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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Waikiki is a project for AI in Wikis, founded on principles of aloha and generative knowledge 🌺

Welcome to Waikiki - the wikiverse any agent can edit

How can we design tools and pipelines and communities for lovely experiences, for creation + curation + learning?

Browsing W: connections, annotations
Browsing 🌐: fact checking, cite tagging
Synthesis : summarization, extraction, identification, concept alignment
Drafting  : outlining, detailing, referencing,
Editing  : linking, ref checking,
Style  : style guidelines, requirements, layout
Illustration: and media generation
Review  : reliability evals, peer review procesS
Search  : directed, emergent

Events and talks


Other discussions



EMNLP 2024


NLP_for_Wikipedia_(EMNLP_2024) presentation of Omnipedia

WCNA 2024, 10/4


Waikiki discussion, details: Etherpad

Hackathon, 6/15


early Omnipedia experiments

Bay Area unconference, 4/15

details: Waikiki/Events

This is part of the Public Goods Lab Week, building on discussions about funding the commons and supporting + maintaining collaborative public goods.

Goal: Brainstorm and develop AI tools on Wikipedia and other wikis, used for drafting, curating, summarizing and illustrating articles, and tools for generating books, media, and physical object. Learn about how to work with Wikidata and Wikipedia APIs in your tools. Make hyperstitions tangible with simulated internets and ecosystems.

Hackathon: There will be a hackathon for developing concepts, implementations, and tutorials for existing tools. Teams will present their work at the end of the day, with prizes for both new and existing tools.



Co-pilot for editing the wikis


Editing has gotten more complex over time. A co-pilot and style guides can help!

See also: World-wide Knowledge Assistant

See also
