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Latest comment: 18 years ago by Teak in topic Bot status requests

extension .to


Done - temporary adminship valid until July 31st. Thank you. --Paginazero 06:07, 20 June 2006 (UTC)

Request indefinite extension, no contestants are registered -- 06:35, 24 July 2006 (UTC)Reply



The russian Arbitration committee asks you to desysop Дмитрий Кузьмин because of violation of administration ethics. (ru:Википедия:Заявки на арбитраж/О лишении Дмитрия Кузьмина администраторских полномочий). --Obersachse 19:47, 1 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

some bureaucrat features not working in tamil wikibooks site


Hi, I am user ravidreams from tamil wikibooks site. you recently granted me the bureaucrat access. but some of the features of the bureaucrat access are missing. For example, I am unable to see the delete, protect features in all pages. And the options to block some users is not there. and, in the special pages, only three restricted access sections are there while it should be more. Could you please let me know how to fix this. Thank you--Ravidreams 07:39, 4 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hi, thanks a lot for the quick response. I was unaware that the missing features were that of sysops :( :) as in other projects i had been promoted from adminship to bureaucratship, i assumed that bureaucratship has access to all features. Now, I fixed it by making myself into a sysop. Thank you for your help.--Ravidreams 08:50, 4 August 2006 (UTC)Reply



Come troppi argentini io posso parlare -e molto meglio legere- in italiano perche, come dici, l'italiano e il spagnolo sono similari. Ho veduto che sei anche lavoratore anche nella wikipedia in lingua rumantsch. Ti chiedo la direzione in internet di un dizionario rumantsch/italiano, o rumantsch/inglese o rumantsch/spagnolo.
Como muchos argentinos yo puedo hablar -y mucho mejor leer- en italiano porque, como dices, el italiano y el español son similares. He visto que eres también trabajador en la wikipedia en lengua rumantsch. Te pido la dirección en internet de un diccionario rumantsch/italiano, o rumantsch/inglés o rumantsch/español.
Post Scriptum: puoi scrivirmi in italiano che lo capisco bene.
Desde ya te agradezco (ringrazio).



Hi, I noticed that you desysoped an admin from pl wiki that was reported after my message about the desysoping on sr wiki. It's been a while, and the request has been confirmed by 2 admins from sr wiki, and we're dying for some attention :) Could you take a look at the report? Thank you :))) --WIKI SERBIA 20:37, 7 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Grazie ed...Eureka!


Ciao Paginazero, grazie per il tuo sforzo e lavoro, io fa poche ore ho trovato queste "dizionario" rumantsch/inglese: [1].
Arrivederci (virtualmente) :)
Chau Paginazero, gracias por tu esfuerzo y labor, yo hace pocas horas he encontrado este "diccionario" rumantsch/ inglés:[2].
Hasta más vernos (virtualmente) :)
Post Scriptum: Saluti a tutta la cara gente italiana.

Stewards on IRC


Hi, I am posting this to the talk page of all stewards. I am user:Walter, steward. It came to the attention that it is for users who urgently need the assistance of a steward it is not always easy to find one. I am posting this to ask your help to try to improve our service to the community.

The best hope I believe for a user to find a steward is IRC I think. There is a channel for the stewards , #wikimedia-stewards but there very few stewards there mostly if any.

So my first request is that when you are online and have time to also open the channel #wikimedia-stewards That can easy and even automatically depending of your IRC-client. Two suggestions; Gaim, you can add IRC-channels and users between your MSN, Jabber and other contacts. Very easy to use. Or chatZilla, more a real IRC program.

You can also use a webbased solution. Can also be useful when you are not at home. The IRC gateway I have setup will do its work for this purpose. http://chat.wikizine.org.

Finaly; You have your real name, your wikimedia user name and some have a totally different IRC name. I have created a new column on Stewards#Active_stewards to fill in your IRC-nick , if you are on IRC offcource. I have already filled it in for some who I know.

This request is not personally direct to you but to all stewards in general. Not everybody needs to be in that IRC -channel. If you know the channel exists that is already a very good start. Greetings, --Walter 20:46, 9 August 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hi! Thanks for your help. I've tested the new privileges with my own account and it goes ok. I've also write to the mail you gave me and I hope I did it well. Ciao! Hispa 22:10, 24 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Ciao, Paginazero!

