Talk:Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2015/Community consultation/2015-03-10
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[edit]Response by McDutchie 02:04, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
McDutchie's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Eliminar le sito separate pro le usatores mobile ( etc). In loco de isto, facer un layout CSS3 que se adapta automaticamente al dimension del schermo. Isto non es tanto difficile a facer, e elimina un considerabile enoio: si on invia un "ligamine mobile" a un un usator desktop, ille vide un version non adaptate a su schermo.
- Hello, User:McDutchie|McDutchie]]. :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Unfortunately, Google translate is really very bad at Gallican (at least, that's what they guess you are speaking) and we have no language proficiency there on the staff working here. I see that you speak English with a near-native proficiency and were understandably unhappy with the machine translation efforts that were added. Would you be willing to summarize your points in English so that we can incorporate them? Looking at Google translate independently, I'm afraid I'm not getting much. :/ --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 11:43, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
- User:Mdennis (WMF) he is writing in w:Interlingua (see the last sentence below). Is there really nobody with a decent knowledge of Latin, French, Spanish or Italian in the WMF office? It isn't that difficult to understand (and I've never even heard of that language before). --HHill (talk) 09:31, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
- Ah, HHill. Thanks. I just put it into Google translate, and it apparently isn't familiar with this particular auxiliary language. Can you translate it, perhaps? If not, perhaps McDutchie will, since he speaks English so well. If not, I suspect Google translate can handle his native tongue. Overall, that program seems to function nicely, though it's garbage with some languages. --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 11:15, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
- I doubt he will do it himself: Iste responsa es scribite in le lingua international Interlingua como protesto contra iste situation = This reply is written in the international language Interlingua as a protest against this situation (the predominant use of English for international communication). --HHill (talk) 11:28, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
- Right, HHill, that would have pretty much defeated my point, wouldn't it. :) The initial reluctance to even try to understand a text in another language was also an interesting experience, and I see it as symptomatic. Right now the MediaWiki foundation is multilingual, but multilingualism is marginalized, relegated to the status of translating material originally written in English. Multilingualism should become a much more entrenched part of the culture, IMO. McDutchie (talk) 20:23, 7 March 2015 (UTC)
- Thank you, HHill! I will log this feedback. :) --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 17:34, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
- Ah, HHill. Thanks. I just put it into Google translate, and it apparently isn't familiar with this particular auxiliary language. Can you translate it, perhaps? If not, perhaps McDutchie will, since he speaks English so well. If not, I suspect Google translate can handle his native tongue. Overall, that program seems to function nicely, though it's garbage with some languages. --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 11:15, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
- User:Mdennis (WMF) he is writing in w:Interlingua (see the last sentence below). Is there really nobody with a decent knowledge of Latin, French, Spanish or Italian in the WMF office? It isn't that difficult to understand (and I've never even heard of that language before). --HHill (talk) 09:31, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
- Translation:
- Eliminate the separate page for mobile users. Instead of that, make a CSS3 layout which automatically adapts itself to the screen size. This is not very difficult to do, and eliminates a considerable annoyance: if someone sends a mobile link to a desktop user, they see a version which is not adapted to their screen.
McDutchie's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Le anglese devenira minus dominante. Le proxime milliardo de usatores internet generalmente non essera fluente in anglese e non habera le motivo a esser fluente. Lor participation active in vostre projectos depende de un re-consideration del systemas que considera le lingua anglese como le centro del universo.
Un exemplo particular es le systema de traduction, usate in Meta tamben, que considera le version anglese de non importa qual material como le version canonic. Omne nove material debe esser scribite in anglese primo, e traducite ab anglese postea. Isto bloca le personas qui non parla ben anglese de contribuer nove material.
Jam hodie, troppo de personas es excludite de contribuer in iste maniera, e iste situation va devenir sempre pejor. Vos deberea permitter que le version in un altere lingua es le version canonic. (Iste responsa es scribite in le lingua international Interlingua como protesto contra iste situation.)
Roughtranslation(please improve): (actually it was quite accurate, thanks! McDutchie (talk) 20:19, 7 March 2015 (UTC))- English will become less dominant. The next billion internet users will generally not be fluent in English and will have no motive to be fluent. Their active participation in your projects depends on a reconsideration of the systems which consider the English language as the center of the universe.
- One particular example is the translation system, used on Meta as well, which considers the English version of no matter what material as the canonical version. All new material has to be written in English first, and translated from the English later. This blocks those persons who do not speak English well from contributing new material.
- Already today, too many persons are excluded from contributing in this manner, and this situation will become ever worse. You should allow that the version in another language is the canonical version.
[edit]Response by Psychoslave 15:57, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Psychoslave's thoughts on question 1
[edit]With the next billion users coming, using English as the primary working language will be –to my mind– an increasing communication unfairness problem. So while I don't expect massive support, I would suggest to move to a more equitable language. Of course, no single user should be given the privilege to define what is a fair international auxiliary language, but it would be a shame that the problem wouldn't be even debated.
An other unrelated topic would be to launch a project for orginal art/cultural works, like described in Wikikultur.
- @Psychoslave: Hmm, re: languages, in this case the consultation page itself has been translated into >20+ languages, and folks post in different ones -- MT is used to facilitate interaction across language boundaries. But English is the most widely spoken second language, so without any coercion or "default status" it effectively becomes used as the common mode of interaction. I'm not sure what the alternative approach would be -- do you have one in mind? --Erik Moeller (WMF) (talk) 01:47, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
- @Erik Moeller (WMF): Well my first suggestion would be rise a debate about it, make a specific communication campaign about it, see what emerge from it and synthesize all that in a report released in the community main streams (Meta, Blog, Wikipedia Signpost, relevant mailing lists, etc.). Of course, I do have more precise idea in mind, but taking a step back gathering community feed back would seem a good prior action to me.
- So my more specific idea would be to elaborate a plan to move to Esperanto as main working language within Wikimedia international communications (ie. any communication not targeting a specific language population). Of course, that would be a long term plan, not a coercive unilateral claim that now everybody should speak Esperanto on international WM canals. That plain may include (none exhaustive list)
- insure that free/libre pedagogical material of good quality exists to learn Esperanto;
- international mailing lists should automatically machine-translate mails in a first phase, to accustom users to see esperanto and hopefully grab their curiosity in a way that they wish to learn it;
- source code should be written in Esperantist programming languages.
- Sure that this few points would already be very large projects.
- Note: I splited your answer but copied your signature for the sake of "who say what" readability --Psychoslave (talk)
- I like the Wikikultur proposal. Do you think it's fully consistent with the mission statement, given the focus on educational content?--Erik Moeller (WMF) (talk) 01:47, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
- Yes, I do think so. For example in music, the fact that you'ld be able to freely study/play/change proposed songs would have a great pedagogical value. That would also have a good educational value on free-libre culture way of thinking. Learning that communing cultural works is a great way to improve our world should not be restricted within purely technical works. --Psychoslave (talk) 13:52, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Psychoslave's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Ease of access to translations of the same article in other languages. While one may argue that all articles should tend to the same objective content, regional points of view are most likely to occur. It would be interesting for user to have a quick way to access machine translations alongside with the original language link.
Ability to manipulate 3D objects and animations right into the webpage.
Ease offline edition, and muli-branch edition for advanced users.
- Have you seen Kiwix for offline access? How could it be improved?
- Re: branching, this has been proposed a few times and is hard to get right. I agree we should support it in some form, though. There's a technical RFC about it here: mw:Requests for comment/Branching -- would love to see your thoughts on it!--Erik Moeller (WMF) (talk) 01:47, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
- Thanks for hints. Does kiwix enable to edit the page, and push your changes online later? Maybe it's already in the branching RFC, so I will definitely have to look at it. My idea is basically that one should be able to "clone" a mediawiki article, as git allow to clone a source code repository. --Psychoslave (talk) 13:59, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by Vaquedoso 06:50, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Vaquedoso's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Being an user from a Latin American country, I can, and I should, only provide opinions from my point of view, that is an spanish-speaking person living in a third-world country. That being said, I think that besides the mobile transition, though also important, it is more necessary to improve the quality of the content in other languages, often outdated (so, sometimes people look for information in english pages when they need more updated information), and the credibility of scientific content, usually not checked before posting and for that reason usually wrong or misuderstood.
- @Vaquedoso: Translation is clearly an emerging theme of this discussion - thanks for adding to this. —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 02:44, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Vaquedoso's thoughts on question 2
[edit]One of the most important achievements of this decade has been the creation of the Wikimedia community. It has helped to forge the world as we know it right now, and I think it will grow even more in importance in the days to come. I like to tink about this project as an example of how far we can get when we propose to and it shows to everyone that a lucrative page like this can survive completely independant, whitout ads or goverments funds, just by its community
- Thanks! We agree :) That's the core that any strategy must preserve. —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 02:44, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by EJCoster 20:18, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
EJCoster's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Major trends include:
- crowd sourcing generally: collaborative idea generation and problem solving, informal consultation mediated across the internet, provision of 'free' expertise followed by paid involvement ("fremium" model)
- artificial intelligence, machine learning
- automated "big data" collection and "team science"
- continuing splintering of human knowledge and capabilities into ever-finer specializations.
- @EJCoster: any thoughts on how we might deal with some of these trends, particularly the machine learning and big data? I agree with you that they really have a huge impact on our role in the overall knowledge ecosystem. —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 01:05, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
EJCoster's thoughts on question 2
[edit]They would contain data on leading-edge science and technology domains, that was automatically pulled in from public sources, allow user analysis via AI bots, and promote collaboration in finding new ways of utilizing such knowledge.
- Two followup questions there:
- If we pull in from public sources, should we still respect our current licensing rules? If so, we're likely to lose a lot of sources, and the quality of the resulting product might not be as good. Any thoughts on how to address that tension?
- How can we best blend tool-created knowledge and our "superpower" of human collaboration and creation (or to put it another way: how do we blend tools and the "wiki way"?
- Thanks! —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 01:05, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by 00:01, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]including more pictures, videos and other accessible media would be helpful in the context of different learning styles.
[edit]Response by 00:52, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]What about a grant? is a great place to start. This is a not for profit I assume so why not utilize it the grants available for groups that focus on bring information to the undereducated.
- Thanks for the suggestion! --Lgruwell-WMF (talk) 01:22, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by 01:21, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]...write here… 3d technology is an area that I see coming up very quickly's thoughts on question 2
[edit]...write here… It would be difficult but the best way to learn something is to grab it with your hands and play with it. Using 3d technology I think this may be possible in the future from a mobile device. Imagine googling soil micro-organisms and wikipedia presents us with 3d image of some soil which when zoomed in for closer inspection has worms, ants, roots, mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria all in their natural habitat (which may be a pore space that is filled with water or an aggregate of clay particles etc). Associated with the 3d image will be a wikipedia page which describes soil micro-organisms but even better, when you touch a specific part of the 3d image it will take you to the section specifically about that
[edit]Response by 01:47, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 1
[edit]...escriba aquí...
