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Latest comment: 4 years ago by Dan Koehl in topic Requests for comment/Swedish Fork
Dan Albert John Koehl
Meta-Wiki User number 229 from Monday September 30, 2002.



08:53 • March 1, 2025
Autopatrolled and Patroller user in Meta-Wiki

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Welcome to Dan_Koehl's talk page!

Please include the article name in the header for new topics, and sign & date your entries by inserting " ~~~~" at the end. Thanks!

NOTE: I will respond to your comments here, though I may place a duplicate response on your talk page for your convenience.

Opdater/Oppdater denne side/sida/sidan

My first message


I've set up a Swedish test site at http://sv.wikipedia.org/ . Please check to make sure everything seems in order. --Brion VIBBER 12:01 Dec 1, 2002 (UTC)

Välkommen til Skanwiki, Dan!


Kjekt å sjå at ein av veteranane i skandinavisk wikipediahistorie er med på laget! :) Har du nokre forslag med kva me kan gjera med Skanwiki-prosjektet? Nett no driv eg og lagar til malane for utvalde artiklar frå dei ulike wikipediaene som me kan ha på Skanwiki-hovudsida. BjarteSorensen 11:35, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC)


I address you as the ambassador of your wikipedia. Please notice the above project.

This project, more than other projects, will benefit from inter-wiki cooperation. Can you post a message regarding this project at your wikipedia village pump?

Thanks for your help, APH from the English wiki

Trust in Wikipedia


this is Cathy from Hong Kong working on a research about trust on Wikipedia. I wonder if you would kindly contact me at researchingmedia@gmail.com? I'd like to chat with you about Wikipedia of your language. Would you kindly drop me your email or IM (Skype, MSN, AIM or ICQ)? It wouldn't take more than ten minutes, but it would help enormously for us to understand the overall trust-based social landscape of Wikipedia. Thank you!

Translation Request (2 sentences)


For the front page of the Novial Test Wikipedia it would be nice to have a Swedish translation of the following 2 sentences:


Welcome to the Wikipedia in the Novial language!

You can read about the international auxiliary language Novial here.


See the original request at Wikimedia Incubator here.

Thank you, Nov ialiste 19:40, 16 September 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hej Dan! Jag känner att jag kanske lurar dig till aktivitet på "fel" ställe, genom att jag fortfarande skriver på diskussionssidor här. Annars pågår större aktivitet på sv:Wikipedia:Wikimedia Sverige. Vad som ligger kvar här på Meta är främst några stadgeförslag, som jag personligen är lite skeptisk till att man ska ägna alltför mycket energi åt att rota i just nu. Om någon har annan åsikt kan man förstås kopiera över/flytta sidorna till svwiki. // habj 18:26, 15 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

I don't do bot approvals


I don't do bot approvals. If you don't believe that stewards are handling the queue suitably, or you wish to escalate something then please utilise Stewards' noticeboard. Thanks.  — billinghurst sDrewth 12:13, 22 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

I think there must be some misunderstanding here, and I think I need to declare that I have no reason to believe anything regarding how stewards are handling the queue suitably, and I have never indicated a "wish to escalate", all I did was ask for help. Thanks for looking into this, and to any other reader of those lines, please dont believe that I had any bad wishes by asking a steward for help. I had no bad intentions whatsoever. Dan Koehl (talk) 12:46, 22 March 2015 (UTC)Reply



on your comment on User talk:Stho002. I have not researched the wikispecies history, but it's gratifying to me to see your attitude, which is what I've come to hope for in 'crats. I sometimes take on thorny problems. I give them substantial attention and time. Sometimes a user will respond, sometimes not. Overall, there is enough success to be well worth the effort, and success multiplies. (i.e., it might take me hours, sometimes a day, invested, but if it works, we gain years of positive contribution.)

On en.wikiversity, I came across some strange edits to mainspace. Readily deletable, nonsense. I looked, and there was cross-wiki vandalism, again, odd edits to articles, sometimes with the user's signature stuck somewhere. From the Wikiversity pages, I recognized what was going on. This was a child. From evidence, 7 years old. He was amazing for 7. He had learned, when blocked, reboot the internet access.

