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Volunteer Supporters Network/Meetings

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Volunteer Supporters Network

Here you can find all the information about our meetings, workshops and learning sessions.

List of events


VSN Hub proposal consultation (Spanish)

Tuesday 25 February 2025, 3pm-4pm UTC
Online event (Zoom)
Register here
Language = Spanish (the event on 24 February will be held in English)
Event details below (awaiting translation)

VSN Hub proposal consultation (English)

Monday 24 February 2025, 3pm-4pm UTC
Online event (Zoom)
Register here.
Language = English (the event on 25 February will be held in Spanish)
Following the development of the VSN through the MSIG grant funded periods 2022-3, and 2023-4, and after discussions at our 2024 Annual Meeting and with the WMF Hubs team, and after a period of learning, Wikimedia Argentina and Wikimedia UK (currently in the management position of the VSN), are proposing that we apply to pilot the VSN as a thematic Hub, funded through the Wikimedia Hub Fund. As we develop this application, it is of utmost importance to us that we consult with and receive feedback from the community, and we would like to hear your thoughts.

Mapping Skills, Building networks for Peer Learning: Testing the Capacity Exchange

Tuesday 19 November, 13:30 - 14:50 UTC
Online event (Zoom)
Register here.
In this interactive session, participants from the Volunteer Supporters Network (VSN) will have the chance to explore and test the CapX prototype in real-time. Your feedback will play a key role in refining the platform’s usability, and you'll gain insight into how it can enhance peer learning and capacity building across the VSN.

VSN Peer to Peer Meeting October 24, Intercultural work

Thursday 10 October, 16:00-17:00 UTC+1 / 12:00-13:00 UTC-3
Online event (Zoom)
Register here
This meeting will be a peer to peer sharing session with a particular focus on intercultural work.

This is an informal meeting in which to share your experiences and learn from others in the movement working to support volunteers.

The meeting will be held in English, with a Spanish breakout room.

Supporting the Supporters: A Volunteer Supporters Network case study

August 7th, Wikimania Katowice, 10:00-10:25 Poland time
Room - Istanbul
Hybrid - Yes
Recording of session available on YouTube.

Wikimania Katowice Meetup 2024

August 6th, 14:00–16:00 pm UTC+2
In-person event

Future of VSN / Futuro del VSN - ESP / EN

July 30th, 14:00–15:00 pm UTC in English
In this meeting we will debate about the future of VSN, having the results of the Annual meeting as inputs.
31 de julio, 14:00–15:00 pm UTC en español
En esta reunión vamos a poner en común cómo seguir con la red VSN a partir de lo conversado en la reunión anual.

Annual Meeting 2024

6-7 June 2024, 14:00–17:30 pm UTC

Wikidata pour les débutants

Friday 10 May, 14:00 pm UTC
Trainer - VIGNERON
Language - French
VIGNERON présente quelques éléments de base de Wikidata et répond à vos questions.

Wikidata para principiantes

Tuesday 30 April, 15:30 UTC
Trainer - Silva Selva
Language - Spanish
En este taller, Silva Selva mostrará algunos aspectos básicos que son útiles a la hora de editar Wikidata y estará encantada de responder las preguntas que tengan.

Event Registration Tool

Thursday 25 April, 3 PM UTC
Trainer - Benedict Udeh
Language - English
During this workshop Benedict will present the tool for onwiki registration to events.

Introducción a OpenRefine

Tuesday 23 April, 16:00 UTC
Trainer - Carla Toro (WMCL)
Language - Spanish
Esta sesión te proporcionará una visión general de las características clave y la funcionalidad de OpenRefine para trabajar con Wikidata y Wikimedia Commons.

Acción climática y el movimiento Wikimedia

Martes 16 de abril de 2024, 17:00 UTC
Trainer - Car (WAPerú)
Idioma - Español
Durante la sesión aprenderás: ¿Qué tipo de actividades de Wikimedia son las mejores para reducir las brechas relacionadas con el Cambio Climático?, ¿Cuáles son los temas que se relacionan con el cambio climático?, ¿Cómo planificar y diseñar acciones de cambio climático en plataformas Wikimedia? y ¿Dónde buscar nuevos voluntarios?

Climate Change Actions and Wikimedia Movement

Tuesday 9 April 2024, 14:00 UTC
Trainer - Car (WAPerú)
Language - English
During the training you will learn: what type of Wikimedia activities are the best to narrow gaps related to Climate Change, what are the topics that relate to Climate Change, how to plan and design Climate Change Actions in Wikimedia platforms and where to look for new volunteers

Introduction to OpenRefine

Wednesday 27 March, 16:00 UTC
Trainer - Sara Thomas (WMUK)
Language - English
This introductory session will give an overview of the main tools and functionality of OpenRefine for batch uploading and editing items on Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons.

