Template:Steward elections/hak
Outdated translations are marked like this.
- 新監管員每年選舉一擺。監管員做得在全部維基媒體wiki个社群討論中決定係嘸係達成共識,並依據監管員方針得到以下大權:更改用戶權限、查看用戶濫用信息、以及親多(具體見這項)。
- 親多相關投票、翻譯佬參選个信息,[[Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Guidelines|請閱讀指引]]。 您也做得[{{{voter-check-tool}}} 點這邊]自動檢查您是否有權投票。
- Candidate submissions are open from 22 2 ngie̍t 2025, 06:37 (UTC) until 22 2 ngie̍t 2025, 06:37 (UTC). [[Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Questions|Questions to the candidates]] can be submitted until the election concludes.
- 投票會在開始到結束。參選者一定會[[Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Guidelines|完全符合方針需求]],還要有親少要30張支持票佬支持票占總票數80%正做得競選成功。您還做得[[Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Statistics|在這項關注動向]]。
- 當前任職監管員个[[Stewards/Confirm/{{{year}}}|工作確認程序]]也會共下个步調來行駛。
- [[:Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Statements|全部候選人陳述]] (不包含投票)
候選人 |
![]() Yes |
![]() No |
![]() 中立 |
![]() 問題 |
結果 |
目前有監管員確定个程序 |
監管員組織他們自己个選舉。 理事會在2009年決定他們將放棄新選舉的結果確認工作。因此,監管員創建了一個選舉委員會用在以下任務个志願者組成个選舉:
- 結束監管員選舉;
- 在全部有符合資格的候選人个投票完成之後確認選舉結果;
- 任命被推選人;
- 結束監管員確定;
- 監管員確認後,權衡社群和監管員之間个意見,然後決定是否再次確定。
You can contact the Election Committee by emailing stewards-electionslists.wikimedia.org.
為幫助{{{year}}}年監管員選舉个組織工作,請參看[[Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Coordination|協調頁面]]。
如果您需要幫忙,請自由个向#wikimedia-stewards-electionsconnect佬[[Talk:Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}|討論頁]]請問一下。
- [[:Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Statistics|選舉狀態个頁面]]
- [[:Category:Steward elections {{{year}}} statements|全部有效候選人頁面]]
- [[:Category:Steward elections {{{year}}} statements/disqualified|全部毋效候選人頁面]]
- [[:Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Confirm/{{{year}}}|{{{year}}}年全部監管員確定頁面]]
This template provides the text for the yearly steward elections "main page", e.g. SE17.
- year = e.g. 2017
- CandidStart = Day and time when nominations are opened
- CandidEnd = Day and time when nominations are closed
- VotingStart = obvious
- VotingEnd = obvious
- candidates = Candidates, one line
{{Se candidate indexer|2017|Example}}
per candidate - withdrawn = Withdrawn candidates, one line
{{Se candidate indexer|2017|Example|withdrawn}}
per candidate - disqualified = Disq. candidates, one line
{{Se candidate indexer|2017|Example|disq}}
per candidate - ElectCom = The members of the election committee, one line
* {{user|Example}}
per member - Elected = The elected stewards, one line
per user - voter-check-tool = link to the tool which checks voters' eligiblity, e.g. toolforge:meta/accounteligibility/38