- Responder a la primera pregunta es bastante difícil, porque hay muchos factores que determinan su éxito. Yo me retraería a éxitos llevados a cabo en mercado, como es el caso de Apple, por Steve Jobs. No me refiero tanto a vender, sinó a crear "cultura" de wikipedia; se es comunidad, se es voluntariedad, y se es empresa y gestión de calidad de contenidos. Pero se echa de menos una "cultura" global.Pienso que debe plantearse el proyecto y meta ambiciosos de asociar nombre con hecho al mismo tiempo ambicionado y amado por la gente. Si lo que Wikipedia da es cultura, de lo cual no me cabe ninguna duda,ha de plantearse el hecho y la meta de conseguir que la gente adore y ame la cultura. Reflexionando un poco, me doy cuenta, que en estos ámbitos de la cultura, esta palabra aún se atraganta en la mente y boca de la gente, porque de la misma forma que los niños del mundo feliz a los que se electrocutaba para que no hicieran determinadas cosas, el mundo actual, a menudo da noticias que pone en guardia a la gente frente a la absorción o adquisición de cultura , así como a tomar la iniciativa y presentar comunidad. Uno de los aspectos son las ambiciones entre empresas sobre protecciones de datos; etc. No es dificil pensar que cualquiera al leer esta última linea escapa ipso facto, y más que ganas de leer, siente repugnancia. Por tanto, aprendamos de los que atrajeron masas . como Steve Jobs...: la gente quiere lo fácil, lo atractivo, lo que reúna aquello que les gusta, lo familiar; aquello que les evoque sueños, que les haga soñar, e incluso pensar que pueden lograr lo imposible. Pienso que ahí está la clave: tenemos comunidad, tenemos creatividad (wikipedia se ha creado de cero, no lo ha copiado de nadie), tenemos que llegar, igual que las canciones, ponernos en los zuecos de la gente. Se me ocurre, conseguir por ejemplo alguna tecnología que con decir alguna palabra , cambie los textos al idioma adecuado, plantearse alianzas modernas con bibliotecas electrónicas, de bibliotecas municipales. Facilitando préstamos via wikipedia, y no sólo de libros filosóficos o instructivos, también cómics. La gente quiere facilidades de todo lo que les rodea: démosselas. Convertirse en plataforma internacional de préstamos públicos y cultura, es quizás un proyecto ambicioso, pero también gana protagonismo; habrá quién diga que puede estar mediatizado. No creo que una alianza de préstamos entre entes públicos y la wikipedia negociando el libre acceso introduzca intereses por ninguna parte. Cabría evitar los roces con editoriales, con intereses editoriales de cualquier índole. Podrían abrirse opciones para que distintos miembros de la comunidad, escribiesen de distinta forma los libros, diciendo las cosas de otra forma, evitando y sorteando el plagio e infringir los datos de autor. Considero que esa opción a los transcriptores no sólo les daría una nueva ocupación cultural también les haría más cultos; hacer concursos de traducción, y facilitar a los talentos campeones, colaborar en gran parte de tareas de la wikipedia puede ser una opción.Pienso que la Wikipedia tiene que brillar como la perla que es. Yo ahora mismo la estoy viendo como una perla guardada en un sótano. Quizás suene aventurado decir que debe publicitarse con parte de las aportaciones dadas, porque quizás ello, en principio vaya en detrimento de proyectos que lleva sobre la agenda y que esté haciendo;
- Machine translation; please improve: Answer to the first question is quite difficult because there are many factors that determine your success. I retraería to successes carried out in the market, such as Apple, Steve Jobs.
I do not mean so much to sell, but to create "culture" of wikipedia; community it is, it is voluntary, and business and management is quality content. But it misses a global "culture".
I think the project and ambitious goal to associate the name with fact must consider the same coveted time and loved by people. If Wikipedia is given culture, which I have no doubt, has to consider the fact and the goal of getting people adore and love the culture.
A little reflection, I realize that in these fields of culture, this word still sticks in the mind and mouth of the people, because in the same way that kids happy world he is electrocuted them not to certain things, today's world, often gives news that warns people to absorption or acquisition of culture, and to take the initiative and present community.
One aspect are the ambitions between companies on data protection; etc.
It is difficult to think that anyone reading this last line escapes ipso facto, and more like reading, disgusted.
So learn from that attracted masses. as Steve Jobs ...: people want the easy, the appeal, which meets what they like, so familiar; that they evoke dreams, let them dream, and even think they can accomplish the impossible ...
I think that's the key: we have a community, we creativity (wikipedia was created from scratch, you have not copied from anyone), we have to get, like songs, get in clogs people.
It occurs, for example getting some technology that say a word, change the text to the appropriate language, consider partnerships with modern electronic libraries, municipal libraries.
Providing loans via wikipedia, and not just philosophical books or instructional, too comics.
People want ease of everything around them démosselas.
Become an international platform for government loans and culture, is perhaps an ambitious project, but also gains prominence; Who will say that it can be mediated. I do not think that an alliance of loans between public bodies and negotiating free access wikipedia enter interests anywhere.
Would avoid friction with publishers, publishing interests of any kind. They could open up options for different members of the community, escribiesen books differently, saying things differently, preventing and avoiding plagiarism and copyright infringement data.
I consider this option transcribers not only give them a new cultural occupation also make them more cultured; Translation contests do, and facilitate the talents champions, collaborate largely wikipedia tasks can be an option.
I think Wikipedia has to shine like the pearl is. I now am seeing as a pearl kept in a basement. It may sound risky to say you should advertise with part of the contributions given, because maybe this, in principle detrimental to projects carried on the agenda and he is doing;
- Machine translation; please improve: Answer to the first question is quite difficult because there are many factors that determine your success. I retraería to successes carried out in the market, such as Apple, Steve Jobs.
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 2
[edit]...escriba aquí...
Creando una "cultura" mundial como creó Apple: focalizándose en lo que atrae a la gente hacia la cultura, facilitando su acceso a libros préstamos etc; llegando a acuerdos con bibliotecas virtuales, electrónicas interestatales, creando concursos a nivel mundial entre colaboradores, y gente que no lo es; asociando el proyecto al ámbito de automatismos y otras tecnologías. De tal modo, que por ejemplo, una empresa que proyecte robots u otros mecanismos, pueda aportar o pueda beneficiarse de aportaciones de wikipedia para fines educativos y didácticos.
Montando un canal internacional o via web Wikipedia.
Aunque el formato página está bien como mecanismo de fondo, la adecuación a redes sociales incluso plantear crear una o varias , ofrecer colaboración interdisciplinar o de alianza con universidades, añadir nuevos avances como por reconocimiento de voz cambiar el texto de una página en el idioma enunciado, ofrecer nuevos módulos de comunidad u oportunidades por ejemplo oportunidad de que los usuarios creen de forma abierta subcomunidades en wikipedia para investigar sobre temas culturales de cualquier ámbito, con la única condición de que dejen todas las aportaciones y resultados en la wikipedia, a cambio de las facilidades y prestaciones que le aporta ésta.
Frente al estatismo de los libros, urge una dinamización de la wikipedia. La gente cada vez es menos amiga de leer demasiado, se orienta más por lo audiovisual.
Pienso que hay que abandonar el molde "contenedor", y dinamizar el contenido, haciéndolo rápido, flexible y ubícuo, así como emotivo y atractivo, para el interés del público general. Hay que romper el estereotipo: "diccionario", y edificar el prototipo:"compañero", "amigo": cuántos menos gestos mejor; conseguir que la gente piense en wikipedia, como una fuente de saber amable, siempre al alcance, con solo un pestañeo. Cuánto más cómodo y eficiente: mejor
- Machine translation; please improve: Creating a global "culture" as Apple created: focusing on what attracts people to culture, facilitating their access to loan books etc; reaching agreements with virtual libraries, electronic interstate, creating competitions worldwide among collaborators, and people who is not; linking the project to the field of automation and other technologies. Thus, for example, a company that projects robots or other mechanisms, can provide or may benefit from contributions from wikipedia for educational and training purposes.
Riding an international or via web Wikipedia canal.
Although the format is fine as page background mechanism, the adequacy of social networks even pose create one or more, provide interdisciplinary collaboration or partnership with universities, add new developments such as speech recognition to change the text of a page in the language statement , offer new modules community or opportunities such opportunity for users to create subcommunities openly wikipedia to research on cultural issues in any field, with the sole condition that they leave all inputs and outputs on wikipedia exchange for facilities and benefits it brings.
Facing the statism of books, urgently needs revitalization of wikipedia. People are becoming less friendly to read too, is geared more for the audiovisual.
I think we must abandon the "container" mold and dynamic content, fast, flexible and ubiquitous doing as well as emotional and attractive, for the interest of the general public. We must break the stereotype: "dictionary" and build the prototype: "companion", "friend": how much less is better gestures; getting people to think wikipedia as a source of knowledge friendly, always available with just a blink. Much more comfortable and efficient: better''
- Machine translation; please improve: Creating a global "culture" as Apple created: focusing on what attracts people to culture, facilitating their access to loan books etc; reaching agreements with virtual libraries, electronic interstate, creating competitions worldwide among collaborators, and people who is not; linking the project to the field of automation and other technologies. Thus, for example, a company that projects robots or other mechanisms, can provide or may benefit from contributions from wikipedia for educational and training purposes.
[edit]José Alberto Francisco Response by 02:55, 5 March 2015 (UTC) Todo utilizador irá gostar muito deste site porque otimamente bom,ajuda a encontrar todo o tipo de resposta
- Machine translation; please improve: Every user will really like this site because optimally good, helps you find all kind of response
[edit]Response by Ricardo de alcantara 02:55, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Ricardo de alcantara's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Response by Rowens2004 03:51, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Rowens2004's thoughts on question 1
[edit]IoT. The Internet of things. Your car is connected to your garage door which is connected to your A/C which is connected to your refrigerator which is all connected through a security/house management system. Most of these things will eventually have fancy interfaces that will feature nice little apps that provide random bits of information they so request. Maybe it analyzes your life and suggests how it may be improved by doing something more efficient or healthier. Not completely what I want(I like privacy) but what I see happening. All of these things will need repositories of data to pull from to make suggestions with or even just to present the weather and fact of the day. Whatever you want really it's your house.
