I'd honestly love to get better statistics on who is visiting the shop. Given what is happening on it we have a different privacy policy but that doesn't mean we throw out our traditional norms. I'm interested in what people think about using Google Analytics to do this on the shop so that we can have a better understanding of where people are coming from. Jalexander (talk) 04:19, 15 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Statistics are always good. Google is evil nowadays, and not to be trusted with visitor information. Why not use a freely available, open source package instead? Mike Peel (talk) 21:04, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
I would totally be open to one though I haven't found a good option yet :( OWA for example was taken down and isn't active at the foundation anymore (and would need some significant resources most likely). Does anyone have some ideas?
aye, the problem at the moment is that I do not have the resources to be hosting it on our servers. It may be an option in the future but isn't one yet. Jalexander (talk) 21:38, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Um, seriously? Given all of the investment that has been put into the WMF servers (which runs into the tens of millions of dollars now), I'm really surprised to hear this. I would strongly encourage you to confirm this with the WMF tech group.
If this is a serious problem, then perhaps WMUK can help here. Google Analytics basically works by downloading a webpage from a website that Google operates - there must be ways that a subsection of the WMUK server (which I currently manage) can be set up in an analogous fashion in order to provide these statistics, whilst ensuring that the data abides by the Wikimedia movement's privacy policies rather than forcing visitors to involuntarily opt in to Google's privacy policies. Mike Peel (talk) 21:50, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
(edit conflict) At the moment by resources I really meant that the resources available are me and like 10% of Jay (and a little bit of finance). We don't have any other resources assigned to the shop right now and if I can work on a hosted product it makes my life much easier. Yes I understand the privacy implications which is why I asked because what I'm comfortable with != what everyone else is comfortable with (in fact depending on the topic I'm either more liberal or more conservative then most of our community on privacy matters). If it's too much then we won't do it (and so far your reactions seem to say it is) and that's fine and I'll look for alternatives as soon as I can.
Have you thought about how great this would be for Google/ Bing Shopping? Wikipedia could kill it in sales off of these sites once they get one there. It's easy once they get their photos, lists together in proper size and format, their sales, and their page views will increase dramatically.
Of course our servers can probably handle it but given that the store may well see excessive loads at times it has to be flexible (OWA had major issues when we tried to set it up) and I am hesitant to ask the tech staff to set something up that could take a bit of their time before we know what we really want (or if the current provider will even work). I'll chat with them over drinks to see what the possibilities and maybe I'm overestimating the complexity. I appreciate the offer for the UK support and will obviously consider it in the options that we weigh with legal/tech. Jalexander (talk) 22:03, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Just to clarify, I think James was not referring to traffic costs (which would indeed be neglible, as Mike points out), but to the work hours required to set up and maintain such a solution.
In general, it should be pointed out that there are also privacy considerations involved just by transferring users' IP data to other jurisdictions, however trustworthy the receiving entity may be (e.g. we wouldn't want Wikipedia editors' IPs subpoenable under the infamous UK libel laws; although for a merchandise shop that's less of an issue).
But in any case, I too commend this generous offer by Wikimedia UK and would be really interested to benefit from your expertise - not just for the shop, but also for example for the WMF blog. Which of the stats solutions that you suggested (PiWik, AWstats, OWS) are you currently using on blog.wikimedia.org.uk? And for example, I see that the Wikimedia UK blog shares visitors' IP data with Gravatar and Flickr. I assume that the chapter has signed agreements with Automattic and Yahoo! (the respective parent companies) to ensure that their use of those IP addresses complies with Wikimedia privacy expectations, and it would be great if you could share some of the insights you gained in that process. (On the WMF blog, the Gravatar option is disabled in Wordpress and hotlinking images from non-Wikimedia sites is discouraged for privacy reasons.)
The WMUK blog (as well as the other sites we host) uses AWStats. Thanks for catching Gravatar - I hadn't realised that Wordpress used a third party for that (sneaky!), and I've now disabled it. We should only be using images from Commons, or self-hosted on the blog - I'm currently looking for the flickr link... (I suspect someone accidentally used a flickr image in a post somewhere). Thanks. Mike Peel (talk) 11:46, 17 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Mike, I am sorry, as this is so long after the fact. I am curious though what you meant when you said Wordpress used a third party, because Gravatar is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wordpress (or was), as was mentioned by Tbayer. I don't know if that makes a difference, regardless, for privacy. As you said, the only allowed images should be from Commons, or self-hosted on the blog itself. Similarly, I am curious what the resolution was regarding usage of Flickr (and accordingly, Yahoo! who owns it)? Thank you, and again, sorry for the (extreme) time lag. FeralOink (talk) 09:25, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Not only GA is against the privacy policy and can't possibly be used, but I don't see how tracking users would be within the Wikimedia values, mission or whatever you can think of. Reminder: 1) income is not the objective, 2) no I don't buy Facebook's claim that the big brother is there to provide you what you really want and ensure you happiness (and similar arguments). Nemo22:15, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
It's a different privacy policy (and not the normal one because of the differences in the working of a shop) but I agree that we want to keep with our values. Personally I think that things like GA are acceptable in my life and I wondered if people would be more amenable to it off of the projects themselves (where I would never accept there). It doesn't appear that's the case (which I knew was a very real possibility) and that's fine and why I asked. I'll find alternatives when we have the time Jalexander (talk) 22:33, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
This is similar to the above question. Traditionally on Wikimedia projects we don't allow something like a facebook 'like' button or an identi.ca or twitter 'follow' button. I'd like to add some of these and while we can get away with some lower featured share buttons without any script coming from facebook/twitter, those share buttons don't offer what I worry people are used to in the general public. Given the difference in style and tone for a 'store' compared to one of our projects I wonder what people would think about this. Jalexander (talk) 04:19, 15 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
The main idea is things along the lines of Facebook like and share buttons buttons (we can do some share without calling facebook but not everything), google +1, twitter follow buttons (that don't just make them 'tweet a specific tweet' which we could do but isn't my favorite) etc. Jalexander (talk) 01:58, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
No iframes. It's easy enough to implement sharing icons (Wikinews and other projects already do this), but they may not "call back" to the main site when a user visits. --MZMcBride (talk) 21:53, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Aye, I had wanted to try and get a like button in there but it doesn't appear we're going to be able to in a way that will be acceptable. So we won't and I'll use the other options. They aren't ideal but they work Jalexander (talk) 22:35, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Some concrete examples for the kind of privacy-friendly sharing buttons that MZMcBride means: The Signpost has been using them in every story since 2010, see here (click "show" next to "Share this"). The code that Wikinews uses can be found at n:Template:Social bookmarks and n:Template:Main_headlines. I can help setting up something like this, it should not be much work. Also worth mentioning is TheDJ's JavaScript-based "Sharebox".
Right. JavaScript isn't necessarily the problem, especially JavaScript that's hosted locally, assuming it isn't doing anything crazy in it.
Perhaps Meta-Wiki or mediawiki.org ought to have a guide for integrating social media into your Web site without compromising user privacy... or rank ideas on a page by most invasive to least and the techniques behind each. Hmmmm. --MZMcBride (talk) 16:50, 17 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
We already have some more merchandise in design and ordered for other projects ( Lapel pins, stickers, buttons) but we need more. One of my ideas was the a series similar to the 'I edit Wikipedia' shirts on the store now. Do people like that? Other ideas? Jalexander (talk) 04:19, 15 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Substitute Wikipedia for the other Wikimedia project names, and you'll win some serious bonus points here. Merchandise for the other Wikimedia projects would be fantastic - although it might not be as popular as the Wikipedia versions, it will go down really well with contributors to other Wikimedia projects (who are in desperate need of encouragement from the WMF!) Mike Peel (talk) 21:53, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Yeah that's my belief and I would totally wear other project lapel pins, sport stickers and probably even a wikisource shirt (which I've had a lot of people ask about). Do you think we should just use 'Edit' or another action verb for other projects? ("I proofread wikisource" "I upload on Commons" ? Jalexander (talk) 22:36, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
I just donated some money to Wiki because it has become a fixture in my life. How did we ever live without Wiki? :)
I also saw the shop for the first time and decided to buy a cap, but couldn't find that in the merchandise. I hope you would consider adding that in.
