Talk:Campaigns/Foundation Product Team/Registration/August 2021
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Lancement du produit d'inscription [s'inscrire]
Que pensez-vous de notre projet de créer un système d'inscription aux campagnes ? Pensez-vous qu'il vous serait utile, en tant qu'organisateur et/ou participant à une campagne ? Nous avons répertorié un résumé des commentaires que les gens ont ajoutés et des réponses aux questions qu'ils ont posées :
- Les gens ont exprimé leur soutien au projet :
- Dans les commentaires ci-dessus, les gens ont exprimé leur enthousiasme et leur soutien au projet. En tant qu'équipe, nous sommes ravis et nous vous remercions pour ce soutien ! De plus, les gens ont partagé qu'une solution d'inscription sur wiki les aiderait :
- Améliorer le suivi des participants aux campagnes
- Permettre une meilleure intégration entre l'inscription et les systèmes Wikimedia.
- Réduire la complexité due à l'intégration avec les outils de suivi des campagnes, tels que le tableau de bord des programmes et des événements.
- Augmenter potentiellement le nombre de personnes qui s'inscrivent à une campagne ou qui participent avec succès à une campagne.
- Nous devrons construire de manière itérative et pour de nombreux types de campagnes :.
- Nous avons reçu un commentaire sur l'importance de construire pour la diversité. En d'autres termes, nous devons construire une solution d'inscription qui s'adapte à de nombreux types de campagnes différentes. Nous sommes tout à fait d'accord avec cette approche ! Pour ce faire, nous prévoyons de construire la fonctionnalité de manière itérative. Cela signifie que, plutôt que de construire une solution qui tente de répondre à 100% des besoins des organisateurs en une seule fois, nous commencerons par une version plus petite, qui se concentre sur les besoins les plus cruciaux pour un système d'inscription.
De cette façon, nous pourrons sortir une version plus rapidement et recueillir les premiers commentaires de chacun d'entre vous. Ensuite, une fois que nous aurons publié la première version, nous pourrons envisager d'étendre et d'améliorer le système dans les versions ultérieures. Notre objectif est de commencer petit et de grandir, afin de pouvoir développer un système robuste et flexible au fil du temps.
- Nous voulons construire un système d'usage général.
Nous avons reçu une question concernant l'endroit où le système d'inscription sera installé et comment il fonctionnera. Nous travaillons encore sur de nombreux détails, et nous prévoyons de partager nos premières idées dans la prochaine mise à jour du statut. Mais, de manière générale, nous voulons que le système soit sur le wiki et accessible à tous les organisateurs de campagnes Wikimedia.
- Inscription des nouveaux venus: Nous avons reçu une question demandant comment les nouveaux venus sans compte wiki seront traités. Nous travaillons encore sur les détails, mais nous pensons que nous pourrions demander aux utilisateurs de s'inscrire aux événements de la campagne sous un nom d'utilisateur. En effet, il sera beaucoup plus facile de gérer et de suivre les événements pour les organisateurs si tout le monde a un compte dès le début. Pour ce faire, nous pensons que nous pouvons potentiellement créer un moyen facile pour les nouveaux venus de créer un compte wiki pendant qu'ils s'inscrivent à l'événement (c'est-à-dire dans le formulaire d'inscription, plutôt que de devoir aller sur une page de création de nouveau compte). Que pensez-vous de cette idée ?
- Comprendre les différences entre les participants:. Nous avons reçu une question demandant si nous allons collecter des données sur les niveaux d'expérience et les besoins des participants, car cela est très important pour les organisateurs. La réponse courte est que, oui, nous aimerions que cela fasse partie de la vision finale du système d'inscription. Cela ne sera peut-être pas dans la toute première version, puisque nous voudrons commencer petit (voir le commentaire sur la construction itérative ci-dessus), mais c'est certainement une partie de notre vision globale.
- Intégration avec les calendriers d'événements :. Nous avons reçu une question concernant les calendriers qui s'intégreront au système d'inscription. Pour ce projet, nous ne créerons pas de calendrier nous-mêmes, mais le produit final pourrait aboutir à une solution d'inscription pouvant être intégrée à d'autres systèmes de calendrier. Une fois que nous aurons avancé dans le projet, nous pourrons déterminer ce qui est possible pour l'intégration du calendrier. Voir la discussion complète
Que pensez-vous de notre analyse des processus d'inscription actuels ? Est-ce qu'il nous manque quelque chose d'important pour vous ?
- Notre analyse couvre plusieurs des principaux aspects de l'inscription.
Bien que notre analyse ne couvre pas tout (voir ci-dessous pour plus de détails), de nombreuses personnes ont indiqué qu'elle reflétait leur expérience en tant qu'organisateurs gérant l'inscription aux événements. Ceci est très utile pour nous, puisque nous voulons démarrer le projet avec une compréhension de base partagée qui reflète la réalité de l'expérience actuelle des organisateurs.
- Le support multilingue comme point sensible :
Nous avons reçu un commentaire selon lequel notre analyse devrait indiquer plus clairement qu'un problème majeur des solutions d'inscription actuelles est le manque de support multilingue. Nous sommes tout à fait d'accord, donc nous avons mis à jour l'analyse pour que cela soit plus clair. De plus, lorsque nous publierons notre prochaine mise à jour, nous partagerons les principes de notre projet, y compris notre engagement à construire un mouvement mondial et multilingue.
- Défis liés à la construction d'un système généralisé :
Nous avons reçu un commentaire selon lequel il pourrait être difficile de construire un système général. Nous sommes d'accord ! Cependant, nous sommes enthousiasmés par les possibilités de renforcer les organisateurs grâce à ce travail, et nous pensons que cela en vaut la peine.
- Différencier les événements du tableau de bord :
Nous avons reçu une question concernant Nous avons reçu une question sur la manière dont le système va différencier les événements du tableau de bord. Nous partagerons plus de détails dans la prochaine mise à jour, mais nous pensons que, lorsque l'organisateur configure pour la première fois le formulaire d'inscription via notre outil, il lui sera demandé de spécifier l'événement de son tableau de bord (en fournissant par exemple l'URL de l'événement du tableau de bord). De cette façon, le formulaire d'inscription sera lié à l'événement correct du tableau de bord.
