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Talk:Wikimania 2016 bid selection timeline

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Latest comment: 10 years ago by Iopensa in topic Announcement



For the 2017 bidding timeline, I would strongly recommend to anticipate the selection and decision to make sure the announcement can be out by December 15th (it provides time to disseminate the news and to make a press communicate to the national media before Christmas). December 25th is a famous announcing date, but maybe not the ideal to announce Wikimania :)

The bidding process of Wikimania involves a lot of people, and it is important to nourishing enthusiasm around the selection. Ideally the email announcing the selection should be rapidly followed by the news on the Wikimania mailing list and maybe by an article on the Wikimedia Foundation blog (why not asking for help to the WMF communication team, but this requires to work with them and to prepare some documentation beforehand). Good news are worth to be celebrate!

Of course the selection is followed by a site visit, but it is useless to anticipate the entire Wikimania bid process if people do not start working immediately after the selection with enthusiasm (and the site visit is also a chance to show the work done and to take advantage of a the physical presence of the WMF event coordinator to discuss and work together) --iopensa (talk) 07:43, 23 January 2015 (UTC)Reply