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Latest comment: 24 days ago by Ismoon in topic Gran Cocle

This Rocks


This rocks. Jean-Fred (talk) 23:13, 27 February 2013 (UTC) +1!! -Pete F (talk) 07:09, 28 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Amazing, LCCN bug


The JFK LCCN was wrong, n7955297 should have been n79055297. I don't know if other Library of Congress identifiers lost a zero in some import step. (I fixed it in d:Q9696.)

Please explain what you're doing here, it's very impressive.

-- S Page (WMF) (talk) 19:11, 8 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Text in Arabic script


I see some text in Arabic script on the top of Q638391. Where did this come from? πr2 (t • c) 04:54, 9 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

For people, I gather all names in all languages, collapsing duplicates. That one would be Farsi, according to the API. --Magnus Manske (talk) 07:46, 9 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ah, now I understand. It just had fewer languages than the other Bach, so I didn't realize it. Thank you for answering. πr2 (t • c) 12:16, 9 April 2013 (UTC)Reply



This is exactly what Wikidata needs: a beautiful interface that makes it relevant and interesting to the average reader and not just to database nerds like us. Actually, this should be Phase 2. Has there been any discussion about possibly moving in that direction? Pichpich (talk) 19:34, 7 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Very good



the Tool is really good for Wikidata, thanks

I have some more ideas (sorry for the bad english, i hope you understand).
- Is there a Possibility on the german Version the Text like Relatives, Parents...translate to german?
- On Links to other Wikidata-Articles should in the german Veriosn also bei the Lang=de extension
- When the Date-Type is there, thinks like Producer could sorted by year (like in the filmography)
- What Text is used, when there is no Text in the related Article in the german Language, the Italian ? Why and i think it would be better, when there is no explaining-Text then.

Greetings --McSearch (talk) 19:04, 28 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hoi, Magnus is doing a brilliant job. He is mostly concentrating on core functionality. The eye candy... things like sorting is something he prefers to leave to someone else .. (it is why GIT is mentioned). Yes, you can localise the interface :) GerardM (talk) 08:10, 3 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Cool tool!


Great work. Can you publish a full version of the script in GitHub or am I allowed to do this? So we can make progress together in the development! --A.Bernhard (talk) 21:16, 25 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Did just see this; it's been at bitbucket for a while. Here you go. --Magnus Manske (talk) 13:04, 15 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

Adaptation needed re "Main Type (GND)"


Reasonator currently works only if Property "Main Type (GND)" (P:107) and statement "person" (Q215627) is present. When these two are not present, it does not work and says "Unknown Item Type". As "Main Type (GND)" is now discouraged and to replaced by property "Instance of" (P:31) and statement "human" (Q5), the tool will not work anymore when "Main Type (GND)" is not present anymore or will have been deleted. Could you please change the requirement of the tool to "instance of" and "human"? Longbow4u (talk) 09:44, 12 October 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thank you! :-) Longbow4u (talk) 12:56, 19 October 2013 (UTC)Reply
This has been implemented for quite some time :) GerardM (talk) 08:11, 3 February 2014 (UTC)Reply



A splendid tool. Taking https://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?q=Q15136093 as an example, I think that ORCID should be shown underneath VIAF, ISNI and other identifiers; and that it, as well as the website, voice recording, and Twitter name, should be links (as should any property whose type is URL or Commons media object). Andy Mabbett (Pigsonthewing); Talk to Andy; Andy's edits 13:23, 7 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

The external sources like VIAF ORCID are alphabetically in the side bar. Things like Twitter are similar to website but should not be grouped with external sources. GerardM (talk) 08:14, 3 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Big Wikipedias


What are the criteria for Big Wikipedias? --Ainali (talk) 11:03, 26 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

top 10 in page rank. GerardM (talk) 08:11, 3 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Groupings for Lithostratigraphic units