- Spécifier les organisateurs :
Nous avons reçu une question sur la façon dont le système traiterait le cas où il y a plusieurs organisateurs pour une campagne. Nous pensons que, lorsque l'organisateur configure pour la première fois le formulaire d'inscription, il pourra préciser qui d'autre est un organisateur de campagne. De cette façon, toute personne qui est un organisateur de campagne spécifié serait en mesure de gérer le processus/les outils d'inscription. Voir la discussion complète
Si vous êtes un organisateur de campagne, quel système d'inscription utilisez-vous ? Qu'est-ce qui fonctionne et ne fonctionne pas bien avec ce système ? Si vous pouviez changer une chose à ce sujet, qu'est-ce que ce serait ?
- Problème des inscriptions multiples : Nous avons reçu quelques commentaires concernant le problème des inscriptions multiples. En d'autres termes, les participants à une campagne peuvent ne pas se rendre compte qu'ils se sont déjà inscrits à un événement, ou ils se sont inscrits avec des informations incorrectes qu'ils veulent corriger, et ils s'inscrivent donc plusieurs fois. C'est pourquoi il a été demandé de mettre en place un système qui empêche les inscriptions multiples. Nous sommes tout à fait d'accord ! Nous allons nous pencher sur cette question.
- Limites de l'outil Hashtags : Nous avons reçu une explication plus complète des limites de l'outil Hashtags de la part de T Cells. Merci pour cette explication ! Nous avons mis à jour notre analyse pour inclure les points partagés .
- Besoin d'un système adapté aux mobiles : Nous avons reçu un commentaire sur l'importance de construire pour les utilisateurs mobiles. Nous sommes tout à fait d'accord ! De nombreuses personnes apprendront d'abord les événements de la campagne sur des appareils mobiles, et elles voudront s'inscrire sur des appareils mobiles. Nous tiendrons compte de l'expérience mobile lorsque nous concevrons et construirons une solution d'inscription.
- Nécessité d'un système multilingue : Nous avons reçu un commentaire sur l'importance de construire un système d'inscription pour les campagnes multilingues. Nous sommes d'accord pour dire que cela devrait être une priorité absolue pour le nouveau système.
- Amélioration du tableau de bord de sensibilisation : Nous avons reçu une demande d'amélioration des performances du tableau de bord de sensibilisation. Nous ne travaillerons pas sur des améliorations directes du tableau de bord ou d'autres outils de suivi dans le cadre de ce projet, mais il est utile pour nous de le savoir. Nous pourrions examiner comment améliorer le suivi et l'expérience analytique dans un projet futur.
- Difficulté à communiquer avec les déclarants : Nous avons reçu des commentaires selon lesquels : 1) il est difficile de collecter des informations de contact avec certaines solutions d'inscription, et 2) il est difficile de communiquer avec les inscrits à la campagne et d'en assurer le suivi. Nous savons que la communication est un problème important, et c'est une question que nous allons examiner dans le cadre de ce projet. Bien que nous ne puissions pas résoudre tous les problèmes de communication dans ce projet (il mérite son propre projet !), il y a peut-être quelques premières étapes que nous pouvons prendre. [[User talk:IBrazal (WMF)/sandbox/Registration/August 2021#Si vous êtes un organisateur de campagne, quel système d'enregistrement utilisez-vous ? Qu'est-ce qui fonctionne et ne fonctionne pas bien avec ce système ?Si vous pouviez changer une chose à son sujet,
qu'est-ce que ce serait ?|Voir la discussion complète]]
Full thread
Hello, everyone! We kindly request that you share your feedback on the registration project launch below. Your feedback is very important to us, and it will directly impact the direction of our project. Thank you in advance!
What do you think of our plan to create a campaign registration system? Do you think it would be useful to you, as a campaign organizer and/or participant?
FR : (Que pensez-vous de notre projet de créer un système d'inscription aux campagnes ? Pensez-vous qu'il vous serait utile, en tant qu'organisateur et/ou participant à une campagne ?)
- Effectivement,je pense qu'avoir un système d'inscription serait une bonne idée, cela va nous éviter d'utiliser d'autres systèmes pour le faire. Au delà ce système permettrait un meilleur suivi des participants et en même temps ce système sera un bon outil de communication; dans le sens où nous n'utiliserons que des systèmes de wiki pour les activités wiki.-- 10:16, 21 March 2022 (UTC)
- Creating a campaign registration form is marvelous plan that would go a long way to help campaign organizers and participants at large. It would be an exciting system to use.Din-nani1 (talk) 14:12, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
- I'm very much for creating a campaign registration system, this will enable reporting and tracking for event organisers more easily, it will also enable all users, both event organisers and participants to operate within the Wikimedia ecosystem. Bobbyshabangu (talk) 20:38, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
- I think the plan to create a campaign registration system will make it easier for campaign organizers to track the completion of planned activities and achievement of goals. In addition, it is important to have a system that allows to see the campaigns and achievements implemented by each community and to be able to detect all the processes for each campaign. --Gilbert Ndihokubwayo (talk) 20:29, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
- It's heartwarming to hear this good news. It will ease the stress that both organisors and participants often face in carrying out activities of events in their user groups.Alhassan Mohammed Awal (talk) 00:33, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
- Getting our participants to register for our events and then getting them on the Outreach Dashboard is quite a tedious work and so if this tool is going to simplify the process I am all for it. --Owula kpakpo (talk) 16:19, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
- How useful it will be depends on what the final product will look like. It is important to note that events and campaigns in this movement take many different forms: physical or virtual editathons, writing challenges, photo competitions. A successful product for registration will need to be able to work with many different kinds of campaigns, otherwise will the current problem, with a plethora of platforms and methods used for registration, just be perpetuated. Eric Luth (WMSE) (talk) 06:59, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
- It is an excellent idea to create a uniform campaign registration system as this will both facilitate campaign organizers and possibly increase the number of participants, when they get used to the system and the way it operates. --White Orchid27 (talk) 05:42, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
- I am glad the idea of creating a campaign registration system is being implemented. It will make campaigns easily accessible to participants as compared to the situation at hand currently. --kaffzz (talk) 4:00, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
- Having a registration system will go a long way in helping us. It's really not easy getting participants to use the Outreach dashboard, the Fountain Tool or even the manual registration on meta. Some of our participants end up dropping due to the non user friendly nature. --Tochiprecious (talk) 19:16, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
- Having an easy to use and user friendly registration system is a something that every campaign organizers can benefit and will appreciate. Reading about it I had some few questions which I didn't see clarifications on. Isit going to be a centralized registration system for all wikis and for all organizers or its going to be several links for different campaigns, or a platform where we go to like the Eventbrite? I also read that they participants have to use their usernames to register, how are newbies who do not have usernames accommodated in this registration system because for some of them its their first entry into the community and may not have created their usernames. Secondly organizers will want to contact them to assist them, how is this being taken care of?. I also read the part which talks about envisioning the registration system to be integrated with an events calendar, does that include participants personal calendar? Also Campaign organizers will like to measure different impacts of their campaigns and geographical impact is important for campaigns that cuts across countries or regions, is the registration process considering this? Also how will the process be like for campaign organizers who are all organizing same campaigns in their country? Lastly, how will the registration system distinguish new editors who join campaigns from existing editors. If am running a campaign, I personally want to know if this is a long time editor vrs new editors (it will be awesome to know the characteristics of these editors because we want to encourage more newbies to grow and often time they are unable to compete with experienced editors. Usually we love to have a category for such participants but the challenge has to do with whether these are new editors to our community or new editors who just started editing not long. I personally think this is a great idea and look forward to it user:Ruby D-Brown.