Sorry for writing in English, but ho quasi dimenticato il mio italiano dopo tant'anni di non parlare la lingua del Dante ;). I haven't got any reply to my subscription request to checkuser-l, nor been granted checkuser priviledges up to now. Could you please check? Grazie! Cinabrium 18:19, 28 August 2006 (UTC) (please reply here)Reply

Erm...! My fault! Please disregard last issue; I've just checked my checkuser capacity against my own account, and it works OK. But the issue with the list still remains, AFAICT. Grazie! Cinabrium 18:27, 28 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Checkuser too


Dear Paginazero, thank you (for both action and info)! Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) 12:05, 4 September 2006 (UTC) And I don't have response concerning registration in the checkuser-l list as well. Does it mean that I should just wait for the moderator's approval? Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) 12:17, 4 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for explanations! And sorry for bothering :-). Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) 13:28, 4 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

vec sysop


Of course, no problem about desysopping me on vec; it was only supposed to be a temporary thing! Glad the wiki's doing well. best, phoebe 23:37, 7 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Bureaucrat prevents consensus


Hello Paginazero, there is a strange situation on Russian Wikipedia. Some contributors think that there should be more bureacrats (up to 5) and I've started vote to elect a new bureaucrat (ru:User:Obersachse, who recently was elected for adminship with 77 "for" and 1 "oppose" votes). After one day, bureaucrat ru:User:Drbug stopped vote in this edit with comment 'Я не сомневаюсь, что Obersachse будет хорошим бюрократом. Но выбрать мы его должны в соответствии с правилами, а не в соответствии с фантазиями крайне безответсвенного участника Edward Chernenko.', what means 'I am sure that Obersachse should become good bureaucrat but we should elect it according to rules but not according to fantasies of very unresponsible user Edward Chernenko'. On ru:Википедия:Вниманию участников he also sayed:

Собственно, ситуация крайне прозрачна: участник Edward Chernenko придумал некую процедуру выборов бюрократов (надо отметить — крайне облегчённую, менее строгую, чем процедура выборов администратора) и подал её так, что у общественности сложилось ложное ощущение, что это не он их придумал, а они установлены ранее. Это недопустимо. Поэтому я и внёс соответсвующие правки ... устраняющие его произвол.

That means:

The situation is clear: Edward Chernenko created some procedure to elect burearat (and I should notice, it's lighter then procedure of admins election) and started vote so that community was desinformed, that this is not his invention but old, already existing rules. This is unacceptable. So I've made some edits ... to fix his arbitrary rule.

And another phrase of Drbug on the same page: "Обратите внимание, что инициированное Эдуардом голосование с целью выбрать Obersachse бюрократом является насмешкой над правилами." which means "Please notice, that this election initiated by Edward to make Obersachse a bureaucrat is laughing on rules.".

I know that there're no rules how to elect bureaucrat. There should only be a consensus of local community. So looks like Drbug simply prevented community to make it's right to choose. And his words 'and I should notice, it's lighter then procedure of admins election' are no more than lie: consensus is 2/3 votes + 1. Let's also notice that Drbug was elected with only 3 votes and had a huge wiki-break recently, and now his actions are unacceptable for current community. Could you please explain him that he has no extra privileges to select what community can select according to current rules? If not doing so, he could "make decision" to select admins only by his will soon :-(. Thank you. Edward Chernenko 11:11, 16 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Dear Paginazero, I don't know if you have any questions to me, I'm happy to answer any. I just wish to make three things absolutely clear: 1) I acted as an ordinary user, not as a bureaucrat, and I had written this explicitly before Edward wrote to you; 2) I respect the community consensus, and "let's establish rules first, and only then vote" doesn't seem any contradiction to that, it just mean that wiki of such a size should not use simplified procedures prone for trolling, consensus is not equal to voting; 3) the community supports me, not Edward, and the community have already started discussing rules to fill this lacune. Thank you, and sorry for wasting your time... Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) 17:15, 16 September 2006 (UTC)Reply
So, your election back in 2004 is invalid? ;) MaxSem 17:42, 16 September 2006 (UTC)Reply
They are valid, because the wiki was a small one (please read above). Many things have been changed since then.... Dear Maxim, have I ever shown myself to be inconsistent? ;-) Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) 17:52, 16 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Dear Paginazero, thank you for you comment at my user_talk @ ru-wiki. I'm happy to know that I think and act exactly like you wrote. Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) 17:52, 16 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hello Paginazero, would you please confirm if it's technically possible to make some user bureaucrat but not sysop ? Thanks. MountainBlueAllah 19:59, 16 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hi Paginazero, This is just to let you know that things at Russian Wikipedia are not so disorganized as it might seem from the previous messages. We a have a very strong team of real encyclopedians, and we recently surpassed the benchmark of 100,000 articles. Our current bureacrats are quite good, and soon we will have more. Most importantly, Academy of Progressive Academicians was formed in Russian Wikipedia. When in doubt, simply drop us a message on the Academy page (ru:Участник:Smartass or en:User:SA_ru), and we will quickly resolve all the problems using scientific approach. SA ru 02:24, 17 September 2006 (UTC)Reply
Oh yeah, and look at their block logs! MaxSem 06:51, 17 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