I am not sure how the grouping or head lines work. But for items with d:Property:P31:

or items that have statements with

it would be nice to group these properties under the headline Stratigraphy (in this order please)

these properties under the headline Temporal range or Geologic time scale

An example item is: http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=en&q=917642 Thank you for considering. --Tobias1984 (talk) 16:16, 4 February 2014 (UTC)Reply


I would like to make QGIS a featured item for software. But the dynamic timeline just renders "stable version" for every version instead of the number. --Tobias1984 (talk) 09:44, 5 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

There are more problems with the item. The commons gallery is still not shown (just some related pictures). And I was also wondering why the reasonator doesn't show sources yet? --Tobias1984 (talk) 16:30, 22 February 2014 (UTC)Reply
Sources you can find on Wikidata. Reasonator is intended to make information from available data. The objective is to keep it organised and as uncluttered as possible. In contrast to sources, qualifiers do add information. Thanks, GerardM (talk) 06:35, 27 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Market this as a translator


Wikidata/Reasonator knows more languages than any other translation website (including Google translate). The labels cover a huge amount of nouns. Why not offer a translation service? Instead of reporting errors and missing translations, people can just fill in the missing information. In translation mode two languages could just be shown side by side on the screen (thats a really good start in my opinion). Once Wiktionary is wikidatafied we expand from there. --Tobias1984 (talk) 19:16, 10 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Machine translation uses machine learning. Reasonator can only format based on what it knows from Wikidata items, so it would be useless for most translations. PiRSquared17 (talk) 19:37, 10 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Whe I tried to add a label it displayed the following message: You haven't authorized this application yet! Go <a target="_blank" href="/widar/index.php?action=authorize">here</a> to do that, then reload this page. (the raw code, not a clickable link). Helder.wiki 13:37, 14 February 2014 (UTC)

The link points to OAuth app Widar (the backend of reasonator), whose link to autorize is http://tools.wmflabs.org/widar/index.php?action=authorize . You need to autorize Widar app and give permission to edit as you in order to can edit into reasonator. --Zerabat (discusión) 15:24, 20 February 2014 (UTC)Reply



Is there SVG support in Reasonator? It seems that logos in SVG aren't showing up. --Wylve (talk) 15:01, 15 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Is "Earth" redundant and moon map wrong?


Well done, Magnus on this fantastic tool! Just a couple of comments:

  1. Many locations start with "Earth third planet in the Solar System". Is that really necesssary? I think we can assume it's Earth unless otherwise stated.
  2. Non-Earth locations use the Earth map, e.g. Mare Crisium.

Otherwise, it's a excellent — keep up the good work, 𝖈𝖒𝖌𝖑𝖊𝖊 (talk) 20:42, 28 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

@Cmglee:: So I guess it should avoid using a map of earth when a d:Property:P376 anywhere in the chain points somewhere besides earth? And you think it should skip d:Q2 itself for some reason? SamB (talk) 02:40, 28 April 2015 (UTC)Reply

Small bug displaying dates BCE



[1] [2]

date of birth is 624 BCE in wikidata, reasonator shows "He was born in 623 B.C.E"

The years are off by 1. 09:57, 1 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Now it shows Julius Caesar as dying in 44, while Wikidata claims he died in 44 BCE. Jc3s5h (talk) 13:37, 19 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

equivalent of "item by title" for reasonator


Hi, I wonder if we can work on a better way to access on reasonator the items than just putting their Q numbers. An "item by title" equivalent or a disambig search page when there is several labels identical for a given language for example. TomT0m (talk) 17:51, 1 March 2014 (UTC)Reply



Fantastic tool! I can add some data to wikidata with the db interface and see beautiful information with the reasonator. While browsing through several data, I found http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?&q=233077 where the timeline is displayed right to left. I assume that the sign of the birth and death dates are not taken into consideration? -- Köllner (talk) 11:26, 4 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

The timeline functionality is software developed elsewhere.. It is just used as is. If you know a better tool, please tell us. Thanks, GerardM (talk) 06:38, 27 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
The year is taken as an absolute value. Dates are signed objects. Regards gangLeri ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 07:12, 28 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

The link to authorise Widar to add images is broken, and so is the statistics page.--Underlying lk (talk) 19:26, 4 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

The statistics are back but the link to authorise Widar is still broken, this is what I see in the dialog:
You haven't authorized this application yet! Go <a target="_blank" href="/widar/index.php?action=authorize">here</a> to do that, then reload this page.

