Talk:ESEAP Conference 2024
Add topicSurvey mirror, due 1 September 2023
[edit]Since the survey is carried out on Google Form, we can't support internationalization over there.
To back up the effort to find feedbacks from across communities, I copy the questionnaire from Google Form here as follows. Kindly assist and create a translatable page anywhere on Meta-wiki anyhow. NB: We will need to finish the above task asap as the duedate for survey is 1 September 2023: a small pay forward for the Malaysian team who prepares the WikiConference in 2024. Good speed for everybody!
ESEAP Conference 2024 Community Engagement Survey
The purpose of this survey is to help conference organisers plan the ESEAP Conference 2024 in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia for the community.
Your responses will help organisers understand what level of demand there is for the event (how many people in your community think it is important that the event happens) and begin to get consensus on what topics are important to this community.
Do share this to your community and fill it out before 09:00 UTC, 1 September 2023.
For any enquiries contact
Survey questionnaire
- "*" Indicates required question
- "*" Indicates required question
1. Are there important topics that your community needs to discuss in person? *
- 2. Are there projects that your community needs to work on in-person? For each project you name, please share tasks that are difficult to do online which should be done in-person. *
- Please limit your response to the three topics, listed in order of importance (1=most important).
- 3. What is the most important goal, problem, or obstacle you think this community should focus on in the next 12 months? *
- 4. Why is this goal, problem or obstacle most important? *
- 5. What does your community need to do at an in-person gathering to achieve that goal? *
- 6. Are there skills that you think are important for you or your community to learn that would help you achieve this goal? *
- If yes, please limit your response to three skills, listed in order of importance (1=most important).
- 7. What social activities or sessions do you think are important to include at in-person events?
- Select the two types of activities that are most important to you.
- Project presentations or panel discussions
- Thematic or (similar) meetups
- Editathons, group tours or social events
- Other:________
- 8. How would you prioritise the time we spend together at the conference? *
- You may rank a maximum of two choices as 'high priority'.
choice | Not important | Low priority | Medium priority | High priority! |
Strategic conversations: discussing issues affecting your community that need to be resolved | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) |
Working groups: working on projects that are difficult to plan online | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) |
Capacity building: learning skills that will help your community achieve its goals | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) |
Community building: meeting people, learning about new projects, sharing your talents, and having fun | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) |
- 9. Are there other in-person activities are important for community building? *
- This is a required question
{{clear form}}
- This form was created inside of Report Abuse
- Google Forms
- External links
