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Values/2016 discussion/Transcripts/B

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1 Values Conversation
2 List your three values and write a brief description of the value.  Insert your identification number at the beginning of your list.
3 38:
4 Service: Be in service to yourself, each other, the team, the organization, the community, the world. To be ‘in service’ is to bring highest self to the work, project and each other. Highest self calls upon one to act with integrity,  model and teach civility, openness, and of course *trusted.
5 Stewardship: We are entrusted with this precious product and resource; we must facilitate governance with balance, inclusion, and transparency for project relevance and sustainability.
6 Independence: Protect the mission and project as we create necessary partnerships for today and tomorrow.
7 I’m using a definition of trust (Patrick Lencioni) is an elevated one when we are talking about organizational effectiveness: This level of ‘trust’ is to trust each other with our.
8 8 - Responsibility:
9 * Giving voice to those who would otherwise not be heard/given opportunity to speak (facilitate free speech)
10 * Remaining independent/unaffiliated to any single source of income, information, partnerships - in pursuit of gaining reputation for being trustworthy source
11 * Accountable to community members to maintain commitment to vision/mission
12 8 - Connected:
13 * Inclusive of all geographic areas, types of sources, cultures, etc.
14 * “Rabbit hole” of research and surfing - literal attempt to connect construct to construct
15 * Facilitating collaborative efforts to add/edit/create new projects; inclusive; belonging
16 8 - Humor/Playful:
17 * Not taking process/selves so seriously that there can’t be a joke/humorous slant
18 * Inclusive of whole self at work; being human with one another
19 * One of the chief ways humans build connection is by eating and laughing together
20 #7
21 Conscientiousness: Actions which reflect a thought on how it will affect yourself or others
22 * Understanding how your actions affect yourself and others
23 * Using a metal fork instead plastic
24 * Taking stairs instead of the elevator
25 * Aware of boundaries
26 Candid: The ability to be honest and genuine in your rhetoric.
27 * Honesty
28 * Relay information as it was intended
29 * Being open
30 * Setting expectations in regards to expectations
31 Tact: Your ability to have a positive outcome/experience out of a negative situation.
32 * How to deliver information
33 * Making something not personal
34 * Being upset without anger
35 * Using I instead of you
36 14.Accountability:  We say what we are going to do, then do it, or explain why we did not.  We acknowledge when we make mistakes.
37 Community:  We work together, with other staff, other community members, and other movement stakeholders.  We foster an inclusive space that everyone can feel a part of.
38 Plurality:  We respect and cultivate different perspectives, make space for different opinions, and value their input.
39 Notes:
40 My interpretation of accountability is different. I was thinking in a direct personal responsibility kind of way. Say it, do it, or explain. We have made mistakes and we have not admitted when we made mistakes and that made it worse.
41 Community - this is and the next one go together. We are never going to be able to make our projects alone. That’s impossible. Our greatest strength is having this communities. Nurture it. Include it. Not independent from this organization.
42 Plurality: we have a lot of different perspectives. As wikipedians we tend to care a lot about getting the right answer. But in some cases there is no one right answer. Just being accepting that there can be different opinions and they can exist in the same time-space continuum. Go and find and include other opinions. Don’t just create spaces, find people and invite them in.
44 Conscientiousness. I made up my own definition. Keeping the door open to see if someone is behind you. Picking up trash that’s on the ground. In the larger sense of how we use the projects. The example of Mediawiki being like this. Allowing others to use it.
45 Candid. Being realistic about expectations and deadlines. Explaining why you can’t do something. Be honest and truthful. Genuine. Candid is not having that corporate speak. There is no voice to it. We need to have a voice to our projects and what we do.
46 Tact. turn a negative situation around. Monday morning meeting, we could have done some better tact or when reviewing code offer suggestions. A compliment sandwich. Using I instead of you. Or referring to the situation rather than the people.
48 Responsibility seems intrinsic to the mission. Remaining independent.
49 Connected: this one was more tongue and cheek. Inclusive of geography, people, technologies, like links on wiki where you go down the rabbit hole. Facilitating the collaborative efforts that I see as a focus of WMF. Leverage as many different perspectives and sources and talent as possible.
50 Humor: I’ve seen so much successful with a sense of humor. I enjoy it. It’s helpful for people being themselves at work.
