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User talk:Flcelloguy

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Latest comment: 17 years ago by Kylu in topic Your meta adminship

You should probably contact me over at en (en:User talk:Flcelloguy) if you want a quick response. Thanks! Flcelloguy 21:57, 20 December 2005 (UTC)Reply



I'm sorry something on the page you linked gave you concerns. I'm not really sure to see what exactly. But I do respect every opinion, especially of course when I can't share them :) Cheers, villy 22:45, 20 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Anthere and I are long time friends and sometimes we do have some fights, the kind that friends have. So far, we always went through, and I can't really see why we could not in the future. There is no matter for concerns here, thanks God :) villy 10:02, 22 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Yes, it is true, you have again 1 new follow-up



Thanks for voting!

note from anon


Hello Flcelloguy, I'm having trouble getting the picture to show on my user page. Can you help me? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:EKN The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .



To let you know, I have tagged various images for deletion, so that is why I have a low edit count. I have placed a link to Interoit's editcount tool so that my total edit count can be shown. I hope this helps. Thanks again for the comments. Zscout370 04:41, 26 March 2006 (UTC)Reply


  1. Your name:
    Erik Möller
  2. Your username most commonly used:
  3. Your current geographic location, along with your age:
    Berlin, Germany, 27
  4. Projects with significant contributions (please both name the language and project, and link to your contributions)
    In descending order of significance: en.wikipedia, en.wikinews, commons (+two bots), meta, de.wikipedia, de.wikinews. I've also made contributions to MediaWiki development since 2002.
  5. Do you have any rights (i.e. admin, bureaucrat) or positions (i.e. dispute resolution, CheckUser, etc.) on any of those projects? If so, which ones? When did you get elected or promoted for each one?
    I'm an admin on the English and German Wikipedia, English Wikinews, Commons, Meta, and the MediaWiki site. I'm also a bureaucrat on the English Wikinews.
  6. Do you hold any universal rights (i.e. steward, etc.) for Wikimedia Projects? If so, since when?
    I have Subversion, shell and database access. I used to be active in server administration around 2003-2004, and managed the creation of Wikinews language editions through most of 2005. When the steward role was invented, I argued that developers should not be stewards at the same time, and have therefore never sought stewardship.
  7. When did you first start contributing to Wikimedia projects? Why and how did you initially join?
    I joined the English Wikipedia as a registered user in December 2001; the other projects followed.
  8. Briefly describe your career ("real-life"). How do you think this will help you be a successful Board member?
    I have a computer science degree and attended a two-year school of economics. I've worked as a freelance writer for various magazines and newspapers since I was 17 years old, and I have written a book about weblogs, wikis, and open source software (see my German homepage for details). I currently work as a project manager and developer on the WiktionaryZ project. I also run a small wiki hosting company. I'm an international speaker and workshop moderator. Google me, but note that there are quite a few Scandinavians with the same name, including a popular Swedish recording artist. ;-)
    I think in fully formed sentences, which means that it's relatively easy for me to write long texts or to communicate freely. These communication skills are useful for a Board member, as they help me to represent the organization at conferences, in discussions or in other venues, and to prepare detailed activity reports. As a technologist and former Chief Research Officer of the Foundation (just a title, no salary ;-), I believe I can lead the effort of preparing a roadmap for future innovation.
  9. Of all the candidates right now, why do you stand out from the field? What makes you the best candidate?
    I should let other people answer this question. Angela, whose resignation has opened up the Board seat which is contested in this election, has endorsed my candidacy with the following words: "I strongly support Erik's platform in this election and I believe he is the best candidate to represent the community in the development of the Wikimedia Foundation over the coming year. Erik has shown a continued commitment, not only to Wikipedia but to the Wikimedia Foundation as a whole. Erik's commitment to the sort of openness that will ensure the community will have an influence in ensuring the Foundation meets its goals makes me happy to endorse him as the person to replace me on the Board." Please also see the other endorsements I have received.
  10. A knowledge of several languages has been cited as a key requirement for a Board member. Do you speak any other languages other than English? Why do you think language is or isn't critical to the Board?
    I speak German natively and English as a second language. I believe that our processes need to facilitate multilingual interaction, but any individual person is only ever going to speak a tiny subset of languages present in the Wikimedia communities. I think awareness of the issues of internationalization, localization and translation is more important than specific language abilities. Through my work on WiktionaryZ, I have become very familiar with these issues, and have spent considerable time thinking about ways to make communication processes multilingual.
  11. What do you expect to do while serving on the Board? What are your expectations?