Can I recommend that USBs be sold with Wikipedia content already downloaded onto them? Kiwix is free software that can be used to download the complete text of Wikipedia, but I think it could be a great gift if there were USBs ready for laypeople. It seems there is already an image of a Wikipedia USB as well at this link: http://www.openzim.org/wiki/File:Cl%C3%A9_Wikip%C3%A9dia_-_Framakey_-_Kiwix_(2).jpg
Latest comment: 12 years ago8 comments4 people in discussion
It's great to see the WMF setting up this shop, and for it to be globally available at reasonable cost. I'm wondering, how can chapters help out here? I can think of several potential options:
Enabling local distribution. It's naturally going to be far cheaper to ship goods in bulk to a chapter who then fulfills the orders within that geographical area, than it will be to send individual orders internationally, since postage costs are expensive but scale pretty well. I'm thinking of the costs here both for the person placing the order, and for Wikimedia/partner organisation fulfilling that order.
Producing local merchandise. Chapters will naturally be producing merchandise that are specific to their geographical area - whether that's in terms of language, or design localisation. Can/should that merchandise be made available by this store, or by independent stores?
Supplying equivalent goods locally. Some of these products don't need to be produced in the US - they could be produced in local geographies at lower costs (and hence prices) than producing+shipping from abroad. Is there a way to accommodate that option in this process?
Some replies, speaking for myself, i.e. James may want to dispute me here.. :)
From personal experience shipping thousands of items for the 10th anniversary, I can say that point one would be logistically a complete nightmare. Even if you might have financial gains, effectively shipping twice is no good. Add on the fact that people would be expecting to come to the WMF with any customer service problems, and if our answer is "well we handed it off to someone locally, go talk to them" it's not going to make people happy. Even though it seems crazy, this is why the most effective international shipping companies use a single major hub wherever possible.[1]
As for points two and three... I totally agree these are things worth exploring, especially in terms of possibly cross-pollinating lists of available merchandise so we can show localized material. It would be awesome if the store knew that someone was in the Netherlands, for instance, and also showed Dutch-language material the chapter had, and vice versa. My only concern here is that when people have produced material locally in the past (the examples I'm thinking of aren't just or primarily chapters) the quality has sometimes been quite poor. That's a big deal not just for the people using/wearing merchandise, but for how much merchandise can support a positive image of the Wikimedia movement. Steven Walling (WMF) • talk22:09, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
I don't think I can answer all of the questions now but what I can say is that it's a very open and important question. We're obviously just starting the shop and are going to want to be feeling a lot of things out (and trying a lot of things) but that all of the things you brought up are ideas I've thrown around.
Local distribution: I will slightly dispute Steven in that this has definitely been something I've thought about both as a revenue source for chapters and well as a nice way to keep shipping costs low for everyone but that his point stands as to why we need to look at it really carefully because it isn't simple (which obviously you guys know). Jalexander (talk) 22:19, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Producing local merchandise/local production: We are definitely going to any/all designs that will likely help with this for chapters etc. I think localization is important as as we expand is going to be even more important and finding the best way to do that is an open question. We want to make sure that we keep the quality as high as possible obviously and make sure we use economies of scales ( for example if it just costs less to make 1000+ here and mass ship). That said I am confident that with careful looking (which chapters who know the area are going to be really helpful with I imagine) we can find good companies with high quality and who respect our values and probably save money especially as we grow.
Sorry I don't have all of the answers at the moment but what I will make clear is that a very important thing drilled into me during my interviews for this job was that it would be part of it to engage with the chapters and find a way to incorporate them with whatever we end up doing. I don't know the best way to do that yet but I intend to help find it. Jalexander (talk) 22:19, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Could you elaborate on your personal experience here, please? From the point of view of WMUK, we effectively distributed 10th anniversary merchandise at a variety of events that took place both that month and in subsequent months in the UK, without placing any additional logistical requirements on the WMF during that process. 'Shipping twice' was incredibly beneficial here. I know that in some cases it didn't work out flawlessly, but I suspect there might be a biased viewpoint here since the areas where this worked well didn't complain, whilst those that it didn't work out so well were fairly vocal.
On the quality of local products. Yes, I admit, this can be an issue - since the nature of Wikimedia is to aim to be as cost-effective as possible, and hence chapters naturally aim to minimise costs whilst making the biggest positive impact possible. But this is a simple exercise of quality control. Simply request samples of merchandise before allowing them to be advertised on the store - that way, you ensure that the standard is high enough without excluding involvement here.
To follow up on the revenue angle: I think that's a red herring. Yes, there is some financial benefit available by selling merchandise, but that's not what we're here to do. We have far more effective ways of raising revenue than merchandise (i.e. the annual Wikimedia fundraiser), and merchandise should be aimed at carrying out outreach to encourage participation in the Wikimedia projects much more than it should be to raise funds for Wikimedia. So I think that viewing it as a revenue source for chapters is quite wrong here... Thanks. Mike Peel (talk) 22:31, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
The flip side to my previous question is that this merchandise would be really useful for carrying out outreach within a geographical region. Is there a way that chapters (or other organisations carrying out Wikimedia outreach) can place bulk orders for merchandise at preferential shipping rates? Or are there other approaches that chapters (and those other organisations) should take in order to request this merchandise? Thanks. Mike Peel (talk) 21:32, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, both at discount (since we're not trying to make profit anyway) and at preferential shipping rates. For now chapters and other groups who want to bulk order should contact me and we'll work something out. We're also setting up an internal store for orders like that within the foundation and it may be something workable for other groups in the future as well. Jalexander (talk) 21:40, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, fixed the extra line above Customer login looks like a remnant from when I moved some stuff around. I also adjusted the headers for sentence case and may want to take a bit of a look at the link titles when i get a chance. Jalexander (talk) 22:25, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi. The image on the very right of the first row (on the landing page of the store) is a tad larger than any other image in the apparel section. Dunno if that was intentional. Killiondude (talk) 22:03, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Thanks Killiondude, not intentional but I think a side effect of how they were taken and cropped (I actually think it may be the same size as the 3 on the 2nd row they are just even so you can't tell). I'll try to play with them a bit offline to get them more even. Jalexander (talk) 22:28, 16 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Hi James,
Could you please post the design templates (the PDFs or SVGs) of the actual items? It would be very useful for localisation and customisation purposes.
Aye. the pdf for the back of the t-shirts is on there not but I'm going to try and get more of what we originally used. I actually believe for some of them we may well have given just mockups (like the hoodie and sweatshirt ones available) but I'll try to get the high quality versions we originally used and anything else I can find and upload them somewhere easy (commons if a normal file type for there and foundation if not). Jalexander (talk)18:03, 19 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
As would I. I'm thinking plain white shirt with "[citation needed] across the back of the neck and across the front. "[Dubious - Discuss]" could also be amusing. //NotFrank (not signed in just now)
I was just going to suggest this exact thing! I would love a shirt with [citation needed] and [Dubious- Discuss] on it.
Latest comment: 12 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
I like the track jacket colors but a jacket isn't very practical for attending WP editing sessions that are held indoors. Can you let people customize the colors of the polos? I suggest a black or dark blue polo with white trim on the sleeves and collar. Pine(talk)10:01, 25 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
At the moment we're trying to keep it simpler (with less customization so that we don't have to do print on demand) but it's definitely on the list of things we want to do for a couple items. I also want to look at some other options for a nice polo as well. Jalexander (talk) 10:27, 25 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Great. While we're discussing polos I'd like to request that the sleeves be longer than what's shown in the current photo. It would be nice to have polos that are suitable for business casual. Pine(talk)11:00, 25 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, you're getting the correct warning. This is on the FAQ at the moment. Sadly it's a limitation of the software and infrastructure that we're working with them to fix (sadly not as easy to od as I would like). There should not be any links to https content and so most people are getting these issues because they are using the https everywhere extension which assumes that all *.wikimedia.org sites have an https version (and this doesn't). HttpsEverywhere has already committed a change that will exempt the shop.wikimedia.org address from the extension and so will stop the warnings for people during their next release. I'm hopeful that we'll have the issue fixed and I can have them before that (and I can have them revert the change) but I wanted to be sure. The checkout pages do in fact have correctly matching certificates and so don't have this problem.
