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In past year, have been a leading force on:
1) Lingualibre.org, the Wikimedia project to record words in hundreds languages.

2) WM-FR rapid grant project


Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event ?

My presentations


I used my travel funds toward Singapore to present our Wikimedia project to both Taibei COSCUP 2023 (green), a major Open Source international conference, and to the Singapore Wikimania 2023 (blue), arguably the largest open content and open culture conference. I lead 2 presentations and joined one round table in the later.

Date Item Duration Type/Document Leaders + helpers
語音詞典 Recording voices and local languages with Lingualibre
2023/07/29, 09:30–10:00, Room 509 LinguaLibre
30 mins


  • Demo of the tool (10mins)
  • Stated objectives
  • Current progresses
  • Limits & biases
Abstract: Lingua Libre by Wikimedia France is an open source webapp to create large and clean audio corpora, best suited for e-dictionaries and text2speech machine learning.

Description: The diversity of world languages, their words, expressions, voices, are poorly documented and accessible. Lingualibre.org allows us to record languages vocabulary and audio dictionaries at large scale, in an easy and quick fashion (800 audio/hour) .

After 5 year of action and 800,000+ recordings, we would like to share past progresses and discuss future actions.

手語詞典 Sign Languages dictionaries with Lingualibre SignIt.
2023/07/29, 10:00–10:30, Room 509   LinguaLibre SignIt
30 mins


  • Lingualibre SignIt
  • Lingualibre's video recorder
  • How to contribute ?
Abstract: Lingualibre SignIt aims to create sign language dictionaries in various language pairs, in order to increase sign language competences within the general public.

Description: Lingua Libre SignIt add-on for Firefox is a demonstrator project which allows you to translate a (French) word into (French) sign language videos on any web page. When you read a text and come across a word you don't know, select that word, click on the SignIt icon: the sign in LSF and the definition of the word in French will appear on a window. If a word is not available in LSF, we invite you to record it with our easy-to-use webapp on LinguaLibre. The definitions come from the French Wiktionary to which you can also contribute.

WIKIMANIA 2023 Schedule
Recording voices and local languages with Lingualibre - 8LFGJC / pretalx
2023/08/17 14:55-15:15 R309 LinguaLibre
Wikimania 2023 presentation on recording voices and local languages with Lingua Libre
30 mins


Eventyay: here

  • Demo of the tool (10mins)
  • Stated objectives
  • Current progresses
  • Limits & biases
Abstract: Audio-record voices and vocabularies of local languages using LinguaLibre : results, limits, what next ?

Description: The diversity of world languages, their words, expressions, voices, are poorly documented and accessible. Lingualibre.org allows us to record languages vocabulary at large scale, in an easy and quick fashion. After 5 year of action and 800,000+ recordings, we would like to share past progresses and discuss future actions, most notably toward linguistic minorities.

Learn and discuss with member of the Wikimedians in Residence Exchange Network - WDZBPN / pretalx
2023/08/18 12:15-12:45, R325 Learn and discuss with member of the Wikimedians in Residence Exchange Network - WDZBPN 30 mins


Eventyay: here

  • Round table
  • Q&A from public
Description: This roundtable will share the experiences of various Wikimedians in Residence (WiR) in both professional and share best practices and tools they have used in their work with Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons, and other projects. This will include a series of quick lightning talks and a structured panel discussion. Discussion with the wider Wikimedia community is encouraged, in order to share best practices related to new developments and how does the work of WIRs advance the Wikimedia goals, and finds way in the 2030 strategy implementations. Wikimedians from around the world will be represented.
Sign Languages of the world : increase mutual understanding with Lingualibre SignIt. - 9L7PVR / pretalx
2023/08/18 17:40-17:45 Halls 401/402 LinguaLibre SignIt : Sign Languages of the world : increase mutual understanding with Lingualibre SignIt.
Wikimania 2023 Lignthing talk on Sign Language and Lingua Libre SignIt
5 mins


Eventyay: here

  • Lingualibre SignIt
  • Lingualibre's video recorder
  • How to contribute ?
Abstract: Sign Languages of the world can be video documented using Lingualibre, learning those can happen using Lingualibre SignIt.

