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Talk:Community Wishlist/Wishes/Automatiske utrykk på diskusjonssider

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Latest comment: 4 months ago by Prototyperspective in topic The Reply tool
This page is for discussions related to the Community Wishlist/Wishes/Automatiske utrykk på diskusjonssider page.

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Here's a translation of the wish.

Title: Automatic outdents on discussion pages.
On discussion forums, one may reply to posts, which are then indented (with a colon at the beginning of each line) underneath the comment being replied to. In longer discussions, it may be difficult to fit all the indented comments on one screen, where some take use of templates that arrange for outdents that continue from the indented comments (e.g. Template:Outdent here on Meta-Wiki).
It's a little awkward to use these templates, especially when using the visual editor. There are also many different screens that read discussions (computer screens, cell phones). It would therefore be nice to have outdents be automatically placed where the screen doesn't entirely make room for a comment. This would also make it easier for contributors that aren't entirely familiar with indents and outdents to not place them in the wrong spot. Indents are beginning to get better, as they are automatically placed when using the visual discussion tool (default, I believe?).
Some concerns are that the outdents have to place the text in the right place, that it is clear which comment is being replied to, and that other templates and media are considered when placing the outdents.
Affects: Editors and others that discuss and/or read discussions

Thank you for your consideration! EdoAug (talk) 20:03, 15 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

@EdoAug just so I fully understand. Is the request that on discussion pages, especially on smaller devices, that we have a better visual representation of replies than a tree of indents, as it it harder to read? JWheeler-WMF (talk) 21:33, 16 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
@JWheeler-WMF: Kinda? Ideally it'd remove the need for manual usage of templates like {{Outdent}}. It would be better with an automatic system, rather than trying to train users to use such templates cohesively/correctly. I think it could benefit both smaller and larger screen users. EdoAug (talk) 21:43, 16 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
The same solution to Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Notifications, Watchlists and Talk Pages/Discussion pages should not use HTML lists could apply. Nardog (talk) 02:22, 17 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for this context! JWheeler-WMF (talk) 15:01, 17 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

The Reply tool

Wikipedia nested list not adapted to mobile

For automatically setting the right intendation as well as automatic setting of outdents, see issue #1 in mw:Talk:Talk pages project/Replying#Issues. After that got implemented, enabling the Reply tool for default use would solve this more widely but if it fixes the indentations whenever somebody screwed them up, it would already fix most discussions since usually at least 1 participant uses that tool within discussions.

I asked about problems of indentation on small screens relating to the Current events portal and Wikipedia lists with a lot of nesting (see screenshot). Prototyperspective (talk) 14:54, 14 October 2024 (UTC)Reply