Rowens2004's thoughts on question 2
[edit]As the world becomes more online there are a couple things we all have in common. Eating and wanting to be happy. Happiness starts with healthiness. I thing a WikiHealth would benefit the world extremely. No suggestions on the best diets or remedies because the medical science industry is becoming increasingly controversial versus natural health industry BUT we could all learn a little bit about potassium, fibers, proteins, etc and why our bodies need them to be healthy. A robust database of natural foods and nutrition statistics on those foods. Basically provide what we do know and have confirmed about our bodies and what they need to be healthy. Also the basics of what we all should remember from health class about the human body and how all the systems function together to keep us going. This is one project that would relate to the answer to #1. Refrigerators could provide nutrition facts and calculate your meal as you add ingredients. Users could make lists of their favorite fruits and vegetables and get alerts when those are coming into season. Also get suggestions of foods they've never tried but might like based on what they already eat.
- I really like this response from Rowens2004. I would only add that there are a lot of the human healt insight and wisdom in ancient cultures that are disapearing, knowledge of properties of many plant species, exercises which could be safe keeped and made available to all the world. Again, before all this diversity is lost in time..... — The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk)
[edit]Response by Complexomaniac 04:20, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Complexomaniac's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Shrinking consumerism, less respect for government, more respect for personal environment.
Complexomaniac's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Support sharing/barter economy, encourage non-partisan dialogue on the health of humanity and expose arms producers
[edit]Response by 04:38, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Another very aligned (although not obvious) trend for Wikimedia is Internet of Things. Another trend is instrumentation of urban human life.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]1. Repository of collaborative information from personal devices. The people would still volutarilly will to collaborate and share the information (metric, behavioral, other) with humanity.
- a. Exchange center for user experience information. Most personal devices will have intrinsic user interfaces (for example, a bicycle has the overall dynamic of the pedals, a voice recognition algorithm for all and every language/argot, overall wearables experience) enriched with adaptive parameters to best fit the usage cycle, which could be shared for refreshing UX or sharing a cultural experience.
- b. The indexing and access to such information would have less limits, as it would be "device friendly".
- c. The internet users which will generate the most information will be devices.
- d. There would still be need for editors in this human-instrumented world, in order to define evolutive baselines.
- e. Most of us who know Wikimedia, trust it. I don't trust for-profit corporations that would take information from the future devices I interact with. I rather see wikimedia (or a sibling spin-off) hold all of this cultural information.
[edit]Response by 04:51, 5 March 2015 (UTC) Just enable ads already. It's more annoying to look at begging for money than just to scroll over ads. Seriously, guys.
[edit]Response by 05:30, 5 March 2015 (UTC) I want a software those on my mobile phone received/missed call DATA search-Name, address. location
[edit]Response by 05:57, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]I see more and more people looking for savings when it comes to mobile services today. People that don't want to pay for high cost wireless service and can go outside of the big box providers and help others in the process. Especially when it comes to helping a family member with their businesses.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]I believe this is great information to know and should be provided to the public. This gives all the details and past history of this multi-level marketing company. Especially for people like me that are looking for an opportunity other than working a linear job.
[edit]Response by 06:13, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]1. Education through the internet is the main future requirement.This information should be balanced (which will be when we involve every view thorough participation as the source of info).It should not throw all the info at once.There should be gradual flow of info to make a cohesive undersating of new entrant to this information world.We can gradually increase the level by the exposure or experience to the internet. 2) Ecommerce is changing the trend of current market. Cutting the unproductive commutaion and traffic in real time,Conveinence of time (24X7), new employment,are some of the main pro of it.If we link e-commerce model with the governce the it could be benificial for the society. E-governace is the need of the hour to cut the Corruption which is prevalent in the world.It will make our goverment as well as society efficient. 3) Security and privacy is major concern which rises when the internet user rises.It put a responsibilty to major players to be preapred to handle all concerns and overcome from there petty commercial interest.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]World today is shrinking.Inforamtion is the key for the world.World aspires to become a knowledge economy. Every of thousands of people join the information network mainly through mobile access.Today the concern which arises about this inforamtion flow are various to name a few Neutrality,Universal and affordable access to all.Wikipedia is the standing pillar for this afforadabilty of inforamtion to all. The data concern rises today.However some projects by leading giants like Facebook (,Google(project loon),Microsoft(White -fi) are towards the affordabilty of the data to all but we cannot neglect the underlying business interest of these major players.
"Pablo V"
[edit]Response by 06:27, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
"Pablo V"'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]If I had to think about something trending in a mobile device I would say that many online newspapers are providing small but more concise information when they intent to inform a new topic, idea, or news. Wikipedia should do the same and offer quick previews of what the reading is going to be about and adding more visuals would be a plus. However, this shouldn't be a huge change, keep it simple because that's what makes you different from the others. Another trend is that many people doesn't like to read big chunks of information but instead would go to youtube and watch a video providing similar information. If there was a way that you could partnership with Youtube to develop this project directly from your website I think that it would be an important step for the future.
"Pablo V"'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Changes shouldn't be tremendous but instead they must be partial. A healthy Wikimedia project should be done little by little, by adding this new features slowly so the regular user could adapt to them easily.
[edit]Response by 06:38, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Keep up with web 3.0 and beyond, also listen to the younger generation , and what they have as far as ideas and what they can offer.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Keep up with web 3.0 and beyond.
[edit]Response by 06:50, 5 March 2015 (UTC) Gedanken zu Frage 1
[edit]bedeutende Trends: 1. Das semantische Web 2. Administrative Verhärtung
- Translation:
significant trends: 1. The Semantic Web 2. Administrative hardening
- Translation: Gedanken zu Frage 2
[edit]In medizinischen Studien wird - nach langen Konflikten - versucht, Konflikte von Interessen auszuschließen oder zumindest potenzielle Interessenkonflikte zu dokumentieren. Wikipedia fehlt der Ausschluss von Interessenkonflikten insbesondere bei administrativen Handlungen.
Die Wikipedia-Entwicklung folgt dem im "Buch der Wandlungen" vor vielen Jahrhunderten beschriebenen Prinzip: Wird ein Mensch geboren, ist er biegsam, zart, ist er alt und stirbt, ward er groß und hart. So sind Härte und Größe Begleiter des Todes - doch Biegsamkeit und Schwäche machen die Frische des Daseins aus.
Angemeldet habe ich mich nicht, weil mein Zugang dauerhaft gesperrt ist - für jedes Fachgebiet - eingeleitet von einer anonymen NutzerIN und kurz darauf umgesetzt von einer Administratorin, deren Name mich an einen Psychpathen aus Uganda erinnert. Grund: Ich hatte als J744 eine einzelne Zeile in einem einzelnen Text ohne Wertung aktualisiert.
- Translation:
In medical studies - after long conflicts - it's attempted to exclude conflicts of interests, or at least to document potential conflicts of interest. Wikipedia lacks the exclusion of conflict of interest, especially in administrative actions.
The Wikipedia development follows the one described in the "Book of Changes" many centuries ago principle: When a person is born, he is flexible, soft, once he is old and dying, he became big and hard. Thus, hardness and size are companions of death - but flexibility and weakness represent freshness of being.
I did not log in because my access is blocked permanently - for every subject - initiated by an anonymous user and shortly thereafter implemented by a administrator, whose name reminds me of a psychpath from Uganda. Reason: I had updated as J744 a single row in a single text without judgment.
- Translation:
[edit]Response by 07:03, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Are they in order?'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]So I have a friend that is a complete idiot and tried to ruin Wiki for everyone else by posting none true facts, therefore I am asking; is the research links that are associated with these sites in order of import? Is the first link more substantial then the others or are the links alphabetical? Please make sure that is understood, as well as where a good majority of the substantial information is located from an article. It is hard enough to try to research projects when all you see are wiki sites that do not tell you if they are creditable or not.
Ashley Capps
- Hello, Ashley. :) There isn't a central styleguide on how links are listed. Different processes may be in action at different language Wikipedias or, since there is also not a central edit board, even within a single wiki. Often, links are listed by the order they are used within an article. The "external links" section may be organized according to importance or alphabetically or even haphazardly. If you'd like to, you'd be very welcome to come to the projects themselves to help make sure that information is credible! We are always looking for people to do fact-checking and verification in articles and to improve references. If you're interested, please see en:Wikipedia:Introduction. (Because you posted in English, I'm assuming that English is the language you use, but help is welcome at every language. See the sidebar for links to versions of that page in other languages.) --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 13:00, 5 March 2015 (UTC) My views on how to make it better
[edit]Response by 07:08, 5 March 2015 (UTC) More information can be put up. Infact, Wikipedia is one of the top most websites contacted for very valuable information. It is a free/low-cost encyclopedia that is doing very very great service. Thank you for that. Best Wishes for future works. To make it better: Kindly (if possible) add more information.(text/ audio/ video).
[edit]Response by 07:17, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۱
[edit]با سلام ؛ از سایت شما انتظار می رود با مردم صادق بوده و به شعور و عقیده ی آنها احترام بگذارد . به عنوان مثال در بحث زندگی حضرت فاطمه سلام الله علیها که شهادت ایشان مورد تایید مورخان مسلمان و غیر مسلمان و در واقع همه ی علمای شیعه و سنی است ، متاسفانه سایت ویکی پدیا ضمن قرار ندادن کلمه ی " حضرت " قبل از نام این بانوی بزرگوار ، با حذف واژه ی " شهادت " برای ایشان ، از عبارت " وفات " استفاده نموده است که مطلب برای مسلمین و مخصوصا شیعیان جای تامل دارد ؛ که انتظار می رود این موضوع به منظور احترام هر چه بیشتر به مخاطبانتان ، به طرز صحیحی اصلاح گردد .
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "With Hi, the site you are expected to be honest with people and respects their intelligence and judgment. Unfortunately Wikipedia site while not placing the word "Jesus" before the name of a noble lady, By deleting the word "testimony" for them, The word "death" is used more for Shia Muslims, and especially the reflection, as I expected it to be more respectful of the audience, Properly corrected."
[edit]Response by Agiani99 07:17, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Agiani99's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Certainly a trand will develop in the next future is media for google or other personla devices which will be dressed. Body extensions, I mean, like googles, wristwatch or dresses. Contents for these platforms will be not deniable and needed for augmented reality
Agiani99's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Wikimedia could: a) help wikipedia statics to bring contents into dynamics platforms b) create own contents visualizing wikipedia contents (maps, charts, photos, clips, sounds, archeosounds or documents) c) defining itself as part of wiki analytics (web usage, web analytic servers).
[edit]Response by 08:28, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]You can design application for mobile phones, tablets or PC, you can scan a document that reads a user and then highlights words and concepts in the text of existing articles in Wikipedia. Then when you click on the highlighted words the user can get an explanation of their meaning. Thus Wikipedia will be linked to mobile users in their daily activities (reading) and will increase its importance.