So I engaged. Instead of deleting the pages, I moved them to user space, and encouraged him to work on them. After all, this was Wikiversity, and one of the goals is learning by doing. So he was learning wikitext, creative writing, and cooperation with a community. He made a few mistakes, created pages in mainspace, but it only involved a little patience, I just moved them. I'm a parent, I have seven children. This was easy for me.

The global "vandalism" stopped. I was able to head off a global lock for his active account. The result: he is now a WMF sysop, at about 12. His wiki career is just beginning.

Again, thanks. --Abd (talk) 17:11, 22 April 2015 (UTC)Reply

Yes Abd, contrary to what I guess Stho002 believe, even after everything he has written about me, I would even most probably, after some time, take initiative to reinstall Stho002 as admin. But the ball is his, he must play it good. Only he can act convincing and change peoples attitude towards him, by changing his own. If this could be reached, and he would return to Wikispecies and once again become a respected and trusted user, I believe we all have won, including the project Wikispecies. That's why I value when you, as not involved, try to help out, and thanks for that. Dan Koehl (talk) 17:25, 22 April 2015 (UTC)Reply

Same TW issue and some useful stuff


Hi, Dan. I also wrote a message to PiRSquared17. I'm experimenting the same problem with Twinkle. Looking for something workable I found a script that gets you a useful links tab on top right of the screen. It's great if you want to verify a user. There are six features: global contribs, contributions, SUL, CA, X!'s tool and Rights. It's the second to last from my meta global.js file. For a reason or another, the other scripts just won't work. I guess one is better than nothing ;) Regards, Wintereu 18:07, 8 December 2015 (UTC)Reply

Great, thanks for this tip @Wintereu:, Ill try that one, and report back to you. Dan Koehl (talk) 18:20, 8 December 2015 (UTC)Reply
You're welcome. I think you'll like it. It's handy. Anyway, if you manage somehow to find a way to make global Twinkle work, please tell me. It would make my work easier, since I'm basically patrolling on all ro projects. --Wintereu 00:12, 9 December 2015 (UTC)Reply
Finally, I found it. The script is here. It even adds the TW tab. --Wintereu 07:32, 9 December 2015 (UTC)Reply



Hi Dan,

I'm trying to change my status to Online as yours is, but it's stuck at sitting at Somewhere. Will it update automatically? Thanks! --Giooo95 (talk) 08:10, 10 December 2015 (UTC)Reply

Stepped away from wiki-politics


Hi DK. I have predominantly stepped away from wiki-politics, and my opinions these days are predominantly uninformed by any goings-on. While I have opinions, they will generally still be public utterances, not things that I will address in email. If that is the sort of opinion that you want, then you can ask a question here or any wiki and ping me and I will respond if I have any opinion that I consider of value.  — billinghurst sDrewth 12:09, 5 May 2016 (UTC)Reply

Or you can find me in irc ... sdrewth  — billinghurst sDrewth 12:13, 5 May 2016 (UTC)Reply
Thank you @Billinghurst:, I wanted to ask you for some advice regarding a new CU on Wikispecies, but now I have submitted a new request. Dan Koehl (talk) 20:06, 9 May 2016 (UTC)Reply

Issue on EnWiki


Sorry Dan, it was only my ghost alive :) Glad that the issue is resolved masti <talk> 13:28, 2 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

RE:Translation of the head banner


Hi, Template:Steward_elections_guidelines is the one that contains the translations of that specific page. This year it was preferred to use a unique template system for elections instead of year-by-year page translation. Regards. File:Alvaro Molina.png Alvaro Molina ( - ) 20:30, 10 February 2017 (UTC)Reply

Steward Requests


Hi, I am afraid you accidentally removed some information from the Steward Requests page [1]. Regards, --Nungalpiriggal (talk) 06:23, 14 February 2017 (UTC)Reply