--Underlying lk (talk) 21:05, 14 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Flag border


[[File:Flag of Indonesia.svg|50px]] vs. [[File:Flag of Indonesia.svg|50px|border]]

For white-based flags, it's good to have borders around them, e.g. http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?&q=252 Bennylin 15:09, 18 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

d:Property:P856 values not shown


Hiǃ http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=eo&q=Q16019&live should show official website: http://www.wolfgang-schaeuble.de/ , Regards ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 23:53, 31 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

this is Done Sorry (or Thanks)! ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 12:28, 3 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Sandbox-URL (P855)


Hiǃ At http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=eo&q=Q4115189&live for Sandbox (Q4115189) some Sandbox-URL's are used. I think they should be displayed (and linkified) at the same place as normal d:Property:P856 statements. Thanks in advanceǃ ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 15:05, 3 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

sorting of occupations


Hiǃ Please look at the occupation (P106) fields at http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=eo&q=Q4869199&live for Ewan Birney (Q4869199). bioinformatician is a subset of biologist. Can the order reflect hierarhical relations? Regards ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 10:43, 3 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Search bug


When I hit search in Reasonator with any language other than default English, it switches back lang interface to default. --Милан Јелисавчић (talk) 12:39, 7 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

some pages do not load - please confirm


Hiǃ http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=en&q=Property:P1190&live does not load for me. Can anybody confirm this? Thanks in advanceǃ gangLeri ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 20:15, 13 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

obsolete ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 20:26, 13 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Commons category (P373) with no value will never display the content. I made this change


and the problem disappeared. Regards gangLeri ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 10:41, 15 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

fictional entities


Hiǃ At http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=en&q=Q1910571&live for Q1910571 many statements (as relatives) could be rendered as rendered at normal humans. ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 12:13, 21 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

more examples:
http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=en&q=Q133147&live for Loki (Q133147)
http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=en&q=Q170148&live for Ragnarök (Q170148) lists only two characters despite special:WhatLinksHere/Q170148 where other characters are listed
http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=en&q=Q128285&live for Norse mythology (Q128285) where more examples can be found
‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 07:00, 23 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

multiple values used together with instance of (P31)


Hiǃ Reasonator does not show multiple values used together with instance of (P31). Can this be changed? ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 12:20, 21 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

rendereing of qualifiers used together with occupation (106)


Hiǃ Occupations (106) are displayed as a list. However if qualifiers are used together with occupation the qualifiers are displayed in new lines. Maybe one can use the format "foo (start dateː bar. end dateː foobar)" etc. ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 12:27, 21 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

debug parameter


Hiǃ Before this change at http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=en&q=Q378882&live it was not possible to see the existence of the P106 (occupation) value d:Q103076 (screenplay) which is not a valid occupation.
With parameter &debug http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=en&q=Q378882&debug&live Reasonator should add all information which might be necessary to fix the statement values at the main topic and at all related topics. Regards gangLeri ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 07:23, 25 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Language selection


I use Reasonator mainly in Spanish. Since a few months ago whenever I do a search the language is switched to English and remains there until I manually switch back to Spanish. It used to work previously. This new behaviour is very annoying. Barcex (talk) 10:44, 6 May 2014 (UTC)Reply

Odd result


First of all, thank for this tool. It is great, and it helps to explain what WikiData can do.

I tried to fill all possible data for w:Robert Baden-Powell (Q12665), and here is the output of Reasonator: [3]

There are two "item not loaded" notes, refering to two of his brothers, which appear correctly in the brothers section, and then again with the "item not loaded" warning...