- These are interesting ideas! --Lgruwell-WMF (talk) 01:56, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
Skyler24 XPS12
[edit]Response by Skyler24 XPS12 09:47, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Skyler24 XPS12's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I think what Wikipedia needs is more advertisements. Everyone knows Gogle and yet they still have a lot of ads. They even have in app/game ads. Those really help
Skyler24 XPS12's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Content. Most articles have some aspect it seriously lacks. Some articles are incomplete.
[edit]Response by Jostien 10:13, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Jostien's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I wouldn't really identify any major trends coming in. The next billion of users will search for a lot of different sites.
Jostien's thoughts on question 2
[edit]I don't know
[edit]Response by 10:20, 5 March 2015 (UTC) Hey guys my name is Cpt. Price,
i am really glad to meet you right here right now. Wikipedia makes my life much easier then it actually would be without it. Wikipedia is like Siri just without a woman's voice. I hope you stay as you are Mr. Wikipedia
Sincerily Cpt. Awesome
- Thanks Cpt. Awesome! --Lgruwell-WMF (talk) 01:24, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by 10:36, 5 March 2015 (UTC) I think by resorting to cloud services for various applications and presenting more multimedia contents and introducing machine learning algorithms will help improve the site for next gen viewers.
Next zillion users- sharing & helping - common language
[edit]Bold text Response by 10:44, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Everyone is curious. Everyone wants to share thoughts. Hey guys! Hope I can find some like-thinking souls here! :-) JuneBUG
[edit]Response by 12:03, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
more correct answers
[edit]Response by 12:13, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۱
[edit]روی وسایلی مانند عینک گوگل و واقعیت افزوده کار کنید همانطور که مردم از مرورگر های خانگی مانند اکسپلورر و فایر فاکس ویندوز به دلیل راحتی به گوشی های اندروید روی آوردند در آینده نیز به وسایل راحت تری چون این روی می آورند ما مردم به دنبال پیچیدگی نیستیم این چیزی بود که استیو جابز فهمید و سیستم "ای او اس" را طراحی کرد
- Machine translation; please improve: this is what Steve Jobs understood the system, "she S." designed
نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۲
[edit]واقعیت افزوده این فردای شرکت های موفق است حتی سیستمی که انسان را به رویای کنترل شده ببرد!
- Machine translation; please improve:: Augmented Reality system that even the most successful companies of tomorrow dream man to take control
[edit]Response by 12:33, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Mes réflexions pour la question 1
[edit]Le bénéfice majeur que peut représenter Wikipédia, c'est l'accès à l'information par tous et partout. Bien sûr, pour des personnes vivant dans des contrées reculées et isolées du reste du monde, cela peut être capital d'avoir la connaissance à portée de main, d'une manière totalement dématérialisée. Partant de ce constat, on peut facilement imaginer l'impact que Wikipédia pourrait avoir dans certaines dictatures qui ne perdurent que par manque d'information : s'il était possible pour n'importe quel Coréen du Nord de consulter Wikipédia, un malfaiteur comme Kim Jong-un perdrait probablement assez vite toute capacité à opprimer un peuple entier. Pour moi ce serait le plus extraordinaire des bienfaits que Wikipédia pourrait apporter à l'humanité.
- Machine translation; please improve: The major benefit that can represent Wikipedia, is access to information by all and everywhere. Of course, for people living in remote and isolated areas of the world, it can be important to have the knowledge at hand, a completely paperless manner. With this in mind, one can easily imagine the impact that Wikipedia might in some dictatorships that persist as a lack of information: if it were possible for any North Korean consult Wikipedia, a criminal like Kim Jong-un would probably lose all capacity fast enough to oppress an entire people. For me it would be the most extraordinary benefits that Wikipedia could bring to humanity.
[edit]Response by 13:06, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Today Wikipedia is behave just like Google search engine. but something is change to there working system. if Wikipedia update there feature in mobile platform. so all million user get easy to know any thing. and also adding business platform and Helping Zone with the mobile connectivity. Lots of people Not know what is Wikipedia but Facebook and whats app understood. If Wikipedia Add User friendly Platform for Lots of mobile user. so definitely Wikipedia Top company in the world.
You can also Add Most Important feature is Online Customer Chat Option with different language. and direct connectivity from Wikipedia and Millions People. Because is connected with people 24hr. please thing that this Point.
Regard Kadir Khan's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Always connect people who need everything and do lot of thing. with the help of Event, Competition, Get to gather party for User there city place. and also Publish there Own Magazine and other Media.
Regard Kadir Khan
[edit]Response by 13:28, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
O que pensa sobre a pergunta 1
[edit]It was predicted since 2010
O que pensa sobre a pergunta 2
[edit]Keep brasilizans way from Portuguese content location.
[edit]KlausLovtskiy's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Я считаю, что наряду с мобильными телефонами сейчас развивается и отрасль других портативных устройств. Как то: очки (MS HoloLens и Google Glass), устройства виртуальной реальности и прочее. Что же на счёт нового миллиарда пользователей? Я считаю, что восьмой миллиард будет знать о Викимедиа довольно много, так как возможно он (8-ой миллиард) будет почти весь "напичкан" гаджетами. И нужно будет иметь очень хороший сервис с информацией обо всём.
- Machine translation; please improve: I believe that along with the mobile phone industry is now developing and other portable devices. Such as: glasses (MS HoloLens and Google Glass), virtual reality devices, and more. What does the account of the new billion users? I believe that the eight billion will be aware of the Wikimedia pretty much as possible he (8th billion) will be almost all "stuffed" gadgets. And will need to have a very good service with information about everything.
KlausLovtskiy's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Как я уже сказал, "нужно будет иметь очень хороший сервис с информацией обо всём" (цитата), и поэтому необходимо каким бы то ни было способом упростить язык проектов Викимедиа. Так как в этих сервисах смотрят информацию все люди (0+ лет). И многие просто не понимают всей информации, ведь для этого нужно специальное образование. У многих его нет, и поэтому приходится переходить по множеству ссылок, количество коих стремится к бесконечности, так как на каждой странице есть свои ссылки на непонятные слова.
- Machine translation; please improve: As I said, "will need to have a very good service with information about everything" (quote), and therefore it is necessary in any way was to simplify the language of the Wikimedia projects. Since these services, refer to the information all the people (0 + years). And many people simply do not understand the information, because it needs special education. Many do not, and so we have to move on to the set of links, the number of which tends to infinity, as on every page has links to their unintelligible
[edit]Response by 13:50, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]stop asking us for money
[edit]Response by 13:53, 5 March 2015 (UTC) Eine App entwickeln
- Translation Develop an app.
- Die gibt es längst, sowohl für Android als auch für iOS. ♫ Sänger - Talk - superputsch must go 15:46, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
- Translation Develop an app.
[edit]Response by 14:02, 5 March 2015 (UTC) I have a friend doing an overland/desert trip now reported at Smara. Just one point . Never being anywhere near that area I feel that the Map should have covered a wider area. Not quite sure just where it sits. What are the islands showing etc.
A city that has had such a mixed past. Hard to be a peace in such a place. Such an important part in the Caravan era. Modern transport probably has effected its Importance.
[edit]you need to controll companies and company trolls to put their propaganda lies in here, there is lots of edition done by anonyms people which signs their garbish only with initials. this should be forbidden
[edit]Response by 14:38, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 1
[edit]En mi opinión, ya que Wikipedia es una página que se actualiza constantemente, estaría bien que se implementara un sistema de noticias con la información que aportan los usuarios de todo el planeta (más los mil millones que accederían a Wikipedia en un futuro). De esta manera, los usuarios usarían Wikipedia para conseguir una fuente de información de la actualidad más fiable que la de los periódicos y cadenas de televisión. Gracias por su atención. Espero que mi idea les ayude. Alejandro Montero 5/3/2015
- Machine translation; please improve: In my opinion, since Wikipedia is a page that is constantly updated, would be good news system with the information provided by users around the planet (plus billion that would access Wikipedia in the future) was implemented. In this way, users would use Wikipedia to get a source of information currently more reliable than newspapers and television networks. Thank you for your attention. I hope my idea helps. Alejandro Montero 05/03/2015
[edit]Response by 14:40, 5 March 2015 (UTC) More simple multimedia content as an add on and an excellent voice control. In the future you will be able to talk to Wikipedia as a counselor or teacher.
[edit]Response by 14:54, 5 March 2015 (UTC) By constant adaptation to the changes taking place in technology and the changing paradigm. That means having a non fixed view of where you are going, and yet maintaining values of excellence.
[edit]Response by 14:55, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Wikipedia becoming a "conservative" system, rather than a place of innovation and improvement. Wikipedia may become soon something that needs to be worked around, rather than worked with. There are already signs that this is happening. Old, experienced, Wikipedia editors are making the place conservative. New editors have difficult times when faced with the harassment of the old "elite".'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]1) Make sure that the experienced editors get retired in some way. You want fresh blood, not Methuselehs running the place.
2) Alternatively, take steps to prevent abuse of the increased power that comes with the higher editor's rankings at Wikipedia.
3) Maybe giving a certain level of status should require revealing person's true identity (name, address, occupation, age). This way, more power would truly come with more responsibility; People tend to behave more responsibly when they cannot hide behind anonymity of pseudo names.
[edit]Response by 15:24, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Magnificent and jealously device today it's amazon billion of human being hoping the convenience and easier way to communicate online and what kind device may describe absolutely bring to one platform for all, it proving mobile security trends and almost done.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]When talk about technology is seem it done but looking at humanities, mean limited being, we intent providing these enviable platform to enable access all, understanding the different about man while many are not yet born. Iterstingly likely understood what are in our miss so upcoming we expert more characters with difference discovery,
[edit]Response by 15:47, 5 March 2015 (UTC) Gedanken zu Frage 1
[edit]Ich hoffe, der Mensch wird lernen, die Wahrheit zu dem, was ist und dem, was sein wird, zu sagen.
- Translation: I hope mankind will learn to tell the truth about what is and what will be. Gedanken zu Frage 2
[edit]Ein Portal schaffen, in dem nur das verbreitet wird, was für die Erde gut ist.
- Translation: Create a portal where only is distributed, what's good for the earth.
[edit]Response by 15:52, 5 March 2015 (UTC) u can build yur own app by a name.. wikiapp.. that will b helpful to people who access internet from mobile
[edit]Response by 16:01, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 2
[edit]Sinceramente, dejando de lado la broma anterior pienso que de cara a las nuevas tendencias wikimedia debería plantearse sacar una aplicación digital para móviles y tablets.
También podráin plantearse ustedes la idea de comenzar un periódico digital que los usuarios registrados pudieran actualizar al momento con noticias de su país, o de cosas de su inetrés etc.
- Machine translation; please improve: Honestly, ignoring the previous joke I think ahead to new trends wikimedia should consider taking a digital application for mobile and tablets. Podráin you also consider the idea of starting an online journal that registered users could update when news of their country, or stuff your inetrés etc.