But at least by now EFF has pushed out the above mentioned exemption in the current release versions of HTTPS Everywhere, so you should not get the error message any more when accessing http://shop.wikimedia.org/ on Firefox or Chrome with an up to date version of HTTP Everywhere. Regards, Tbayer (WMF) (talk) 21:06, 6 June 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago4 comments3 people in discussion
Wikipedia has an awesome unofficial mascot, w:WP:Wikipe-tan! I would love a t-shirt with the Commons pic of her in a library and the caption being something along the lines of 'Wikipedia addict.' Anyway, the shop is a great idea and the more diversity of styles, Wikimedia projects, and icons/mascots you use, the better! —The preceding unsigned comment was added by206.176.245.202 (talk • contribs) .
Wikipe-tan has been explicitly demoted from unofficial mascot status because she has been shown to make the projects less welcoming to women., 20 August 2012 (UTC)Reply
I just read that sentence, that Wikpe-tan "has been shown to make the projects less welcoming to women", and rolled my eyes upward, slightly. Then I clicked and viewed Wikipe-tan. She is cute, but she doesn't look like she should be editing Wikipedia. I acknowledge that Wikipe-tan might be considered differently in a cultural milieu other than my own. However, I trust that Wikimedia has looked into the matter adequately. As a female Wikipedia contributor, I'd rather see, well, nearly any representation of an adult woman (as in "18 years of age or older") than Wikipe-tan, and regardless of ethnicity, hairstyle or clothing (even none at all, and no, I'm not a lesbian). The key is post-pubescent. Thank you so much, to whomever made this decision. --FeralOink (talk) 10:15, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
I have to join FeralOink in congratulating whomever made this decision. As both a woman and a manga fan, I'm glad Wikipedia is careful of chauvinistic antisocial undertones.Tulpoeid (talk) 20:26, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Go ahead and put "Wikipe-tan" on a T-shirt. Just get ready to experience an even greater influx of weeaboo.
Is Tulpoeid being sarcastic? I shouldn't have said "thank you" to Wikimedia, I guess. I just looked up weeaboo after reading the comment thread above. Apparently, this is weeaboo. I don't think we should facilitate weeaboo, even obliquely, as the final unsigned reply said. Those poor souls seem to dislike their own ethnicity and culture, and obsessively emulate an idealized, distorted version of another culture, which elicits ridicule by all. That will lead to grief, as people (especially youth) must have a positive self-image in order to be happy.
I just learned the expression "Yellow Fever" on Quora, which prior to now, I thought was an insect-borne viral haemorrhagic disease, endemic in Latin American and Africa. There is a very different "Yellow Fever" in popular culture, it seems. Apparently, weeaboo is a strain of The Other Yellow Fever. I had no idea. I guess I should just say "thank you" and not provide further detail in the future. But that seems kind of meaningless. I don't know... sigh. I didn't mean to offend anyone, which I probably did with my first comment, saying "Thank you". --FeralOink (talk) 09:22, 29 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
1. I should tell you that when I placed my first order, in the email I received I was given a tracking number as a link, but when I clicked on it, the USPS site page said in red,
"Delivery status information is not available for your item via this website. A return receipt after mailing may be available through your local Post Office."
2. I think you might want to consider putting a "click to enlarge" note near the photos of the items.
3. On my second order when I forgot to include the expiration date for the credit card, I got into a odd set of consequences based on "credit card expired", which was a bit off-putting. I managed to get back out again OK but some shoppers might give up at that point.
4. I like the design of the women's "I edit Wikipedia "box" Tee" but I don't like 50/50 polyester/cotton which can be too hot in hot weather and also with this blend the armpits of the tee start to smell as the shirt ages. Also... does this tee have a "heathered" (minutely mottled) background as it appears to in the images? If so, then the description should say it is heathered.
The page needs to be prettier to look at. It's a bit plain and needs more color and to look more "pulled together". Don't we have some good graphic designers somewhere?
Thanks Invertzoo! Thanks for the comments we're definitely trying to find these pain points and see what we can do about them.
Yeah I've been whining a bit about the USPS tracking links. I thought we had fixed that already and will look into it again. At the very least I want to make sure we have a note about it because you run into two issues depending on how it's mailed. The USPS page has very bad text even when it's a "valid" tracking code that just doesn't work yet because it's not in the system yet (but will be in the next 12-24 hours) . Then you have things like 1st class mail which doesn't have tracking (or sometimes worse has tracking within the US and then just seems frozen in time and never updates after it leaves the US).
We definitely want to make things a bit prettier. I'm very open to thoughts and will definitely be poking our good graphic designers (already have a couple of them)
The credit card deal is weird... I'll see what we can do about that.
Do you have suggestions for better t-shirt material? We can definitely look into other variations for other generations of the shirt or other shirts. It is heathered, I tried to get that across with the shirt "color" name but that may not be clear enough we can put it into the description too.
Tee shirts are generally nicer to wear when they are 100% cotton, even though in some cases that can shrink a bit in the dryer.
I am not a graphic designer, but here are a few ideas:
Perhaps the shop page can have a colored background, something like that to make it more cheerful?
Maybe the photos would look better if they were not thumbnailed but instead the image reached to the edge of each box? The two rectangles, one within the other, are a bit harsh.
Next time you photograph tees on people, try to find prettier backgrounds, maybe (as was the case in the fundraising images) you can use bushes or trees? Because the grey painted wall is really a bit grim.
If you are going to use real people as models (which I think is fine), see if you can get people to crack up a bit more, or give 'em a glass or two of wine first so they relax more. The best photos currently are the Wikipedia Globe Tee image and the Globe Hoodie images. Everyone else looks a bit too "guarded".
The globe hoodie image is longer than the rest, that kind of thing looks amateurish.
Inside the "Welcome to The Wikimedia Shop" box, you need word-wrap, which it doesn't have right now.
The shop could use a little friendly and lively advertising copy, high up on that first page, such as, "Show the world you love Wikipedia."
The current lines, "Welcome to The Wikimedia Shop The official online store for Wikipedia and its sister projects. All revenues from your purchases go to the Wikimedia Foundation, the 501(c)3 non profit that operates Wikipedia and its sister projects" are very dry indeed, and not much fun at all. The shop needs to be a kind of a fun place.
Latest comment: 12 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
In continuation of the discussion on Commons:Commons:Village_pump/Archive/2012/03#New_Wikimedia_Shop_feedback.2Fhelp_requested, I think a good idea for a Commons shirt would be one saying "Wikimedia Commons photographer". I think this might help some Commons photographers get access to things they want to photograph (whether people, artifacts, etc.) due to the perception that that person is working with a media institution (which is accurate). As well, I think it's better than just "I shoot for Commons", since the word "Commons" is fairly ambiguous.
Hey MZ, this was set by me on purpose both because it is in fact both (It is The Wikimedia Shop AND The Wikipedia Shop) and for SEO/Search Engine reasons. Wikimedia Shop is not a well known search engine phrase at all and is very difficult to get into search queries (which we need especially given how others like to try and sell Wikipedia products even through google ads). Wikipedia Shop and other related terms are, on the other hand, well known (because of the Wikipedia brand) and because there are already tens of thousands of people who search for a wikipedia shop every month, compared to very few who think to search for the Wikimedia shop (according to google 74k searches for Wikipedia Shop every month compared to 50k for Wikipedia Store and 58 for Wikimedia Shop). We're only doing it on the main page ( and it will show up as the search engine link because of that) and I think that's ok, on all other pages it's the product page/page name and | The Wikimedia Shop. Jalexander (talk) 22:30, 29 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
I think you should leave search engine optimization to search engines. As long as shop.wikipedia.org redirects and the page is littered with references to Wikipedia (which it is), it's going to come up fairly high (if not number one) for "wikipedia shop", "wikipedia store", etc. And if not, that's not your problem.