Oh, I can see that @Nungalpiriggal:, very strange, and a bot also took away parts, I believe it is restored now, thanks for the info. Dan Koehl (talk) 08:32, 14 February 2017 (UTC)Reply
It's not. Still many messages missing. Stryn (talk) 09:40, 14 February 2017 (UTC)Reply
Not restored, see my topic below --Ilya (talk) 09:42, 14 February 2017 (UTC)Reply
It seems like Dan Koehl added his request to an old version of the page: https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Steward_requests%2FPermissions&type=revision&diff=16318000&oldid=16309014 Boivie (talk) 09:52, 14 February 2017 (UTC)Reply
I guess the best thing would be that I cut out the three CU applications, and restore the page to the version before I added them, did anyone of you @Nungalpiriggal, Ilya, Stryn, Ajraddatz, Boivie, QuiteUnusual, and Einsbor: make a lot of edits in the meantime? Dan Koehl (talk) 10:20, 14 February 2017 (UTC)Reply
I personally did not make any edit to that page, but I think other Users are currently restoring its content. --Nungalpiriggal (talk) 10:31, 14 February 2017 (UTC)Reply
I re-inserted the edit I had made - thanks. QuiteUnusual (talk) 14:59, 14 February 2017 (UTC)Reply

OK, maybe I should better leave it, and let everyone look for their lost comments and restore. They know what they wrote and how and where to find it...?

So sorry for this everyone, and I think Boive may be right, otherwise I cant understand why text would have been removed just because of my input. Dan Koehl (talk) 10:34, 14 February 2017 (UTC)Reply

Removing my request for permissions


Hi, I see you just removed my request. However it was not fulfilled and did not go to any archive --Ilya (talk) 09:01, 14 February 2017 (UTC)Reply



My email address is temporarily different. I seem to have missed your previous email. You can try again it is my username here @protonmail.com. Zellfaze (talk) 01:49, 4 August 2017 (UTC)Reply

Presenting Community Engagement Insights survey report: Tuesday, October 10, 1600 UTC


Hi Dan Koehl,
I am reaching out to you because you signed up to receive updates about the Global Wikimedia survey.[1]

We will be hosting a public event online to present the data, a few examples on how teams will be using it for annual planning, and what are next steps for this project. The event will take place on Tuesday, October 10, at 9:00 am PST (1600 UTC), and the presentation will be in English. You can watch the livestream here, and ask question via IRC on #wikimedia-office.

If you are unable attend, you can also find the report on meta, and watch the recording of the event at a later time.

We hope to have you join us online! -- María Cruz 23:29, 2 October 2017 (UTC)Reply

  1. Update your subscription to these messages by clicking here.

Welcome to the Dispute Resolution Focus Group


Hi Dan,

Thank you for signing up, and welcome to the dispute resolution focus group!

Read over the focus group introduction to get started.

Then read through the first module, which begins now and ends on Monday. The first module will be conducted via email, while later modules will be conducted on a separate page. We will provide additional logistical information as the focus group progresses.

Thanks again! JosephNegotiation (talk) 23:00, 9 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Focus Group Extension


We've extended the first deadline until noon (EST) tomorrow. We hope you can participate! JosephNegotiation (talk) 01:22, 15 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

New Tech Ambassadors Phabricator board



You have listed yourself as an active Tech Ambassador, thank you for that!

We have recently set up a board on Phabricator so that you can learn about tasks and updates that are potentially interesting for your community, and take action when necessary. During the pilot phase we are currently in, to avoid confusion, only Wikimedia Foundation's Community Liaisons will mark tasks so that they end up in the various columns. Thanks for your understanding!

Please follow this Phabricator board (learn how to). You'll receive "notifications" for updates in all tasks listed there. In case you choose to receive them as email; we currently expect the volume to be fairly low, but in any case you can learn how to manage it.

If you have any feedback about this board, please leave your questions and comments on the Ambassadors talk page.