    The term only lasts until July 2007. Given that the Board has only held two meetings this year, we're talking about a small time window to make a difference. The most important upcoming event is the Board retreat in October, which is where I hope to raise some of the issues described in my platform. I will seek dialogue with the other Board members and organizational staff beyond scheduled meetings, and try to promote certain initiatives, such as open community meetings for individual projects and a Foundation roadmap.
  12. Describe the one issue that you think is most pressing and pertinent to the Foundation right now, and how you would approach the situation.
    The Foundation is in a critical phase of transition. It was entirely governed by its Board of Trustees for 2 years and has only recently launched formal committees and hired an Executive Director, Brad Patrick. I believe it is crucial that, in this organizational transition, we establish a high level of transparency and low barriers to entry. Committees need to allow new volunteers to participate, and only confidential information should be kept secret. The Board has also stated its desire to add more members (our Board has 4 active members, while the average non-profit Board in the United States has 17 members). I strongly believe that the majority of the Board should be elected by the community, and that Board appointments should target experts from particular fields (e.g. developing nations) rather than "big names" or wealthy donors. The question whether the organization should have legal membership remains undecided, and I want us to carefully weigh the pros and cons of that proposition.
  13. What is your vision of the Board in the Foundation heirarchy?
    The Board sets the mission of the Foundation and the long term planning, rather than being responsible for day to day operational activity. It ensures that the organization operates in line with its stated mission and in compliance with law and ethics. In the context of Wikimedia, I think the Board has a special role to guarantee a harmonious relationship between paid staff and volunteers.
  14. How do you feel about the current leadership?
    I have met them all personally, and I can testify that they are, without exception, good people who have the best interest of the Foundation at heart. :-)
  15. As a Board member, you will be serving as a representative of the communities. Do you think you can represent the community and understand its concerns? Why?
    I regard myself as an international candidate. Much of my involvement has been with projects that are not language-specific, such as Wikimedia Commons, which I proposed in March 2004, or the MediaWiki software. I believe I can represent all languages and all project communities. As a candidate, I have a strong commitment to make the projects beyond Wikipedia succeed through partnerships and constant innovation -- see my platform for many ideas in that area.
  16. What do you think of the Wikimedia Foundation and its mission in general? If you could change one thing about the running of the Foundation, what would you change?
    I identify strongly with the charitable goal of giving all human beings free access to human knowledge. I think we need to clearly define the organization's scope beyond this. We are not the Internet Archive, for example -- Wikimedia is about practical collaborations around knowledge. I also strongly feel that there is a fantastic untapped potential for partnering with academia, non-profits, governments, and other organizations in the development of our projects, our technology, and our communities.
  17. If elected, can and will you devote the appropriate time and other resources needed to serve on the Board?
    Of course. :-) I will reserve a minimum of 6-8 hours per week for Board responsibilities.
  18. Have you ever attended Wikimania or any other meetup? What role do you think these meetups play?
    I've been a speaker at both Wikimanias and was on the program committee of the first one. Beyond that, I've been to meetups in Germany, England, Austria, the Netherlands, and South Africa. I love meeting people in person, and believe it is an extremely important part of comunity interaction, not to mention that face-to-face meetings have a lot more bandwidth than text on a screen. ;-)
  19. Please list (and link) any other pages where you have gotten questions and comments pertaining to the Board elections; we are compiling all of the questions and would appreciate this.
    User talk:Eloquence/Platform 2006
  20. What would you say to a potential voter who is undecided right now?
    Please carefully review the platforms of all candidates, and also the Wikimedia Foundation website and its history. This election is about the future of an organization that operates many projects in many languages (a point cleverly made by Delphine Ménard in her anti-platform), not just the English Wikipedia. Don't just pick the person you like the most or know the best -- vote for the candidate who you think brings the best ideas and abilities to the table, who has the strongest commitment to our values, and the deepest understanding of the organization and the communities.
  21. Is there anything else you would like to mention?
    I've been passionate about making a difference in the lives of others since I was a child. With the Wikimedia Foundation and its projects, I have found a group of peers who believe in changing the world through knowledge, and who have built some of the most amazing resources in the history of humankind. I could not imagine a better group of people to work with, and would be deeply honored to represent our community in facing the challenges we have set for ourselves. I want the Wikimedia Foundation to be a model of openness and integrity. I'm asking for your support, and promise that I will do my best not to disappoint you. Even and especially if you do not want to support my candidacy, please tell me what you think about my platform and my ideas. And thanks for reading so far! :-)

