Add topicNotes for translators
Main page
[edit]Teahouse links
[edit]- French:édia:Forum_des_nouveaux
- Spanish:
- Arabic:ويكيبيديا:بوابة_المشاركة
- Russian:Википедия:Форум/Помощь_начинающим
- Chinese:新手求助
Language links for Suggest a person, Suggest a list, Suggest a resource and Suggest a dataset
[edit]For the page links for Suggest a person, Suggest a list, Suggest a resource and Suggest a dataset please add a /?? for your language at the end of the URL eg /ar /zh (if you get stuck just translate the words and I can do the links.
sub pages
[edit]Don't forget to translate the sub pages (below)
This page is a bit complicated because it has to include both translate sections and has to be added to in different languages
Step 1: Translate Translate Template:Wiki4WomenPerson
Step 2: Create the page Wiki4Women/Suggest a person/?? e.g Wiki4Women/Suggest a person/ar Wiki4Women/Suggest a person/zh and add the translated template using {{Translatable template|Template:Wiki4WomenPerson}} and the table from Wiki4Women/Suggest a person
This page is a bit complicated because it has to include both translate sections and has to be added to in different languages
Step 1: Translate Translate Template:Wiki4WomenList
Step 2: Create the page Wiki4Women/Suggest a list/?? e.g Wiki4Women/Suggest a list/ar Wiki4Women/Suggest a list/zh and add the translated template using {{Translatable template|Template:Wiki4WomenList}} and the table from Wiki4Women/Suggest a list.
This page is a bit complicated because it has to include both translate sections and has to be added to in different languages
Step 1: Translate Translate Template:Wiki4WomenResource
Step 2: Create the page Wiki4Women/Suggest a resource/?? e.g Wiki4Women/Suggest a resource/ar Wiki4Women/Suggest a resource/zh and add the translated template using {{Translatable template|Template:Wiki4WomenResource}} and the table from Wiki4Women/Suggest a resource.
This page is a bit complicated because it has to include both translate sections and has to be added to in different languages
Step 1: Translate Translate Template:Wiki4WomenDataset
Step 2: Create the page Wiki4Women/Suggest a dataset/?? e.g Wiki4Women/Suggest a dataset/ar Wiki4Women/Suggest a dataset/zh and add the translated template using {{Translatable template|Template:Wiki4WomenDataset}} and the table from Wiki4Women/Suggest a dataset.
Improve Wikipedia articles
[edit]- The links on this page will need to be changed to links in the language you are translating to.
- The link to the content translation tool will need to be changed for your language
When translating the code label that has prefix=Wiki4Women/Draft/en/ all you have to do is change it to prefix=Wiki4Women/Draft/??/ e.g prefix=Wiki4Women/Draft/ar/ or prefix=Wiki4Women/Draft/zh/
- To change the language in the list of all articles produced change the two letters in the URL
- The links will have to be changed to the equivalent in your language
John Cummings (talk) 09:22, 23 February 2018 (UTC)
Proprietary products
[edit]Please do not advertise Google Calendar on Meta-Wiki pages. Nemo 18:33, 15 October 2019 (UTC)