Description: Lingua Libre SignIt add-on for Firefox is a demonstrator project which allows you to translate a (French) word into (French) sign language videos on any web page. When you read a text and come across a word you don't know, select that word, click on the SignIt icon: the sign in LSF and the definition of the word in French will appear on a window. If a word is not available in LSF, we invite you to record it with our easy-to-use webapp on LinguaLibre. The definitions come from the French Wiktionary to which you can also contribute.

Hackathon showcast
Cancelled. Did not have time to be involved.


  • People trained : 100 on Lingualibre workshop (~30 on site, 66 online)
  • People informed : about 30~50 in a one-one basis, then 130 on the Lingua Libre SignIt lightning talk (~90 on site, 38 online)





Later events

Capitole du Libre: Langues des signes : vidéo documentation contributive libre avec Wikimédia Lingualibre SignIt.
2023.11.19, 10:30–11:00

Langues des signes : vidéo documentation contributive libre avec Wikimédia et Lingualibre SignIt.

Capitole du Libre, Toulouse

30 mins
Presentation : File:Lingua_Libre_SignIt_presentation-2023-Capitole_du_Libre.pdf

  • Présentation 10mins
  • Démonstration 15mins
  • Discussion 5mins

Les langues des signes du monde peuvent être documentées en vidéo à l'aide de Lingua Libre, l'apprentissage de ces signes est possible à l'aide de l'extension Lingua Libre SignIt.

Le projet Lingua Libre SignIt est un projet libre de documentation contributive des langues signées, dans leur diversité mondiale (LSF vs ASL), variantes locales et individuelles. L'extension Lingua Libre SignIt Firefox est un prototype démonstratif permettant la traduction d'un mot (français) en vidéos en langue des signes (fr:LSF) sur n'importe quelle page Web. Lorsque vous lisez un texte et que vous tombez sur un mot que vous ne connaissez pas, sélectionnez ce mot, cliquez sur l'icône SignIt : le signe en LSF et la définition du mot en français apparaîtront sur une fenêtre. Si un mot n'est pas disponible en LSF, nous vous invitons à l'enregistrer avec notre application Web facile à utiliser sur LinguaLibre. Les définitions textuelles sont issues du Wiktionnaire français auquel vous pouvez également contribuer.



2023 marks the 5th year anniversary of Lingualibre and the first post-pandemic Wikimania lecture.

  • In 2007, Ukraine, Nicolas Vion, a French student, creates a rapid recording tool to learn Ukrainian.
  • In France 2016, University of Strasbourg, MESR, and Wikimédia France team up to redevelop it into an online service, Lingualibre.
  • In Capetown 2018, a new version of the tool is announced to the global community
  • In Stockholm, 2019, 1st year achievements was announced: +150,000 audios recorded.
  • In Singapore, 2023, 5th year achievements allows further analysis of trends, honest feedback and experiences to share.
  • We wish to have be present to Wikimania to reassess needs, our role and opportunities.



Wikimania is a good strategic awareness program to spread the news across the globe, toward otherwise hard to reach communities.

[...], and a hand of users from other far away places have been contacted.





Solutions and online awareness campaign must be lead in order to reach similar places via cheaper and more continuous methods.

Mailing flyers to various local communities seems promising.


French Wikimedians.
ASEAP Wikimedians.

Community lead and coordinators:

  • Esther:
  • Obey: Senior Citizens Network, Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom. Igbo Advocate, open knowledge emphasis on teacher development, Lingualibre.
  • Yug: France, Occitan nation, Lingualibre, language diversity hub, oral languages, accents, Sign Languages, lingualibre coordination.


  • Waldyrious: pt-br, cabo verde, portugal, kabuverdianu, wiktionary, wikidata lexemes, translatewiki.
  • Jnanaranjan_sahu: Odia User Group, VueJS, PHP.
  • Akouete: Togo technical usergroup.

FYI, we now have a download page hackers can use to download our datasets.

Lili has data, including Lingualibre gender data.  https://lingualibre.org/LanguagesGallery/

This page can therefore be of interest for both web dev hackers and Women in red communities.