Putting a link to the store in the footer or other part of the interface of the English Wikipedia will also obviously help, though I realize you're currently "soft launching."
Latest comment: 12 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
There are certain content pages being hosted on http://shop.wikimedia.org such as http://shop.wikimedia.org/pages/about-wikimedia or http://shop.wikimedia.org/pages/payment-methods. I'd like for these pages to pull their content from Meta-Wiki or wikimediafoundation.org. This will result in less duplication, proper revision control and monitoring of the content, presumably easier translation of the page text, etc. How feasible is this? Or are there alternate approaches that you have in mind that might work better?
I feel this is a fairly important issue, particularly with regard to monitoring changes to the privacy policy and terms of use and such. I also feel that a wiki shop must be largely editable by the wiki community. --MZMcBride (talk) 19:38, 29 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
The "pick a currency" selector on every page (including content pages) is incredibly annoying. Can this be adjusted to not show up globally or be moved to the sidebar or something? The current implementation is simply obnoxious. --MZMcBride (talk) 19:39, 29 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
I just visited the shop and read the discussion with suggestions on how to improve the shop, merchandise, the experience of shopping there etc. I agree the site could be more attractive and i trust that's going to happen. I'm so glad someone mentioned selling only 100% cotton shirts. I have been wearing 100% cotton ever since I began buying my own clothing. Dressed my kids in cotton too. Washing cotton tees in cold water, which is great for the environment and the utility bills, is the way to go. I hang everything to dry then throw stuff in the dryer on "air" for a couple of minutes to get rid of the stiffness and wrinkles. No, I do not iron anything. Cold water and no hot drying also prolongs the life of items. Drying destroys the elastic on underwear for example and just generally "wears out" the fabric. I find I am able to preserve my clothes for years and years and more years. I've been able to pass on cool kid clothing to my grands because I took care of it to begin with and that's really fun. Gotta add that none of my kids ever had any clothing they couldn't play in, couldn't get "dirty". Full disclosure: I do dry towels and sheets. Although I have a tiny house, I also have space to hang dry which I realize many might not have. Still, it's amazing how little room a wooden drying rack can take up. Show curtain rods work as do door hangers. I'd like to add that I couldn't find anything about where the items are made. I want to know the cotton used doesn't involve child labor in any way, or sweatshops. I'm sure you're all thinking about this too and I trust the stuff is responsibly made. I always try to buy responsibly and mindfully in addition to preserving what I have so I can buy less. I do want a Wiki tee but I just donated to Wiki and can't buy a tee too. Perhaps a button. Thanks for the terrific work all you Wiki people.
Since we have such valuable services, why do we not promote ourselves more on the popular services? Yahoo, Google, MSN?
I understand advertising costs, but there are also opportunities to comment on popular or current events...and provide links to Wikimedia and its offerings.
We're way too deep into offering something valuable just to be groveling among people who believe...we have reach more outside of our comfort zone.
One-hundred percent of the proceeds from the Wikimedia shop go to the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organization that operates Wikipedia and other free knowledge projects.
"One-hundred percent" should be "100%".
Social Imprints is a third-party printing and fulfillment company. They manage the fulfillment and shipping of all orders from the WIkimedia Shop. You can learn more about them on their website.
"WIkimedia" should be "Wikimedia".
Our branded products are manufactured in the United States, China, India, Pakistan, El Salvador, and Guatemala, Our fulfillment partner, Social Imprints, is a San Francisco-based employee-owned cooperative that provides professional jobs to at-risk adults in the SF Bay area.
There should be a full stop rather than a comma between the words "Guatemala" and "Our fulfillment partner".
This sentence doesn't actually seem to mean anything.
Back: "Wikipedia" in 58 languages.
For clarity, this should say "Back: The word 'Wikipedia' in 58 different languages." The back of the t-shirt probably doesn't contain Wikipedia in 58 different languages.
Anyway, hope that helps. Finally, I can have a Wikinews sticker to put on my laptop. And a Wikiversity sticker to put on the door to my nearest public lavatory and/or insane asylum! —Tom Morris (talk) 14:07, 26 May 2012 (UTC)Reply
Thanks Tom, I'm making most of these changes right now on a copy of the site which should go live soon (if it gets delayed by more then a couple days I'll just put them live. Though I'm a bit confused about your "badge of honor" comment. I didn't write that page (I believe Jay did a while back) but it's a phrasing I'm very familiar with and makes sense to me.. what is your concern? It's possible that it's just a American/North American phrasing that doesn't make much sense outside? If so we may want to think of something else. Jalexander (talk) 22:41, 30 May 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Some community stores have "submit a picture of you in this item" features -- that would be pretty fun, to build a gallery of editors wearing stuff. Maybe holding up signs with the name of their favorite article or similar? We could jumpstart something at wikimania.
There is no such sign for sale, as far as I can see (maybe there was at the time of the above comment). Still, I don't think the market for them would be large enough to merit sale ...but what about [citation needed] stickers?--ZarlanTheGreen (talk) 00:36, 3 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
I don't think WMF wants to be promoting the idea that the politicians of any particular country are dishonest i.e. basing their campaigns on insufficiently corroborated data or facts. I personally doubt the truthfulness of most U.S. politicians when campaigning. But that is just asking for trouble for WMF to promote that particular xkcd drawing, with an American flag (or any nation's flag)! It's fine for xkcd, as xkcd i.e. Randall Munroe, isn't a non-profit foundation. Also, you'd need to ask him before using his work for promotional purposes, regardless of the Creative Commons license for the image use here. Given that he is already selling signs at the xkcd web store, I would give him a chance to earn a living from his work. --FeralOink (talk) 10:10, 31 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago6 comments4 people in discussion
Most of the world has no idea how big inches are so it would be good if we included more metric measurements for accessories and things. Kaldari (talk) 20:37, 6 June 2012 (UTC)Reply
I hate when global corporations are so US centric, but you too, Wikipedia? Who uses fluid ounces for containers instead of ml (or other equivalent unit) outside of the USA? REO1976 (talk) 16:03, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
From what I understand, fluids are often (though still not always) referred to in ml, even in the US, nowadays. Bottles or cans of coca cola, or the like, are always metric ...but inches are still used in the US and the UK. Pretty much everyone else, are sensible enough to use metric units, though. It's sad to see that this issue hasn't been fixed, despite it having been pointed out several months ago.--ZarlanTheGreen (talk) 16:16, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
That's very fair, this should have been updated earlier. I've tried to keep things listed in both imperial/US and metric measurements. I've updated the waterbottle page and if you see any others before I get to them let me know (it's about 710ml by the way ). Jalexander (talk) 20:40, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
I have given the exact conversions (1" = 2.54 cm), feel free to round them as you like. I have not converted the references to 15" and 17" laptops, because as far as I know every laptop manufacturer gives these measurements in inches everywhere around the world. REO1976 (talk) 22:15, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hey Elitre, The phase essentially began when this page was created and then 'kept going' as we worked out bugs. I think we're getting to a point soon where we can roll out a version 2 and start to think about a more public launch. It's currently aiming towards about Wikimania (early July) or end of June. Jalexander (talk) 20:27, 8 June 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
In the Accessories section, I see "(pack of #)", "(Pack of #)", and "(# Pack)". These should be made consistent. Similarly, some item names have every word capitalized, and others only have the first word capitalized. These should also be made consistent. --Cryptic C62 (talk) 01:37, 13 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
I personally like the idea of a USB drive, however I never purchase any USB drive that has the innards exposed like that because they get too damaged to use very quickly. I recommend one that flips shut. I also recommend selling the USB individually or in a (slightly) discounted three pack, as having several good USB flash drives is good practice. As for the laser pointers, I'm worried that we might not have the market to sell them. Mind you if you get a USB/laser pointer combo for $US 10, I'd strongly consider it, but not anything pricier than that. Sven Manguard (talk) 01:24, 19 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
Note that the first of those two USB key links now redirects to the same model as the second, except in silver or black, so I presume the original smaller unit is unavailable, which is probably just as well as it is unlikely to work at all with a keyring next to USB-A cables., 20 August 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago3 comments3 people in discussion
Can you comment on the volumetric capacity of the dihydrogen monoxide storage and transportation unit that you sell? I would be interested in any impact tests that have been performed on the aforementioned product.