What's wrong?

--Lou Crazy (talk) 17:29, 13 May 2014 (UTC)Reply

IMDb identifier


It seems that when an IMDb identifier is contained in an item, the link from Reasonator to IMDb links to a "name". Take this for example, click on "ch0004523". A 404 error comes up because it has "www.imdb.com/name/ch0004523" instead of "www.imdb.com/character/ch0004523". --AmaryllisGardener (talk) 22:13, 13 May 2014 (UTC)Reply

optional parameter to display Freebase identifier content at the top


Hi! I have seen it once at a page viewed with Reasonator. Please add a parameter which enables the display of the content of the Freebase identifier P646 at the top of the page. Thanks in advance gangLeri ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 13:19, 15 May 2014 (UTC)Reply

fallbacklang parameter


Hi! You allow &lang=bar . It would be usefull to allow &fallbacklang=de as a combination i.e. as &lang=bar&fallbacklang=de . This would help languages using CYRL script, Indian scripts, dialects etc. Thanks in advance! gangLeri ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 13:25, 15 May 2014 (UTC)Reply

This is already documented. You can use &lang=bar,de for that. PiRSquared17 (talk) 13:57, 15 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
Thanks @PiRSquared17! I will try it if Reasonator is live again! ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 15:03, 15 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
@לערי ריינהארט: seems up to me. :) PiRSquared17 (talk) 15:10, 15 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
Never mind, you're right, it's not working. PiRSquared17 (talk) 15:12, 15 May 2014 (UTC)Reply

url parameter normalisation


@PiRSquared17 I experienced such behaviour in the past. I found the url:


It should translate automatically to:


I am using a nightly version of Firefox, Version 32.0a1, User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0 . These are browser issues and multiple character encoding issues. Regards gangLeri ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 19:58, 15 May 2014 (UTC)Reply

social media address (554)


Hi! I wonder how http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=eo&q=Q8819&live (Unicode – Q8819) is showing the Twitter url but does not show the Facebook url. I did change Reasonator/stringprops containing now:

social media address (Facebook) || 554 || https://www.facebook.com/!ID!

Please note the change at https://www.wikidata.org/?diff=132254398&oldid=132249961#top . The following urls are equivalent:

Task:Can you please fix the configuration?
Question: Where is the place the change the configuration?

Regards gangLeri ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 08:47, 22 May 2014 (UTC)Reply

Any news about this? Please see http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?lang=en&q=Q17450611&live . I miss the link to https://www.facebook.com/hitchbot . "Góða ferð hitchBOT (d:Q17450611)!"
Regards gangLeri ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 08:49, 9 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
@Magnus_Manske [4] i.e. Reasonator / public_html / main.js contains the line
if ( smtype == 918 ) url = '//twitter.com/'+s ; // Twitter
918 is the Twitter WD page. An additional line about 355 would help to support Facebook. As stated above only the string after the last SLASH is relevant: either hitchbot for the second example or 127785250588285 for the "Friends of Unicode" example. ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 09:20, 9 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

Language setting lost when searching


Reasonator is a really cool tool! But I have noticed that if I'm viewing a page in Swedish language, then searching for some other article, and then click any of the search results, the language setting is back to default (English). Would it not be better to have current set language to follow the user even during search? //Mippzon (talk) 12:10, 28 May 2014 (UTC)Reply

It used to work like that, but the bug was introduced a couple of months ago. Magnus seems to be completely devoted nowadays to his new great tool, Wikidata Game. :) Barcex (talk) 16:47, 30 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
I see! The Game is cool :) But is there any "bug tracker" for Reasonator? //Mippzon (talk) 21:43, 6 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

I look up mainly authors @Reasonator. It would be great if the connected publications (listed under "from related items") would show more than only label & description. I miss three main infos:

  1. Is the item a work or an edition? (see d:Wikidata:Books task force)
  2. What is the year of publication?
  3. What is the original language of the publication?