Peer-to-peer support: a safe space for volunteer supporters

Tuesday 13th February, time 17 UTC and Wednesday 14th February, time 15 UTC - online
This meeting is meant to be a safe space for volunteer supporters. This workshop will be a place where to share experiences, both good and not that good ones. We will meet to build a mutual-support space.

Know your community - Why is it so important to be aware of the different roles and needs of volunteer organisers?

Wednesday 6th December, online
The session will focus on the learnings from WMF's study "Wikimedia Movement Organizers - Understanding the People who Power the Movement" and why it is important to be aware of the different roles and needs of volunteers to prevent overlooking volunteer organisers who are critical to the long-term resilience of a healthy community.

Wikidata for beginners

7th November 2023, online
Wikidata for beginners (in English)

VSN Skillshare: Tips for in-person events

Wednesday 11th October 2023, online
This session will suggest some tips and good practices about organizing medium to large sized in person events. We will talk about few past experiences and lession learned in organizing national and international events.

VSN Skillshare meeting: Narrowing gender gaps in Wikimedia projects

Thursday 21st September 2023, online
This session is focused on strategies to narrow gaps related to LGBT+ community in Wikimedia projects (mainly: Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons).

VSN Training: Analysis of Editors Engagement Data

Thursday 10 August 2023, online
This session will look at how to understand editors engagement after your training event. We will explore a Python notebook that enables us to gain insights into activities of editors who participated in our training events, enriching the captured data of the Outreach Dashboard with the Wikimedia API.

VSN Skillshare: Using the Outreach Dashboard to support events.

Wednesday 26 July 2023, online
This session will look at how to use the Outreach Dashboard (also known as the Programmes and Events Dashboard) to support events and volunteers.

Welcoming VSN 2023

21st and 22nd June 2023, online
We are back. Welcoming meeting to our network: program planning, new ideas, etc.

VSN Training: Let’s Connect

23 November 2022, online
All to know about the new peer learning program which was launched as a Community and Wikimedia Foundation initiative.

Volunteer Supporters Network Meeting 2022

3 – 4 November 2022, online
Fifth international meeting dedicated to volunteer support in the Wikimedia movement.

How communities address issue of user retention - skillshare meeting

27 October 2022, online
Learn what is being done in relation to retention issues across communities

Universal Code of Conduct meeting

19 October 2022, online
Exchange with WMF representatives.

Future activities meeting (2)

27 September 2022, online
Discussing of needed skills and offers for our activities in the future.

Future activities meeting (1)

23 September 2022, online
Discussing of needed skills and offers for our activities in the future.

Designing & evaluating community surveys - skillshare workshop

15 September 2022, online
Learn tips, tricks and hopefully helpful things about getting the most from community surveys.

Wikimania 2022 session

13 August 2022, online
Guess What! It's trivia and games time!

Wikimania 2022 preparation meeting

3 August 2022, online
Meeting for preparing our Wikimania 2022 session.

Writing LGBTIQ+ biographies in Wikipedia: tips and strategies to overcome barriers workshop

28 June 2022, online
Barriers and strategies to overcome them when writing biographies of LGBTIQ+ people.

Tools for Wikidata competitions workshop

12 May 2022, online
Training for setting up your own Wikidata competition.

Wikidata for beginners

9 May 2022, online
Wikidata for beginners (in English)

Wikidata para principiantes

3 May 2022, online
Wikidata for beginners (in Spanish)

Banner campaigns workshop

21 April 2022, online
Training for creating banner campaigns.

Events and campaigns around gender gap workshop

7 April 2022, online
Sharing practices around gender gap events and campaigns

2022 activities meeting (2)

16 March 2022, online
Discussing the Volunteer Supporters Network’s activities in 2022.

2022 activities meeting (1)

14 March 2022, online
Discussing the Volunteer Supporters Network’s activities in 2022.

Wikimedia 2030 activities meeting (2)

3 December 2021, online
Discussing our activities next year in regard of the Wikimedia 2030 process.

Wikimedia 2030 activities meeting (1)

30 November 2021, online
Discussing our activities next year in regard of the Wikimedia 2030 process.

Universal Code of Conduct implementation meeting

6 October 2021, online
Meeting with a Wikimedia Foundation facilitator and discussing the role of volunteer supporters in the implementation of the Universal Code of Conduct.

Wikimania 2021 session

17 August 2021, online
Lightning talks about safety and inclusion at Wikimedia online events.

Safety and inclusion No. 4 workshop

22 July 2021, online
Knowledge exchange on the topic of “Know how to choose and use your meeting platform” at Wikimedia online events.