Board of Trustees elections

  1. Your name: Jussi-Ville Heiskanen
  2. Your username most commonly used:Cimon Avaro
  3. Your current geographic location, along with your age:Neighbourhood of Merihaka in Helsinki, Finland; 40 years and a half old.
  4. Projects with significant contributions (please both name the language and project, and link to your contributions): english wikipedia, english wikiquote, finnish wikipedia
  5. Do you have any rights (i.e. admin, bureaucrat) or positions (i.e. dispute resolution, CheckUser, etc.) on any of those projects? If so, which ones? When did you get elected or promoted for each one? - Admin on Finnish Wikipedia; Admin on english wikipedia since the summer of 2003 and bureucrat since 2005, appointed mediator by Jimbo (currently retired from mediation committee)
  6. Do you hold any universal rights (i.e. steward, etc.) for Wikimedia Projects? If so, since when? None.
  7. When did you first start contributing to Wikimedia projects? Why and how did you initially join? - April 2003, found site by accident, noticed something I could improve, and stayed.
  8. Briefly describe your career ("real-life"). How do you think this will help you be a successful Board member?Skipping school, I would go to read Encyclopaedia Britannica in the library, having already read the paltry Finnish encyclopaedia at home cover to cover. After studying translation into english and simultaneus interpretation for a year and math and physics for another year in university, I delivered newspapers for fifteen years, which gave me access to daily editions of newspapers accross the political spread, and while waiting for the newspapers, the people in our work group would argue everything under the sun, from current affairs to politics and deep philosophical questions. Personally I mostly argued for the middle ground. I would say that I learned more about Neutral Point of View there than on wikipedia. Last winter I "herded cats" in a Sciences oriented "magnet school" library with the patrons being 16-19 year old hyper-intelligent nerds, very similar to the current wikipedian demographic.
  9. Of all the candidates right now, why do you stand out from the field? What makes you the best candidate? - I have a record of never getting embroiled in controversy, but always acting constructively to the best of my ability even in difficult situations, and walking away instead of edit warring, if that proved impossible. I would like to think where ever I have been involved, I have been a moderating influence. Characteristic of my involvement is the en:Wikipedia:Do not bite the newcomers page, which I started.
  10. A knowledge of several languages has been cited as a key requirement for a Board member. Do you speak any other languages other than English? Why do you think language is or isn't critical to the Board? - While I don't think language skills beyond being able to communicate with the other board members is essential, I do speak at a useful level in Finnish, Swedish and English, and studied German for four years in school, including private lessons, and if elected, would certainly brush up on my language skills, having a good natural linguistic ability. I would say that experience from the full evolution of a virtually non-existent to a middle sized wikipedia (Finnish) is a useful perspective I can bring to the board.
  11. What do you expect to do while serving on the Board? What are your expectations? - Be a trustworthy custodian of wikimedian assets, and through active communication, make the foundation relevant for the communities, and participate in the setting up of a functional organizational structure for the foundation.
  12. What can you bring to the Board? What can you contribute to the Wikimedia Foundation? - A moderating influence, and unflinching integrity (all false modesty aside).
  13. Describe the one issue that you think is most pressing and pertinent to the Foundation right now, and how you would approach the situation. - Scaling up the organization to match the enormous workload. Delegate, delegate, delegate, and stand back.
  14. What is your vision of the Board in the Foundation heirarchy? How do you feel about the current leadership?- Oversee, act in a legal capacity, and delegate. I have an abiding faith wikimedia will always continue to have leadership that is competent and of high integrity.
  15. As a Board member, you will be serving as a representative of the communities. Do you think you can represent the community and understand its concerns? Why? - Yes. With humility and a listening approach, everything is possible.
  16. What do you think of the Wikimedia Foundation and its mission in general? If you could change one thing about the running of the Foundation, what would you change? - The board itself is now the bottleneck now, and this aperture must be opened up both in terms of accountability through transparency, and by expansion.
  17. If elected, can and will you devote the appropriate time and other resources needed to serve on the Board? - Naturally.
  18. Have you ever attended Wikimania or any other meetup? What role do you think these meetups play? - Both Wikimanias (2005 and 2006) and a couple of smaller meetups. Putting faces to usernames is vital for creating trust, and the Wikimanias taught me more about the backround of the projects and the foundation than I have learned in toto elsewhere. Meetings should be about education, not backroom dealing.
  19. Please list (and link) any other pages where you have gotten questions and comments pertaining to the Board elections; we are compiling all of the questions and would appreciate this.
  20. What would you say to a potential voter who is undecided right now? - If you want integrity and a moderating influence on the board, I doubt you can do better than voting for me.
  21. Is there anything else you would like to mention? - Information wants to be free.