- Noircir Wikipédia: Je pense que ce serait util d'avoir une plateforme qui regroupe les events, pour donner le lien de plateforme à nos participant·e·s des ateliers et iels pourraient participer à d'autres events en plus de celui auquel iel participe avec Noircir Wikipédia. Pour nous-même, cela nous permettrai de nous inscrire en tant participant·e à un event qui nous intéressairait. Après... pour "tracer" les contributions des participant·e·s il y a les outreach dashboard déjà pratiques.Galahmm (talk) 14:34, 18 March 2022 (UTC)
- Je pense que c’est une très bonne idée de créer un système d’inscription aux campagnes. Cela permet aux organisateurs d’avoir une certaine uniformité dans la gestion aux campagnes d’inscription afin de ne plus être obligé de passer d’une plateforme à une autre à la recherche de la meilleure.--Adoscam (talk) 08:49, 21 March 2022 (UTC)
@Din-nani1, Bobbyshabangu, Gilbert Ndihokubwayo, Alhassan Mohammed Awal, Owula kpakpo, Eric Luth (WMSE), White Orchid27, Kaffzz, Tochiprecious, and Ruby D-Brown: Hello, everyone! Thank you so much for your feedback so far. Also, apologies for the delay in my response! We are catching up on a lot of work after Wikimania, and we wanted to ensure we were ready to give full responses. Below, I have shared a summary of the comments people have added and responses to the questions they have posed:
- People expressed support for the project: In the comments above, people expressed enthusiasm and support for the project. As a team, we are thrilled and say thank you for the support! Also, people shared that an on-wiki registration solution will help them:
- Improve their tracking of campaign participants
- Allow better integration between registration and Wikimedia systems
- Reduce complexity due to integration with campaign tracking tools, such as the Programs & Events Dashboard
- Potentially increase the number of people who register for a campaign or successfully participate in a campaign
- We will need to build in an iterative way and for many campaign types: We received a comment on the importance of building for diversity. In other words, we need to build a registration solution that accommodates many different campaigns types. We completely agree with this approach! To do this, we plan to build the feature in an iterative way. This means that, rather than building a solution that tries to accommodate 100% of organizer needs all at once, we’ll start with a smaller version, which focuses on the most crucial needs for a registration system. This way, we can release something sooner and collect early feedback from all of you. Then, once we have released the first version, we can look into expanding and improving the system in future releases. Our goal is to start small and grow bigger, so we can develop a robust, flexible system over time.
- We want to build a general purpose system: We received a question regarding where the registration system will live and how it will work. We’re still working out many details, and we plan to share our early ideas in the next status update. But, generally speaking, we want the system to be on-wiki and accessible to all Wikimedia campaign organizers.
- Registering newbies: We received a question asking how newbies without wiki accounts will be handled. We're still working out the details, but we're thinking that we may want to require users to register for campaign events under a username. This is because it will be much easier to manage and track events for organizers if everyone has an account from the beginning. To do this, we're thinking we can potentially create an easy way for newbies to create a wiki account while they register for the event (i.e., within the registration form, rather than needing to go to a new account creation page). What do you think of this idea?
- Understanding differences between participants: We received a question asking if we'll be collecting data on participant experience levels and needs, since this is very important to organizers. The short answer is that, yes, we would like this to be a part of the final vision of the registration system. It may not be in the very first release, since we'll want to start small (see comment on building iteratively above), but it's certainly a part of our vision overall.
- Integration with events calendar: We received a question regarding which calendars will integrate with the registration system. For this project, we won’t be creating a calendar ourselves, but the final product may result in a registration solution that can be integrated with other calendar systems. Once we're further along in the project, we can determine what may be possible for calendar integration.
What do you all think of the responses I provided? Any comments, questions, concerns, or ideas? We would love to hear from all of you, and thank you! IFried (WMF) (talk) 18:27, 27 August 2021 (UTC)
I want talk about participants.
- I think participants need a link or button put in the participant page to make them see their activities to encourage them to do more articles without any possibility to edit at event page.
- Chat boot or chat group with organizers andparticipants to help each others may be even to get help from wikimedia if some one ask about something.