- @Tofeiku: the original survey on Google Form, created by
--Omotecho (talk) 12:56, 28 August 2023 (UTC) / --Omotecho (talk) 13:09, 28 August 2023 (UTC)
アンケート調査の解説(ミラー版)〆切:2023年9月1日 (UTC)
[edit]- Survey mirror in ja language follows.
皆さんお疲れ様です。さて、2024年のESEAP地域カンファレンスはコタキナバルで開かれると決定しました。マレーシア協会から、プログラムに対する要望のアンケートが回ってきました。アンケート本文はGoogle Form(グーグル・フォーム)という外部サイトで回答を集めています。内容を日本語化してご案内しますので、ぜひアンケートにご協力ください。
- アンケートへの回答は、Google Formを開いて記述願います。日本語でも入力可能と思うのですが、できましたら機械翻訳を使うなりして英語で書いてください。
- 以下の文章は、それぞれの設問を訳したものです。最善を尽くしましたが内容に誤謬がありましたらご容赦願います。ほぼ記述問題ですが、(___)という記号部分は、アンケートサイトでは上限2件の選択肢に、優先順位を示すボタン(○印)が置いてあります。
- 「業務連絡部分」
- コミュニティ全体からフィードバックを見つける取り組みをバックアップするために、次のように Google フォームからアンケートをコピーします。とにかくメタウィキのどこにでも翻訳可能なページを作成してください。
- 注: 調査の期限は2023年9月1日なので、上記のタスクをできるだけ早く完了する必要があります。2024年にウィキカンファレンスを準備するマレーシアのチームのご尽力にあらかじめお礼がわりに対処しました。皆さん、がんばってくださるようお願いします。
ESEAP カンファレンス 2024 コミュニティの関与アンケート
この調査の目的は、マレーシアのコタキナバルで開催される ESEAP カンファレンス 2024 に関して、カンファレンス主催者がコミュニティに有効な計画立案を支援することにあります。
これを皆さんのコミュニティでぜひ共有いただき、2023年9月1日09:00(UTC) までにご記入いただけないでしょうか。
- "*" 印は、回答が必須の設問です。
- "*" 印は、回答が必須の設問です。
- 1. 皆さんのコミュニティで、直接、対面して話し合う必要がある重要なトピックは何かありますか? *
- 2. 皆さんのコミュニティには、対面型として取り組むべきプロジェクトはありますか? 1件ずつプロジェクト案を示し、それぞれのタスクはなぜリモートで実施が難しいのか、なぜ対面でないと困るのか共有してください。 *
- 回答は重要度の順に、トピックの一覧に上限3件まで選んでください。 (1= 最も重要、以下2、3)
- 3. 今後の12ヵ月の間に、このコミュニティが焦点を当てるべき目標、問題、障壁のうち最重要ポイントは何でしょうか? *
- 4. これらの目標、問題、障壁は、なぜ最も重要なのでしょうか? *
- 5. その目標達成に向けて、対面型の集まりで皆さんのコミュニティにはどんな対応が求められますか? *
- 6. この目標達成のため、皆さん自身やホームとするコミュニティでは、何か学ぶべき重要なスキルはありますか?? *
- 「ある」場合は、それらを重要度の順に並べて、回答は上位3件のスキルに限定してください。 (1= 最も重要、以下2、3)
- 7. 対面型イベントとして、どんな社交的な活動やセッションが重要だと思いますか?
- 皆さんにとって最も重要な活動2件を選択してください。
- プロジェクトの発表、またはパネル討論会
- テーマ別または(類似の)交流会
- エディタソン(編集大会)、グループ見学会、または交流イベント
- その他:(フリー回答欄)________
- 8. カンファレンス会期中、以下の状況で参加者と一緒に過ごす時間の優先度はどのくらいですか? *
- 選択肢は最大2件として、「優先度」のランクを付けます。
選択肢 | 重要ではない | 優先度=低 | 優先度=中 | 優先度=高 |
運動戦略に関する会話:コミュニティに影響を及ぼすであろう問題について、解決策を含めて話し合う | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) |
ワーキング グループ:リモートでは計画が難しいプロジェクトに取り組むため | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) |
能力開発:スキルを学美、コミュニティの目標達成に役立てる | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) |
コミュニティ作り:たくさんの人と出会って楽しむこと、新プロジェクトについて学んだりお互いの才能を交流させる | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) |
- 9. コミュニティ作りには、他にどんな重要な対面型の活動があるでしょうか? *
- これは回答必須の設問です
- このアンケート書式はウィキメディア・マレーシア協会(内部で作成しました。不正行為を通報する
- Google Forms
- 外部リンク
- マレーシア協会のご担当は Tofeiku さんです。{{ping|Tofeiku}} アンケートへの回答は Google Form にお願いします。製作者:ウィキメディア・マレーシア協会(
--Omotecho (talk) 14:40, 28 August 2023 (UTC)
navbox for ESEAP Conference logs
[edit]Do we internationalize the navbox for ESEAP Conference log at the page bottom? I am happy to help out en-ja translation. I wish any open-end part will support the coming Conferences, while looking back our treads helps move forward with wisdom.
- In fact, the contexts of each linked page might need update/proofreading;
- it is a kind of Post-Mortem task that tech ppl are more used to, and woukd be a great treasure to hand to future organizing team, including 2024 calendar (;
- if we will not, convert it back to plain link please.
-- Omotecho (talk) 06:51, 14 January 2024 (UTC)
- @Omotecho are you referring to the navbox in this template: Template:ESEAP Hub/Header, and the links in there? Robertsky (talk) 12:30, 15 January 2024 (UTC)
- @Robertsky, thank you for your crisp response, and yes, with your advise, I see that navbox also needs update or backloged at Fall 2023 : {{ESEAP Hub/Header/ja}}.