My ideal would be a kind of sorted table. --Kolja21 (talk) 19:33, 8 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Peter Smith, dendrologist (fictitious example)

Label Description Instance of (p31) Date of publication (p577) Language (p407)
Trees of Canada a study concerning the effectiveness of specific lighting parameters ... (to long) Book (= work) 2005 French
Kanadas Bäume book by Peter Smith (redundant) Edition 2008 German
Toxicology studies of Ginkgo biloba extract Article 2011 Italian

The language is important since the label can be a translation. --Kolja21 (talk) 17:32, 12 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Bug report: Timeline can't handle BCE


See the timeline on the item for Emperor Hui of Han. The timeline shows up backwards, and in AD. --Yair rand (talk) 04:45, 15 September 2014 (UTC)Reply

Sources of timeline


I've noticed that timeline sometimes displays events from connected items, but I cannot put it into a system. To my mind dates should be parsed from many specific property but it seems that qualifiers displays better. Which properties should have date qualifiers though? Every or some key ones? --Infovarius (talk) 08:31, 29 September 2014 (UTC)Reply

Why inventory # San Diego Museum of Art.?


Hi there. I checked out the Resonator version of an artwork I added to Wikidata, and noticed that the image box caption states the inventory number as being from the Rijksmuseum. It's from the San Diego Museum of Art. It's important to fix that, or figure out what it's happening! This is the item I am talking about. Thanks so much. Missvain (talk) 07:24, 5 January 2015 (UTC)Reply

English fallback


Why at all internal links in popups "lang=en" is added? It's frustrating to change language to my mother language all the times when I navigate through thouse links. --Infovarius (talk) 13:28, 17 February 2015 (UTC)Reply


This is really a cool tool. On one example I find quite unrelated media (Musée d'Orsay etc). The Commons category for that object in particular doesn't feature these media, while it's the reason displayed for motivating the presence of these media. --Isaacantoine (talk) 10:08, 11 April 2015 (UTC)Reply

@Isaacantoine: The Musée d'Orsay image seems to be there as a substitute image for Thatched Cottages in Berneval (Q17491029) Resonator, which doesn't have an image of its own. According to Wikidata this painting is apparently in the Musée d'Orsay collection, but located at the Chateau.
In general, Reasonator shows a key pic for each Wikidata item that contains a property that links back to the item in question. Often these are absolutely on the money, but you're right that some can sometimes appear a little arbitrary. Jheald (talk) 12:04, 11 April 2015 (UTC)Reply
@Jheald: ok I get it now! And I can accept the related media strategy. Though it may be better if Reasonator made more explicit where these images come from. Actually (and perhaps this is still some relevant insight for the Reasonator UI!) I thought all the pictures where from the "Commons category : Château de Dieppe" seeing how it appears just under the "Related media" heading. --Isaacantoine (talk) 20:52, 19 April 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi Magnus!
First of all, thanks for this awesome tool! I really appreciate the effort.
I just finished my first workshop on Wikidata and made my first edits on Q909 (changed the description and added some references). When I jumped to the item on Reasonator, I saw it looks pretty cool. I was wondering if «Related media» only shows images and no other file that is not svg / jpg / png? This audio with Borges voice reading a short story has the right category, but is not revealed on «Related media».
Thanks in advance for your comments! Best, Macruzbar (talk) 10:16, 11 April 2015 (UTC)Reply

Suggestion for improvement: Big articles instead of Big Wikipedias


I really like Reasonator and I find it both an interesting way to view data and useful when doing research. However I find the 'Big Wikipedias' section to be misleading or of little use when it comes to quality or quantity of an article's contents (sometimes a not so big language has very interesting content that is much better than the one from big wikipedias). I would find a 'Big articles'(or some sort of similar wording) much more useful as it would suggest to me that these articles(no matter their language) can be of interest, either because of the assets they may have, depth of information, references etc. Gts-tg (talk) 13:42, 20 April 2015 (UTC)Reply

Age calculation?