All the best, Trizek (WMF) (talk) 13:03, 24 May 2018 (UTC)Reply

Number of species on WikiSpecies


Hi Dan, I wanted to ask about this edit where you indicated there are 400,000 species on WikiSpecies, while the previous edit had indicated 380,000 articles. Do you have a source for this? I believe the number may be quite a bit lower since WikiSpecies has many articles that are not about a particular species. (For example, articles about different taxa like kingdoms or families, or different people who named species.) I've estimated that only about 2/3rds of current articles represent a species. Thanks for your help! Scientific29 (talk) 01:48, 31 July 2019 (UTC)Reply

WAM2019 welcomes your support!


Hello Dan Koehl,

Thank you for joining us as a Wikipedia community organizer. We would appreciate your help to get the central banner localized in your language.

You can visit here and select your language (which language you want the contents to be translated into) and then translate it.

WAM2019 Team thanks you for your support.

Kind regards,
WAM2019 International Team
--MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 17:53, 2 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

It is done! Deryni (talk) 17:58, 2 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

Edit wars


What edit wars have I commited on Swedish Wikipedia? Please, show me an example. Because I do not think there is any. That part of your sentence is in incredibly bad taste and unquestionably a case of slander and trying to win points by shock value using the legacy of a dead person. It's outright disgusting. EstrellaSuecia (talk) 13:33, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

Thats your oipinion, @EstrellaSuecia:, and I can respect your opinion, but dont try to bring censorship of other peoples opinions from svwiki to meta. Express your opinion, but dont commit edit wars, please. Dan Koehl (talk) 13:44, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, but please. It should be entirely plausible to get your point across without having to bring that up. It's not about censorship, or opinions, it's about respecting those who are no longer with us. EstrellaSuecia (talk) 13:49, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
What I wrote is written with all respect for the dead person @EstrellaSuecia:, I think we all know how he was treated, and how he suffered. I can understand that a group of people on svwiki, dont want this to be known elsewhere, and I have not mentioned any users name I have anly mentioned that its a fact it happened, and that it has been very silent about this afterwards. Dan Koehl (talk) 14:20, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
But the thing is, it is not because you don't know for a fact that any of the issues that you are bringing up had anything to do with the passing of this person at all. You are speaking for a person that is no longer with us that obviously does not have a chance to agree or disagree with what you are saying. That's disrespectful. EstrellaSuecia (talk) 14:26, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
Your opinion. I claim it hasnt been investigated, and the user was under extreme pressure from admins, short time before he died. I respect him for what he was fighting for.Dan Koehl (talk) 14:34, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
It's not an opinion. You can claim it has not been investigated but that does not change the fact that you don't know anything for a fact. EstrellaSuecia (talk) 14:38, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
Your opinion is not a "fact". Dan Koehl (talk) 14:42, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
You clearly are impossible to discuss with. I am done here. EstrellaSuecia (talk) 14:43, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
That claim of someone's death is a rather strong accusation to make, so I expect you to have an evidence for such claims. (Not that I want to see that though...) If you don't have a credible, compelling evidence, it's probably better not to make such claim. — regards, Revi 14:47, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
@-revi:, Im not claiming anything else than the persons death was timely in connection to what can be read on his discussion page (in case it doesnt get deleted by the sv admins), and emails I had, my only claim is, this has not been investigated:
För övrigt utsattes XX för mycket press, inte minst från YY, och levde med ett villkorat tillstånd att få skriva på wikipedia,genom att han övervakades a YY, som när som helst kunde dra in denna rättighet och blockera honom igen.
jag hade en gång, eller kanske flera gånger, längre diskussioner med XX där han kritiserade nånting, fram till att YY plötsligt fällde en kommetar, varpå XX blev stum och nästan uppförde sig skräckfylld. För att i nsta stund attackera mig, nu när YY "tittade på".
Jag påstår inte att det r sunt att bli så beroende av wikipedia, men nu ar det som det var, och ag skulle tycka det vore intressant om en psykolog var med i en utredning, där man bedömde möjligheten att kretsen kring YY på wikipedia, möjlige kan ha haft något att göra med XX död...?
Och XX (från XX) avlidit - och det spekuleras i hur. Det är sjukt det med !
Och tragiskt, han ser ut att vara 30 år högst, och av de inblandade , måhända i pereferin, men den ende som ville ge mig en "chans".

