The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Collegamenti
Se hai delle domande, puoi condividerle:
- Lasciando un commento su questa Pagina di discussione
- Lanciando un Tweet @WikiLibrary o con l'hashtag #1lib1ref
- Sulla Wikipedia inglese, the Teahouse è un buon posto per chiedere aiuto ; Per la Wikipedia in italiano, qui trovi un elenco di posti adatti per porre domande
Contatta un referente bibliotecario che lavora su questo progetto
Il riferimento principale per il programma Wikipedia Library è Alex Stinson (User:Astinson (WMF), Se ti piacerebbe essere un referente locale per le attività di #1Lib1Ref, aggiungi il tuo contatto a questa lista
- 'Per aggiungere il tuo contatto, scrivi *il tuo nome ([[User:NAME]]), località e indirizzo email e/o account Twitter a cui sei raggiungibile'.
- You can edit by clicking here
United States
- Stephanie Evers Ard (w:User:eversard), Social Sciences Librarian at the University of South Alabama (Mobile, Alabama, USA) @skevers or
- Merrilee Proffitt (User:Merrilee; OCLC, San Mateo, CA; -- I can offer virtual office hours for those who want some handholding
- Kai Alexis Smith (User:Siarus1074; CPP University Library; Subject Librarian at Cal Poly Pomona University Library contact me at or @kaialexissmith via twitter)
- John Jackson (User:Johnxlibris; Loyola Marymount University; Head of Outreach and Communications at the William H. Hannon Library. Contact me at @johnxlibris)
- Lori Ayre (w:User:loriayre); Contact me at or @loriayre.
- Rose Oliveira, Linda Lear Special Collections Librarian, Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, USA
- Teri Embrey (User:TeriEmbrey Pritzker Military Museum and Library, Chicago, Illinois,
- Sarah Mabee w:user:SarahHelenPrindle, Humanities & Fine Arts Librarian, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, USA. @sarahprindle
- Cassandra DellaCorte (User:MidwestCuttlefish), DePaul University, Chicago, IL. Contact
- Rachel Howard w:user:Rachel.howard, Digital Initiatives Librarian, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
- Jenny Kinniff (User:Flappable) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
- Phoebe Ayers, MIT Libraries,
- Kris Markman, Harvard Library, Cambridge, MA, USA @DiscourseMarker
- Sara Marks (User:librarygurl; University Massachusetts, Lowell;
- Kate Dietrick (User:Ked0102), University of Minnesota Libraries
- János McGhie (User:McGhiever; Saint Paul Public Library, Saint Paul, Minnesota;
- Rachel Wexelbaum (User:RachelWex), Saint Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota;; @voxpopulare
- Jason Heppler (w:User:Hepplerj), Digital Engagement Librarian, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, @jaheppler,
- Jeremy Floyd (w:User:Jjfloyd), University of Nevada, Reno, @jjamesfloyd
New Jersey
- Luiza Wainer, Princeton University, lwainer[at]princeton[dot]edu
New York
- Janelle Toner (User:janelletoner), Assistant Librarian, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY,
- Andrey Filimonov (User:AndreyPFilimonov), Archival Services Manager, Center for Jewish History, New York, NY,
North Carolina
- Emily Jack (User:Sodapopinski7), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Leigh Bonds (User:leigh.bonds), Digital Humanities Librarian, The Ohio State University,
South Carolina
- Brenda Burk, Clemson University Libraries,
- Bryan Jones, Nashville Public Library, Nashville, TN, USA @librarianbryan
- Mary Anne Caton, Vanderbilt University Libraries, Nashville, TN, USA
- Samantha Dodd, University of Texas at Arlington
- Rachel Helps, Harold B. Lee library, Brigham Young University, @Rachel_Helps
- Jessamyn West, Vermont, @jessamyn
- Amanda French (User:alf7e), Blacksburg, VA;; @amandafrench
- Erin Fields, username: Emefie, Liaison Librarian and Flexible Learning Coordinator, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC., @Emefie
- Allana Mayer, Toronto/Ontario
- Stacy Allison-Cassin (User:Smallison), Digital Pedagogy Librarian, York University, Toronto, Ontario.
- Mita Williams, Librarian, University of Windsor, @copystar,
- Sara Allain, Vancouver, B.C., @archivalistic
- Elizabeth Stregger, Sackville, NB
Latin America
- Mauricio Fino (User:maolibrarian), Lecturer at Javeriana University (Bogotá, Colombia) @maolibrarian
- Leonardo Ramírez-Ordóñez (User:C3r098), Conector Foundation, Bogotá - Colombia;; @cer098
- João Alexandre Peschanski (User:Joalpe), Cásper Líbero Professor of Political Science, Communications Professor Supervisor at the São Paulo Research Foundation Center for Neuromathematics (São Paulo, Brazil)
United Kingdom/Ireland
- Andy Mabbett (w:User:Pigsonthewing), Wikimedian in Residence at ORCID, etc - United Kingdom (and further afield if needed).