Would it be possible to include age calculation into Reasonator (similar to the English Wikipedia infoboxes)? Specifically, if it is a person without the DOD property (p570) it should display "(age X)" after the person's date of birth, with the present age instead of "X". If it is a person with the DOD property, it should list "(aged XX)" after the person's date of death, with the age at the moment of death instead of "XX". Gabbe (talk) 10:31, 2 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

wrong name


For Osum Canyon the pages hows on the right the correct Albanian name: Kanionet e Osumit But the subheading (or whatever it is called) reads "Kanionet e Osumt". -- Malenki (talk) 20:07, 6 June 2015 (UTC)Reply

Multiple existance


It seems that Reasonator doesn't support multiple dates of creation and ceasing. Can it be repaired? --Infovarius (talk) 19:20, 8 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Deprecated statements


Deprecated statements of authority control links are shown same as normal in the sidebar - IMHO they should be hidden completely, as the only reason to have deprecated authority links is to prevent bots from re-adding wrong values. As an example, see the resonator page for d:Q233588 [5]. Ahoerstemeier (talk) 22:26, 20 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Not enough timelines!


Why there are no timeline for works? E.g. for painters and other artists. (I mean its obviously needed, no matter which qualifiers are in items about paintings). --Infovarius (talk) 10:02, 16 November 2015 (UTC)Reply

External sources : ISNI


Format error to link to the external source ISNI

Wikidata : (actu | diff) 24 janvier 2016 à 03:31‎ Fagmt (discussion | contributions)‎ . . (12 758 octets) (-3)‎ . .(‎Affirmation modifiée : identifiant ISNI (P213): 00000000xxxxxxxx) (annuler) (restaurer)

Reasonator : http:// isni.org/isni/00000000xxxxxxxx -> Query is OK but Wikidata KrBot doesnt support this format :

Wikidata : (actu | diff) 25 janvier 2016 à 11:36‎ KrBot (discussion | contributions)‎ . . (12 761 octets) (+3)‎ . .(‎affirmation modifiée : identifiant ISNI (P213): 0000 0000 xxxx xxxx) (annuler)

Reasonator : http:// isni.org/isni/0000%200000%20xxxx%20xxxx -> Query string '0000 0000 xxxx xxxx' not supported.

Fagmt (talk) 14:26, 25 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Reverted label for P802 ?


On the Gardiner's page (https://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?&lang=en&q=160325), and of course all equivalent pages, we understand that Gardiner has Nadia Boulanger as student. It is in fact the reverse. Informations are OK in WikiData, but the label is false ("student" instead of "student of"). I don't know how to correct that. --Jean-Christophe BENOIST (talk) 11:41, 14 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Married until (Spouce end time (P582))


In the bio paragraph of someone who has divorced, the Reasonator reads:

"He married [name] on [date] (married until on [date])" (Q42) or "(married until in [date])" (Q1339).

Shouldn't that be simply (married until [date])?

--Thenia (16:50, 27 February 2016 (UTC))



Some properties have units, for example p2044 "elevation above sea level). It would be nice to see them. --Molarus (talk) 23:41, 27 February 2016 (UTC)Reply



I figured I'd take a look a Q1. It turned out to be the entry for Universe, kinda neat. When I got down to Timeline I was fascinated to discover:

Significant event Big Bang occurred 12:00 AM July 31, 1385

I'm not sure what caused that, but it's rather amusing. I guess the Young Earth Creationists got it wrong. The universe is 631 years old, not 6000 years :) Alsee (talk) 12:20, 1 March 2016 (UTC)Reply

Direct link toward Wikidata entry on Reasonator page ?


