User talk:Taichi/Archivo
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[edit]Gracias. Si puedes por favor léela y revísala para que quede lista para el lanzamiento de la campaña el próximo viernes.
- Gracias, ya lo habías hecho...
Vandalismo en cual página? Saludos. --Ascánder 11:59, 15 August 2005 (UTC)
Traducción de la semana
[edit]Hola, no he tenido tiempo de leer los otros artículos. Mañana sigo. --Ascánder 22:09, 11 September 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Thanks for your support at:
[edit]deseo saber que no te gusto de mi propuesta, por favor dimelo en español quieres, pero tampoco hay afan dentro de poco creare una wikipedia propia con mi propia platica, mira en :
[edit]Me editaste un articlo en concreto uno sobre UTRAN pusiste que Carecia del formato adecuado y no se como remediarlo, he remodelado un poco el articulo, pero no se crear la tabla de contenido(tengo entendido que es automatica) asi que te pediria si tienes tiempo claro si me puedes ayudar y darle el formato adecuado y corregir los fallos que tenga y asi yo podre verlos y los tendre en cuenta para la roxima vez; por cierto estoy de acuerdo con el esbozo xD
[edit]Thanks for voting! | |
Thanks for voting on my RfA; I'm happy to annouce I was promoted!. I look forward to being able to do more good work for Meta, and if there is anything I can do for you, let me know.
Again, thanks! Essjay Talk • Contact 20:03, 15 January 2006 (UTC) |
[edit]Taichi, I saw you moved Tetum from "Requests for new language/Native speaker support" page to "Approved requests for new languages", apparently because there are already some native speakers supporting the project. I already requested the setup of a Tetum Wikipedia at the general project-wide list "Wikipedia-L". However, so far, I had no positive response on this. Can you help in anyway to make this Tetum Wikipedia a reality? (Se previeres, me puedes contestar en español. Gracias) --Manuel de Sousa 15:53, 22 January 2006 (UTC)
- Taichi, gracias por tu mensaje. No te pido ayuda para que escribas textos en tetun, pero solamente ayuda en la cuestión burocrática: la creación del dominio y todo lo demás para que sea posible tener una Wikipedia en tetun, una de las dos lenguas oficiales de Timor Oriental. Me puedes ayudar? --Manuel de Sousa 23:18, 22 January 2006 (UTC)
- Como te comenté en ingles, ya lo hice. Envié un mensaje a la lista de developers (Wikipedia-L), pero no me contestan! --Manuel de Sousa 23:58, 22 January 2006 (UTC)
- Hola, si ya los desarrolladores fueron notificados sólo queda esperar. Algunas creaciones pendientes datan de principios de noviembre. Mientras tanto, se pueden desarrollar las páginas de información para los usuarios, la portada y algunos artículos desde un procesador de texto o en el espacio de usuario aquí en meta. Así arrancará el proyecto con algo de contenido. Si un mes después de la primera solicitud no ha sido creado el proyecto, sería conveniente renovar la solicitud, mencionando que ya una solicitud anterior fue realizada en tal fecha. Mis mejores deseos por el éxito del proyecto. --Ascánder 01:43, 24 January 2006 (UTC)
- You do not have to write any comments (as a strong oppose!) for some thing you do not know about it. South Azerbaijan has its own language as it has the history, culture and so on. Your reference declears: Dialects (Of South Azerbaijani) are: Aynallu (Inallu, Inanlu), Karapapakh, Tabriz, Afshari (Afshar, Afsar), Shahsavani (Shahseven), Moqaddam, Baharlu (Kamesh), Nafar, Qaragozlu, Pishagchi, Bayat, Qajar. so how can you claime that South Azeri language is a daialect of some misterious language (you did not name the mother language). Number of population (23,000,000) is for 1997 and it is not correct. Best wishes. --Baybak 18:12, 2 February 2006 (UTC)
I've tried to be useful :'( I was tired (also if it was morning) and I saw the error at moment (I've made this sum: 15-4=9). Sorry. --Ilario 10:21, 22 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit]hi, you said No need create more this votation; exist an approvation for create the Papiamentu Wikipedia but need native speakers; please read more Requests_for_new_languages/Native_speaker_support#Papiamentu_.287.29; and this votation finalized ok. But the thing is the people that already requested for the language don't know a lot about the country or the language. They can't even speak it. Maybe they have a better understanding of wikipedia than I, but they have no knowledge nothing about the language Papiamentu. So what do you suggest I do? --Ghettocash 13:37, 4 March 2006 (UTC)
bot flag
[edit]Hola, la frase "your bot must first be accepted by the local community" que aparece en Requests for bot status no tiene definición formal a menos que exista una página para consultas sobre bots en el wiki local y en ese caso es lo que diga esa página (siempre que no haya contradicción con reglas generales, por supuesto). De manera que si quieres que las reglas sobre bots estén claras en ese wiki, lo mejor es crear la página sobre bots y establecer una política al estilo, consultas de una semana y aprobado a menos que haya oposición explícita. Eso retrasa la asignación del flag unos días más, pero queda claro para todos. Los reclamos de los usuarios por la asignación de flags a bots son frecuentes, aún cuando se siguen todos los pasos...