Closest image match[9] says 28 ounces. This should certainly be specified. It is probably also a good idea to note that the mouth of the bottle is wide enough to accommodate ice cubes, as that is exceptional in my experience., 20 August 2012 (UTC)Reply
Thanks 71.212, sorry for the delay in responding here. It's actually 24oz (I had to check for some reason I didn't have it written down) but the top is the same size as that one and it is indeed good for icecubes (I use it with ice on my desk most days). I'll add both notes to the product page this evening and maybe tweak it around a bit to add a bit more. Jalexander (talk) 21:23, 20 August 2012 (UTC)Reply
I haven't done impact tests, but if you knock it against a hard surface (e.g. a rock on a hike) the paint will chip. Apart from the aesthetic problem, it should survive everyday impact situations. (I am sure over time someone will have a Will it blend? video up on the net... :) --Bence (talk) 18:36, 3 October 2012 (UTC)Reply
Hi, the page says that the translation of the shop into more languages is incredibly important, which is true, and it says "I'm having a meeting with some guys from their team in the next couple days and will keep everyone up to date on the progress for this". Did this happen? Is there more information on the progress for this? Is internationalization considered as a required aspect for the shop under the Wikimedia plan/budget? Thanks, SPQRobin (talk) 14:34, 21 August 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I picked up a water bottle (blue) at Wikimania, and wanted to let James/everyone know that the blue coating flakes off of the bottom. Thus far it hasn't flaked off on parts that are easy to see, but most of the bottom is gone for me now. I don't consider my treatment of the product to be harsh. One of my acquaintances has the same bottle (not Wikipedia branded) and it also flakes, so I think it's a product flaw. Sven Manguard (talk) 06:36, 9 September 2012 (UTC)Reply
Thanks Sven, If you get a chance could you grab a picture and shoot it to me? I've seen it flaking a bit on the bottom as well since Wikimania but they mostly seemed to 'come that way' and not flake much in normal wear. I'd love to have some pictures to show them. Jalexander (talk) 22:56, 24 September 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi, I'd like to suggest that the Wikimedia shop offer some Wikimedia shirts, for those of us that are not just Wikipedia contributors. Something like a tshirt with the Wikimedia Community logo + Wikimedia written on the front and all the project logos on the back in a circle or something. SnowolfHow can I help?18:22, 3 October 2012 (UTC)Reply
Hey Snowolf, I agree. The lapel pins were a step in that direction but we definitely want to have some apparel and other products for everyone else as well. I'm hoping to have at least a couple new things up for the holidays (and so should be sharing ideas soon). Jalexander (talk) 02:48, 9 October 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 11 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Some orders for Europe does not seem to be able to leave California.
I have placed an order for wikipedia merchandise on Sept 20th 2012.
This order is now (November 6th) still on holding in San Francisco.
A second order was sent on Oct 24th and today still on holding in Los Angeles.
I'm sorry that I didn't see and respond to this earlier, I agree :(. I had no possible idea that the USPS Priority system (which is very efficient within the country) would be so horrible outside. We've taken it completely out as an option for International users (and will not be using it for our flat rate option anymore either). Jalexander (talk) 10:42, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Something I would like to see is a 5 inch (12.7 cm) wide car emblem (see examples of other car emblems), which generally come with tape backings or magnetic backings for placement on the rear of a vehicle.
Several would be possible (these examples are not exhaustive):
Heh, we actually have 'wikipedia contributor' stress balls for the education program I believe. I'd want them a bit more designed for the shop I think but could be a good option :) Baseball caps are another one that have been brought up frequently, my guess is the next two things to look closely at are caps and mugs. Jalexander (talk) 23:31, 27 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
Jalexander I just had a recent reminder of how much caps would be good, and here we are in 2014 without caps. Is anyone working on merch development? Pinging Lgruwell as well because I think the shop is now in the Fundraising department. --Pine✉08:48, 14 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Just returned from a family wedding where I was, as per usual, promoting Wikimedia. One of my cousins is into manufacturing and his website is here [11]
He likes to make stuff and is interested in looking at designs related to Wikipedia / Wikimedia ( with new laser and 3 D printing equipment having just been installed ). He has agreed to give 100% of the profits from any sales to the WMF. Sales could either take place via his website or via the WMF's website.
Anyway he will make up some prototypes and I will post pictures here when he send them to me. He primary makes metal stuff, but is beginning to work with wood and plastic. He would also probably be interested in making other peoples designs. Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 04:35, 19 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
At the moment we've tended to stray away from licensing merchandise for many reasons (that I'm happy to explain more if people want) and so selling elsewhere is likely out of the question for now. However all options are open. I know you've sent Asaf and I an email about it and he explained a bit about the licensing issues but overall I'd want to see some general idea of what we're talking about before we go further. We are certainly going to be looking for more products in the coming year but we're going to need to go, relatively, slow on that since the shop is really very small right now. That means we have to make tougher decisions on 'what goes first' etc but I am more then happy to be have other options to put in front of Myself, Jay and the shop team. As I'm digging out of the email blockade over the next couple days I'll get back to you (I have about 1000 emails a week right now and so the holidays buried me a bit, but I've been working remotely the past 2 days and will be back in the office tomorrow afternoon) Jalexander (talk) 23:30, 27 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
Certainly and this is definitely something that the community should weight in on. No one want to tarnish the good name all of us have worked to create. I guess the main question is our we open to offer a similar arrangement we have with "social imprints" to other similar organizations? Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 23:54, 27 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I agree with the two people who said (both recently and quite a while ago) that there should be a cap for sale with the Wikipedia or WIkimedia logo on it. If the cap was well designed, and came in good colors, I believe it would sell well. Invertzoo (talk) 15:21, 27 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
There was one in this page who wanted "old products" back, his examples were mouse pad, mug and poster. But I am quite sure there were also caps for sale at one time. Am I wrong and it was someone else than Wikimedia selling them?, 2 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I know this has long been in the making, folks have worked very hard to make it happen, Wikipedia's birthday usually is a good reason to celebrate, and it might be just me but I don't feel like appreciating "Happy birthday Wikipedia! 15% off"-banners right now :o( --Jan eissfeldt (talk) 08:13, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
People of good faith can disagree; in this, I totally understand what you are feeling. While I would hesitate to call myself close I considered him a friend from home (I'm from Boston) and the night when I found out was incredibly rough with no small amount of tears. I considered canceling, but in the end I just didn't think that it was the right thing to do. I think one of the lessons we have to learn is that life must go on. I think we have to celebrate what we've done together - with Aaron's help. Jalexander (talk) 09:28, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 8 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Is there any simple and not too costly way to get more colour options? I wouldn't want any of the shirts currently available, but if the "I Edit Wikipedia" T-shirt (preferably the box version) was available in a nice green colour (somewhere in the area of forest green, army green or similar), I'd definitely get a couple of 'em.
I would also suggest offering them in black and in white. Most people would quite like, or consider decent, one and/or the other.--ZarlanTheGreen (talk) 09:49, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago3 comments3 people in discussion
The "I edit Wikipedia" banner image is what made me click on the shop link on Wikipedia today, but I can't find anything like it for sale. The banner makes it look like something I can buy. Can I?