Hello all ! I am not able, starting from Reasonator page, to go (directly) to the Wikidata page to modify or add informations. Is the link hidden/buried somewhere or missing ? It should be a good idea to provide this link, even emphasised, to promote modification and participation on Wikidata, like Wikipeda, don't you think ? --Jean-Christophe BENOIST (talk) 11:24, 30 October 2016 (UTC)Reply

Reichsrat, and "replaces" / "replaced by"


Hello, I have just added information to Q565039 and wanted to see how it looks on Reasonator. I'm confused about "replaces" and "replaced by": Reasonator shows me the opposite of the Wikidata facts. Could someone check? Ziko (talk) 15:08, 4 December 2016 (UTC)Reply

Birth dates


One suggestion what should be changed: If the birth date is given as a decade (i.e. 1940s for instance), Resonator cuts this to the wrong value without s (i.e. 1940). Correct it should be was born in the 1940s. Similar Resonator behaves when as sourcing circumstance is given circa. Example: was born around 1940 is displayed by Resonator as was born in 1940. Example datasets: Q27623326 and Q27914092. --Florentyna (talk) 08:24, 27 December 2016 (UTC)Reply

Include data from OSM wiki


Some Wikidata item (Q16222597) have an OpenStreetMap tag or key (P1282). In this case can you show the corresponding data from the OSM wiki on the resonator page? You do not necessarily have to search the OSM wiki directly, there is a tool named Taginfo that does that (evrey night or so) and has an API that you perhaps can use. Example: For this German resonator page via this query you could get the corresponding German OSM wiki description "Ein Hundepark ist ein Gebiet, mit oder ohne Umzäunung, wo Hunde ohne Leine laufen dürfen." (which is similar but a bit different from the wikidata description). Sometimes for some language there is no description in wikidata but in the OSM wiki. There are also links to photos in the OSM wiki. --Hufkratzer (talk) 17:11, 13 January 2017 (UTC)Reply


I see https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Oceania_satellite_map.jpg show up in the Related media section for many unrelated entities. I can't figure out why Reasonator chooses to display that image. See https://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?&q=6974897 and https://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?&q=1016131 for examples. Runner1928 (talk) 19:30, 10 November 2017 (UTC)Reply



Moin Moin zusammen, P15 müsste bitte entsprechend als Bild ausgegeben werden. Könnte man das Bitte ändern? mfg --Crazy1880 (talk) 10:37, 7 January 2018 (UTC) (Moin Moin together, P15 should be issued accordingly as a picture. Could you change the request? Regards --Crazy1880 (talk) 10:37, 7 January 2018 (UTC))Reply

Reasonator as a sidebox widget in wikipedia


I think it would be really useful to add a reasonator widget to the sidebox in Wikipedia. For instance, it would really be interesting to get data from related items : How many items are subclass of this item ? How many items are instance of this item ? etc. Is there any project doing this ? Does anyone want to work with me on that project ? --PAC2 (talk) 07:39, 25 January 2018 (UTC)Reply

Moin Moin PAC2, seem really useful, so yes, I would like to help, if I could, in a project. Regards --Crazy1880 (talk) 18:37, 27 January 2018 (UTC)Reply

Coat of arms using first entry, not highest ranked entry


Hemer shows the old coat of arms, but not the current one even though the current one is set with preferred rank in the wikidata item. Just a little bug in the otherwise great tool... Ahoerstemeier (talk) 17:06, 3 April 2018 (UTC)Reply

Search support for Authority IDs ?


It would be helpful if we could search Authority IDs such as LCSH like so, https://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?find=sh85080292 Thadguidry (talk) 13:59, 24 July 2018 (UTC)Reply


The list of related items from which a property links to the current item should really have its column swapped: put the related items first, before the property (because the presention is confusive, even with the "From related items" heading which is not so obvious).

Each listed item should be readable in the correct order: the related item first (to the left in LTR language, to the right in RTL languages), the property name/verb last (to the right in LTR languages); the current item being implied after it in the sentence or in the RDF triple.

On pages where there are lot of relations listed, this makes it more obvious as we can visually distinguish the item's properties citing other values, from the properties of other related items citing the current item as their value, without having to look for the heading to disambiguate what is listed and can more easily detect false interpretations (notably when there are items incorrectly described in the reverse direction, and their properties are non-commutative relations).