Im not accusing any user, Im not naming the person who is dead, but I may to the Foundation provide the emails I have reg this case. Dan Koehl (talk) 14:59, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

I also want to inform you, @-revi:, that a user, who have requested my comment about the suicide to be removed at Requests for comment/Swedish Fork, is mentioned in those emails. Dan Koehl (talk) 15:27, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

I can not cite what users have written on the dead users discussion page, but several people, after his death, asked him for forgiveness, and made reflection upon the fact, that the destructive working environment on svwiki, may have caused him to make suicide.This said, its reason enough to start check what is going on, at svwiki, and not just trust the people in charge of the fork. Its very important, that this user discussion does not get deleted, by people who dont want anyone to read more, what was going on! It should have been investigated, for sure in US it probably had, but not in Sweden... Dan Koehl (talk) 15:20, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

Poor you, Dan. You do not know a shit about it. The user you are writing about was my friend and we had contact often on facebook (together with another user), even the same evening he did what he did. We also had contact with his mother after it happened. You do not have the background information about him... I feel so sorry for you trying to use his death as a way to try to be unblocked. Unethical. The thing many apologized for was that they did not understand why he was obsessed in the article "sucide methods" just before it happened, that we did not see the signals. Adville (talk) 08:33, 30 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for confirming that you dont want anyone to look into this @Adville:,, and exposing how my person and my words are twisted by Swedish admins. What was done to him from admins was unethical, and how you work today is unethical, with witch hunts, and lynchmobbs where you judge users to become blocked, without proving their guilt. Im am just one victim of many. Im am awaiting a reaction, upon my request of investigation of forking of sv.wikipedia, as well as written report to Wikimedia Sweden, and your behaviour make me believe that this tragically death, should be added, to my request of investigation. The little paradise you have created for a political minority, where you as a group invented a subgroup called "we" which is always stated as some sort of name for Swedish Wikipedia, against single users, where small, fabricated "consensus" made by 2-5 people, decide what the next generation should read in encyclopedias, should not stand unchallenged, and its very important that the fork gets stopped, and stewards and Wikimedia Foundation, see to, that their Policy and rules are followed. A report of the discussions and content of the article about cockfight has been sent to experts at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, as well as to some zoologists, with insight in the genus Gallus. lets see, who is right and who is wrong, Adville. I will never stop fight for the five pillars, NPOV and Wikipedias written Policy. Dan Koehl (talk) 08:48, 30 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
Maybe this young man, could have been a happy and worthy future contributor to sv.wikipedia, if the environment there would have been equal, to how other Wikipedias function, by following rules and Policy. Dan Koehl (talk) 15:33, 30 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

Översättningsmeddelande: Tech/News/2020/32


Hej Dan Koehl!

Du får detta e-postmeddelande för att du registrerade dig som översättare i svenska på Meta.

Sidan Tech/News/2020/32 finns tillgänglig för översättning. Du kan översätta den genom att klicka på följande länk:

Din hjälp är mycket uppskattad. Översättare som du hjälper Meta att fungera som en verkligt flerspråkig nätgemenskap.

Du kan ändra dina aviseringsinställningar här.

Tack! Översättningssamordnarna på Meta‎, 05:26, 31 July 2020 (UTC)

Översättningsmeddelande: Tech/Server switch 2020


Hej Dan Koehl!

Du får detta e-postmeddelande för att du registrerade dig som översättare i svenska på Meta.

Sidan Tech/Server switch 2020 finns tillgänglig för översättning. Du kan översätta den genom att klicka på följande länk:

Prioriteten för denna sida är medel.

Din hjälp är mycket uppskattad. Översättare som du hjälper Meta att fungera som en verkligt flerspråkig nätgemenskap.

