Talk:Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/OS-ADM Guidelines
Add topicuseful links / position
[edit]Some collections of useful links that should refer to an entire section are now located at the end of such a section. With the current layout, the context is lost and the collection of useful links seems to refer to a specific subsection (this applies, for example, to the collection of useful links at the end of 6.1.4). Apart from graphical solutions, this can be remedied by moving the collection of links to the beginning, directly after the introductory paragraph. Chiaar (talk) 14:53, 14 July 2024 (UTC)
Readability of table content
[edit]The table in section 2.3. as well as the table in section 4.4.2. use a colour combination (green-yellow-red) that can make the reading of parts of the content difficult for people with visual impairments. I suggest changing the colour of the fonts from black to white to ease this a bit. Currently it is black on deep green or deep red and the result is a low contrast that does not work. Using also bold fonts in these special cases could be an additional option to enhance readability. Corenilsson (talk) 09:23, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
Giovanni Profeta:
- decidere colori tabelle su Meta
- decidere se e come evidenziare contenuti
- coerenza layout su tutto documento su Meta
Chi.barbieri (talk) 08:29, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- inserire su meta immagini prodotte (e caricarle su Wikimedia Commons)
- evidenziare parti del documento che si riferiscono specificatamente ad arte, design e musica.
iopensa (talk) 11:43, 18 September 2024 (UTC)
[edit]Cristina Grisot:
the Guidelines have a tremendous potential of reuse. I already see how they could be reused in CLARIN-CH, DARIAH-CH and SSHOC-CH frameworks. With this huge reusability potential, I am wondering whether it would be good/possible to have a less specific title (Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/OS-ADM Guidelines) and maybe render it slightly more vague so that other communities could benefit from your work? The current title could become a subtitle. Chi.barbieri (talk) 09:33, 9 September 2024 (UTC)
- How to implement open science in the fields of arts and humanities
- Subtitle including "multimedia content and third-party rights"
- Multimedia content and third-party rights: The beauty and complexity of open science in art, design and music (maybe the title for the intro)
- iopensa (talk) 11:48, 18 September 2024 (UTC)
concrete examples from ADM
[edit]Cristina Grisot:
If your intention was to have the content of the guidelines specifically focused on arts, design and music, I would believe that some sections would require some concrete examples from these three disciplines. For instance, section 2.2.2 (Metadata, Readme file and controlled vocabulary) would be less abstract and more comprehensible if there were some examples. A good structure of these sections would be: Description or definition of the concept : ... Example: ... Recommendation: ... Chi.barbieri (talk) 09:35, 9 September 2024 (UTC)
- For this specific topic, we can use as an example content from Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Case studies/Mapping Self-Organization in the Arts. we need to identify which other sessions need examples. iopensa (talk) 11:45, 18 September 2024 (UTC)
The arts / those who work in the arts are missing here. On purpose? Chi.barbieri (talk) 07:53, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- added: cultural institutions... practitioners Chi.barbieri (talk) 08:38, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
[edit]Cristina Grisot:
I do not understand the use of the word "ecology" here. What about "outputs"? Chi.barbieri (talk) 09:40, 9 September 2024 (UTC)
- Toglierei ecology che mi pare fosse un termine proposto da Erzsebet ma che non facilita. Per consistenza rispetto all'introduzione in effetti chiamerei i due titoli dei paragrafi "Multimedia content" e "Third-party rights" e focalizzerei la parte dei diritti sulla varietà di contenuti oggetto della ricerca o riusati per elaborare opere derivate. iopensa (talk) 09:18, 19 September 2024 (UTC)
1.1.1 b
It is not only about negotiating the openness but also to ensure the artits' career or better said their livelihood. Chi.barbieri (talk) 07:55, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- We can add this in the sustainability session. iopensa (talk) 11:49, 18 September 2024 (UTC)
Section 1.1.2 and Swiss national strategy on Open Access
[edit]In section 1.1.2. it is affirmed that "Switzerland's commitment to open science has two pillars" and a link to the 2016 initial document on Open Access is provided. Given the development since 2016 and the fact that the 2024 revised strategy document has changed or enhanced several aspects in the field of Open Access, I suggest changing the link or at least adding a mention to the 2024 revised strategy. Otherwise, unaware readers might initially guide themselves following the 2016 document. Corenilsson (talk) 09:30, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
- added reference and link to 2024 revision Chi.barbieri (talk) 08:52, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
1.2.1 b
[edit](Accademia Dimitri)