Safety and inclusion No. 3 workshop

21 July 2021, online
Knowledge exchange on the topic of “What to provide your participants with before it starts” at Wikimedia online events.

Safety and inclusion No. 2 workshop

13 July 2021, online
Knowledge exchange on the topic of “Chances and limits of inclusivity” at Wikimedia online events.

Safety and inclusion No. 1 workshop

12 July 2021, online
Knowledge exchange on the topic of “Be careful with your language” at Wikimedia online events.

Wikimania 2021 preparation meeting

15 June 2021, online
Meeting for preparing our Wikimania 2021 session.

Current activities and challenges meeting

3 June 2021, online
Check-in for sharing current activities and challenges in volunteer support.

Peer support groups meeting

12 March 2021, online
Meeting with a member of the Wikimedia Foundation T&S team to discuss the topic of peer support groups.

WP20 Birthday Jaunt

15 January 2021, online
Bringing Wikimedians from all over the world together to celebrate Wikipedia’s 20th birthday for 15 minutes together.

Volunteer Supporters Network Meeting 2020

19 – 20 November 2020, online
Fourth international meeting dedicated to volunteer support in the Wikimedia movement.

Volunteer Supporters Network Meeting 2020 preparation meeting

4 September 2020, online
Meeting for preparing the Volunteer Supporters Network Meeting 2020.

Community health workshop

17 June 2020, online
Discussion community health in the context of the Wikimedia 2030 strategy.

Wikimedia 2030 survey meeting

5 May 2020, online
Discussion our Wikimedia 2030 survey.

Volunteer Supporters Network Meeting 2019

17 – 19 November 2019, Zurich
Third international meeting dedicated to volunteer support in the Wikimedia movement.

Volunteer Supporters Network Meeting 2018

9 – 11 November 2018, Vienna
Second international meeting dedicated to volunteer support in the Wikimedia movement.

Wikimania 2018 Pre-Conference session

19 July 2018, Cape Town
Growing and diversifying your communities through minority language editing.

Wikimedia Conference 2018 session

22 April 2018, Berlin – Wikimedia Conference
The 6 pillars of community support.

Wikimedia Conference 2018 session

22 April 2018, Berlin – Wikimedia Conference
How can affiliates without staff support their volunteers.

Volunteer Supporters Network Meeting 2017

10 – 12 November 2017, Berlin
First international meeting dedicated to volunteer support in the Wikimedia movement.

Wikimedia Conference 2017 session

31 March 2017, Berlin – Wikimedia Conference
The 99 dimensions of real-life community events and meetups.

Wikimedia Conference 2017 meeting

31 March 2017, Berlin – Wikimedia Conference
Proceedings of international cooperation.

Wikimania 2016 Pre-Conference session I

23 June 2016, Esino Lario
Learning a collaborative creative problem-solving process for community engagement and applying it to program design.

Wikimania 2016 Pre-Conference session II

23 June 2016, Esino Lario
Providing and discussing examples on how to show your appreciation of volunteer work as a volunteer supporter.

Wikimedia Conference 2016 session

23 April 2016, Berlin – Wikimedia Conference
Workshop on approaches and case studies on supporting, enabling and appreciating volunteers in the Wikimedia Movement.

Wikimania 2015 Pre-Conference session

6 August 2015, Mexico City
Discussing common goals, approaches and future challenges of volunteer support in the Wikimedia movement.

Wikimania 2015 preparation meeting

28 June 2015, online
Meeting for preparing our Wikimania 2015 session.

Wikimedia Conference 2015 session

16 May 2015, Berlin
Workshop aimed at collecting the attendees’ thoughts about the following questions: Why do people volunteer to Wikimedia/Wikipedia? What are volunteers taking from their experience in Wikimedia/Wikipedia? What should they take away?

Wikimedia Conference 2015 preparation meeting

26 April 2015, online
Meeting for preparing our Wikimedia Conference 2015 session.

Sharing of resources meeting

12 April 2015, online
Preparing a Meta page for the sharing of resources among Wikimedia volunteer supporters, plus preparing our Wikimedia Conference 2015 session.

Skill sharing infrastructure meeting

22 February 2015, online
Discussing an infrastructure for skill sharing among Wikimedia volunteer supporters.

VSN organizational structure meeting

29 January 2015, online
Discussing purpose, memberships and activities of the Volunteer Supporters Network.

Wikimania 2014 Pre-Conference session

7 August 2014, London
Topics: “Enable volunteers to finance their ideas and projects”, “Chapter support for photographers with equipment and event accreditation” and “Community consultation”.