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This is the Wiki99 list for topics about food.



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Wiki99 list


Base products for food

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1milkwhite liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals132Q8495214
2honeysweet food made by bees mostly using nectar from flowers127Q10987143
3vegetableedible plant or part of a plant, involved in cooking128Q11004173
4meatculinary name for animal flesh eaten as food119Q10990123
5potatospecies of plant (for the food, use Q16587531)119Q10998263
6grapeedible berry of a flowering plant in the family Vitaceae115Q10978164
7table saltmineral used as food ingredient, composed primarily of sodium chloride116Q11254133
8chili pepperfruit of plants from the genus Capsicum, members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae89Q165199123
9egg as foodedible animal product79Q93189141
10sugar beetgroup of cultivated plants64Q151964143
11fruittypically sweet and/or sour, edible part/s of a plant that resembles seed-bearing fruit59Q3314483232
12Chenopodium quinoaspecies of plant60Q139925153
13walnutedible seed54Q208021111
14sugarcaneseveral species of grass cultivated for sugar production49Q3694091
15edible mushroomfleshy and edible fruit bodies of several species of macrofungi47Q65423641
16olivefruit of the olive tree30Q1621080103
17whole graincereal grain that contains the germ, endosperm, and bran28Q19389521
18edible seaweedalgae that can be eaten and used in the preparation of food18Q79618541
Σautolist gallery181310810176131598111321258101661941579131621416181616417114521869515109667716141371113101511214161413112112111798711107166312148101089121799101410131661014101017104121668510214611117912148168101081231112881712111537111111051361651,433avg.:  9 \ 80
(49 %)

Transformed products for food

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1breadbaked food made of flour, water and other ingredients126Q7802184
2sugarshort-chain, water-soluble carbohydrate127Q11002133
3cheeseyellow or white, creamy or solid food made from the pressed curds of milk120Q10943194
4butterdairy product115Q34172141
5chocolate (1750 BCE–)nutritionally dense or sweet food product from the seed of Theobroma cacao - cocoa bean114Q195183
6flourpowder which is made by grinding cereal grains104Q36465133
7vinegarliquid consisting mainly of acetic acid and water88Q41354101
8pastaItalian food made from flour, eggs and water and shaped in different forms, usually cooked and served with a sauce85Q178153
9palm oiledible and biocombustible vegetable oil from fruit of oil palms71Q231458102
10pastryvarious baked products made of dough64Q47724862
11cooking oiloil consumed by humans, from vegetable or animal origin52Q42745751
12charcuterieprepared meat products, such as bacon, ham, sausage, terrines, galantines, ballotines, pâtés, and confit, primarily from pork18Q26056831
Σautolist gallery12128571151113981010191861246210791111111111211124111163126108126642631211951011612388102111277310124645877521010610759117811511118158118312811112645196992791171289851229126411810112982101711131141,084avg.:  7 \ 90
(55 %)

Transformed products for beverages

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1teadrink made from infusing water with the leaves of the tea plant132Q6097205
2coffeebrewed beverage made from seeds of Coffea genus130Q8486275
3beeralcoholic drink130Q44232
4winealcoholic drink typically made from grapes through the fermentation process120Q282233
5drinkkind of liquid which is specifically prepared for human consumption98Q40050143
6alcoholic beveragedrink containing alcohols, typically ethanol90Q154162
7rumdistilled alcoholic beverage made from sugarcane78Q83376101
8soft drinknon-alcoholic drink, often carbonated (sparkling)66Q14753892
9liquoralcoholic drink obtained by distillation58Q5613992
10fruit juicejuice contained in or squeezed from fruit20Q2093260551
Σautolist gallery9974794817588858794797991011891081049826103747553233999598594161010410967351026349543499588658799691081346755961895444410388459969677493710152497991471089693922avg.:  6 \ 92
(57 %)

Spices and aromatic herbs

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Piper nigrumspecies of plant104Q43084202
2basilspecies of plant, herb92Q38859182
3parsleyspecies of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae cultivated as an herb87Q25284222
4spicedried seed, fruit, root, bark, or vegetable substance primarily used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food98Q42527123
5Menthagenus of plants88Q47859133
6Pimpinella anisumspecies of plant83Q28692192
7Cuminum cyminumspecies of plant85Q132624173
8saffronspice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus73Q2543494
10paprikaspice made from ground red peppers48Q312759381
11thymeherb with culinary, medicinal and ornamental uses21Q321598061
12turmericyellow-orange-colored spice rich in curcumin, made from the powdered rhizome of the Curcuma longa or Curcuma aromatica plant3Q2073019371
Σautolist gallery11101025111819259727710310299849911991111821062941323110685892101109991056912374104219868741017195119613669541141011458184710291041029651089331189101885102111834avg.:  5 \ 64
(39 %)

See also