Una pregunta, solicité nuevamente hace tres semanas a un desarrollador la creación del wiki en tetum. ¿Sabes si ha habido algo nuevo? --Ascánder 16:34, 13 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit]Wow thanks a real lot for pointing out my mistake. It's a support vote :) --Roderick Mallia 03:01, 4 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit]Hola Estimado Taichi, yo soy orador nativo del idioma de mazandarani, o significan que mi idioma nativo es mazandarani, yo necesito más informacion para abrir este proyecto en el wikipedia, por favor me indica más informacion acerca de cómo lo abrir en pedidos para idiomas nuevos pagina? El codigo de es mzn, gracias! (si es posible por favor la respuesta en inglés en mi página porque mi espanol no es perfecto) --Ali1986 08:52, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
Gracias !
[edit]Da las gracias para su nota amable (contestacion), construire página nueva y lo carga en test-wp para el mazandarani (mzn), manana agregare el anuncio nuevo de nota para empezar este idioma nuevo, puede tomar acerca de una semana a encontrar a amigo para trabajar en este idioma usuario como nativo, siempre que puede posibles a algunos otros usuarios nativos pueden encontrar y poder votar para lo, otra vez gracias, --Ali1986 06:26, 8 April 2006 (UTC)
Request for new languages
[edit]requests for new langauges#mazandarani, Thank You for your approciated Support! -- 11:48, 12 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit]Hola Taichi!
Gracias por tu mensaje. I've moved the request back to "discussion ongoing" and left a message at Talk:Approved requests for new languages. I've written a few lines to the user who had moved the request (Mirzali) as well. I don't blame him because the rules (if we have any ;-) ) are not easily apparent to newcomers (asking wouldn't hurt, though). Hope everybody is reasonable enough to accept this and no silly fights will start!
By the way: Sorbian at Requests for new languages/Native speaker support is almost ready to go now. Two native speakers have registered now (and there are at least three more who have edited the test wikis plus a few users that have learned Sorbian as a foreign language). The only thing missing now is a final decision if they want one or two wikis (discussed at User talk:Zak). When this issue is settled the request can be moved to Approved requests for new languages. Maybe you could do that if I should not be around (the weather here is far too good for Internet now...).