[edit]Response by 16:58, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Its stupid's thoughts on question 2
[edit]It should look more account friendly me.
[edit]Response by 17:12, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
You can add advertisiments the bottom lane of the page.That is so easy and gives you a lot of money.Because this site have a billion clicks,am I right?
[edit]Response by 17:27, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Social media, wikimedia has to expand into social media and take part of social media, creating instagram and twitter accounts similar to fact accounts which can raise awareness towards wikimedia.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]They would have a large amount of voluntary workers and would be projects that everyone could work on, not only people who know this and that about computers.
[edit]Response by 17:29, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 1
[edit]La introduccion de una pagina web mas versatil y mas comoda para los moviles y los nuevos mil millones de internautas, para ayudar a las personas a adquirir informacion mas facilmente; asi como la obtencion de contenidos actualizados para un completo apredizaje de la informacion.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "The introduction of a more versatile and more comfortable for mobile and new billion Internet website to help people acquire information more easily; also obtaining updated for a full Apprenticeship of information content."
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 2
[edit]veria las metas de las wikis alcazadas con millones de personas buscado informacion de todos los lados del mundo y de proyectos historios y de relevancia a nivel mundial, sabiendo que encontraran una buena respuesta a sus dudas.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "would see the goals of the wikis you alcazadas with millions of people sought information from all sides of the world and historios and relevant projects worldwide, knowing they found a good answer to your question."
[edit]Response by 17:46, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
If a person feel like the date put up from Wikipedia then they should comment and tell the trouth and a reliable source of where they hear that data.
[edit]Response by 17:47, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]The major trends to identify are people are going cozy or compact day to day...They need any app or file to go bit cozy ,handy and reliable. The trends for any info,app,etc..are being the first factor to be reliable,identifiable.etc.. Mobile technologies are going beyond seas...'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Based on the Major future trends that we think are important are the ongoing mobile revolution throughout the globe..every thing is day by day becoming a mobile app..So in my opinion the healthy Wikimedia Projects Look like are app type database for faster searching and getting information. The site should be of app type so that any one can use it anywhere without being connected to the digitized world...
[edit]Response by 17:48, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 1
[edit]El mantenimiento de los artefactos se hara automoaticamente y bastara con informar al usuario para su reemplazo parcial hasta terminar el ciclo. La comunicacion en domotica se ampliará y las transacciones seran automaticas con la interaccion de sistemas biometricos y claves generadas por las personas.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "The maintenance of the artifacts will be made automoaticamente and enough to inform the user for partial replacement to complete the cycle.
- The communication in home automation will expand and transactions will be automatic with the interaction of biometric systems and keys generated by people."
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 2
[edit]El lenguaje tendera a ser universal, la traduccion entre los idiomas sera automatica tendiendo desde las palabras hacia la generacion de ideas segun la actitud y el movimieto
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "The language will tend to be universal, translation between languages will be automatic tending from words to the generation of ideas according to attitude and movimieto"
[edit]Response by 17:51, 5 March 2015 (UTC)对问题一的想法
[edit]1.人工智能(AI)和虚拟现实(VR)技术受到人们的重视,正以前所未有的速度在发展.预计下一个互联网热点就是从这些新技术中产生的. 2.互联网娱乐化.比起千禧年甚至更早时的互联网,现在的互联网更多的被人们用作娱乐用途.人们对知识的渴望依旧迫切,但是人们生活模式的变化是的很多人无法像以前一样安心的查阅维基百科,并且完整地看完一个篇幅很长的条目.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) technology by the people's attention, is at an unprecedented pace in the development of an Internet hot spot is next expected from these new technologies generated.
- 2. Internet entertainment. Compared to the Internet during the millennium or even earlier, and now the Internet has been used as additional entertainment purposes. It is still an urgent desire for knowledge, but the changes in people's lifestyle is a lot of people can not as before, reassuring consult Wikipedia, and complete reading a lengthy entry."对问题二的想法
[edit]1.维基百科应该在保持自身独立的前提下,与第三方机构合作,在AI和VR技术提供的新平台(例如智能机器人,虚拟图书馆等)之中,体现维基百科的存在价值. 2.对于互联网娱乐化的浪潮,对于知识性的维基百科而已,并非是坏事,反而是一个新的契机.对于这一趋势,寓教于乐是很好的方式.我这里有个例子,这是一个视觉小说类型的电脑游戏.作品中包含了一些中华文化的元素.如果你使用English开始游戏,就会发现,里面很多有关中华文化的元素,作者都在里面加了超链接,直接跳转至Wikipedia的相对应条目.不得不说这是一个很好的方式.希望维基百科能够与类似作品的作者进行一些沟通,能够让更多的人通过娱乐(包括而不限于电子游戏),而学习到更多的知识. 3.尽管互联网发展迅猛,但是世界上很多边远贫困地区是没有这些条件的.希望维基百科能够和慈善组织合作,以传统方式(书籍,光盘等)将维基百科的价值体现在世界的边缘.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "1. Wikipedia should maintain its independence under the premise of cooperation with third parties in the new AI and VR technology platform provided (for example, intelligent robots, virtual libraries, etc.) are reflected in the value of the existence of Wikipedia.
- 2. For the wave of Internet entertainment, informative Wikipedia for it, is not a bad thing, but is a new opportunity for this trend, entertaining is a good way I have here example, which is a visual novel type of computer games work contains some elements of Chinese culture. If you use English to start the game, you will find there a lot about China elements of culture, in which the authors have added a hyperlink to jump directly to the corresponding Wikipedia entries have to say this is a good way. I hope Wikipedia able to work with some of the similar communication, allowing more more people through entertainment (including, but not limited to video games), and learn more knowledge.
- 3. Despite the rapid development of the Internet, but many remote and poor areas of the world that do not have these conditions. I hope Wikipedia and charitable organizations can cooperate in the traditional way (books, CDs, etc.) will be reflected in the value of Wikipedia edge of the world."
[edit]Response by Abdallaharshad 18:15, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
As there is a trend for buying better, bigger, slimmer smartphones now-a-days among the people it would lead to the increase in the sales of smartphones with the increase in the number of mobile users. The companies would each day launch a smartphone which would be better than the one launched the day before. High competition among the sellers would take place. The devices would become more powerful each day and would allow most of the work being done on the PCs to be easily done on their on smartphones. The people would start wasting their time on social networking sites while being totally cut off from their families or friends. People would suffer from the lack of emotions for each other. The next billion users will bring on a greater internet traffic. They would require for more data usages throughout the day while burning money at a 4G LTE speed. People would lose imaginative skills and their brains would not try to think about something heterodox, something spectacular. It would lose reasoning skills. Today we see most of the people including me paying games online for hours and not paying heed to the person talking to them or requesting for some help. The smarter the phone will be the dumber the people will be. People would become lazier and instead of cooking any food would order it online and contribute towards making them unhealthy, fat and prone to as many diseases as you can count.People would refrain from involving into other recreational activities requiring some beneficial movement of their GOD gifted limbs and would rather stick to their smartphones and play the role of Smartphone Zombie on this stage which the world is.
[edit]Response by 18:26, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
My name is Jacob Razo, I am 26 years old from Vista, California. I am a former US ARMY soldier that has served in OIF 08, 10. I am currently attending college and I noticed for my reports, that wikipedia was not recognized as "value or factual" information. Possibly getting a brand or being recognized for your accomplishments and effort or else all of this work will go in vain. I do not wish to sound rude, I am stating this because I support your website. Thank you for all of your continued hard gets noticed.
Peace, love and unity,
-Jake Razo-
[edit]Response by 18:29, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Link Wikimedia to Worldwide Universities.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Impartial, non-denominational, authority linked to the 'Elders' - a Global projects concerning work of the Highest Human Endeavor.
[edit]Response by 18:38, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Well, I am not sure, I can't really think of something like that's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Well, I am not sure, That is all up to the makers of this website
[edit]Response by 18:41, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Translate everything in everu language.
[edit]Response by 18:46, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]I would say a major trend that is yet to come is wireless communication through an ocular device small enough to not been seen by the naked eye. like a contact lenses.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]I don't know, you figure it out lol
[edit]Response by 19:15, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
This website is the best it has all the information I need.I am writing a project about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and this site helped answer all my questions,thank you and keep it up.(:
[edit]Response by 19:37, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]I think we will see new smart devices that connect to the internet, further straining aging networks.
The influx of users especially from new regions will not be as proficient in English, giving rise to the need for more page translations, and potentially more cultural sensitivity online.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Wikimedia projects are going to need some type of cultural translation. The need to process idioms and other non-standardized regional differences. I believe Wikimedia projects have a unique power to bring people and cultures together.
Further bandwidth issues and server upkeep costs are only going to get more expensive. Without an upgrade of existing infrastructure, network failure is imminent. It is also worth considering the rise of cyber crime, while the Wikimedia foundation is not a likely target, educating the new wave (and future waves) of internet users is a noble and worthwhile endeavor.
[edit]Response by 19:43, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Be honest and true Print the truth. Without any gov. or lawyer input. If you do this this site will be around forever.
[edit]Response by Wereldburger758 19:49, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Wereldburger758's thoughts on question 1
[edit]The world is going mobile. That isn't a problem. Mobile phones become cheaper and faster. One billion users more? That is just a matter of scale. Solutions for that are available with today's technology.
- The mobile is the technology more desired by the digital user. The last two year, technology been more affordable or even some it is free both for individuals and businesses.
- I think what it lacks to improve wikimedia is based on analysis of mobile user experience (UX) and act according to the results.--IPippe (talk) 21:22, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Wereldburger758's thoughts on question 2
[edit]There are a few dangers that threaten Wikimedia projects:
- No netneutrality. That means that some people will have better access to the internet because they can afford it and will have more influence on what is being written on Wikipedia. Those people will likely be people from Western countries.
- Politics. Wikipedia must not become a battlefield for gender-equality, non-discrimination policies etc.
- Increased complexity. More templates, more code, more policies will drive people away.
Wikimedia projects that enable people to edit pages easier must be a priority. For instance:
- Easier to add images to a page.
- Less code, less templates, less categories. This must be automated as much as possible.
- Easier ("Office-like") ways to edit pages.
- Easier ways to make maps for Wikipedia pages.
A good project is in my point of view the Wikimaps Atlas: Wikimaps_Atlas. It will make good base maps which other users can edit according to their needs. Still way too difficult for most people but certainly a good start.
Easier editing of Wikipedia will enable more people to participate. And that is exactly what we want. Wereldburger758 (talk) 19:49, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
- I want to add another project that I consider necessary for the Wikipedia project: the sharing of experience by those who have years of experience and have "earned their stripes."
That can be done in several ways:
- Interviews. This is very low level.