- Rebecca O'Neill (w:User:Smirkybec), Project Coordinator for Wikimedia Community Ireland, wikimediaireland, @WikimediaIE
- Damien Belvèze (User:Udo_Bolano), University of Rennes 1 Library, Rennes, France
- Nicolas VIGNERON (User:VIGNERON), Rennes, France; @doc@rennes
- Xavier Cailleau (User:Xavier WMFr), Paris, France;
- Elīna Sniedze (w:User:Ellia_S), Latvian Librarian Association (LLA); New Professionals section of LLA, and @lbbjss on Twitter
- Alessandra Boccone, Bibliotecaria presso il Centro Bibliotecario di Ateneo dell'Università degli studi di Salerno, Italy,
- Chiara Storti (w:User:Nonoranonqui), Italia,
- Michele Tagliabracci (w:user:Tagliabracci), Italia,
- Zana Strkovska (User:Violetova), Skopje, Macedonia,
The Netherlands
- Marjo Bakker (User:Warlibrarian), Netherlands;; @mjgbakker
- Olaf Janssen (User:OlafJanssen), National library of the Netherlands, olaf.janssen,
ookgezellig. Created a Dutch manual (pdf) for librarians.
- Arne Wossink (User:AWossink), Netherlands, wossink
- Ipek Yarar, MEF University Library, Istanbul, Turkey, email:,
- Krzysztof Machocki (User:Halibutt), education projects coordinator / press officer at Wikimedia Polska (Warsaw, Poland). Contact info here.
- Lantuszka - librarian, based in Warsaw, Poland. Specialization: wiki-GLAM, art documentation and information, tolerance and non-discrimination, human rights, women's biographies, wiki-ethnography, free-licences, media education, Ukraine, Israel, librarianship and information management, collective memory, un-memory, training professional librarians in editing wikipedia and wiki-sister projects. Contact me if you need assistance, I'd be very happy to help.
- Katarzyna Błaszkowska (User:Pakusza), Gdańsk University of Technology Library.
- Jolanta Szczepaniak (User:Iolanthe~plwiki), Lodz University of Technology Library @SzczepaJ
- Hipersyl, Lisbon, info
- André Barbosa (Alchimista), Porto, info
- Àlex Hinojo (User:ÀlexHinojo), Catalan areas Libraries, glam and @AlexHinojo on Twitter) Project page in Catalan language
- Jesús Tramullas (w:user:tramullas), Wikimedia ES; Dept. of Library and Information Science, Univ. of Zaragoza (Spain);, @tramullas.
Middle East
- Liron Dorfman (User:Ldorfman), Wikimedia Israel, Liron
- Benoit Soubeyran (User:Mazuritz), Wikimedia France, Jerusalem, @BenoitSoubeyran
- Mohammed Sadat Abdulai (User:Masssly), Ghana,, @masssly
- Felix Nartey (User:Flixtey Accra, Ghana, e-mail me and @flixtey via Twitter
- Samuel Guébo (User:African Hope), from Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire, @samuelguebo
- Nurunnaby Chowdhury (Hasive) (User:Hasive; Dhaka; Bangladesh, or @nhasive via twitter.
- Kuldeep P Pawar w:user:Kuldeep Pawar, Librarian,Govt. College of Education, (CTE),Jintur Road , Parbhani, Maharashtra India.
- w:user:Jameela P., Library and Information Assistant/ Info Crawler, Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kannur, Kerala, India.
- Krishna Chaitanya Velaga User:KCVelaga, India; actively involved in TWL outreach and connections with librarians
Australia/New Zealand
- Sara Barham (User:Elucidata), Dunedin, New Zealand;; @sarabeee.
- haminoon, Auckland, New Zealand, e-mail me, @haminoon
- Siobhan Leachman (Ambrosia10), Wellington, New Zealand. @siobhanleachman via twitter, digital volunteer for the Biodiversity Heritage Library.
- Jacinta Sutton, (JacintaJS) (talk), Project Officer, State Library of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Search WP:SLQ in en.wikipedia for our #1lib1ref Project Page. Email
- Pru Mitchell, (Pru.mitchell) (talk), Wikimedia Australia, Melbourne., Via Twitter: @pru.
Local Library Events
Click here to share information about your local event
Estudiantes de la Escuela de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad de Costa Rica estarán participando de la campaña durante el curso Técnicas de Investigación Bibliográfica, específicamente durante los días 28 y 29 de mayo de 2018.
La Biblioteca del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información de la UNAM y el Colegio Nacional de Bibliotecarios A.C. Ciudad de México
Invitan a todos aquellos bibliotecarios, estudiantes e interesados en los ambientes colaborativos del conocimiento como las Wikis, al evento #1Lib1Ref que se celebra anualmente por el aniversario de Wikipedia y que tiene por Objetivo: Mejorar los artículos que necesiten referencias, para ser validados. Este año se integra IIBI UNAM y el CNB al evento, que se llevará a cabo el Próximo 30 de enero de 2018 en las instalaciones del IIBI en la Torre II de Humanidad en Ciudad Universitaria CDMX.
