Training modules/Dealing with online harassment/slides/blocking-users/am
Immediate action: Blocking users
አንድ ጊዜ ግልጽ የሆነ ችግር ወይም ስጋት እንዳለ ካወቁ፣ ዝርዝር ምርመራ የማያስፈልገው አፋጣኝ እርምጃ መውሰድ ይችላሉ። በአካባቢ አስተዳዳሪዎች ወይም ከፍ ያለ መብቶች ባላቸው ተጠቃሚዎች ብዙ ጊዜ ጥቅም ላይ ስለሚውሉ እነዚህን ድርጊቶች አስቀድመው ያውቁ ይሆናል።
የማገጃ መሳሪያውን የመጠቀም ልምድ ካሎት ይህንን ክፍል ለመዝለል ነፃነት ይሰማዎ።
The block is one of the central tools available to administrators and those with advanced permissions. It prevents a registered user account from editing and an unregistered user from editing from a specific IP address. Blocking policies are project-specific. More information on performing blocks, and when they're appropriate, can be found on those projects.
Range blocks
Range blocks, where a group or "range" of IPs are blocked, can be a powerful weapon against users moving through multiple IP addresses. However, it is also a solution with a lot of potential collateral damage. Consider consulting a fellow administrator with experience in these kinds of blocks before applying a range block for the first time, and make sure you are aware of and respect local policies about their use.