Note that for commutative relations, it should be best to group them together in a separate "shared properties" section, between "item's properties" and "from relative items" to reduce both lists: it will be easier to detect the missing reverse properties. And possibly Reasonator could detect them by putting the missing property with some "implied" subsection in each section with a warning sign (and a possibility to fix them): that subsection should be collapsed but expandable on request.

Thanks. verdy_p (talk) 22:05, 3 April 2020 (UTC)Reply

Properties treated like items


I noticed an error with Property 1687: see for instance https://reasonator.toolforge.org/?q=Q17459.
It looks like the two related P4073 and P6262 are treated like Items and not Properties, in fact they are shown as Q4073 and Q6262 with the error ITEM NOT LOADED.

I filed this bug as Issue 48 --LucaMauri (talk) 09:24, 27 June 2020 (UTC)Reply

display of statements repeated


This issue (please see screen shot) might have been reported, Reasonator displays elements 4 times, just in case. ShiehJ (talk) 13:42, 11 August 2020 (UTC)Reply



When a wikidata item has audio, such as the following poem, could the audio be made playable (by clicking on the audio file) Back ache (talk) 15:31, 9 July 2021 (UTC)Reply


female form of label


In order to improve this great tool, is it also possible to include the female form of label for profession or P106 (occupation)? LaMèreVeille (talk) 09:40, 28 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

Full URL for online version of a work


At this time, the URL for an online version is not hotlinked in Reasonator for q51511013. Is it activated on setting somewhere? Please advise. Thank you. ShiehJ (talk) 20:21, 12 August 2021 (UTC)Reply



I can see there is some (Twitter and OG) Microdata already in the page, is it possible to add more so that, for example, if we quote a resonator link on a social media site, that site is able to build a preview?

The following article has some examples Back ache (talk) 12:01, 17 December 2021 (UTC)Reply

A guide to JSON-LD, microdata and schema.org: guide to generating rich snippets

Love the idea, but there is no good mapping for eg P31:film => schema.org movie. There is https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P1628 but it will take a bit to figure out the best implementation in Reasonator. --Magnus Manske (talk) 11:28, 20 December 2021 (UTC)Reply

When looking at Douglas Adam's entry in Arabic, I noticed none of labels shown in the sidebar in Arabic, just English

Back ache (talk) 11:12, 17 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

Filtering by a restricted set of properties


I can see a good use for Reasonator for subsets of the wikidata, where you want to display only certain interrelated facts. How hard would it be to create an instance of Reasonator that only handled a limited set of properties, so the results were shorter, but focussed. For example with a science fiction author, you'd only show dates of birth/death, works, awards, guest spots at conventions, and omit things of lesser interest like relatives, cause of death etc. With a more limited remit it might be easier to get the summary boxes to be cleaner and with better focus than the broad Reasonator ever could. Vicarage (talk) 18:07, 13 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

Google Knowledge Graph


The href to Google Knowledge Graph (P2671) external links are currently URL-encoded and lead to 404. Petewarrior (talk) 08:46, 17 July 2022 (UTC)Reply

Use phone GPS to show articles near me


I just saw a TV report about a city that uses augmented reality to help tourists learn about its history, it occurred to me that reasonator could do a "lite" version of this by simply bringing in the GPS powered "near by" functionality from wikidata.

The functionality could list wikidata articles physically near you, presents them in reasonator and make it easy to then jump out from the other sites.

You could even add filtering based on something like "commons category" or "instance of" to allow users to focus on the type of things they are interested in even allowing them to bookmark those choices allowing them to make a "trains stations near me" or "woods near me"

Back ache (talk) 08:26, 25 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

Gran Cocle


L’image du Wikidata pour cette culture est une erreur : cette poterie est de la culture Nazca, du Pérou. Alors que les images sont nombreuses dans Commons pour servir dans le Wikidata de Gran Cocle, du Panama. Ismoon (talk) 21:52, 5 February 2025 (UTC)Reply