Meridian Library District in Meridian, Idaho will be hosting a Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon as part of #1Lib1Ref on January 20th, 2018 from 8:30 AM -10:30 AM at our Cherry Lane location. All local librarians are welcome to join us. We will provide coffee, snacks, and a brief overview of editing Wikipeida plus a supportive environment to share your expertise or edit for the first time. For questions please contact
University of Huddersfield library in Yorkshire, United Kingdom, will be hosting a Wikipedia editathon as part of #1lib1ref on Saturday 3rd February, 11am03pm GMT. All librarians and library workers welcome, however space is limited so please sign up via [EventBrite] if you wish to attend!
University of Minnesota Libraries will be hosting a Wikipedia edit-a-thon in support of #1Lib1Ref on January 17th, 2018 from 9:00am to noon at Wilson Library on our Twin Cities Campus. We invite the local library community to join us. For more information, including contact information for questions, please visit the events page on the U of M Libraries website.
GLAM Macedonia in cooperation with the City Library "Braka Miladinovci" will be hosting open discussion "Importance of digitization" as part of #1Lib1Ref on January 18th, 2018 from 2 PM - 3 PM.
Wikimedians of Romania and Moldova invites you to our #1Lib1Ref events in Bucharest and Chișinău on January 20th from 11 AM.
Wikimedia Serbia and University Library "Svetozar Marković" will be hosting a Wikipedia edit-a-thon in support of #1Lib1Ref on January 23th, 2018 from 10:00am. Also, we invited via e-mail librarians and other volunteers to join the campain.
York University Libraries in Toronto, Canada, will be hosting three Wikipedia edit-a-thons on the theme of Indigenous scholars and researchers as part of #1Lib1Ref. Events will take place on January 18th from 12 -1 1:30 pm, January 22nd from 10:30 am to 12 pm and January 29th from 10:30 am to 12 pm in the computers labs on the fifth floor of Scott Library. Questions to:
Maastricht University Library will be hosting a Wikipedia Citation Challenge in support of #1Lib1Ref on February 1st, 2018 from 1pm to 3pm at the Inner city Library, Parlour room (next to the Information Desk). We invite our local library community - students and researchers - to join us. For more information, including contact information for questions, please visit the library wall page on the UM website.
The University of Groningen Library is hosting a Wikipedia edit-a-thon on Tuesday, 30 January, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. All library staff of the University of Groningen are cordially invited to join us for this "#1lib1ref lunch"!
Coinvolgi la tua rete
Stiamo cercando organizzazioni partner. I partner potranno aiutare la diffusione della campagna:
- Contribuendo alla diffusione del progetto attraverso blog ed email e sui social media, per tutta la durata della campagna
- Chiedendo direttamente ai bibliotecari della propria di rete di partecipare alla campagna
- Promuovendo dei webinars o altre attività educative durante la settimana dal 15 al 23 gennaio 2016
Se sei interessato, contatta Alex Stinson (astinsonwikimedia
org o @Sadads ) o il team di TWL (wikipedialibrary
org o @Wikilibrary ). Potranno supportarti nella strategia di comunicazione, con le risorse da condividere con la tua rete, e a metterti in contatto con la rete di volontari della tua area. I partners potranno inoltre essere inseriti nella relativa lista sulla Pagina principale, e saranno inclusi nelle nostre iniziative sui social media durante la campagna.
Siamo entusiasti di aiutare i bibliotecari a conoscere questa campagna, ma abbiamo anche bisogno di condividerla. Twittare il tuo contributo alle fonti di Wikipedia, linkare a questa pagina e in generale condividere la pagina sui social media sono tutti modi per contribuire alla condivisione. Di seguito le piattaforme su cui siamo presenti:
- Tweetta e condividi su Twitter @WikiLibrary o con il nostro hashtag #1Lib1Ref
- The Wikipedia Library è su Facebook
Inoltre, collegati ai tuoi contatti stampa per aiutare a condividere le news della campagna tra le reti di biblioteche.
Track press and social media
If you post or see a post related to 1lib1ref on another site, add it to our Press list!
Poi coinvolgi la tua biblioteca!
Le biblioteche sono alleati indispensbili nella mission di Wikipedia: collezionare e diffondere la summa della conoscenza umana. Considerata questa comunanza nella mission di base, i contributori di Wikipedia hanno coinvolto le loro biblioteche locali all'interno di una strategia di arricchimento del movimento Wikimedia GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums). Ci sono molti formidabili esempi di coinvolgimento di bibliotecari con casi studio nella Rete di biblioteche pubbliche della Catalogna, presso la Biblioteca nazionale di New South Wales, la Biblioteca nazionale di Israele, i National Archives of the United States, e molti altri.
- Per saperne di più su come le biblioteche di ricerca possono contribuire a Wikipedia, dai uno sguardo a questa guida per le biblioteche di ricerca
- Per sapere quali contributori o comunità di Wikimedia vicino a te possono aiutarti nel coinvolgimento della tua biblioteca, rivolgiti al locale movimento Wikimedia affiliato, ai contatti delle biblioteche listate di seguito, o al volontario indicato come referente per i progetti GLAM nella tua zona.
- To find a Wikimedia editor or community near you to help get your library more engaged, reach out to a local Wikimedia movement affiliate, the library contacts listed above, or a volunteer who act as a contact for cultural heritage organizations in their region.