Esam Idris, Sudan User Group Community ([[User
@Esam Idris: Thank you for this feedback! To your first point, this is a great idea! In the future, we want to create features so that participants can more easily feel motivated and encouraged to keep on making contributions (such as edits, photos to commons, etc) after the campaign event. We will need to work on this as a separate project or as a cluster of a few projects, but it is definitely on our radar. To your second point about the chat bot: We know that communication support is absolutely crucial in running a successful campaign event, and we know that the current offerings for communication on the wikis are often not sufficient for organizer needs. For this reason, we hope to see what we can do to improve communication as a future project as well. The concept of a chatbot is an exciting one, but it would also require a lot of planning and effort, and it may be too big for us to do alone (so we would need help from other teams). However, it is certainly something we know that many organizers would like, and we'll continue thinking about how we can improve the communication experience. If we launch a communication improvements project in the future, we'll explore what options are available to us. Thank you again for your feedback! IFried (WMF) (talk)
- Le projet est louable et intéressant. Il le sera davantage s'il permettra de suivre le projet avec des métriques définis par l'organisateur et ceci facilitant le rapport.--Bile rene (talk) 23:33, 18 March 2022 (UTC)
- Bonjour à tous, je pense que c'est une excellente idée, cela facilitera l'affichage des résultats des compétitions qui se dérouleront en même temps à l'échelle mondiale.Modjou (talk) 16:50, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Modjou Merci pour le commentaire, et nous sommes heureux que vous trouviez cet outil utile ! IFried (WMF) (talk) IFried (WMF) (talk) 16:29, 15 April 2022 (UTC)
- Le système d'inscription aux campagnes est une très bonne idée. Ce système permettra de mieux suivre et d'évaluer les personnes inscrites. Mndetatsin (talk) 18:13, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Mndetatsin Merci pour votre commentaire! Nous convenons que ce travail aidera à atteindre l'objectif d'un meilleur suivi et d'une meilleure évaluation. Très appréciée! IFried (WMF) (talk) IFried (WMF) (talk) 16:33, 15 April 2022 (UTC)
- @Bile rene Merci pour vos commentaires et vos mots de soutien ! Nous convenons que ce projet nous aidera à définir et à partager de meilleures mesures sur l'activité des campagnes. Nous vous remercions encore ! IFried (WMF) (talk) IFried (WMF) (talk) 16:28, 15 April 2022 (UTC)
What do you think of our analysis of the current registration processes? Are we missing anything important to you?
FR : (Que pensez-vous de notre analyse des processus d'inscription actuels ? Avons-nous oublié quelque chose d'important pour vous ?)-- 10:17, 21 March 2022 (UTC)
- Personnellement j'ai très peu d'expérience dans l'outil d'analyse actuel donc je ne peux pas me prononcer la-dessus.
- Your analysis of the current registration process is exactly what goes on. I believe most organizers gave almost the same experience with regard to registration process. I say this because the content published reflects same as I gave my experience during the interview session.Din-nani1 (talk) 14:22, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
- I think you've captured all the points correctly, I would like to note that this is a new and an ongoing process, in this regard issues will be identified and rectified as the system is put in place. Bobbyshabangu (talk) 20:38, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
- The analysis of current registration processes brings up the facts of the various registration methods currently in use and tries to review the advantages and disadvantages of each process. From this, the analysis draws a synthesis of a better process, especially with more benefit. Campaign organizers and participants will benefit from having a registration system that features facilities on all sides, during the use. --Gilbert Ndihokubwayo (talk) 20:29, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
- Your analysis is superb and a true reflection of what often the case is. The concise and comparative nature of your analysis of the current situation gives an indication of how likely the new system will address the challenges of the past and make things easy for both organisors and participants.Alhassan Mohammed Awal (talk) 00:46, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
- What I miss is any point on the lack of multilingualism with current methods and platforms. There are tools for registration and tracking which work relatively well if you are active in one or a few languages. But there is no system that works well with multilingual campaigns, such as the WikiGap Challenge – which is why the challenge has worked with manual listing. Which is tedious both for organizers and for participants. For us as WikiGap coordinators, a successful new product will need to be better to work across language versions. Eric Luth (WMSE) (talk) 07:03, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
- while reading the analysis many questions come to me.
- How to integrate this centralized method.
- the constraint of generalizing the process requires a lot of energy.
- the approach is magic it allows to facilitate the whole process of statistics remains to make it real. Bachounda (talk) 22:14, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
- The analysis seems to capture the main points about each identified registration system. At the same time it is not too long. I like the fact that you provide examples and screenshots .White Orchid27 (talk) 05:45, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
- The analysis is precisely the situation on the ground. All the points you made are a true reflection of what campaign organizers and participants go through. Looking forward to the new registration system to solving all these issues. --kaffzz (talk)4:09, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
- You've captured the situation perfectly well. --Tochiprecious (talk) 19:16, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
- I think the analysis is a great step in providing an awesome experience for campaign organizers. I think we will have more feedback once we start testing the new tool. Will like to know if analysis captured some of the questions I raised in the previous question above. Also you talks about automatically adding participants to a the specified dashboard, what happens if different organizers are organizing same campaign. How do you intend to differentiate the dashboards? userRuby D-Brown
@Din-nani1, Bobbyshabangu, Gilbert Ndihokubwayo, Alhassan Mohammed Awal, Eric Luth (WMSE), Bachounda, White Orchid27, Kaffzz, Tochiprecious, and Ruby D-Brown: Hello, everyone! Thanks for providing feedback on our analysis. We will provide a summary of comments and answers to the questions asked below.
- Our analysis covers many of the main aspects of registration: While our analysis didn’t cover everything (see below for more details), many people commented that it reflected their experience as organizers handling event registration. This is very helpful to us, since we want to start the project with a shared baseline understanding that reflects the reality of the current organizer experience.
- Multilingual support as a pain point: We received a comment that our analysis should more clearly state that a major problem with current registration solutions is the lack of multilingual support. We completely agree, so we have updated the analysis to make that more clear. Also, when we publish our next update, we’ll share our project principles, including a commitment to build for a global, multilingual movement.