I'd love an "I edit Wikipedia" vinyl sticker. It'd look great on my laptop and explain to everyone else in the cafe/library what I'm spending all my time doing there. I'm sure other people would feel the same way. 11:23, 14 January 2013 (UTC)
Hmm, the sticker idea is an interesting one, I'm experimenting with a new sticker company and needed to make some random sticker ideas :) I'll try to throw this in the test batch and send some your way for free. That image is actually a crop from one of the t-shirts we have for sale (my favorite one in fact). Jalexander (talk) 11:35, 14 January 2013 (UTC) On a side note we do actually throw 2 WP Globe stickers into every order... but I don't actually say that anywhere it's just a nice 'surprise' .Reply
Wow, that would be great! Let me know if you need any help brainstorming some sticker ideas. I think there's a lot you could play with, because Wikipedia has so much of its own language and culture to draw from. I mean, who wouldn't buy a "Citation needed" sticker? Popcornduff (talk) 13:16, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
I would like to pay with cash,I have not credits card,don't use it,How I do? think they should raise small "Wiki store" in some cities and countries Carliitaeliza (talk) 12:27, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 12 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
After more than 5 minutes spent trying to find the shipping costs I still can find nothing meaningful, even after adding items to my cart (and no, the "Shipping" on the left column doesn't provide meaningful information). I worry this might discourage people from going on with their order. Tulpoeid (talk) 20:42, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, I've looked into this before and it was proving to be problematic to supply shipping prices before the final checkout step with the API options available but I just looked into it again and it looks like the software has been updated to a point that I should be able to add this. I'm going to try and get it up today but with the rush of things it may be pushed off a day or two depending on if I hit any speed bumps. Jalexander (talk) 20:53, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Wow, those look really cool! I'd want to know the dimensions, e.g. diameter and thickness, but I could see stringing a lot of them together. Lots of possibilities, depending on cost. Very nice idea! --FeralOink (talk) 10:16, 31 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
"You are browsing our secure server" bar at the very top of the page
Latest comment: 11 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I'm guessing the intention is to flag to the customer's attention that they've entered a secure area, which is fine with me.
I'm not comfortable giving the customer assurances that they're looking at a secure server, though. That's what the address bar is for, and we need to educate people to use and trust that and the certificate, and not introduce other (spoofable) indicators.
Screenshot of a shop.wikimedia.org page, showing the yellowish bar at the top containing the words "You are browsing our secure server"
My concern, in brief, is that such a message adds no assurance of actual security, and a phishing website could just as easily display such a message. If I'm no web designer, but I've seen a lot of webpages; I suspect that if someone were to impersonate the Wikimedia Shop, they could easily incorporate an identical-looking bar at the top of their page.
My point: I suggest that we replace this by an indication that it should be secure, and how to check whether it is.
(How to check? Probably by checking whether the address bar starts with https://shop.wikimedia.org--on Windows, this goes for Chrome, FF, IE9 (didn't check the others), and (I think) Safari, but not Opera.)
Mathieu ottawa (talk) 19:15, 24 February 2013 (UTC) (edited by the same on 20:27, 24 February 2013 (UTC) to inline the image for aesthetics and clarity, since the previous section also has an image, plus tweaks to the text)Reply
Latest comment: 10 years ago5 comments5 people in discussion
August 2013 Wikivoyage logo
Just a suggestion to add Wikidata and Wikivoyage to the options of buttons, lapel pins and stickers when possible, so that the shop isn't biased against these great two projects. Already Wikivoyage is burgeoning ahead as one of the WMF's more successful and popular wikis! In the long-run, I think some Wikivoyage merchandise that could be used while travelling would be fantastic. I don't think our community would have an issue with actively "advertising" the shop in our wiki's sidebar if there was Wikivoyage merchandise. JamesA (talk) 12:02, 25 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
While I'm not a participant in that community, I agree that if we don't sell Wikivoyage travel gear it's a missed opportunity. Branded duffel bags, luggage tags, fanny packs, and passport holders seem like obvious places to go. Sven Manguard (talk) 05:15, 26 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
... award tags that can go on a key ring or lanyard, or maybe beads on a paracord bracelet, thus avoiding problems with having to wear some sort of uniform clothing ...
and it reminded me -- I'd love for the shop to sell the kinds of lanyards that I've seen at some past conferences in Germany. On Mathias.On Daniel. They're wide enough that they don't cut into circulation, they look nice, and they have the word "Wikipedia" and a truncation of the logo. I have one and I try to wear it at conferences for that extra bit of branding. :-) Maybe others would too?
I have now worn it several times to other conferences and actually find it a little scratchy at the edges, but if we could solve that problem I think it'd be great. Sharihareswara (WMF) (talk) 20:48, 26 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Link to this page at the top of shop.wikimedia.org?
Latest comment: 11 years ago3 comments3 people in discussion
Hi, I have just suggested an idea similar to what we have here after searching a while on shop.wikimedia.org and meta, but I could not find this one. I would like to suggest that this page be more explicitly shown at the top of http://shop.wikimedia.org. We also have to develop the main page here in several languages, although I think the talk page should be allowed to be done in several languages. What do you think? --Tom (talk) 16:12, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Just added one, had one at the side but good to have it easier to find. thanks! I do agree that the talk page should be allowed in several languages. Jalexander (talk) 01:34, 27 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 11 years ago3 comments3 people in discussion
I know that this has been said, but I think that making the shop itself more visible across Wikis and adding more products that are more innovative or at least creative/appealing is very important. I completely understand that we are a non-profit, but if we could make sufficient funds, perhaps we could allocate some to grants or other projects, as well? --Jackson Peebles (talk) 17:43, 2 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Aye, more products are very important. We just launched more products today (in a flash sale for editors) and I hope that more will be on the way. Part of the problem has been my lack of time to bring it forward as quickly as I would like and as I move on to another department the fundraising team is taking over the shop along with an outside contractor to help. I'm hopeful that they will be able to continue with a bit more attention then lonely old me with other tasks to deal with as well. Jalexander (talk) 01:33, 27 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 11 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
All the links in the FAQ need an added space; they look likethis. A minor thing, but it makes it look untidy. Higher-level headings for the FAQ questions would also help. Hyarmendacil (talk) 08:19, 27 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks Hyarmendacil, I'm not sure what happened with those links ... it was not always like that... I fixed those and adjusted the headers too. Will take another look in the morning as well. Jalexander (talk) 08:29, 27 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 years ago5 comments5 people in discussion
A tie using the Wikidata logo.
I can only assume that the products available represent what the market wants. However, I'd like to ask for more business attire supporting WMF projects including Wikipedia. I'm a campus ambassador and I wear my blue Wikipedia polo for meetings with professors interested in the program. Dress shirts, ties, and lapel pins would help our ambassadors present a professional appearance while also advertising for our cause. Chris Troutman (talk) 00:37, 29 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Aye, I agree, I'd like to see us get more of this type of thing as well. We do have a nice collection of lapel pins which I use a lot (especially the WM pin and the stainless globe ) but we could do much more. Jalexander (talk) 00:39, 29 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Privacy. According to [14], the Social Impact service is staffed by "ex-offenders", and I do think giving people a second chance is a good thing. However, giving ex-cons our personal information is another matter. The code for Wikipedia is difficult for me to unravel, but I believe right now those banner ads are already delivering user IP (the moment cdn.shopify.com is accessed) and geoIP lookup data, and given that the ad says you need to be logged in for the discount I suppose they get their username, and then if you buy something they have name, mailing address, and credit card data. I suppose professional checkusers (whether affiliated with Wikipedia or not) might inquire whether Shopify or Social Impact sell this data?
Limited product line. As I said at the previous discussion, the products are very limited, all sort of the same kinds of thing. Simple ideas like rubber fundraising bracelets, coffee table books of featured Commons images, and Wikiversity-linked junior science kits could really spice it up. I mean, w:Livestrong became a household word with just one of those items, and if there were a way for people to display to anyone they work with that they do Wikipedia work, they'd constantly be picking up offers to scan and photo interesting things for us. Once again I feel like Wikipedia itself needs to be in charge of its shop, and suppliers like Social Impact should be contractors who just deliver some of the inventory.