- Wikiversity (not to be confused with the already existing Wikiversity): the education to become more proficient in Wikipedia knowledge. For those who want to become administrator or another post or just want to contribute more in a more sophisticated way. I am thinking about the courses that the Linux Foundation gives: Linux Foundation Training.
It can be difficult to find your way through the many (useful) pages and acquire the necessary skills. For instance, knowledge on copyright, how to deal with violations and blocking IP-addresses etc. etc. Wereldburger758 (talk) 20:44, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by 19:53, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
it's pretty hard to look up things.
[edit]Response by 19:54, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'ın 1. soru hakkındaki düşünceleri
[edit]belki konuşan bir sözlük, ses olgusu önemli. kulaklığımı takıp o adamın ne söylediğini tekrar takrar dinlemek isteyebilirim.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "perhaps a talking dictionary, sound important cases. that man can say what you want to listen to plug my headphones again repeated."
- I support it.
- The audio and video both each day becomes more desired by the digital users.--IPippe (talk) 20:38, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'ın 2. soru hakkındaki düşünceleri
[edit]kolay kullanımlı bir mobil uygulama ve aratılan şey hakkında onu en iyi ifade eden araştırmalar,değerli linkler, var ise o konuyla alakalı bir yada 2 adet video konulmalıdır hatta youtube gibi tamamen öğretici amaçla yapılan videoların bulunduğu bi site yapılabilir. sizin çalışanlarızın yada gönüllülerin yaptıkları videolar vs. o sayfaya eklenebilir. youtube ye yazdığım nouman khan isimli adamın neler hakkında konuştuğunu kim olduğunu aynı anda hem görsel hem duyusal elde etme şansını sunabilirsiniz teşekkürler..
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "easy-to-use mobile application and searched things about her best expresses research, valuable links, there is the related to that topic should be one or two pieces of video that even there are quite instructive purpose, the video like YouTube be done website. video made by your employees or volunteers, etc. The it can be added to the page. I wrote called YouTube eat Nouman khan who is that guy talking about what you can offer the chance to get both visual and sensual at the same time thanks .."
IBM WATSON (non - ethical use of knowledge) wikipedia need to strenthen
[edit]Response by Nats textiles 20:01, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Nats textiles's thoughts on question 2
[edit]hi, just a thought to add to the many discussions, i may be going of the topic bait but i think its one to start a dialogue, if anybody is listening.
IBM (the big computer company has developed an artificial intelligence with very little ethics or morals in the design process. in fact the computer has been developed by engineers, now i have nothing against them but they don't have the capacity to think towards the future in the thinking. They just do what there told which is never a great idea if your building a super powerful intelligence or knowledge base. when i look at wikipedia it does the exact same thing but better and your super computer can be access by anyone at anytime, on more dialectic interaction with whats actually happening today and is a springboard to connections and associations. I'm an architect of the building kind, the analogy between a good architect and a bad one is awareness of context and materials, you could liken the the words as materials (inviable invitations to new forms of thinking) for me taking a stone and then forming it to create a form with some connection to you is crucial in your understanding of that material. I see knowledge as the same, you need to develop and grow this amazing facility, but remember materials are different for each user they will use it and customise it how they want, but don't make it easy for them… thinking is key how the interact with this links and connections need not be underestimated. the need to awaken new modes of thinking, complexity is not a bad thing.. we need more complexity ..
- @Nats textiles: sounds like you would be able to contribute to the conversation about Watson above [1] or to the research on "Our Responsibility to Manage Evaluative Diversity" [2] Langchri (talk) 22:03, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by IPippe 20:04, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Las ideas de IPippe acerca de la pregunta 1
[edit]El consumo de contenidos audiovisuales en los ultimos 2 años a aumentado 400%. Según un informe de la IABSPAIN para el año 2017 la navegación online tiende a realizarse a través de vídeos. Dia a día, los usuarios digitales comparten contenidos audiovisuales mucho mas rápido que imágenes o textos. Si queremos estar a la vanguardia debemos ir al ritmo del consumo digital.
(translation) The consumption of audiovisual content in the last 2 years increased 400%. According to a report by the IABSPAIN for the year 2017, the online navigation tends to be done through videos. Every day, the digital users share audiovisual content faster than images or texts. If we want to be at the forefront, we must go to the rhythm of the digital consumer.
Las ideas de IPippe acerca de la pregunta 2
[edit]Wikimedia es una excelente herramienta de información. Los usuarios digitales comparten en su entorno social y recomiendan a extraños todo contenido que sea educativo. Particularmente estoy seguro que wikimedia será compartido por miles de millones de persona cada hora si sus contenidos siguen siendo de valor y si están innovando según las exigencia de los consumidores online.
(translation) Wikimedia is an excellent information tool. Digital users share their social environment and recommend any educational content. Personally, I am very sure that wikimedia will be shared by thousands of millions of people every hour if their contents are still of value and, if they are innovating according to the demand of the consumers online. (educational audiovisual content)
Att. Felipe Nuñez L.
[edit]Response by 20:15, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Cybersecurity and UAV, mobile, and etc.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Cybersecurity and UAV, Animals, Mammals and etc.
[edit]Response by 20:17, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Мобильные устройства - это мода, которая приходит и уходит. Побаловавшись год-два с телефоном или планшетом, многие возвращаются на настольные системы. Все равно нет полноценных мобильных браузеров, да и вообще работа с мобильным устройством неудобна — это запасной вариант который всегда с собой, но он не тянет на постоянное использование.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Mobile device - a fashion that comes and goes. Pamper year or two with your phone or tablet, many return to the desktop. Still no full-fledged mobile browser, and generally work with your mobile device inconvenient - it is a fallback that is always with you, but he does not pull on the constant use."
- Вы неправы.
- Телефон разрушительным элементом, который превращается привычки жизни для всех. Сегодня мы видим, как с мобильного становится наиболее важным повседневным аппаратом. Если вы исследуете хорошо, люди манипулировать мобильный телефон во время просмотра телевизора или на компьютере.--IPippe (talk) 20:32, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "You are wrong.
- Phone destructive element which becomes habit of life for all. Today we see how mobile is becoming the most important everyday tool. If you research well, people manipulate cell phone while watching TV or on a computer"'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Улучшая интерфейс для мобильной версии, не нужно ломать настольный.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Improved user interface for the mobile version, no need to break the desktop."
[edit]Response by 20:30, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
it is hard to amgine it without it being here
[edit]Response by 20:32, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]- more users from Africa, Asia and South America
- more elderly users
- more attempts to influence/to censore by states & companies
- more audio:
- smaller internet devices make reading difficult but listening may be possible
- making it possible for people with eye problems (elderly, blind, ...) to use wikipedia better's thoughts on question 2
[edit]- easier interface for writing & editing articles
- more articles in different languages
- more articles written by women
- more articles written by non-western writers
- more articles about non-western topics
- more automatic systems for controlling articles (problematic, but necessary with more & more articles)
- being more respectful to people who try to participate, especially to newbies
Edits by German User: GMH
[edit]Response by 20:36, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]The clear,viewable and audit-able availability of the disbursements of donations, would go a long way towards inspiring confidence that these donations are not being used to feather the bed of a few. The need to fund the expansion required for the increasing growth of the number of users and the required increase in bandwidth is going to be tantamount, and as such requires the concomitant revenue. A clearly defined policy for the disbursements of surplus funds would be a good strategy. A defined limit on salaries would further help inspire confidence and incline contributions.
[edit]Response by 20:43, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 1
[edit]las tendencias principales seria utilizar aparatos electronicos que se puedan conectar a la red y que sean muy manejables aparte de muy faciles de transportar
- Machine translation; please improve: the main trends would use electronic devices that can connect to the network and are very manageable apart from very easy to transport
- Hola. Precisamente el movil es esa tecnologia. Yo pienso que todo el enfoque va dirigido a este elemento que permanece 24 horas 7 dias a la semana con las personas. --IPippe (talk) 21:26, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
- Machine translation; please improve: Hello. Precisely the phone is that technology. I think that the whole focus is directed to this element that remains 24 hours 7 days a week with people
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 2
[edit]se verian como algo muy flexible y con mucha capacidad para asimilar muchos proyectos a la vez y cada vez con mas abarque mundial en el dominio de electronica.
- Machine translation; please improve: they would look as very flexible and very ability to assimilate many projects at once and ever more encompassing world in the domain of electronics.
[edit]'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]What major trends would you identify in addition to mobile and the next billion users?
A major trend will be the continuing decline of editor numbers and also of "page impressions" on Wikimedia projects. This is only reasonable, since there are more rewarding things to do on the internet than writing an encyclopedia and there is also not so much need for "dead knowledge" as there used to be before the computer age. Also, in lucrative markets there will be competing offerings, as we see in China, for example.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Based on the future trends that you think are important, what would thriving and healthy Wikimedia projects look like?
I expect there will be no thriving and healthy Wikimedia project in a couple of years. I may be wrong, but I bet it's going the way of the dinosaurs, like print encyclopedias did. Not because I prefer it that way but because I see no way in which "the next billion users" will write an encyclopedia using their mobile phones. And for your current user base, this source will slowly dry up and dissipate.
[edit]Response by 21:24, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]I would predict more will try to use Wikipedia for what I use it for, Briefly checking the top of the page to get the idea quickly, then maybe reading more into the subject.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Larger open source community based project for everyone to take part in.
[edit]Response by 21:45, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]We already see trends in augmented reality, holographic computing and wearable computing in general.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]A thriving Wikimedia project will maintain its status as free software working off donations with openly editable, peer-reviewed, verified and free content, but will also ensure a consistent user experience between web, mobile web, mobile, augmented mobile, holographic and wearable applications. It should also provide a REST interface for those wishing to access content and metadata programmatically. All 3D models should have CC-BY SA content licenses so users may download the original model file for use in 3D printers or in holographic applications.
Free (of price and of liberty), ubiquitous, anonymous, open access to unbiased, valid, current information for all should remain the top priority, a consequence of an ethical, humanitarian effort.
[edit]Response by Dinotooth009 21:48, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Dinotooth009's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Another thing I think people do more online is finding out quick facts, I think it is important that people can find key information quickly without getting lots of intricate specialist knowlage put into their face (like the simple english wikipidia pages).
Dinotooth009's thoughts on question 2
[edit]I think there needs to be small changes to keep wikimedia easy to use, such as apps, or one app for other projects such as spiecies or quotes. I also think there should be small changes to apps, like a talking wikipidia, where you say the question aloud to the device. I think small things like this will keep wikimedia the first place for information and resources.
[edit]Response by 21:55, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
bueno primero que nada no deberian de dejar que cualquier persona suba información ya que muchas vesces es incorrecta y segundo deberian de llenar todos los temas pero hay algunos temas que no se encuentran.