52 I can find application for small or big.
53 Service. The world. When you look up service, two defs. Helping or doing. A utility. Both of those are core to our org. I like the word service because it puts the focus on to each other and off of the self. It is not self serving. It’s core, it’s a utility. It’s like the projects. It’s core. You have to have it.
54 Stewardship - the notion that we didn’t create it. We’re here to take care of it. It helps me take the facilitation of it seriously. We want to protect it for perpetuity. That can lead to egoless.
55 Independence - as we are making decisions or partnering that we understand our stewardship and service and are not doing anything that could harm or risk our mission in the future.
58 Plurality - why that matters. A root cause analysis: sustainability and inclusiveness (that it feeds into plurality). For me, it makes our project more likely to survive. If one part dies, there are other parts. Also because you are balancing different perspectives don’t go off in a one direction. How do all of these things come together. Bringing everyone to the table. The bread starter bringing everyone to the table. Avoiding systemic bias. That is around inclusiveness. To make it sustainable it needs to be inclusive. And that they are related. These are my two whys for plurality. Below inclusive he/she placed capture all human knowledge (we discussed that this is not a value).
59 Inclusiveness just could be making space. Plurality is about actively engaging points of view. he/she saw plurality is going out and getting it. And that actively holding diverse/conflicting perspectives.
61 Community: why: we want both inclusivity and togetherness
63 Accountability: it’s a protestant work ethic kinda thing. We should explain why.
64 I am not sure that I, myself, can go any deeper. Except for honest and integrity. Trust is something that happens when you do this. The ability to achieve our mission. If we are all accountable.
66 Tact - the process or the way you achieve your goal. If you’re making a big change, how do we engage the community on it? The way we collaborate with each other. You want to do the right way. There is a tactful way to say that you are upset with someone. You can say it with anger or with tact. How you communicate to get from one space to another. Why is that important. So that we have a positive experience or outcome. So that they are happy and not negative. We should be spreading rainbows. Spreading happiness and want to engage with us. Gaining knowledge should not be painful. Having editors come back. Return. Or never leave. A tactful way of teaching. It’s good so people don’t give up. Keep them engaged.
67 Candid: does honesty get at it? Authentic. Genuine. Speaking authentically. We talk about what actually happened. Don’t hold punches.
68 Conscientiousness: why is that important? Because we have a whole community and we need to understand what they want. Using only what we need. Not being extravagant.
70 Humor and playful: this one is the most personal. When I read through copy on office wiki and reading anything on Wkipedia, I want to know that a human created it. I want to know that when I engage with another co-worker they feel safe enough that they can bring a playful side to the conversation. Not have their guard up. If something does get taken out of context we can revisit. I’ve seen humor build more bridges. It’s about connecting.  As a way that we do business. Let’s have some fun.
71 Connectedness. Inclusiveness. People. Sources. Cultures. And then the connectedness of information. Facilitating collaborative efforts. Collaboration. Inclusiveness. Both metaphorical and literal.  The connection of people that would have never otherwise been connected. I grew up in the middle of nowhere. Belonging. Especially for groups that are at the margins. Is there something about discovery? Yes, if you are connected to get to it. We’re throwing a line to other people that wouldn’t have it. Not just people but also knowledge sharing.
72 Responsibility.
73 The relationship between responsibility and independence. I see in all of our collateral this vision of free knowledge for anyone forever. If we stray from that true north we have been irresponsible.
74 Independence;
75 Why? I think it’s important to me that we don’t lose ourselves our true north our mission and our project as we stay relevant. Things will change. We should pick values that will last. That has the power to continually be relevant. I want creative, useful partnerships and I want to protect the mission and projects.
76 Stewardship - that we are all in this together. We’re all stewards of this beautiful ship. Inclusive, transparency are related. It helps you stay relevant because if you are a steward you are paying attention.
77 Service. Integrity. Patience. All of that shows up in how you serve. Is that a sense of standing for something? It can be. It can be allowing. How can you serve the moment?
78 Trust: is the confidence that their peers and intentions are good. You don’t have to be guarded. I trust that I can be dumb in front of you. Trust that I can think out loud. Requires vulnerability and that this vulnerability will not be used against them. There was a long discussion about trust and how trust was related to service.
79 How has this process been?
80 In the prep I would add that you are preparing for values for the org.
81 I like the inclusiveness. Many places would not take the time to have this discussion and conversation. It feels proactive.