le indicazioni sono chiare, ma sarebbe utile affinare un po’ la questione rispetto ai rischi di conflitto tra open access e proprietà intellettuale. La situazione è complessa e piena di sfaccettature, e per esempio spesso artiste e artisti non hanno risorse sufficienti per tutelare i loro diritti economici, in tal caso l’open access rischia di diventare un problema, più che un vantaggio. Sarebbe utile offrire qualche strumento attorno a questo tipo di problema. Chi.barbieri (talk) 07:49, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- Da integrare nella sezione "sustainability". iopensa (talk) 11:50, 18 September 2024 (UTC)
1.2.2 k
[edit](Accademia Dimitri)
sarebbe utile considerare, oltre al teatro, anche “dance, circus and object theatre”, oltre ad aggiungere, in termini di materiali protetti, anche “choreography”. Chi.barbieri (talk) 07:49, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- amended Chi.barbieri (talk) 09:00, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
[edit]Cristina Grisot:
section 2.5.1: for DaSCH as data and service center for humanities data, I would add "with expertise in IIIF standard for images" which might be relevant for scholars who work with images
section 2.5.1: since you mention FORS for social sciences, I would also add CLARIN-CH which offers support for language data ( and well as the Language Repository of Switzerland which is responsible for data curation and preservation for language data Chi.barbieri (talk) 09:42, 9 September 2024 (UTC)
- edited
- check! Chi.barbieri (talk) 12:02, 9 September 2024 (UTC)
[edit]Cristina Grisot:
section 2.2.4: there is a typo should be Atlas.ti Chi.barbieri (talk) 09:42, 9 September 2024 (UTC)
What about adding Research Catalogue? Or do you think it is too specific because of it's focus on artistic research? Chi.barbieri (talk) 07:56, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- added Chi.barbieri (talk) 09:11, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
Quotation rights might be an option to avoid asking each right holder - if the parameters are fulfilled and if this exists in Swiss law. In Germany it definately is an option. In this context I'd like to mention the pastiche, too. Chi.barbieri (talk) 07:57, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- chiedere a Suzanna? Chi.barbieri (talk) 11:14, 3 September 2024 (UTC)
- Suzanna:
- Certo, anche in Svizzera e in tutti i paesi esiste il diritto di citare senza dover chiedere l’autorizzazione agli aventi diritto, così come altre eccezioni al diritto d’autore. Nella guida queste eccezioni sono esposte al punto 1.2.2.d; effettivamente nel punto 3.4. e 4.4.3. non viene menzionato. Per non ripetere il testo, dici che sia possibile trovare un modo per collegare le parti e rinviare al 1.2.2.d.? Chi.barbieri (talk) 08:38, 10 September 2024 (UTC)
quotation rights? Chi.barbieri (talk) 07:58, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- Chiedere a Suzanna? Chi.barbieri (talk) 11:14, 3 September 2024 (UTC)
- Suzanna:
- Certo, anche in Svizzera e in tutti i paesi esiste il diritto di citare senza dover chiedere l’autorizzazione agli aventi diritto, così come altre eccezioni al diritto d’autore. Nella guida queste eccezioni sono esposte al punto 1.2.2.d; effettivamente nel punto 3.4. e 4.4.3. non viene menzionato. Per non ripetere il testo, dici che sia possibile trovare un modo per collegare le parti e rinviare al 1.2.2.d.? Chi.barbieri (talk) 08:38, 10 September 2024 (UTC)
- Yes, we can refer to the section on copyright where this is explained Chiaar (talk) 07:38, 12 September 2024 (UTC)
5.2.4 (overview chart)
"Enriched publications with articles, data, multimedia"
Do you mean netpublications e.g. websites? If so: National Libraries are working on archiving these, too (at least the German DNB does and you can contact them if they're willing to archive the specific netpublication). Although the known repositories might not be able to deal with the specific enriched publication, the creators should think about storing specific parts in specific repositories and link all. So they have the presentation version on a website and still the benefits of repositories. We recommend this at UdK. Chi.barbieri (talk) 07:59, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
"text publication" might be a better wording here. Chi.barbieri (talk) 08:00, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- cambiato ma controllare se va cambiato anche in altre parti del testo? Chi.barbieri (talk) 09:19, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
6.1.3. Green Open Access
[edit]I suggest to add here a mention to the revised national strategy on Open Access from 2024. In the document swissuniversities has included how they understand Open Access in general and the different "ways" in particular, including Green Open Access (see p. 23): Swiss-National-Open-Access-Strategy-2024-en.pdf ( Corenilsson (talk) 09:35, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
- ho aggiunto una parte ma non il link al documento (da decidere se necessario) Chi.barbieri (talk) 09:27, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
Perhaps I misunderstand, but at least in Germany the legal options for self-archiving (providing the work to a third party) are quite limited. Chi.barbieri (talk) 08:01, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
6.3.5. a. Share your training material
[edit]Thanks for including OER in the guidelines! This is very nice. I have two suggestions to make here: a. As you have included the OER here and their are slowly gaining in importance for swissuniversities, you might like to consider including them as part of the basic Open Science picture you provide at the beginning (Section 1.1.2).