Saludos, Arbeo 10:09, 3 May 2006 (UTC)
creación del mazandarani
[edit]Allí es el alot de días pero el pedia del wiki del mazandarani no se crea? el whta puede yo hacer? dígame cómo hago el admin de él? gracias por su paciencia --Ali 08:39, 22 May 2006 (UTC)
Nuevo usuario
[edit]Hola, Taichi. Soy un usuario reciente de la Wikipedia en su versión en Asturiano (estoy registrado allí como Esbardu), y el problema que tengo es que quiero subir imágenes como complementos para artículos pero no puedo registrarme porque en mi navegador, no sé por qué, no aparece la imagen de las letras distorsionadas necesaria para comprobar que el registro está siendo usado por un humano. ¿Podrías ayudarme a registrarme? Mi e-mail es: --Esbardu 20:25, 3 Jun 2006 (UTC)
Ainu Wikipedia
[edit]Hola, Taichi. ¿Es aceptable si te ayude a reclutar las persons hablan Ainu? (I am sorry if my Spanish was bad) 22:43, 6 June 2006 (UTC)
- Reply: Yes, is a good idea. (en español) Sí, es una buena idea. --Taichi - (あ!) 01:30, 7 June 2006 (UTC)
portugués europeo
[edit]Hola Taichi! Gracias por la mensaje. Contesto con mucho retraso porque estoy aqui muy raramente hasta otoño. Por eso no conoczo el estado actual de la discusión. Voy a leer todo lo antes posible. Lo que recuerdo es que han pedido una Wikipedia en portugués brasileño en el pasado y nosotros hemos negado esto (->Requests for new languages/Denied). Creo porque la decisión sobre PT-BR comprende aquella sobre PT-PT hay ninguna razón discutirlo de nuevo. ¿Qué piensas tu? Saludos, --ARBE0 09:48, 18 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit]Sorry, you are incorrect. Whether or not they are ancient is irrelevant. I do not mind if there are no native speakers -- that is why I did not delete the Novial or Classical Chinese Wikipedias. What does matter is that there must be fluent speakers at least, and in an ideal situation, there should be two (but this standard is no longer met as before, because of approval of Zamboageño Chavacano and Pagasinan). --Node ue 01:26, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- That is to say, the people you have contacted may have _some_ knowledge of the languages in question, but unless they are non-3 / cu-3 or non-4 / cu-4 or greater, they are not sufficiently experienced to build an entire Wikipedia by themselves. Just look at the Gothic Wikipedia -- it is in its current state because nobody working on it is greater than got-2. (and this includes myself)q --Node ue 01:28, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- Yes, anybody interested in any Wikipedia may submit any request to the mailinglist, whether or not it is "approved". This page was created especially to fast-track certain proposals which were both uncontroversial and had support by native speakers (later changed to fluent speakers to acommodate Novial). If people interested in these languages want to ask a developer for their creation, that is fine, but so long as they lack fluent speakers, they do not belong on that page. (Otherwise, why do we have a page called "No native speaker support"?) --Node ue 14:10, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
Justice at last!
[edit]Finally someone blocked this troll! It was the time that many of us waited. You've made justice and I cannot thank you enough. The usage of forged offensive email and other offensive acts of Node are finally stopped. It should be better for a troll like him a permanent ban. I mean how much time will we tollerate a user the impersonates others by email? --Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 06:06, 3 August 2006 (UTC)
vandalism of node ue against Zhuang Wikipedia
[edit]On 26 July 2006, Node ue deleted the whole discussion on the closure of the Zhuang Wikipedia.[1] There has been no decision. Why this vandalism?
- The above statements were made by User:Babelfisch here when he restored another vandalism of Node ue. Severe block for him is needed. --Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 11:14, 3 August 2006 (UTC)
One month or two will be good to calm him down. He made systematic deletion of discussions to several topics. That's intentionally vandalism which deserve at least 1 month block or 6 months block.--Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 11:18, 3 August 2006 (UTC)
Admin abuse
[edit]Taichi, se recuerdo que es prohibido a utilizar sus privilegios especiales administrativos a su ventaja en un conflicto en que esta participando. Yo no he "saboteado" nada. Solo quiero que Vd obedece las reglas del proceso de peticiones para lenguajes nuevas -- lenguas sin el apoyo de hablantes nativos (o al menos habiles) se ponen aqui. El noruego antiguo y el eslavo antiguo todavia no son apoyados por hablantes habiles. Sin embargo el chino clasico es apoyado por hablantes habiles. Favor de eliminar estas peticiones de la pagina. Gracias. --Node ue 00:39, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
- Tú eres un mentiroso. Vandal and Anti-Romanian troller. Gracias Taichi por todo! --Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 13:28, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
- By the way, for what it's worth, I am supported by Caesarion, another frequenter of these language pages: [2] --Node ue 00:55, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
- You're supported by your socks only. --Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 13:28, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
That was a mistake -- I have no issue with links to incubators. However, I said "nativos (o al menos habiles)" -- there are not native speakers of any of these languages, no, but there are certainly fluent speakers. How can you build a project without capable workers? You want them to end up empty like the Pali Wikipedia? (pi:).
