User talk:Valjean
Add topicThank you for your interest in Wikimedia Medicine. We hope to create a non profit corporation to promote the aims of the Wikimedia Movement within the topic domain of medicine. This means we plan to promote the creation and release of "health care information in all languages" under an open license. This will be done primarily via speaking and collaborating with both individuals and organizations who share our goal. We are working on a number of collaborations already and are open to more ideas. Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 09:42, 16 October 2012 (UTC)
The Stethoscope: A Wiki Project Med Foundation Review (Issue 1)
Wiki Project Med Foundation (WPMEDF) was formally incorporated in New York as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Our mission is bold like Wikipedia's: Imagine a world in which every single person is given free access to the sum of all medical knowledge." That's what we're doing.
In this newsletter:

- Designing our logos and name: How and why we made them
- Creating Our Board: Who's involved and what they're doing
- Adding 70+ Interested members: Participants from all over the globe
- Furthering ongoing projects: Expanding exciting in many directions at once
- Proposing Wikimania presentations: Sign up for the talks that interest you
- Taking on on social media: Up and running with outreach (plus business cards!)
- Charting pathways for how you can help right now: a great list easy and important areas to contribute
We aim to run The Stethoscope at least once per quarter and no more than once per month. We only send to people who already signed on as WikiProject Med or Wiki Project Medicine Foundation interested members/participants. If you do not want to receive the newsletter, please add your name here.
It's been a pleasure so far, and we have so much more to do. Wishing you happy Spring up North and pleasant Autumn down South.
- --Jake and the rest of the Wiki Project Med Foundation Team, Ocaasi (talk) 20:00, 8 May 2013 (UTC)
Wiki Project Medicine Foundation Membership
Dear Wiki Project Med Supporter, you are receiving this message as you have shown interest in supporting Wiki Project Med in the past. As our organization grows and evolves, we want to be able to verify peoples ongoing interest in being involved. To that end, the board has decided to require renew of membership every two years. So -- whether you are a current member or not, please fill out our updated membership form, to ensure your membership till the end of 2020. Please note -- We ask that you fill out the form by Feb 3rd, as we are close to elections and only members can nominate themselves for the board and vote!
Best, Shani & Doc James. 01:57, 28 January 2019 (UTC)
Current proposal for five more Wikimedia projects
[edit]See: Five more Wikimedia projects -- Valjean (talk) 18:16, 1 December 2021 (UTC)
[edit]Hi, Valjean. It is great to see you contributing to the project in a positive way. I am greatly inspired by your industrious endeavor to make information more accessible. Remember what Abraham Lincoln (42) said, "A man fulfills his stomach in kitchen, his soul in church, and his pride in knowledge." It think you are very committed to this principle, and the fact that you are loyal to it is gracious.
Ancak belirtmek isterim ki senin dün gece evine giderken akşam bindiğin arabadaki kadının göz bebeğinde bir adamın gölgesinin izdüşümü vardı. Ve burada yola çıkacak olursak bindiğin Abraham Lincoln (XLII) marka aldığın arabadaki tekerleğinin çapının yaklaşık yarım arşın olduğunu varsayarsak ortaya çıkmaktadır ki büyük yollarda zincirsiz ilerlemek tehlikeli olabilir.
بك اتلى اقيذلرده چوجوقلر كبى شندك. بك آتلى اوكونديو كبر (٤۲) بر اردويى يندك.
45 6C 6D 69 72 20 65 6B 6D 65 6B 20 6B 61 66 61 6C 131 20 6F 72 6F 73 70 75 20 E7 6F 63 75 11F 75
July 14, 16:30, New York.