- Challenges with building a generalized system: We received a comment that it may be challenging to build one general system. We agree! However, we’re excited about the opportunities to empower organizers through this work, and we think it’s worth the effort.
- Differentiate between dashboard events: We received a question regarding how the system will differentiate between dashboard events. We’ll share more details in the next update, but we’re thinking that, when the organizer first configures the registration form through our tool, they will be asked to specify their dashboard event (such as providing the URL of the dashboard event). This way, the registration form will be tied to the correct dashboard event.
- Specifying organizers: We received a question on how the system would handle if there are multiple organizers for a campaign. We are thinking that, when the organizer first configures the registration form, they will be able to specify who else is a campaign organizer. That way, anyone who is a specified campaign organizer would be able to manage the registration process/tools.
What do you think? We would love to hear from all of you! IFried (WMF) (talk) 19:48, 27 August 2021 (UTC)
- L'existence d'un tel produit ne m'était pas arrivé, je ne l'ai découvert que récemment dans le cadre d'un test.--Bile rene (talk) 23:35, 18 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Bile rene Nous sommes heureux que vous puissiez maintenant en apprendre davantage sur notre travail! Le produit n'a pas encore été construit, mais nous le développons actuellement. Nous mettrons à jour cette page de projet lorsqu'elle sera prête pour les tests! Nous espérons que vous pourrez le tester lorsqu'il sera disponible et partager vos commentaires! IFried (WMF) (talk) IFried (WMF) (talk) 17:54, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
- Pour ma part, vous avez énuméré toutes les procédures d'inscription habituelles.Modjou (talk) 16:52, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Modjou Merci pour vos commentaires! Nous sommes heureux qu'il représente également votre expérience. IFried (WMF) (talk) IFried (WMF) (talk) 17:56, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
- Votre analyse des processus d'inscription me semble couvrir toutes les formes d'inscriptions que nous observons actuellement. Mndetatsin (talk) 18:14, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Mndetatsin C'est formidable à entendre. Merci d'avoir partagé cette information! IFried (WMF) (talk) 17:57, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
- Votre analyse des processus d’inscription actuels est objective et aborde la plupart de tous les contours des processus d’inscription actuels. --Adoscam (talk) 08:53, 21 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Adoscam Fantastique. Merci pour vos commentaires! Nous sommes très heureux de lire ceci. IFried (WMF) (talk) 17:57, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
If you are a campaign organizer, what registration system do you use? What does and doesn't work well with that system? If you could change one thing about it, what would it be?
FR : (Si vous êtes un organisateur de campagne, quel système d'inscription utilisez-vous ? Qu'est-ce qui fonctionne et ne fonctionne pas bien avec ce système ? Si vous pouviez changer une chose à ce sujet, quelle serait-elle ?)
- En ce moment j'utilise google Doc. Je fais un tableau avec plusieurs colonnes.C'est dans ces colonnes que je mets les informations dont j'ai besoin. Suivre les activités des personnes inscrites serait une bonne chose.-- 10:17, 21 March 2022 (UTC)
- I use google forms for registration as an event organizer. It is a bit technical to use especially for first timers. One may be required to go through some technical training before being able to use it. Most a time, people register multiple times without knowing their first registration was recorded, this way you(organizer) would have lengthy work to do just to remove multiple registrations. It is normally annoying to think you only visit the response session of a registration form to get information only to get there and have additional work of cleaning duplicate items(names). If I could change one thing about it, I would add a feature that would be able to detect multiple registration and subsequently remove it.Din-nani1 (talk) 14:46, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
- I normally use google forms as well as Wikimedia dasboard, I think you've capture correctly the advantages and challenges that comes with these 2 platforms. Bobbyshabangu (talk) 20:38, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
- We use the hashtag tool as our registration system WPWPCampaign. It's perfect for registration as it does not collect private or personal information or data. The chances of violating or misusing of personal data is almost unlikely. It's an incredible tool but it has it's limitations. It doesn't track in real-time and tells little or nothing about the campaign when added to edit summary. It would be nice if it works in such a way that there won't be need to add it to edit summary. And if it must be added it should link to the campaign main page. I understand that this wouldn't be easy for a multilingual campaign such as the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos because we can't have a page for the campaign in all local Wikipedia. T CellsTalk 13:37, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
- I have used registration systems like Eventbrite, Google forms, Portal, etc. For some systems, the data is edited in pre-established languages and, therefore, is not inclusive in terms of languages. If I could change one thing about it, I would make the registration system recognize each registration so that there are no redundant registrations. I would also make that the registration system be inclusive in terms of languages. --Gilbert Ndihokubwayo (talk) 20:29, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
- I use Google form for registrations and it's a simple tool to obtain responses or information from participants. However, it often doesn't allow for correction of responses by participants resulting in some participants intentionally registring double when they realise or suspect they made some mistake in the response they have submitted already. The double registration also may occur unintentionally owing to the fact that participants don't get the chance to see their responses after submission and it won't be wise for the organisors to grant access to the participants to be able to edit the form. That will lead to several abuses and conflicts. It's often difficult aslo to copy responses from specific columns of the Google sheet with phone when the columns you want to copy do not follow each other sequencially. Example, when the columns are A,B,C,D and E and you want to copy the information in A and D skipping B and C into something like word document using a phone will likely lead to distortions of the information. If I have the opportunity to change one thing about the Google form, I will make it more user friendly with phones.Alhassan Mohammed Awal (talk) 01:29, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
- I currently use Google Forms and the Outreach dashboard as a registration process for a lot of our workshops. Challenge I have encountered lately is on days that you need the Outreach Dashboard to work so bad it fails and it takes a long time to get it functioning again. So if work could be done on such a tool I would be grateful. --Owula kpakpo (talk) 16:19, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
- We mostly use Outreach Dashboard and manual listing on the page of the competition for WikiGap. Manual listing is used for the WikiGap Challenge because no other method work well enough for multilingual challenges. Outreach Dashboard doesn't work well with multilingual campaigns. Outreach Dashboard works OK, but many participants miss it or fail to understand how they should register, which means that we lose track of their edits and their names. Eric Luth (WMSE) (talk) 07:04, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
for the photo contests we have already tested the external and internal registration tools. what worked is that we can collect hundreds of participants. what didn't work well is how to follow up if we have hundreds of participants. a risk detected each time is the protection and confidentiality of the participants' personal data.