- Machine translation; please improve: well first of all should not let anyone upload as many vesces information is incorrect and second should fill all topics but there are some issues that are not found.
[edit]Response by 22:15, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۱
[edit]آزادیخواهی و دوری از قوانین دست و پاگیر
- Machine translation; please improve: Freedom and avoid cumbersome rules
نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۲
[edit]قوانینتان را منعطف تر نمایید
- Machine translation; please improve: See more flexible Qvanyntan
[edit]Response by 22:26, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 1
[edit]los smart tv cada vez estan siendo mas utilizados. pero el problema radicaria en que no deberia ser muy pesada la pagina porque sino el navegador se vuelve lento o directamente la pagina no se puede cargar.
- Machine translation; please improve: smart tv increasingly are being used more. but the problem would lie that should not be too heavy page because otherwise the browser becomes slow or directly in the page can not be loaded.
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 2
[edit]si el portal no fuese tan pesado seria lo idoneo, dividir la mera informacion textual de las imagenes como mapas, fotos, etc, asi no tendria que estar navegando en la pagina entera para ver las distintas imagenes.
- Machine translation; please improve: if the goal were not so heavy serious Ideally, divide the mere textual information of the images as maps, photos, etc, so would not have to be surfing the whole page to see the different images.
[edit]Response by 23:08, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Make an App
[edit]Response by 23:43, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]Connection speed and cost per byte transmitted will be (and still are) serious concerns in remote places. We cannot assume all new users will be on a 10Mbit or better connection. I think we should assume that much of the (new) world is on the equivalent of dial-up modem in the 9600 - 28.8k class, even mobile users.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]What that means to me is there should be a way to request simplified Wikimedia, with mostly text, limited graphics, minimal to zero video or sound unless specifically requested. I do NOT want to censor information, but I also do not want Wikimedia to look like a bloated boat anchor to people most in need of good reference materials. If it costs too much (money, time, bandwidth) to access, they will not come.
[edit]Response by 23:48, 5 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]This isn't new, but - Readability - Wikipedia needs some good Professional Technical Writers and Editors to clean up all those articles marked for clean-up. Not just Contributors putting in good content, but Editors making the articles easier to read for laymen to the subject matter's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Professional Editors cost money and WP doesn't have much. I don't know the best place to start, maybe on the smaller, less active WP to make them more inviting and get them energized.
[edit]Response by Day3of 02:44, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Day3of's thoughts on question 1
[edit]...write here… What I don't know about the next billion users is how the internet will be presented to them as a resource for research into areas which interest them. A dozen years ago, in the USA, Wikipedia was not considered to qualify as a valid source for research papers (in my experience.) I'm not sure to what degree it is now trusted by educators in this country. I personally trust a Wikipedia article completely when it has citations, and Wikipedia users have reviewed it. Wikipedia needs to maintain its highest standards of integrity.
One thing I hope for the next billion users is that they wish to learn more about foreign countries and cultures. I can see this being the case for countries that are less westernized.
One thing I anticipate is that things which we may like to think are impertinent--such as slang words, texting lingo, celebrity biographies, lotteries and contests, information about social media-- may more and more become the new user's first acquaintance with Wikipedia.
Day3of's thoughts on question 2
[edit]...write here… Thriving and healthy Wikipedia projects can offer the user a way to tell good research from bad research, fact from hearsay, a truth understood by all from a biased opinion, and also a way to understand the nature of the inquiry itself. An example of a good Wikipedia project might be to create Wiki games in which people of different backgrounds can learn from one another, with Wikipedia working in the background as a fact-checker.
Thank you all for Wikipedia.
- Thanks for your suggestions! --Lgruwell-WMF (talk) 01:55, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by Panchorepancho 04:51, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Las ideas de Panchorepancho acerca de la pregunta 1
[edit]Dentro de esas dos macro-tendencias enumeradas talvez podría considerarse como una posibilidad que, en el futuro cercano, muchos de los nuevos ususarios de la internet no estén tan familiarizados con las expresiones coloquiales e idiomáticas que, provenientes de otros países o regiones, hay en su propia lengua natal. O sea que, a pesar de ser fluidos en ella, podrían encontrarse con dificultades al toparse con formas, formulas, usos de hablantes de ese mismo idioma pero provenientes de otras latitudes.
- Machine translation; please improve: Within the two macro-trends listed, perhaps you could consider as a possibility that in the near future, many new users of the Internet will not be as familiar with colloquialisms and idiomatic expressions from other countries or regions, even in their own native language. So that, despite being fluent in it, one could encounter difficulties when confronted with forms, formulas, or other uses by speakers of the same language from other latitudes.
Las ideas de Panchorepancho acerca de la pregunta 2
[edit]Por lo anterior considero que debiera multiplicarse el actual cuidado que se tiene en mantener una textura neutra en el uso que le damos a nuestras respectivas lenguas al editar o redactar entradas. De modo de permitir que los hablantes de una misma lengua, más allá del tiempo que lleven como usuarios de la red, puedan producir un intercambio de conocimiento con las menores trabas de comprensión posibles.
- Machine translation; please improve: Therefore I think you should multiply the current care taken to maintain a neutral texture in the use we give to our respective languages when editing or writing entries. So to allow the speakers of the same language, beyond the time they have as network users, can produce an exchange of knowledge with the lowest possible obstacles to understanding.
- @Panchorepancho: Muchisimas gracias por su comentario. Mi español está lleno de cubanismos, así que entiendo su preocupación. Es difícil obligar a la gente a escribir en un lenguaje "sencillo", pero podríamos pensar en cómo mejorar la coherencia en las lenguas verdaderamente globales como español.
- (Translated: Many thanks for your comment. My Spanish is filled with Cubanisms, so I understand your concern. It is difficult to force people to write in a "simple" language, but we could think about how to improve consistency in the truly global languages like Spanish.) —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 01:22, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
- Machine translation; please improve: Therefore I think you should multiply the current care taken to maintain a neutral texture in the use we give to our respective languages when editing or writing entries. So to allow the speakers of the same language, beyond the time they have as network users, can produce an exchange of knowledge with the lowest possible obstacles to understanding.
[edit]Response by Nitidpeen 08:06, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Nitidpeen's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Social networking will be further integrated; being found on most popular websites, resulting in quicker sharing and more promotion for products and services. Information will be shared at such a quick speed that the method of publishing information will become shorter and less descriptive literally, yet more immersive visually. This will have a positive and negative effect on societies. The greatest challenge is not keeping the information free; is not stopping restrictions; but is in not losing our humanity in the mealstrom of the technado (storm cloud) that is pulling us all in. Already it is a social standard - considered a statement of good mental health - to participate on social networks. "If you are not on Facebook, then there is something wrong with you." What will Wikipedia stand for in the age to come? What standards will Wikipedia set and how will Wikipedia lead the way?...
Nitidpeen's thoughts on question 2
[edit]If Wikipedia does not embrace the social techniverse then another app will take up the encyclopedic torch while keeping people connected. That would be sad, because Wikipedia is a grand institution carrying a legacy. For Wikipedia to thrive...maybe we need to see the same ingenuity we saw when the site was born - outside of the box we knew. Maybe that's an obvious observation. Wikipedia could take a look at how platforms are going to be standardized for social access; we have a pretty good idea what that's going to look like; and apply the same principles.
For instance: Maybe one day someone will think of the idea of a Superuser cloud ID. Like a static IP in the cloud that is the master account to all accounts. A person's "open ID". They can chose to use this to connect to any site that promotes the use of this ID. I am sure Google accounts and the like will still be used and or linked to the Superuser account. This streamlines UBER connecting a person to any site they visit that is socially connected.
People connect to the sites they visit. They are automatically signed-in because programming recognizes the cloud ID; the site is participating in the Supercloud and automatically receives the addresses to all the registered IDs as part of the service from the SUPERUSER CONTROLLER. Meaning: if you have a superuser account, when you access a site that participates, you are visiting the site as your user name and are visible, if you chose, to whomever is on the site at that moment. You can leave comments on the open chat feed, or comments on RSS. It will be standard for popular sites to have a forum for comments and the forum format will be up to the site; here is room for creativity.
And that's the crux. How will people be able to connect on Wikipedia the moment they are on the site. What formats of connecting and sharing will Wikipedia come up with? What "quick" methods of communication will build on Wikipedia's already flourishing educational environment?
These are more questions. Woops. Maybe I threw in some useful perspective there?
(And that's just the beginning of the Superuser account's usefulness.)
OK - here's a thought. Instead of create a book - a user could select subjects and put them into a folder for discussion. Start a "Philosopher's Cafe".
It could look like, ok, lets say you are online on Wikipedia checking out Cadbury Castle, the possible historical location for fabled Camelot and King Arthur's round table... there could be a toolbar, or contextual pop-up that connects you to whomever has recently or currently posted interest in "discussion." You can leave them a message or respond if they are online. This could lead to a chat room or feed that is posted for everyone to read, who is interested. Public forums would be the norm.
PHILOSOPHER CAFE! (Simon Fraser University hosts those - in person)
That's it. Social Wiki = a cyber cafe to discuss/debate/expound upon Wikipedia page content. Woot! I got there...
- @Nitidpeen: Heh, sounds fun. :) Facebook/Google are competing for being that "superuser identity". I think we'll need to build alliances with open players like Mozilla to see if we can establish real alternatives -- giving users control and convenience. BTW, we're trying something on mobile called Gather -- to let people compile personal (!) article lists like "My favorite writers" and share them with friends. If readers like it and it draws them in, it could also be the jumping off point for other new knowledge experiences.--Erik Moeller (WMF) (talk) 01:50, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by Roboting 14:54, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Las ideas de Roboting acerca de la pregunta 1
[edit]Básicamente es difícil predecir cual va a ser el modo de acceso de Internet en los próximos 20, 30 años, etc. Pero el futuro próximo 5 a 10 años las personas a nivel global van a tener un acceso cada vez mayor con dispositivos móviles, por múltiples condiciones entre ellas, el poder llevar los dispositivos móviles a todas partes, su bajo costo y el aumento al acceso a intenet de forma gratuita, como por ejemplo la iniciativa de de Faceboock. Por lo tanto Wikipedia no puede quedarse a tras antes esta nuevas tendencias y lanzar nuevas aplicaciones que permitan de forma mas fácil a las personal del mundo acceder al sitio y poder hacer sus contribuciones de manera mas fácil y practica.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Basically it is difficult to predict what will be the way to access the Internet in the next 20, 30 years, etc. But the near future 5-10 years people globally will have an increasing mobile device access by multiple conditions including being able to take mobile devices everywhere, low cost and increasing access to intenet for free, such as of Faceboock initiative. Therefore Wikipedia can not stay on after before this new trends and launch new applications that allow so much easier for people from the world access the site and to make their contributions more easily and practiced."