I have left answers to your questions at User:Kelly Martin/Flcelloguy. If you have any further questions, please feel free to leave me a note on meta, or find me on IRC. Kelly Martin 17:12, 26 August 2006 (UTC)Reply



Thanks for the note. I'll post something right now. --Evrik 01:04, 28 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

  1. Your name: Bruce Andersen
  2. Your username most commonly used: en:User talk:Evrik
  3. Your current geographic location, along with your age:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 42
  4. Projects with significant contributions (please both name the language and project, and link to your contributions) commons - contributions and English Wikipedia - en
  5. Do you have any rights (i.e. admin, bureaucrat) or positions (i.e. dispute resolution, CheckUser, etc.) on any of those projects? If so, which ones? When did you get elected or promoted for each one? No
  6. Do you hold any universal rights (i.e. steward, etc.) for Wikimedia Projects? If so, since when?No
  7. When did you first start contributing to Wikimedia projects? Why and how did you initially join? July, 21 2005 with first recorded edit John Doe. First anon edit (Urbanization) on January 21, 2004. I joined because after editing anonymously for a while I thought I would be get more from editing by registering.
  8. Briefly describe your career ("real-life"). How do you think this will help you be a successful Board member? In my real life, I am an Investigator for the federal government. Outside my work, I have served on volunteer boards and worked in community agencies since 1990. I have been creating web content for more than 10 years.
  9. Of all the candidates right now, why do you stand out from the field? What makes you the best candidate? I have been working with computers for 30 years, and on the Internet since the early 90's when I used to surf using Mosaic. I have a historical perspective on the development of online information services.
  10. A knowledge of several languages has been cited as a key requirement for a Board member. Do you speak any other languages other than English? Why do you think language is or isn't critical to the Board? I am fluent in Spanish. I believe that language is important, and that more work needs to be done to make interlingual work easier. Operations of the board require that everyone be able to understand each other, but more important than language is a multi-cultural perspective that being multilingual brings.
  11. What do you expect to do while serving on the Board? What are your expectations? I think that the wikimedia work is profound, and that I want to be able to contribute to that work. This is a great opportunity and I want to involve myself because I think I'm qualified, but also think it's a great learning experience.
  12. What can you bring to the Board? What can you contribute to the Wikimedia Foundation?An inquisitive mind, negotiating skills and an ability to problem solve difficult situations.
  13. Describe the one issue that you think is most pressing and pertinent to the Foundation right now, and how you would approach the situation. Creating a financial foundation that supports its work, and the work of its volunteers, and allows it to continue to grow and meet new challenges. A firm financial footing is the basis of growth, success and survival.
  14. What is your vision of the Board in the Foundation hierarchy? How do you feel about the current leadership? I think that the Board sets the direction that the Foundation should go, and creates the environment that lets the volunteers succeed at making the goals of the foundation work. I feel that the current leadership has done a good job, and see this election at a chance to add new blood – which is always good!
  15. As a Board member, you will be serving as a representative of the communities. Do you think you can represent the community and understand its concerns? Why? After having worked at creating pages, WikiProjects and Portals; after having been involved at trying to save pages from deletion; after having contributed time and money - I think i understand the concerns of the communities.
  16. What do you think of the Wikimedia Foundation and its mission in general? If you could change one thing about the running of the Foundation, what would you change? I think the Foundation has done a great job of creating a community to benefit all of humankind
  17. If elected, can and will you devote the appropriate time and other resources needed to serve on the Board? Yes
  18. Have you ever attended Wikimania or any other meetup? What role do you think these meetups play? No I think that it is important for people to meet face to face as it improves the workings of the foundation. A lot of misunderstandings occur in the virtual world that don’t when people meet face to face. The more we get to know our fellow editors, the better we work together. If you’re ever in the neighborhood, 39.94885° N 75.20973° W look me up!
  19. Please list (and link) any other pages where you have gotten questions and comments pertaining to the Board elections; we are compiling all of the questions and would appreciate this. N/A
  20. What would you say to a potential voter who is undecided right now? I hope to continue my involvement for a long-time to come. I would appreciate your support.
  21. Is there anything else you would like to mention? I see the wikis as a great example of the possibilities of the Internet to disseminate knowledge and to build civil society.