it is necessary to offer tools to the organizers that allow them to easily contact the participants of this year and of the previous yearsBachounda (talk) 22:20, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
- As an organizer, i use Google forms and Outreach Dashboard. In creating the Google forms register, i am sure to include the contacts(phone number and email) of the participants to make it easier for me to contact them. Unlike Google forms, the Outreach Dashboard does not provide registrants the option to add their contacts, making it difficult to get feedback from them. --kaffzz (talk)4:14, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
- I've used Google forms, outreach dashboard, Fountain Tool, Manual registration on meta, it's really not easy tracking inputs. --Tochiprecious (talk) 19:16, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
@Din-nani1, Bobbyshabangu, T Cells, Gilbert Ndihokubwayo, Alhassan Mohammed Awal, Owula kpakpo, Eric Luth (WMSE), Bachounda, Kaffzz, and Tochiprecious: Hello, everyone! Thank you for sharing information on your current registration solutions. We have provided responses to the themes and questions raised below.
- Problem of multiple registrations: We received a few comments about the problem of multiple registrations. In other words, campaign participants may not realize that they have already registered for an event, or they have registered with incorrect information that they want to correct, so they register multiple times. For this reason, there was a request to build a system that prevents multiple registrations. We completely agree! We’ll look into this.
- Limitations of Hashtags tool: We received a fuller explanation of the limitations of the Hashtags tool from T Cells. Thank you for this explanation! We have updated our analysis to include the points shared.
- Need for mobile-friendly system: We received a comment on the importance of building for mobile users. We completely agree! Many people will first learn about campaign events on mobile devices, and they will want to register on mobile devices. We will be considering the mobile experience as we design and build a registration solution.
- Need for a multilingual system: We received a comment on the importance of building a registration system for multilingual campaigns. We agree that this should be a top priority for the new system.
- Outreach Dashboard improvements: We received a request to improve the performance of the Outreach Dashboard. We won’t be working on direct improvements to the Dashboard or other tracking tools in this project, but this is helpful for us to know. We may look into how we can improve the tracking and analytics experience in a future project.
- Difficulty in communicating with registrants: We received comments that: 1) it is difficult to collect contact information with some registration solutions, and 2) it is difficult to communicate with and follow up with campaign registrants. We know that communication is a big problem area, and it’s something we will be looking into in this project. While we cannot solve all communication problems in this project (it deserves its own project!), there may be some first steps we can take.
- Noircir Wikipédia: nous utilisons la page projet "Noircir Wikipédia" sur wikipédia FR, et la page encuentros "Ennegreciendo Wikipedia" sur wikipédia EN, onglet principal de la page. Ce système d'inscription sur wikipédia permet d'avoir déjà un compte créé avant l'atelier/la campagne/l'event de la part du ou de la participant·e. Sinon, les personnes viennent le jour J s'il s'agit d'un évènement présentiel et/ou hybride et iels ne se sont pas forcément inscrit·e·s en avance. ça fonctionne aussi. Galahmm (talk) 14:37, 18 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Galahmm Merci! En résumé, il semble que vous utilisiez une combinaison de personnes s'inscrivant à l'avance sur la page wiki et de personnes s'inscrivant le jour de l'événement (en personne). Est-ce exact? Merci! IFried (WMF) (talk) 18:11, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
What are your thoughts? We would love to hear from all of you! IFried (WMF) (talk) 20:26, 27 August 2021 (UTC)
- Pas encore utilisé. Réponse similaire à la précédente.--Bile rene (talk) 23:38, 18 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Bile rene Merci de nous l'avoir fait savoir. Merci bien! IFried (WMF) (talk) 18:06, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
- Nous sommes habitués à utiliser Google Form. Nous réalisons des questionnaires sur mesure pour chaque concours que nous organisons, afin de faciliter la sélection des participants qui doivent participer au concours. Cela est dû au résultat que nous attendons d'ici la fin de la compétition.
- J'aimerais qu'il ait une fonctionnalité qui nous permette d'éviter qu'une personne s'inscrive plusieurs fois, car cela peut fausser le nombre total de personnes intéressées.