Looks bad. The "10% off" thing is so crass. The whole point of a donation is to donate. It would make more sense to make it possible for the real scrimpers to buy some cheap items at-cost to express their affiliation, but steer people more toward getting other items that give them bragging rights as serious donors. Wnt (talk) 01:39, 13 November 2013 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 years ago8 comments6 people in discussion
Be Bold coffee mug
I would love love love a re-introduction of the "be bold" coffee mugs :) Or any mug design, but I was always very fond of "be bold" on the old cafepress mugs. Anyway, here is a vote for mugs in the shop! -- phoebe | talk17:58, 23 December 2013 (UTC)Reply
This product is now in development. It'll look almost exactly like the old "Be Bold" mugs with one small change. It will be on the shop before the end of February. More updates on to come soon! Thank you all for your feedback.--CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 01:28, 29 January 2014 (UTC)Reply
Update: The mugs have reached our warehouse and will go on sale next week! Thank you for your patience. We're really excited to get them on the store. --CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 22:18, 27 March 2014 (UTC)Reply
Many apologies for the delay, but the mugs are online now and have been since yesterday! Check them out and let us know what you think. --CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 20:00, 14 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
The site does not allow me to purchase goods from Sri Lanka (using a Sri Lanka-based credit card), for delivery to the United States. Is there a reason for that? Or is it a bug? Rehman03:15, 26 January 2014 (UTC)Reply
Rehman, can you be specific on when in the purchase process you noticed you were unable to place an order in Sri Lankan rupees? We do accept that currency, so I'd like to hear if there really is a bug in processing Sri Lankan payments. Please feel free to email me at [[15]] or our customer service reps at [[16]] and we can try to resolve this bug. Thank you for your patience!--CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 22:28, 27 March 2014 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for the suggestion! We'll put it on the list of proposed new items for 2014. I'd like to encourage any +1's to make themselves known here or at the Design Ideas page. The more traction any given suggestion gets, the more likely we are to prioritize its production. Also, we love to see responses on our survey, which has a heavy focus on design suggestions. Thanks again!--CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 18:36, 27 February 2014 (UTC)Reply
We can have a Wikipedia Globe like vase where people can plant flowers from the hole on the top of the globe. It would be expansive. SBD PM (talk) 08:28, 7 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
Point taken, thanks for pointing this out. We've deleted that sentence from the product description. We should be revising the copy on these descriptions generally in the near future. --CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 22:30, 27 March 2014 (UTC)Reply
Many thanks for fixing that. Rich Farmbrough 08:53 19 April 2014 (GMT).
Latest comment: 10 years ago5 comments3 people in discussion
It seems for me that some goods in the shop violate WMF's own visual identity guidelines (e.g. fancy backgrounds and colours) — is it an example and everybody should don't care about the guidelines as WMF itself don't care about it or should there some measures be done either with the guidelines or with the goods' designs? --Base (talk) 19:34, 26 February 2014 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for reaching out regarding this issue. I appreciate your concern for maintaining the integrity of WMF's visual identity, however I can assure you we submit all new product designs to the WMF Legal department for approval to ensure compliance with these guidelines. If you'd like to suggest changes to the Visual Identity Guidelines in general, we would recommend bringing that up on the VIG talk page.--CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 20:19, 2 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
Which talk page? foundationwiki is not open for editing. Base's question was very specific, you're using backgrounds which are not allowed by the visual identity guidelines (according to him). You can ask whoever approved the design to confirm here how that's in compliance with the guidelines and whether they should be updated. --Nemo18:21, 15 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
I'd like to apologize as I wasn't aware of the restrictions on editing FoundationWiki, but Nemo brings up a good point. Nonetheless, I would like to reiterate that all product designs are reviewed and approved by WMF Legal and Trademarks. If you have any questions about Wikimedia Shop merchandise as it pertains to the Visual Identity Guidelines, please email trademarks@wikimedia.org. Thank you!--CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 22:09, 15 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Yes, I know... who would want to remove a Wikipedia sticker? Well, my daughters are switching rooms, and the eight-year-old has adorned her door with Wikipedia globe stickers (possibly from this set, or from an earlier version of it). The seventeen-year-old wants no stickers on her door, so how do we remove the stickers? They seem to be incredibly robust. --Palnatoke (talk) 09:38, 28 March 2014 (UTC)Reply
As far as we know, the removal of the Globe stickers shouldn't be different than any other sticker. Have you tried methods like the one in this article on WikiHow? Let us know if that doesn't work!--CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 20:23, 2 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
Hi Nemo, I have also asked for a review of this. I would ask when you find a concern that you explain more of the issue and your suggested solution, not everyone knows what you mean when you say "Please fix". Thank you, heather walls (talk) 18:44, 15 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
"Where can I learn more about the merchandise efforts of the Wikimedia Foundation?" [17]
Shold link to this page, not to home page. --Nemo18:19, 15 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for pointing this out. We've asked our vendor for a quote on ordering enough of these two logo designs to fill out existing stock of each product. It is possible that addition won't be cost effective, in which case we will simply have to add the new designs to our next reorder. Either way, we should have the pins, buttons, and stickers with all project logos within a few months. Thanks again for the tip, and we'll keep you posted on when we think we can have more available.--CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 16:36, 17 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
As an update, we the Wikidata and Wikivoyage pins and stickers are in production, and we expect to have them added to the shop by the first or second week in June. Unfortunately, it wasn't cost effective to update the buttons until we have to reorder the whole set, but we're excited to be able to represent these projects on the pins and stickers in the meantime. Thank you again bringing this to my attention!--CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 20:58, 8 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
Are NEW (non-English Wikipedia) users eligible for the giveaway program?
Latest comment: 10 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
I notice that the merchandise giveaway program is, yet again, organised on the English Wikipedia rather than here on Meta. Two questions: (1) why was the English Wikipedia chosen over Meta (especially given that we can have a truly international and translatable page for it here), and (2) does this mean than NEW (non-English Wikipedia) users are not eligible for the program? odder (talk) 09:19, 23 April 2014 (UTC)?Reply
Latest comment: 10 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
The lapel pin with the Wikimedia logo visible here should say Wikimedia and not Wikimedia Foundation; the green–red–blue logo is used by the whole movement and not only by the Foundation. odder (talk) 09:43, 23 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
You're very right, thank you for noticing this. We have changed it for all accessories so the description now reads simply "Wikimedia." --CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 00:16, 1 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 years ago4 comments3 people in discussion
Hey guys ! I just discovered this shop, and I find your lack of calendars disturbing *loud breathing* I mean, there are some really great pictures on common (well, I don't know how many of them are CC-NC, but still), and I think people would be interested in various kind of calendars (plants, insects, animals, flowers, landscapes, trees, towers, cars, etc.).
And, you know, even though I'd like to show my support for WP, I really dislike having stuff written on me (I mean, on my clothes), be it brand names, associations, or Wikipédia, and I tend to favour more subtle ways of displaying my interest : mugs, pens… and calendars. If there were cool ones (I like 'nature' photos more than monuments, cities and stuff).
Anyway, cheers guys Thouny (talk) 22:01, 20 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
Hi Thouny! Thanks for the suggestion. We currently have one calendar available on the shop (the Wiki Loves Monuments 2014 calendar), however unfortunately, this product doesn't sell well at all. Until we see any real demand for similar products, we can't justify offering more variants. That said, we're aware that November-January are the peak months in sales for calendars, so we will revisit offering the WLM calendars and/or calendars from a different photo contest on Commons. If you would like to suggest a different collection, please do so here and we will keep that in mind as we prepare for 2015. Thanks again!--CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 23:34, 3 July 2014 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
A greatly enhanced version of this, as a poster... (Note, this thumbnail is the 2007 version)
I'd like to suggest an idea for a printed poster.
Start with Wikipedia as books (notice how far it extends horizontally...)
Add all the other projects (Wiktionary, etc)
Separate the individual languages
Re-arrange it, into a poster's standard dimensions.
Reduce the opacity of the shelves/books, and add:
Icons for the projects
Xx: labels for the languages
perhaps some basic colors to split things up like a map.