- This is an excellent point, and valuable given your strong Wikimedia experience, Roboting. As I believe you know, we are focusing on our Wikipedia Zero program, which delivers Wikipedia by mobile without data charges in areas of the world that may not be as well connected with the internet. We have a strong focus on mobile as we design product - and that emphasis is increasing over time. So I agree with you that this must be part of our strategy and continue to look for new ways of incorporating and simplifying mobile given its importance today and in the future. GeoffBrigham (WMF) (talk) 01:31, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
Las ideas de Roboting acerca de la pregunta 2
[edit]Los proyectos de Wikipedia serian mas prósperos si las personas se enteran de como funciona Wikipedia y cual es alcance a nivel global. Hoy en día muchas personas desconocen como funciona Wikipedia y si supieran seguramente serian una fuente importante para el crecimiento de Wikipedia. Entonces Wikipedia debe de acercarse a los gobiernos, profesionales, estudiantes, y todos aquellos que desde iniciativas conjuntas puedan mejorar la calidad de Wikipedia y expandirla.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Wikipedia projects would be more successful if people learn how Wikipedia works and what global reach. Today many people are unaware Wikipedia works and if they knew would surely an important source for the growth of Wikipedia. Then Wikipedia should approach the governments, professionals, students, and anyone from joint initiatives to improve the quality of Wikipedia and expand."
[edit]Response by HHill 15:00, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
HHills Gedanken zu Frage 1
[edit]Vorab: Manche der von mir angeschnittenen Themen werden derzeit auch im Kurier diskutiert, dort finden sich weitere Sichtweisen.
Die Bedeutung von Bibliotheks- und Literaturstipendien für die Arbeit in den Wikimedia-Projekten wird künftig noch weiter zunehmen, sei es weil das Niveau höher und die Themen spezieller, oder weil Informationsanbieter (z. B. Zeitungen) versuchen über Bezahlschranken andernorts verlorengegangene Einkünfte auszugleichen.
Das Zitieren von Büchern und (Fach-)Zeitschriften muss künftig noch deutlich einfacher und bequemer werden, im Wikitext, im Visual Editor, in Wikidata und in der Mobilversion. Solches wird seit Jahren von Autoren gefordert, mit dem möglichen Zustrom vieler wohl überwiegend nicht akademisch gebildeter Nutzer wird es künftig nötiger sein denn je.
Ein weiterer Trend, der für die Wikimedia-Projekte bedeutsam werden dürfte, ist die zunehmende Bedeutung der Digital Humanities (ein recht vager Begriff, einige Eindrücke zur Situation in Europa bietet diese Essaysammlung). Noch steht die Wikipedia hier eher am Rande. Potential für eine etwas zentralere Rolle ist vermutlich vorhanden. Erinnert sei hier auch an zwei Tagungen zu Wikipedia und Wikidata. --HHill (talk) 15:00, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
- (Translation:)
- "Caveat: Some of the topics raised by me are now also discussed in the Kurier, there are more points of view.
- The importance of Library- and Literature Scholarships for the work in the Wikimedia projects will in future continue to expand, be it because the standard is higher and the topics special, or because information providers (eg. newspapers) try to recover lost income with pay walls.
- The citation of books and (technical) magazines must become much easier and more convenient in the wikitext, in the Visual Editor, in Wikidata and in the mobile version. Such is demanded for years by authors, with the possible influx of many, mostly not academically trained, users in the future this will be more necessary than ever.
- Another trend that is likely to be relevant to the Wikimedia projects, the increasing importance of digital humanities (is a rather vague term, some impressions of the situation in Europe offers this collection of essays). Even Wikipedia is here on the fringe. Potential for a more central role is probably present. Let us recall here also two meetings about Wikipedia and Wikidata."
- @HHill: Thank you for your comments! I agree that integration with libraries and scholarship is an extremely important part of our overall strategy. Right now we are addressing this by expanding The Wikipedia Library into other languages, and building automatic citation parsing into Visual Editor, but suggestions on how else we might implement this strategy are very welcome. —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 01:55, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
- @LuisV (WMF): It's a start, but more effort should be put into this, volunteers already have been creating several citation tools, there is a serious need, especially concerning books and scholarly journals. I can do without, but I regularly see new (and more experienced) editors struggle with citing properly. Fixing typos has been done semiautomatically for years now, there is little need for editing interfaces which can do just that and not much else. VE's first release has been hampered (among other things) by that, and I guess Wikidata's lack of acceptance in certain projects can in part be attributed to the decision to release early without even a basic possibility of referencing sources. Please consider making this functionality a prerequisite for any widescale release of any new editing interface to the more mature wikipedias. And add it to the existing interfaces. Oh, and watch out for different citing traditions!
- What software are the students and staff in, say, Berkeley using to (help) write their papers? Has it features Mediawiki should adopt or provide interoperability with? Facebook & Co do not have to bother much with editing e.g. mathematic formulae, you have to. Yes, the surface could use an update too, but form should follow function here. Precisely why are so many people still using the Monobook skin instead of Vector?
- Cleaning up Commons by providing more structure for it and better interoperability with GLAM institutions is another worthy task (I know you already started doing this).
- User:Atlasowa came up with several good ideas for software development over the past years, I just copied some of them. User:Olaf Simons has had some promising ideas too, I linked to his report above.
- Concerning TWL: Brill and Brepols would be nice additions in my field of interest. --HHill (talk) 08:13, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
- @HHill: Thank you for your comments! I agree that integration with libraries and scholarship is an extremely important part of our overall strategy. Right now we are addressing this by expanding The Wikipedia Library into other languages, and building automatic citation parsing into Visual Editor, but suggestions on how else we might implement this strategy are very welcome. —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 01:55, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
HHills Gedanken zu Frage 2
[edit]Es hat eine gewisse Mindestgröße und -aktivität (die erstaunlich niedrig sein kann). Die Mitwirkenden vertreten halbwegs friedlich verschiedene Weltsichten, keine einzelne Gruppe versucht durch Sperren alle anderen auszuschließen. Wartungs- und andere Kärrnerarbeiten sind durch neue technische Möglichkeiten erleichtert und können auch unterwegs in sonst kaum nutzbarer Zeit vorgenommen werden (etwa beim Pendeln z. B. das Sichten von Änderungen auf dem Smartphone). Jeder kann, so er dies möchte und gewisse (eher niedrige) Voraussetzungen erfüllt, Zugang zu Datenbanken, Büchern und dergleichen erhalten, die er für seine Artikelarbeit benötigt. --HHill (talk) 15:00, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
- (Translation:)
- "It has a certain minimum size and activity (which can be amazingly low). The participants represent fairly peacefully different world views, no group attempts the exclusion of all others by blocking. Maintenance and other menial tasks are facilitated by new technical possibilities and can also be carried out on the road in otherwise hardly usable time (eg. flag revisions on your smartphone while commuting). Anyone can, so he wants it and meets certain (rather low) conditions get access to databases, books and the like, which are needed for their article work."
[edit]Response by Pakoffie76 15:09, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Pakoffie76's thoughts on question 1
[edit]a penny for your thoughts, server security, social control of the content (not that politicians or large companies can use it for their interests)
- Server security! Yes, this is definitely important, and on the road map for the WMF engineering team.
the twentyfirst century will be the era of women. nanotechnology, minimazation of for instance smartphones or broader electric computers. quantumcomputers, iris scan identification as password. more orders for sales through internet. More cyber attacks. hacking of computernetworks
- I'd definitely agree, but perhaps I'm a bit biased. ;) The trends on women in the work force and education are definitely interesting to keep an eye on, and how this plays out on the internet as a whole. In fact, the WMF launched a new campaign yesterday focused on bringing more female participation into Wikipedia. As for the rest, we're really interested in how we can address some of these emerging environmental factors (quantum computer, biosecurity, cyberwarfare) while still preserving our fundamental values, including those of privacy, anonymity, transparency, and radical participation. Katherine (WMF) (talk) 02:15, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
Pakoffie76's thoughts on question 2
[edit]question 2 more sofiticated applications (apps) for smartphones. better research and development in world. Less sales in enclopediabooks. less prejudice in the world, more piety in the world. artificial intelligence in agriculture, hospitals etc. more common sense and understanding through knowledge. More sustainable employment, less people trafficing. More coloured people writing on articles, or chinese or hispanics. more sophisticated computer programmes used to let wikimedia run their projects.
- I really, really hope so! This is a wonderful, optimistic perspective on the future where more people have better access to not just knowledge, but equality, justice, and opportunity. In the context of Wikipedia, we at the Foundation agree that it's essential for people of color to be better represented on Wikipedia. While this is not the responsibility of people of color (or women, or other groups) -- it's a responsibility we all share -- it would be wonderful for the Wikimedia movement to be more diverse, more representative, and even more global. Katherine (WMF) (talk) 02:18, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by 16:45, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]I think that the other major trends ahead would be hopefully an increase in literacy and education. This requires, in my opinion, a single conclusive source of facts, which I don't think Wikipedia or other Wikimedia sites provide. Wikipedia's articles are just sometimes too long, scaring people away. I would love to see a move towards the burden of proof, and a distilled summary of Wikipedia articles which are simple to understand with emphasis on truth and proof would really help that.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Wikimedia projects are great, and I wholeheartedly support them. However, as mentioned in the first question, I would love to see a kind of summarised Wikipedia. For example, means nothing to me. The opening paragraph in most pages is very confusing and covered in citations (a good thing but messy), and often puts me off reading more complex articles. Searching on Google and having it bring up a summary is oftentime more useful and clear, and having an entire Wikimedia project for summarising Wikipedia would be great for me and the world at general. I envision a CIA World Factbook style of simple clear bullet points, not too long, which is more about clear summary than detail, which one would then go to the Wikipedia for. Maybe call it Minipedia? I hope you enjoy and utilize my feedback!
- Thanks! We've toyed some with how to present short, quick facts. I think it's a fun idea, and I hope it gets some traction. We appreciate your input! Philippe Beaudette, Wikimedia Foundation (talk) 01:23, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by Attilio1942 20:12, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Attilio1942's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I have several times tried to correct/add the required verification to my article without success. All the facts listed are easily confirmed by the World Masters Athletics website as well as by your Wikipedia world records progression pages. Help.
- Hi there! if you need help with this, you have a couple of options. First, on the English Wikipedia, you could put {{Help me}} on your user talk page, and someone will be by shortly to help. You could also write to and ask them for help. Those are some great volunteers, and they'll be glad to help you. Philippe Beaudette, Wikimedia Foundation (talk) 01:30, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
- @Attilio1942: --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 10:55, 9 March 2015 (UTC)
- I'll copy this to your user page. :) --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 10:50, 12 March 2015 (UTC)
- @Attilio1942: --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 10:55, 9 March 2015 (UTC)