- Aussi, s'il y avait une fonctionnalité pour nous faire savoir qui s'est inscrit et qui a pu assister à l'événement.Modjou (talk) 16:56, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
- N'ayant pas encore organisé une campagne grâce à l'un de ces outils, je n'ai pas de reponse à cette question. Mndetatsin (talk) 18:16, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Mndetatsin D'accord, merci de nous l'avoir fait savoir! Nous espérons qu'il sera plus facile pour plus de gens d'organiser des campagnes à l'avenir, car nous leur fournirons des outils de soutien. Merci! IFried (WMF) (talk) 18:13, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
- En tant qu’organisateur, j’utilise la plateforme qui est une plateforme libre surtout et les différentes variétés d’outils qu’elle offre. Les limites de cette plateforme sont qu’elle est moins intuitive et facilite moins l’appropriation de son utilisation dans un court délai. Il faudrait que j’essaie d’autres plateformes pour connaitre des éléments de comparaison. Cependant, je peux dire que framaforms est mieux que google.form --Adoscam (talk) 08:55, 21 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Adoscam Merci beaucoup d'avoir partagé ces commentaires! Nous sommes familiers avec Google Forms mais nous en savons moins sur Framaforms. Nous aimerions en savoir plus sur Framaforms. Quelles sont les fonctionnalités les plus utiles de Framaforms, selon vous? Si nous construisons une nouvelle solution d'enregistrement, quelles parties de votre expérience actuelle (lors de l'utilisation de Framaforms) espérez-vous également voir dans notre nouvelle solution d'enregistrement? Merci d'avance! IFried (WMF) (talk) 18:20, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
- Je souhaite que le nouveau système d’inscription qui sera créé soit plus simple à utiliser. En effet, nous voudrions des menus faciles d’accès, un système libre. Beaucoup d’images pour illustrer les menus d’utilisation et moins de texte et une bonne ergonomie. Je propose des fonctionnalités comme : Un formulaire d’inscription, Une enquête en ligne, Un questionnaire de satisfaction tout en étant dans l’esprit du libre restant dans l’esprit du mouvement Wikimédia et ne pas vendre les données des utilisateurs comme les font d’autres plateformes. Réalisation simple des formulaires, par glisser-déposer d’éléments (champs textes, cases à cocher, menu déroulant etc.) Supprimer quelques limitations (durée d’hébergement du formulaire, ou nombre de réponses maximum par formulaire) comme c’est le cas sur framaform. Donner la possibilité de mettre les formulaires créés comme modèle pour permettre à d’autres personnes de s’en inspirer c’est aussi l’esprit du libre partage. Possibilité d’exporter les données en .csv, puis de les importer dans Framacalc. J’espère vous avoir été utile
. A bientôt. Adoscam (talk) 13:57, 25 April 2022 (UTC)
- Je souhaite que le nouveau système d’inscription qui sera créé soit plus simple à utiliser. En effet, nous voudrions des menus faciles d’accès, un système libre. Beaucoup d’images pour illustrer les menus d’utilisation et moins de texte et une bonne ergonomie. Je propose des fonctionnalités comme : Un formulaire d’inscription, Une enquête en ligne, Un questionnaire de satisfaction tout en étant dans l’esprit du libre restant dans l’esprit du mouvement Wikimédia et ne pas vendre les données des utilisateurs comme les font d’autres plateformes. Réalisation simple des formulaires, par glisser-déposer d’éléments (champs textes, cases à cocher, menu déroulant etc.) Supprimer quelques limitations (durée d’hébergement du formulaire, ou nombre de réponses maximum par formulaire) comme c’est le cas sur framaform. Donner la possibilité de mettre les formulaires créés comme modèle pour permettre à d’autres personnes de s’en inspirer c’est aussi l’esprit du libre partage. Possibilité d’exporter les données en .csv, puis de les importer dans Framacalc. J’espère vous avoir été utile
- @Adoscam Merci beaucoup d'avoir partagé ces commentaires! Nous sommes familiers avec Google Forms mais nous en savons moins sur Framaforms. Nous aimerions en savoir plus sur Framaforms. Quelles sont les fonctionnalités les plus utiles de Framaforms, selon vous? Si nous construisons une nouvelle solution d'enregistrement, quelles parties de votre expérience actuelle (lors de l'utilisation de Framaforms) espérez-vous également voir dans notre nouvelle solution d'enregistrement? Merci d'avance! IFried (WMF) (talk) 18:20, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
If we create a registration system, how would you like it to work? Please provide as many details from what you would like or, if you have them, examples from other registration tools you have used before!
FR : (Si nous créons un système d'inscription, comment souhaiteriez-vous qu'il fonctionne ? Veuillez fournir autant de détails que possible sur ce que vous souhaiteriez ou, si vous en avez, des exemples d'autres outils d'enregistrement que vous avez utilisés auparavant !)
- A centralised registration system which is integrated with Wikimedia dashboard, which is intuitive and allows a quick drawing of metrics will make me happy. Bobbyshabangu (talk) 20:38, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
- The information given under your project vision is exactly how I want the registration system to work when it is created. The project vision satisfies my requirements of a registration form.Din-nani1 (talk) 14:54, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
- From my opinion, a registration system would be a tool that collects the data of each interested party. In addition, it is a tool that would be inclusive; otherwise it could be edited in different languages depending on the choice of the interested party. It is also a tool that would make it possible to detect who provided what information in order to be able to interact with them In case of necessity. --Gilbert Ndihokubwayo (talk) 20:29, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
- I want the registration system to work in a way to take care of different languages, a system that will have less technicalities, be very easy to interact with by both organisors and participants and a system that will be generally user friendly.Alhassan Mohammed Awal (talk) 01:42, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
- A successful registration system is intuitive for newcomers, look and behave as the Wikimedia platforms already do (which is often challenging in itself for newcomers), and don't take the participant away from the Wikimedia platform to a third-party system. It can handle many different languages, that is, is not language-based. An example could be to register via Meta, and there being able to self-identify which languages will be used when it comes to writing. The registration system would also work well with tracking systems such as Outreach Dashboard, or at least with one tracking system that can fulfill the needs of current tracking methods used. Eric Luth (WMSE) (talk) 07:09, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
- When there is a prototype of the new registration system, it is highly recommended to test it with newcomers instead of with people who are organizing and participating in campaigns frequently. White Orchid27 (talk) 05:48, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
- The new registration system should be user-friendly and easily accessible to Wiki newbies. Also, there should be an option where contacts of the participants are required during the registration, to make it easier for organizers to communicate with them. --kaffzz (talk) 4:20, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
@Din-nani1, Bobbyshabangu, Gilbert Ndihokubwayo, Alhassan Mohammed Awal, Eric Luth (WMSE), Kaffzz, and White Orchid27: Hello! Thanks for providing a list of the most essential requirements for the new registration system. In summary, people said they wanted a system that is:
- Centralized, on-wiki, and doesn’t take people away to third-party platforms
- Integrated with the Programs & Events Dashboard
- Multilingual
- Inclusive of diverse communities and contexts
- Able to collect information on participants and their needs
- Able to provide a way to contact participants
- Very easy for both organizers and participants to use, even if they are new to the Wikimedia movement
- Testable as a prototype before official release
Does this cover the most important requirements? Is there anything that you think should be added, edited, or removed? Please tell us what you think, and thank you! IFried (WMF) (talk) 20:46, 27 August 2021 (UTC)
- Template:IFried (WMF) I strongly suggest that registration of event campaigns organizers to the any event campaigns registration system must require a question if they will doing simultaneous new account creation. If a organizer registrant chose a "yes", the WMF campaigns team must notify bureaucrats or admins to elevate a certain user account that will be present in the event to be elevated as "event organizer" account to allow him/her create new accounts/ usernames. This will not put any event organizer in an embarassing situation that participants cannot create an account because of the new account creation IP block implemented by Wikipedia online communities. Exec8 (talk) 02:45, 13 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Exec8 Thank you so much for this comment! Also, apologies for the late reply. Your comment was on our radar, and I wanted to respond after I had some time to think about. So, in response: You bring up a fantastic point regarding IP block challenges and how organizers can potentially assist in these scenarios (if given the proper rights and support). I think this is a great feature suggestion, and it is something we may consider for a later version of the tool. For our first version (which we're calling V0), it will be very basic and just have core features to enable registration on an event page. But I really love the idea of exploring this feature in a future release. So we will be sure to provide more updates on account creation assistance, if that is something we explore in the future.