administrateur - problème tecnique


Hi Paginazero, my "User ID:" on the Tahitian Wikipedia is: 53. The technical problems you have encountered may be caused by writing Ta’ata ’europa instead of Taʻata ʻeuropa. (In order to conform to the Tahitian orthographic conventions, I would actually like to change my username from the latter to the former.) Goodbye, ChrisDePt 10:12, 29 September 2006 (UTC) (ty:User:Ta’ata ’europa).Reply

Serbian Wiki



I'd like you to help out with this situation. A user (Kale) that was nominated for an administrator on Serbian wiki got less than 70% and he was made an admin. Our rules state that noone can be an admin without at least 70% support of the community. The community decided that Kale should not be an admin, but some admins who voted in support made him an admin anyways (hint: abusive admins). The community has decided, Kale got 69.38% which is NOT enough to become an admin.

I would also like to point out that I understand that we need consensus on our wiki, and as you can see, the majority did vote for Kale, but not enough. 0.62% must NOT be put aside, and the rules must be inforced, even if its 0.000001% difference, right? Kale will have a chance to be nominated 3 months later again, but for now, if you overlook this, it will be a very sad day for Wikipedia, and tomorrow someone might become an admin with 68% or even 60%, just because its almost there. Can you stop this blatant disregard for the basic rules of wiki? Please de-sysop Kale. Thanks in advance, --The SrWiki User 16:54, 29 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Follow-up: This "The SrWiki User" is a sockpuppet of Bormalagurski, who is indef. blocked in sr: wikipedia. He also created another puppet account which he voted with. Therefore, that vote is invalid and the user (Kale) got over 70% support even if we include one abstained vote. So, there's no case here and the only thing this user and the other one are doing is trolling. What's worse, this isn't the first time they bring things to meta and humiliate the community. The best thing would be to disregard their posts. Thanks. :) --Filip (§) 13:18, 30 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

please consider my Admin request or Reject.


I kept this request at: http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Requests_for_permissions

I request sysop access on sd.wikipedia:

I am sysop with username "zafar" at http://sd.wikinews.org plz grant me permission as sysop at http://sd.wikipedia.org I will boost it more with the help of other users.

Plz consider my request or reject, thanks Alixafar 23:39, 29 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Sir! there is no such type of comunity, I will wait... as your wish. Alixafar 20:07, 30 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Your account at Ru-Wiki.


Dear Paginazero,

could I ask you to confirm that you really have an account at Ru-Wiki - ru:User:Paginazero? Thank you! Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) 16:46, 30 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

User page, small correction


Hello, a small correction for your user page: in French, one says "Je vais répondre en anglais" (no "à" and an accent on the "e"). The rest of the sentence is perfect! Also, thanks for giving me the checkuser flag on en.wikt. Cheers Kipmaster 11:15, 3 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

cawiki bureaucrat mistake


Pasqual (ca) · CUT 16:39, 3 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Pardon, I believed that you have fixed up the mistakes, but I can't see changes on w:ca:Especial:Log/rights, what have you made? (Sorry if I'm wrong, I'm not an expert on this matter).
Pasqual (ca) · CUT 16:48, 3 October 2006 (UTC)Reply
I finally have seen it on Listusers/bot, Listusers/bureaucrat. That's all right. One more time, thanks.
Pasqual (ca) · CUT 17:19, 3 October 2006 (UTC)Reply
Yes it is, after I wrote you, I find it. Thanks for all!
Pasqual (ca) · CUT 19:30, 3 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Bot status requests


Could you please take a look at the bot status request page, seems like it hasn't been checked for over a week. Thanks. Teak 01:47, 9 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Sorry for bothering again, but would you mind taking a look at the bot status request page. been some time since it's been last lloked at. Thanks. Teak 16:23, 27 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Please approve my application of sysop in Classical Chinese Wikipedia


Just added to Requests_for_permissions#Administrator_requests

I request sysop access on "zh-classical.wikipedia"

I have been a user in modern Chinese Wikipedia for about 2 years, and I am one of the earliest user of Classical Chinese Wikipedia, and I pass the sysop election in the Classical Chinese as the link above. Please grant me the authority of sysop, thank you.--Itsmine 11:34, 10 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Removal of access#he:Wikipedia


I would appreciate if you could remove my bot's sysop status. Thanks, Yoni 20:32, 11 October 2006 (UTC)Reply