As for a "lack of neutrality" regarding Classical Chinese -- one of the voters indicated clearly that s/he has a very advanced mastery of the language, something lacking from both the Slavonic and the Norse requests.
- I am against any trolling of you Node. And I'm not the only one you know that. --Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 13:28, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
- Umm... you have no idea what's going on here, do you? --Node ue 23:50, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
I don't really care about IP votes. In most cases, they are not malicious; when they are, they inevitably condemn their request to failure through fears of sockpuppetry (Murcian, Andaluz, Chaldon-Siberian are just a few examples). --Node ue 01:19, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
- Just go away from here. You're not welcomed here. Nobody needs an Anti-Romanian troller like you. You have been desysoped and blocked for your Anti-Romanian remarks on Moldovan Wikipedia where you wanted to impose a Sovietic propaganda even if the official language of the state does not utilize your beloved russian Alphabet. Go away troll and vandal! --Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 13:28, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
- Yes, I am. And I'm not blocked there... --Node ue 23:50, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
About Wikiversity
[edit]Hello. Sorry to write in English, but I only know English and French :)
You have expressed interest in the Wikiversity project, so here is some news about the project. English and German language Wikiversities are now open. Wikiversity Beta is a global platform aiming at coordinating Wikiversity projects in several languages. This multilingual coordination intends to deal with Wikiversity's mission and general guidelines of the project's scope (for example, about original research). Wikiversity Beta is also a place where Wikiversity projects which don't have a subdomain yet can develop. If you intend to open or join a future Wikiversity project, you are encouraged to take part in discussions on Beta, since those discussions are going to concern all Wikiversity projects.
You will find more information in Wikiversity Beta FAQ. You can also take a look at the reports to get some news from Wikiversity projects in all languages. Feel free to ask your questions at Wikiversity:Babel, or ask me.
I hope you will enjoy the Wikiversity experience :)
Logo Biquizionario
[edit]Hola, hace ya un tiempo, en concreto creo que fue para julio o algo así que pedimos ya que se nos pusiera un nuevo logo que creamos para el Biquizionario (Wiktionary en aragonés) y no nos han hecho ni caso, así que seguimos teniendo el logo inglés. Yo creo que lo solicite bien en Requests_for_logos, pero nada... Si sabes quien lleva lo de los logos ¿podrías comentarselo a ver si nos lo pueden poner?. El logo está subido desde hace tiempo en Commons en Image:Wiktionary-logo-an.png y también lo subimos al Biquizionario. Un saludo --Willtron 20:01, 7 September 2006 (UTC)
Test perdido
[edit]Hola. Hace un tiempo hice la página de prueba para una wikipedia en mapudungun, que está en espera de hablantes nativos, y cuando fui a Incubator para agregar contenido, ya no existía. ¿Sabes de algún borrado de páginas de prueba o de la forma en que yo podria averiguarlo?. Saludos. --Lin linao 06:13, 12 September 2006 (UTC)
- ¡Muchas gracias!/Mañumeyu!. --Lin linao 04:48, 13 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit]You dont know about Göktürkçe. You imagine it from Russia. But this language is not from Russia. It was born in Altay Mountains and It is about Turkoloji. Not about Russian. ;)
I salute you...
KIZILSUNGURiletikatkılar 04:31, 22 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit]Hello Taichi, I have commented on your proposal on my talk page. Perhaps we should copy it to this discussion page soon. Best regards --Marbot 22:05, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
Padonki test
[edit]I beg your pardon for disturb you, but Padonki test, denied by community, is still not deleted in Incubator. The test contains only original research, abusive and humoristic "articles" whithout any encyclpaedic meaning. There are many protest of native speakers of slvaic languages against that: The test is almost inactive, only one teenager fanatic still write there. The test is abusive for many East Slavs, because the abusive words which are used there are indecent in books and encyclopaedias according to Slavic Culture. Are there any procedure to delete denied tests from incubator? --Yaroslav Zolotaryov 00:55, 1 November 2006 (UTC)