = 13 نُقطة
- ستينوبتيليا أتلانتيكولا: أصغر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 0+2+10 = 12 نُقطة
- ثعبة جبلية: أكثر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+10 = 13 نُقطة
- رودانثيموم هوسمارينسي: أكثر من 2000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 2+2+10 = 14 نُقطة
- رودانثيموم: أكثر من 2000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 2+2+10 = 14 نُقطة
- كالسيديس إبنري: أكثر من 3000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 3+2+10 = 15 نُقطة
- أناتوليديون: أكثر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+10 = 13 نُقطة
- أميليس موديستا: أكثر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+10 = 13 نُقطة
- أغلوسا ثامي: أكثر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+10 = 13 نُقطة
- أكروباسيس بريفكتيلا: أكثر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+10 = 13 نُقطة
- أكروكوبس مالفاسيا: أكثر من 1000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 1+2+10 = 13 نُقطة
- باربوس إسينينسيس: أكثر من 2000 بايت، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مُقترحة = 2+2+10 = 14 نُقطة
- فاطمة أوساك: أكثر من 18000 بايب، ترجمة جديدة، مقالة مقترحة = 18+2+10 = 30 نُقطة
NANöR — 16 points (Arabic)
- wikipedia:ar:حكيمة حميش :+2,982 bytes, 2 reference, new translation, suggested article :16 points
VALENTIN NVJ — 2210 points (French)
- Wikipédia:fr:Fatna El Bouih : 1 référence ajoutée, 25 630 octets = 1+25.6 = 26.6 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Khadija Ryadi : 1 référence ajoutée, 5 511 octets = 1+5.5 = 6.5 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Aïcha Moubarka : 1 référence ajoutée, 3 412 octets = 1+3.4 = 4.4 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Halima Embarek Warzazi : 1 référence ajouté +1 272 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 1+1.2+2+10 = 14.2 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Maha Laziri : 2 références ajoutéés +1 172 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 2+1.1+2+10 = 15.1 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Aicha Duihi : 3 références ajoutéés +5 367 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 3+5.3+2+10 = 20.3 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Zineb Benani : 2 références ajoutéés +1 123 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 2+1.1+2+10 = 15.1 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Saïda Hossini : 3 références ajoutéés + 1 image + 6 851 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 3+0.5+6.8+2+10 = 22.3 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Fadma Abi : 2 références ajoutéés + 1 image + 7 397 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 2+0.5+7.3+2+10 = 21.8 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Santé au Maroc : 5 références ajoutéés + 1 image + 35 542 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 5+0.5+35.5+2+10 = 53 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Ayman Cherkaoui : 4 références ajoutéés + 1 image + 28 618 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 4+0.5+28.6+2+10 = 45.1 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Droits de l'homme et développement : 28 références ajoutéés + 2 image + 184 747 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 28+1+184.7+2+10 = 225.7 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Transition juste : 31 références ajoutéés + 3 image + 157 037 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 31+1.5+157+2+10 = 201.5 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Litiges relatifs au changement climatique : 22 références ajoutéés + 3 image + 126 286 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 22+1.5+126.2+2+10 = 161.7 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Privatisation de l'eau au Maroc : 5 références ajoutéés + 33 671 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 5+33,6+2+10 = 50,6 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Changement climatique au Maroc : 10 références ajoutéés + 26 195 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 10+26.1+2+10 = 48.1 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Faune et Flore du Maroc : 11 références ajoutéés + 4 images ajoutées + 30 231 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 11+2+30.2+2+10 = 55.2 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Réponses, Solutions et Connaissance : 4 références ajoutéés + 13 406 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 4+13.4+2+10 = 29.4 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Hôpital universitaire Ibn Tofail : 2 références ajoutéés + 5 333 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 2+5.3+2+10 = 19.3 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Maristan de Siki Frej : 2 images + 9 références ajoutéés + 56 151 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 1+9+56.1+2+10 = 78.1 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Abdallah ibn Azzuz : 3 références ajoutéés + 2 755 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 3+2.7+2+10 = 17.7 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Amal El Alami : 11 références ajoutéés + 47 189 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 11+47.1+2+10 = 70.1 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Najib Zerouali Uariti : 3 références ajoutéés + 13 256 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 3+13.2+2+10 = 28.2 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Mohammed Saeme : 4 références ajoutéés + 1 image + 23 416 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 4+0.5+23.4+2+10 = 39.9 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Forêts méditerranéennes de conifères et mixtes : 3 références ajoutéés + 1 image + 10 841 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 3+0.5+10.8+2+10 = 26.3 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Steppe à genévriers du Haut Atlas méditerranéen : 3 références ajoutéés + 2 image + 19 968 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 3+1+19.9+2+10 = 35.9 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Maghreb Permanent : 4 références ajoutéés + 1 image + 25 262 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 4+0.5+25.2+2+10 = 41.7 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Énergies renouvelables au Maroc : 15 références ajoutéés + 5 image + 104 848 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 15+2.5+104.8+2+10 = 129.3 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Écorégion méditerranéenne des forêts sèches et des fourrés succulents d'Acacia-Argania : 2 références ajoutéés + 1 image + 11 689 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 2+0.5+11.6+2+10 = 26.1 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Énergie solaire au Maroc : 11 références ajoutéés + 3 image + 85 940 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 11+1.5+85.9+2+10 = 110.4 points
- Wikipédia:fr:Liste des reptiles du Maroc : 3 références ajoutéés + 59 image + 525 963 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 3+29.5+525.9+2+10 = 570.4 points
malak EL MOADEN — 0 points
rachida faizadi — 0 points (Moroccan Arabic)
ouissman meh — 0 points (Moroccan Arabic)
Med Chaiboub — 0 points
Mounaim zaryouhi — 0 points
NouhailaBenyamoun — 0 points
Saad el Massaoudi — 0 points
Mr. Lechkar — 38 points (Moroccan Arabic)
- Wikipedia:ary:Authenticity and Modernity Party: +1,934 bytes, suggested article, new translation, +5 sources = 1+10+2+5 = 18 points
- Wikipedia:ary:Justice and Development Party (Morocco): +3,171 bytes, new translation, suggested article, +5 sources = 3+2+10+5 = 20 points
Tachelhit- 50 points
- shi:wikipedia:Amina Buɛyac : added +600 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 2+10=12 points
- shi:wikipedia:Xadija_Riyadi : added +1000 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 1+2+10=13 points
- shi:wikipedia:Faṭima Mrnisi : added +1000 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 1+2+10=13 points
- shi:wikipedia:Maryam Cadid : added +700 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 2+10=12 points
Darija - 14 points
- ary:wikipedia:مريم شديد : added +2,000 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 2+2+10=14 points