Du kan ändra dina aviseringsinställningar här.

Tack! Översättningssamordnarna på Meta‎, 13:02, 15 August 2020 (UTC)

User page


Hi. Don't add comments on user pages as you did on User:Machatjkala. Use the talk page instead. -- Tegel (Talk) 13:20, 17 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

Requests for comment/Swedish Fork


Stop your Editwar--𝐖𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐁𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 👤💬 14:12, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

Dear, @WikiBayer:, Im sorry, if you consider ONLY MY EDITS as edit war, when I have restored my writings, but I cant see why someone else should change them, or change the structure of the document, so some fragrant details look less bad. Did you ask, or instruct, the other user, who has been trying to disrupt the structure of the report, not to commit edit war? I restored the document since no admins seem to react on how the report is treated. Dan Koehl (talk) 14:19, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

The change that you are currently undoing via Editwar is necessary to assign the comment from you.--𝐖𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐁𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 👤💬 14:27, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
By all means try clarify @𝐖𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐁𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫:, someone is disrupting the entire structure of the document, and you blame ME for edit war, when I restore? Can you please clarify what you mean above? It kind of goes over my head, but if you can precise what you mean, Im sure we can come to an adult ending, of what you accuse ME of edit war, when its another user, who has been changing the entire structure of the report I have written. Falls es leichter ist, ganz deutlich zu erklären, gehst bei mir auch mit deutsch, Ich habe auch Ahnen aus Bayern. Und bitte, schau mal WER machen edit wars... Dan Koehl (talk) 14:33, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
Kommentare dürfen nur von Administratoren entfernt werden. Ich habe nur die letzten Edits der anderen Benutzer angeschaut, es gibt keine Inhaltlichen Änderungen. Bitte versuche, wenn dir eine Änderung nicht passt, mit den anderen zu Diskutieren.-𝐖𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐁𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 👤💬 14:51, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
Liebe @WikiBayer:, das habe aber, der andere Benutzer, gar nicht gemacht. Trotzdem, als admin auf dem Meta, meinst du ICH bin der das hat "Edit wars" gemacht, wenn ich habe zuruck gestellt mein report.? Warum, als Admin, hast du "letzten Edits der anderen Benutzer angeschaut"? Und warum greifst du mir an, fur Edit War, wenn ich zuruck stellen ein report, wenn jemanden, stat antworten Fragen in das Dokument, umändern das gaze in sein sinne? Kannst du mir bitte ein Link anweisen, we es ist geschrieben, das dein Entscheidung ist von irgendwelche Grund, besser ist, wie mein report muss in Struktur, gestaltet sein? Dan Koehl (talk) 15:00, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
An editwar always includes several users. I'm not saying it's only you to blame. You're involved too.--𝐖𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐁𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 👤💬 06:33, 23 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
Thanks @WikiBayer:, I couldn't find any warning from you on the talk page of the user who was edit warring, thats why I had to ask. Übrigens, vielen dank fur das SWViewer , habe schon probiert, auch auf dewiki, super schnell und mit gut übersicht. Danke! ;) Dan Koehl (talk) 07:29, 23 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
Is there something I have missed, dear @WikiBayer:? I have worked on a report about how one Wikipedia language section, is forking, not applying the common rules on Wikipedias, and where admins are abusing users. One of those admins decide to strange the entire structure of the report I restore, he changed back,and commit edit war, but maybe you have missed that in your analyzes? when you as one of Metas admins accuse ME of edit war, and order me to to discuss on the accused admin, how my report may be structured in HIS wish? Have I understood this right? And for some reason, HIS edit war, did not catch your attention? Is this correct understood? YOU and HE decide HOW I should write the report, and when someone disrupt a document I have written, and I restore, I AM the only one who make edit war? how I understood right, SIR? Dan Koehl (talk) 15:44, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
Dan, you missed one thing. Ny sending ping to us all the time you have inviter ’’US’’ to Edit on the page too. It is not your private page, and you alone accuse all of us to treat you bad. Then we have to be able to correct things you have missinterpreted or written in a confusing way. But I will not revert you again, of you let my comment be there. Adville (talk) 15:49, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
Dear @Adville:, I give you a gentlemans offer; If I restore the page to its condition, before you changed the complete structure, is it OK with you, to just submit your comment, without changing and manipulating the entire document again? And is it OK with the meta admin Mr @WikiBayer:, that I have permission to restore the document before it got manipulated, without any kind of accusations of doing edit war (which for some reason, you never accused Adville of, but its always easy to make a mistake. Dan Koehl (talk) 15:55, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
Read my comment on the fork page. I wrote it at the same Time as WikiBayer reveterad you. I Will not restore it again, as I wrote. Just letat comment be. (As I wrote in the edit comment). Br Adville (talk) 16:02, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
Dear @Adville:,m to miss the point, I want to restore my written report back to the structure I made, before you started to manipulate the document. I am not sure how much more clear I can describe this intention. Are you in position to understand what I have written, and that I intend to restore the documents structure before you manipulate it, and AFTER that, of course everyone is interested to read your replies to my questions, and any relevant comment you may have. Im now changing back to how the documented was structured before YOUR EDIT WAR. Please fell free to add you r comments, and answers to my questions. Dan Koehl (talk) 16:09, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
You also deleted the comment from Anhn. I now have put them back. We did not manipulate the page... but I Will not do any more in this matter. Adville (talk) 17:17, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply



Hello, please do not start RFC subpages here, meta doesn't work in this way. File a RFC at RFC if needed or at RFH for other help (for admin / crat needed), or else it's Meta:Babel for meta stuffs. Thanks. Camouflaged Mirage (talk) 16:01, 22 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

Översättningsmeddelande: Wiktionary


Hej Dan Koehl!

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Din hjälp är mycket uppskattad. Översättare som du hjälper Meta att fungera som en verkligt flerspråkig nätgemenskap.

Du kan ändra dina aviseringsinställningar här.

Tack! Översättningssamordnarna på Meta‎, 11:52, 13 December 2024 (UTC)

Översättningsmeddelande: Ombuds commission/2019/CU Global Procedure on information disclosure


Hej Dan Koehl!

Du får detta e-postmeddelande för att du registrerade dig som översättare i svenska på Meta.

Sidan Ombuds commission/2019/CU Global Procedure on information disclosure finns tillgänglig för översättning. Du kan översätta den genom att klicka på följande länk:

Din hjälp är mycket uppskattad. Översättare som du hjälper Meta att fungera som en verkligt flerspråkig nätgemenskap.

Du kan ändra dina aviseringsinställningar här.

Tack! Översättningssamordnarna på Meta‎, 12:29, 22 December 2024 (UTC)

Översättningsmeddelande: Deoband Community Wikimedia/News


Hej Dan Koehl!

Du får detta e-postmeddelande för att du registrerade dig som översättare i svenska på Meta.

Sidan Deoband Community Wikimedia/News finns tillgänglig för översättning. Du kan översätta den genom att klicka på följande länk:

Din hjälp är mycket uppskattad. Översättare som du hjälper Meta att fungera som en verkligt flerspråkig nätgemenskap.

Du kan ändra dina aviseringsinställningar här.

Tack! Översättningssamordnarna på Meta‎, 17:33, 27 December 2024 (UTC)

Översättningsmeddelande: Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan/2024-2025/Product & Technology OKRs


Hej Dan Koehl!

Du får detta e-postmeddelande för att du registrerade dig som översättare i svenska på Meta.

Sidan Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan/2024-2025/Product & Technology OKRs finns tillgänglig för översättning. Du kan översätta den genom att klicka på följande länk:

Din hjälp är mycket uppskattad. Översättare som du hjälper Meta att fungera som en verkligt flerspråkig nätgemenskap.

Du kan ändra dina aviseringsinställningar här.

Tack! Översättningssamordnarna på Meta‎, 08:07, 26 January 2025 (UTC)