- My bad, I meant to point to {{ESEAP conferences and summits}} at the page bottom, and of course these two are twins. Cheers, Omotecho (talk) 13:11, 15 January 2024 (UTC)
- @Omotecho, the header is already up-to-date (although, I admit that there are additional links to put up for the ESEAP Preparatory Council. I will work on that soon.). The last minute for ESEAP hub was in December 2023, which is correct. The meeting on 14 January 2024 was ESEAP Conference update. Not sure if there will be a Hub meeting in February.
- For the {{ESEAP conferences and summits}} template, I have updated the 2024 link with the special page prefix, "Special:MyLanguage". When you say "contexts of each linked page", do you mean having each of these pages prepared for translation? Robertsky (talk) 13:30, 15 January 2024 (UTC)
- @Robertsky, yes, thank you so much to close the loose ends. BTW, I have mixed feelings about those linked pages I have mentioned. Imagine reading your fav SciFi manga in ja, to take advantage of what comes in the next issue of en translation. How far do you break your back to grasp the scenario?
- aha, so if I am not a speedy reader in ja, I am a off sider.
- How can we save ppl feeling as uninvited, if you are eager to learn, and materials are piled up in en that eats up your thinking time, struggling with off-wiki machine translation aids? Then, how do we prioritize which page to push for i-18n preparing for Kota Kinabaru, in how many days/person/language?
- Can we substitute or switch to Hub-friendly materials to support better understanding in shorter time?
- Do we stock any slide deck or something that sums up the essence of each linked page? Like the Learning team has made for Grantees-to-be meetings?
- Honestly, if it means I am like a vendor of those linked pages, put into ja, then not many will come and read, I, too, am not crossing the horizon...
- In fact, what drenches off your interest or curiosity towards new horizon is that you are suggested to open a link and learn, tho, the target page is all in en: the climate I can convey from my peers in ja-wiki community is as I put above as a murmu. I admit the compulsory English classes for 13yrs-18yrs old over here does little for your reading speed and resilience. So, well, it might be an endemic challenge that a certain local community needs to self help.
- ESEAP is a very diverse area so does each Hub are proud of. We are learning from a huge chunk of knowledge that our forerunners, or "sempai" in ja (also written as 先輩), had tredded the wild land to open a path: it is not how you are tardy or wishes first-class hospitality, but, there are so many pages you feel you are missing to take in from our sempai. Omotecho (talk) 14:25, 15 January 2024 (UTC)
- I get that feeling as well as I toggle between the different translations. Many a times, I would go “ええええ?” when I get switched back to English without warning when clicking on the next page while viewing the website in another language. The user experience can be enhanced at the very least to signal to the readers that the linked page isn't available in their chosen interface languages.
- There are some technical work to do to smoothen the user experience for non-English readers/editors here. I have some ideas in mind, i.e. instead of using Special:MyLanguage outright, we wrap the pagelinks in templates that output an indicator that the links will be the same as the current page's, i.e Timeline (英語のみ). But I think I will run this by the technical community to see if there are already similar efforts somewhere else on this front.
- Great suggestions on having summary slides. Maybe a page instead for easier translations as the slides/page gets updated over time? And then maybe a chart somewhere to indicate which pages should be prioritised first for translations. Robertsky (talk) 14:59, 15 January 2024 (UTC)
- @Robertsky, yes, thank you so much to close the loose ends. BTW, I have mixed feelings about those linked pages I have mentioned. Imagine reading your fav SciFi manga in ja, to take advantage of what comes in the next issue of en translation. How far do you break your back to grasp the scenario?
Link rot? 23 March 2024 (Saturday), Google meet link
[edit]Hi, @Tofeiku, great progress, congratulations to hardworking core team !
By the way, why not show Google meet link as TBD for 23 March 2024 meetup? The current announcement reads:
- March 2024: 23 March 2024 (Saturday), link <nowiki>$2 no link actually </nowki> for Google meet link.
IMHO it gives two doubts to readers, which we can avoid by replacing the link with to-be-decided:
- if management did not notice link rot, or
- if their browser setting lacks anything.