Template:Steward elections/da
- New stewards are elected roughly once per year. Stewards perform technical tasks on all Wikimedia wikis based on community consensus and on the Stewards policy: changing user access, viewing user information in cases of abuse, and so on (see details).
- For more information on voting, translating, or being a candidate, [[Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Guidelines|read the guidelines]]. You can automatically check your [{{{voter-check-tool}}} eligibility to vote].
- Candidate submissions are open from 22 februar 2025, 06:37 (UTC) until 22 februar 2025, 06:37 (UTC). [[Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Questions|Questions to the candidates]] can be submitted until the election concludes.
- The voting begins on 22 februar 2025, 06:37 (UTC) and ends on 22 februar 2025, 06:37 (UTC). Candidates must meet the [[Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Guidelines|criteria]] and obtain at least 30 votes in favor with an 80% support ratio. You can track the results with [[Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Statistics|collected statistics]].
- The [[Stewards/Confirm/{{{year}}}|confirmation process]] of the current stewards is being held in parallel.
- [[:Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Statements|Alle kandidater meddelelser]] (uden stemmer)
Kandidat |
![]() Yes |
![]() No |
![]() Neutral |
![]() Spørgsmål |
Resultat |
Bekræftelse af nuværende forvaltere |
Forvalterne organiserer selv valgene. Bestyrelsen (Board of Trustees) besluttede i 2009, at de vil afstå fra at godkende resultatet af valgene. Derfor må forvalterne danne en valgkommité for hvert valg bestående af frivillige til følgende opgaver:
- Afslutning af valg til forvalter;
- Fastslå resultatet af valgene efter at alle de afgivne stemmer på samtlige kandidaturer forud er kontrolleret for valgbarhed;
- Udnævnelse af de valgte kandidater;
- Afslutning af godkendelse af forvalterne;
- Afveje konsensus hos vælgerne og forvalterne efter afslutningen af godkendelsen og så at beslutte, om de kan godkendes eller ej.
You can contact the Election Committee by emailing stewards-electionslists.wikimedia.org.
De, som gerne vil hjælpe til med at organisere valgene af forvaltere i {{{year}}}, bedes se [[Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Coordination|koordinationsiden]].
Hvis man har brug for hjælp, kan man roligt spørge på #wikimedia-stewards-elections-chattilslut eller på [[Talk:Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}|diskussionssiden]]. Der er et feed til sporing af seneste ændringer på IRC på #wikimedia-stewards-electionstilslut.
Se også
- [[:Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Statistics|Side med valgstatistik]]
- [[:Category:Steward elections {{{year}}} statements|Kategorien over alle gyldige kandidaturer]]
- [[:Category:Steward elections {{{year}}} statements/disqualified|Kategorien over alle ugyldige kandidaturer]]
- [[:Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Confirm/{{{year}}}|Bekræftelsesside for siddende forvaltere i {{{year}}}]]
This template provides the text for the yearly steward elections "main page", e.g. SE17.
- year = e.g. 2017
- CandidStart = Day and time when nominations are opened
- CandidEnd = Day and time when nominations are closed
- VotingStart = obvious
- VotingEnd = obvious
- candidates = Candidates, one line
{{Se candidate indexer|2017|Example}}
per candidate - withdrawn = Withdrawn candidates, one line
{{Se candidate indexer|2017|Example|withdrawn}}
per candidate - disqualified = Disq. candidates, one line
{{Se candidate indexer|2017|Example|disq}}
per candidate - ElectCom = The members of the election committee, one line
* {{user|Example}}
per member - Elected = The elected stewards, one line
per user - voter-check-tool = link to the tool which checks voters' eligiblity, e.g. toolforge:meta/accounteligibility/38