Somewhere along the edges: Add small thumbnails of the same thing, showing the size at various earlier years (2006, 2007, 2008, ...) for easy comparison. Add graphs, of interesting things (editor stats, etc).
Latest comment: 10 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hey folks, particularly after this year's Wiknic, some of us were wishing that the store would sell "beach blankets" with the WP logo that would also function as a sign. Maybe think of it for the future. -- Kosboot (talk) 13:21, 9 July 2014 (UTC)Reply
Hi Casliber and Atlasowa, thanks for your patience! The Shop is undergoing another period of transition as WMF has hired our first associate whose work and time is dedicated solely to the Shop. This is really great news for this project, as past managers such as myself were balancing too many other duties and could not give the Shop or product design their due attention. Victoria Shchepakina is our new associate, and she has big plans to revitalize design. I'll let her take it from there, but want to encourage you to keep submitting ideas! Thanks, --CCogdill (WMF) (talk) 16:59, 19 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
Hi Casliber! Thank you so much for your idea! I agree that there is a lot of room for improvement and I will be working on new designs in the next few months keeping your idea in mind. I actually like that picture a lot!--VShchepakina (WMF) (talk) 17:22, 19 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
I'll try to make this short and sweet -
Focus on the design of your products. You are offering mugs, pens, and shirts - GREAT! ..but they're all generic looking :( x100
What you are offering is pretty much in line with what people are looking for these days e.g. shirts/pens/mugs/etc.
They're the most generic looking items ever sold. Pretty much looks like something you'd find in a souvenir shop in Europe (white mug with emblem pasted on, black pen with white text pasted on, etc etc.)
If you really want to make this store succeed (as I REALLY do!) sell unique items that make the individual feel like they purchased a quality item.
Mugs - Find a different shaped mug, or maybe sell one that's glass or maybe put designs on the handle or inside the mug.
Pens - Again, drop the generic pen, and find some sturdy quality metal pens. - hopefully without gel grips
Water Bottles - Include plastic versions, HIGHLY recommend selling an infuser bottle so you can flavor the water without worrying about pulp floating around :)
Magnetic Items - Maybe sell a Wiki Globe that can be taken apart for the fridge?
Wiki Bottle Opener - I bet you could sell some pretty cool looking bottle openers!
Beer Koozie - can you tell I like beer?
Hi! Thank you so much for such great ideas! I agree that unique items that don't look like they are from a souvenir shop are so much more valuable. I do really want to make this store succeed and I really appreciate your input! If you have more ideas/suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me via the talk page or email. Thank you!--VShchepakina (WMF) (talk) 17:50, 19 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
May I add that personalisation may make these products more interesting? Having a username added would perhaps be a good addition to have on a mug, pen or even a t-shirt? Thiruvathira (talk) 17:42, 7 September 2014 (UTC)Reply
Sorry Jeremyb, my mistake! The good news is that the majority of your concerns below have been resolved now. Thank you for taking the time to skim through the shop and seek out and reporting these items that needed attention. :) --JMatthews (WMF) (talk) 22:01, 6 January 2015 (UTC)Reply
does "Finally, if you are ordering on behalf of a chapter, and plan to place a large order, please contact us directly to discuss bulk pricing." really belong in the terms of service? (also, it's repeated again below. why?)
Done Removed one instance of info about ordering in bulk from the ToS and added the same info to the "About the Shop" page, for redundancy purposes. --JMatthews (WMF) (talk) 21:48, 6 January 2015 (UTC)Reply
also in ToS: "Whenever possible the Wikimedia Foundation seeks to grant permission to use our trademarks or copyrighted material to users who share our goals and principles. You may contact us here to seek such permission. Finally, if you plan to purchase a large volume of Wikimedia Foundation merchandise for an event or social gathering, please contact the Wikimedia Foundation's merchandise team here." Please find some way to reword this without the word "here". (see noClickHere) also there's a 3rd mailto: link in the page source that's empty (no text inside the <a>, just an empty <span>) and an where there should be a normal space.
shipping states that the shopify CA (certificate authority) is geotrust/equifax. currently it is actually digicert and a quick look at English Wikipedia indicates they are unrelated to geotrust/equifax. (but feel free to verify this. robh should know for certain) I'm not sure it's necessary to include this detail at all (it could be removed, maybe is too much detail for typical readers) but don't have a strong opinion.
shipping states "both partners use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption protocol, the most widely accepted Internet encryption standard." (fulfillment and shopify). Hopefully no one is using SSL. At least shopify definitely doesn't at the moment. (see POODLE) You could double check with fulfillment to be certain. Maybe this could be made more general instead of discussing a specific protocol?
Done Shopify has been contacted and replied with the following info, "We do use SSL for the checkout system and customer info, but not everywhere (since that would require SSL certs for each shop instead of just the internal checkout system)". --JMatthews (WMF) (talk) 00:35, 3 March 2015 (UTC)Reply
shipping states "check out our privacy policy". should make "privacy policy" a link to the policy. (not just link from the footer. to match the style of other shop pages)
the exchange boiler plate at returns says "explain what you would like to in place of what you ordered". missing word? could be "explain what you would like to receive in place of what you ordered"
I like this idea a lot. Some of the older swag was like this; we have bags with embroidery; and shirts with simple epaulet or sleeve embroiders would be classy. –SJtalk
Latest comment: 8 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
From Wikimania 2007
How about selling a literal puzzle globe of the logo that can be put together like a 3D jigsaw? Me and several other friends of mine are avid fans of puzzles (specifically 3D puzzles) and would gladly pay money for something like this, and we're aware that it'd likely cost more than a typical jigsaw puzzle. It doesn't seem like this has been suggested yet and I thought it'd be a cool idea.
Great idea! There was a version made in Taiwan or Japan in 2007. I have one of these and it is the best wiki gear I've ever owned; kids and adults alike love it. –SJtalk00:40, 23 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
It looks like the box in that photo is from 3D-JP.com, though the WMTW team also worked with thesecompany.
Latest comment: 8 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
I'd love to see the FAQ updated.
In particular, it would be good to have a list of the best place to go for merchandise in each language. If there's no source yet for merchandise in a major language, we can invite that community to provide one, and prioritize empowering those groups to do so. Having visible reminders of the project in everyday use in households and classrooms should be a top priority for whoever cares about the project brand! :) –SJtalk00:44, 23 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 8 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
There is no place to add the tax exempt number for entities that are purchasing via non-profit organizations. Also, for local Wikimedia chapters, is there some sort of free or discounted swag option? -- Erika Herzog, Secretary, Wikimedia NYC aka BrillLyle (talk) 14:26, 3 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 6 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Hi @Seddon:! first off this talk page and the subject page too both seem to need some love. subject page talks about 2014 and talk page hasn't had much in the way of replies.
but what I was looking for today specifically: are there any statistics/analytics on volume/diversity of shop browsers/purchasers? e.g. overall sales volume per country, are certain products a bigger draw in some countries than others, maybe something about repeat shoppers vs. one-time visitors.
Latest comment: 5 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
"So @cafepress just notified me of a catastrophic hack that included users' social-security and/or Tax ID numbers, among other items that basically make identity theft trivially easy. When did this occur? Last February." https://twitter.com/dangillmor/status/1173312565516079104
Do we have any idea how many purchasers of Wikimedia products might be involved? I don't remember how big the operation was back then. Nemo21:21, 15 September 2019 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I'd love to have some T Shirts but they are not worth the hassle of having to go to my local post office in Portugal and join a queue in order to pay import duty. And then wait another week for delivery. Also, your shipping costs are rather high. Any chance of opening a store in Europe? Thanks. Roundtheworld (talk) 09:43, 19 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
I am not sure if it'd be a good idea, though, if the Shop is offered in multiple languages, maybe a good threshold to have T-shirts and decals spread to many corners of the world? What do you think? I can offer to put en-ja translation if you need. Cheers, -- Omotecho (talk) 12:10, 16 October 2022 (UTC)Reply