Translation for User:Hadraj


Hello. I will do my best to translate it or to find someone to do it. guillom 08:04, 28 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hi. Hadraj has just sent me an email to tell me he was withwrawing his candidacy. I have forwaded it to foundation-l. guillom 06:35, 29 August 2006 (UTC)Reply
You're welcome ! :) guillom 21:05, 29 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

my answers a bit more delayed because of hardware crash


i am sorry, i am late, my harddisk died :-( anyway, better late than never, so here are my replies... thanks for patiently reminding me btw :-) oscar 16:34, 30 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Just got your questions and I am working on the answers


Just got your message here and on en about the questions. I am working on the presently and will finish them later tonight DST or tomorrow at the latest. Thanks. Alex756 02:20, 31 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Sysop rights


Hello, Flcelloguy
as a result of the unanimous election held on this page, you've been granted sysop status. Please list yourself in the sysop box. Thank you, M/ 22:41, 1 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Cleanup page


Hello Flcelloguy, how are you? I have just joined Meta today. So it is about Proposals for new projects page, where many users complained that its a total mess. I have an idea to make the page like en:WP:FA, that each project is placed in a different page. Then we can put templates on the main proposal page. How about that? I will do it real soon. Cheers -- Imoeng 12:29, 15 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the reply! Yeah I meant en:WP:FAC, so each proposal will be in a separate page. Do you think it would be good? If no, then there is no point of doing it :D. Thanks again -- Imoeng 07:16, 18 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

New Stewards


Hi. I followed your comment on the election's talk page to Oscar's talk page. Maybe you didn't notice, but Gurch's table is severely outdated. According to the election page, mzlla had 12 opposers, and not 6 (coincidentally, you cast the 12th and last "oppose" yourself). That plus the 42 supporters makes a total of 54 participants, of which the 42 supporters represent 77.77%. Redux 05:39, 23 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

RFA question


I've replied to your question on my RFA. Thank you, xaosflux Talk 01:49, 7 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Meta blacklist unlisting request


You were the one who blacklisted tvrage.com because of spamming concerns. Could you have a read over Talk:Spam_blacklist#tvrage.com, where someone wants the link off of the blacklist. I'm not too sure if it should be on it or not, so your opinion here would be great! Cheers! Eagle 101 04:48, 11 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Siberian Wikipedia Closure proposal


I saw and replied to your comment at Meta:Requests_for_help_from_a_sysop_or_bureaucrat/Archives/2007/02#Request_for_vote_mediation, where I think you had it spot on. ... see also Talk:Proposals_for_closing_projects#Siberian_Wikipedia, you may want to comment there as well as the discussion may not be all in one place. Hope that helps. ++Lar: t/c 17:14, 13 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Internal communication subcommittee?


Hi. I left a note at Talk:Communications subcommittees/Internal, but am unsure that anyone is watching that page. In case you haven't seen it, there is also a question about this subcommittee here. Jkelly 21:45, 20 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Your meta adminship


I'm sorry to inform you that due to inactivity, your meta adminship confirmation has failed and access removed per our policy. You're free to seek adminship here at a later time via the usual channels. Thank you for serving our community, and we really hope to see you back again someday. ~Kylu (u|t) 04:01, 1 February 2008 (UTC)Reply