b. A new repository for OER materials produced in Switzerland is about to be launched. Hosted by Switch, the following institutions are behind it: ZHAW, FHNW, HEPL, PHSG, PHSZ. Members of these institutions will have the right to upload and publish their OER there, everyone can access the database and download the published materials. For other creators to publish materials, their institution must affiliate to the repository. Long story short, the link to the Repository might be of interest in this section. Chi.barbieri (talk) 08:06, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- aggiunto Repository ma verificare Chi.barbieri (talk) 09:47, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
6.4 d
"visibility... your project website, for example, is invisible to scholarly communication services, unless it is hosted on an institutional platform"
But even if it is hosted, it is not automatically visible in academic search engines in a way publications are.
"A main takeaway..."
Depending on the work itself (and the repositories options) it might be useful to have more than one DOI. So I'd add the recommendation: Think about quotation and what kind of differentiation you want to give. Chi.barbieri (talk) 08:06, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
7 & 8
[edit](Accademia Dimitri)
Ci sono un punto 7 che concerne i finanziamenti e un punto 8 che riguarda la sostenibilità, ma abbiamo l’impressione che sarebbe utile dare più spazio alle esigenze in termini di risorse umane, di competenze specifiche necessarie e di gestione del tempo: considerando i tempi di pianificazione, di gestione e di messa a disposizione di materiali secondo i principi open science; le competenze specifiche (da aggiungere alle proprie competenze disciplinari) e la possibilità di aggiornamento continuo (data dall’evoluzione di tecnologie e politiche) necessarie a strategie e operatività pertinenti; il tempo necessario a gestire accordi e a trovare finanziamenti specifici per sostenere le politiche open science… sarebbe utile offrire qualche suggerimento che aiuti a organizzare tutte queste esigenze, soprattutto pensando a enti di ricerca di dimensioni ridotte e con poco personale. In generale pensiamo che ci sia un problema di sostenibilità sia in termini di esigenze dal lato della condivisione/pubblicazione, sia in termini di capacità umana di ricezione e di comprensione di una massa crescente di dati. Chi.barbieri (talk) 07:50, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
9.1.8. How to turn your journal in open access
[edit]I suggest adding here a link or a comment on the support guide developed by the PLATO-project to turn a journal into a Diamond Open Access journal. As far as I understand, if a journal fulfils the criteria suggested by PLATO, it can be added to DOAJ. Here the link: [1] Corenilsson (talk) 09:59, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
- da decidere se inserire il link nella check list o integrare informazioni Chi.barbieri (talk) 12:08, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- Secondo me meglio integrare le info. iopensa (talk) 11:57, 18 September 2024 (UTC)
Choice of licensing
[edit]Erzsébet TOTH CZIFRA:
Why double license and why in particular CC0 license and CC BY-SA? Due to Wikimedia compliance? It would be interesting to make the choice explicit below in the section of licensing. Chi.barbieri (talk) 08:59, 19 September 2024 (UTC)
Examples and case studies
[edit]Erzsébet TOTH CZIFRA:
If possible, more concrete examples and case studies could make the resource even stronger.
For instance, linking to SNSF DMPs where it is discussed or OA monographs in Arts. Or, even better, if you have relevant parts to highlight from the 13 case studies you’re working with, it would be an amazing addition. Chi.barbieri (talk) 09:00, 19 September 2024 (UTC)
Open research processes and workflows
[edit]Erzsébet TOTH CZIFRA:
The only thematic area that I see a bit underrepresented is the one on capturing processes, workflows and documentation. I suggest adding a subheading to this. A couple of resources here:
Open Data for Humanists, A Pragmatic Guide (
Home | Social Sciences & Humanities Open Marketplace (
A case study: Creating and analyzing multilingual parliamentary corpora ( Chi.barbieri (talk) 09:00, 19 September 2024 (UTC)
- Workflows are part of a visual map that is meant to visually summarise the guidelines' content, they will be pasted inside the guidelines as well, as needed.
- The workflows can be checked here:
- Chiaar (talk) 10:06, 19 September 2024 (UTC)