Tech/Server switch/sco
Yer wiki will be in raed-anerly suin
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The Wikimedie Foondation will be switchin the traffec atween its data centres. Iss will mak shuir that Wikipaedia an the ither Wikimedie wiki kin stey onwab e'en efter a muckle mishanterin.
Aw traffec will switch on 19 Mairch. The test will stert at 14:00 UTC.
Unfortunate, acause o some leemits in MedieWiki, aw editin maun stap whiles the switch is makit. We apologise fur iss disruption, an we ar wirkin tae minimise it in futur.
Ae banner will be shawn on aw wikis 30 meenits afore iss operation happens. This banner will remain visible until the end of the operation.
Ye will be able tae raed, but nae edit, aa wikis fur ae smaa period o time.
- Ye willnae be able tae edit fur up til ae oor on Wadensday 19 Mairch 2025.
- If ye try tae edit or hain durin thir times, ye will be gien ae error message. We howp that nae edits will gang astray durin the meenits but we canna mak shuir o'it. Gin ye see the error message, then please wait til athing is back tae normal. Then ye sud be able tae mak hain o yer edit. But, we recommend that ye mak a copy o yer chynges aforehaund, juist in case.
Ither effecks:
- Backgroond tasks will be slaw an some micht drap. Reid airtins minna be updatit as quick as normal. Gin ye mak ae airticle that is awreidy airtint elsewyes, the airtin will remain reid fur langer nor uisual. Some lang-rinnin scripts will hae tae stap.
- We expect the code deployments tae happen as wi ony ither week. Houaniver, some case-by-case code freezes cud happen gin the operation needs thaim efterwarts.
- GitLab willnae be available fur aboot 90 meenits.
Iss projeck micht be pit aff gin needit. Ye kin read the schedule at Ony chynges will be annoonced in the schedule.
Please share iss information wi yer commonity.