- Also, this brings up a larger question of "How do we define an event organizer?" and "What privileges and/or tools do we give organizers?" For example, do we create some sort of user group that is for event organizers, and if someone is in that group they can access account creation rights? Or do we perhaps have different levels of organizers (such as basic organizer, organizer with account creation rights, etc), which can be approved of by bureaucrats or admins? Over time, we plan to provide some relatively powerful tools to organizers (such as: helping them collect personally identifiable information, send mass message or emails to participants, etc), so we want to ensure a certain level of trust & good faith acting on the part of the organizer. Meanwhile, we don't want to be so restrictive that new, good faith actors are hindered from becoming organizers. I like your suggestion, and I think it is something we can more broadly consider in future releases (i.e., how do organizers request access to certain tools/rights—and what are those tools/rights)? So, I guess my follow-up question is: How do you think we should define an organizer? And, given some of the background thinking I shared on this topic, do you have any other thoughts on potential organizer levels or how organizers should go about acquiring certain rights? Thank you again for your insightful comment, and we look forward to your feedback! IFried (WMF) (talk) 20:40, 25 April 2022 (UTC)
- Comme mentionné dans la réponse à la première question, une possibilité de planifier des sessions avec métriques par l'organisateur de la campagne et une facilité de reporting de l'ensemble des activités.--Bile rene (talk) 23:42, 18 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Bile rene Merci pour vos commentaires! Nous l'avons noté. Nous sommes tout à fait d'accord pour dire que la prise en charge des métriques est cruciale. Pour cette raison, nous prévoyons de fournir une intégration avec le tableau de bord des programmes et des événements. Merci! IFried (WMF) (talk) 15:53, 28 April 2022 (UTC)
- Tout d'abord, je tiens à préciser qu'il faut tenir compte du fait que toutes les compétitions internationales n'ont pas forcément lieu à la même date dans chaque pays.
- Il faudra prévoir une fonctionnalité qui permettra de connaître les différentes dates et participants de chaque groupe.
- En plus de ce que vous prévoyez de faire comme lier le formulaire au tableau de bord pour collecter des informations liées aux contributions des participants, vous devrez également ajouter une fonctionnalité qui nous permettra de savoir si les candidats représentent des individus, des organisations ou un pays, etc.
- Il faut également veiller à ne pas contraindre les différents inscrits à divulguer leurs informations privées (nom, date de naissance, pays de résidence ou d'origine, etc.)Modjou (talk) 17:05, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Modjou Ce sont de grands points. Merci pour votre avis! Tout d'abord, nous comprenons parfaitement que certains événements se produisent sur plusieurs jours ou à plusieurs endroits. Pour cette raison, nous prévoyons de publier des améliorations de fonctionnalités à l'avenir. La première version de l'outil d'inscription sera très basique, et ce sera pour une date à un seul endroit. Cependant, à l'avenir, nous souhaitons permettre aux organisateurs d'ajouter plusieurs dates, heures ou lieux. Ce serait pour une version ultérieure de l'outil. Deuxièmement, vous avez mentionné l'importance d'identifier les affiliations ou les organisations des participants. Nous sommes d'accord. Pour cette raison, nous souhaitons permettre aux participants de fournir également ces informations dans une future version. Enfin, nous voulons également permettre aux participants de s'inscrire de manière confidentielle, afin que seuls les organisateurs voient leurs noms d'utilisateur (plutôt que tout le monde). Ce serait également dans une version ultérieure. Merci beaucoup! IFried (WMF) (talk) 19:10, 28 April 2022 (UTC)
- En plus de ce que vous prévoyez de faire comme lier le formulaire au tableau de bord pour collecter des informations liées aux contributions des participants, vous devrez également ajouter une fonctionnalité qui nous permettra de savoir si les candidats représentent des individus, des organisations ou un pays, etc.
- J'aimerais que le système d'inscription soit centralisé et indépendant. Un système où l'organisateur peut suivre et évaluer les personnes inscrites et dont la campagne peut quand à elle être suivi et évaluer par les personnes inscrites. Mndetatsin (talk) 18:18, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Mndetatsin Merci pour ce retour ! Nous sommes entièrement d'accord. Nous voulons un système central qui sera facile à utiliser pour gérer l'événement et en suivre l'impact. Nous devrons commencer petit et construire progressivement au fil du temps, mais c'est notre objectif à long terme. Très appréciée! IFried (WMF) (talk) 19:11, 28 April 2022 (UTC)
- Nous souhaiterons que le nouveau système d’inscription qui sera créé soit plus simple à utiliser. En effet, nous voudrions des menus faciles d’accès, un système libre. Beaucoup d’images pour illustrer les menus d’utilisation et moins de texte et une bonne ergonomie.--Adoscam (talk) 08:56, 21 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Adoscam Merci pour ce retour ! C'est super à lire. Pouvez-vous fournir plus de détails sur ce que vous entendez par menus utilisateur et illustrations ? L'idée semble intéressante, mais elle n'est pas tout à fait claire pour nous. Nous aimerions en savoir plus. Merci! IFried (WMF) (talk) 19:12, 28 April 2022 (UTC)
We are a new team (check out the new landing page). What are your hopes, questions, or concerns for our team?
FR : (Nous sommes une nouvelle équipe (consultez la nouvelle page d'accueil). Quels sont vos espoirs, vos questions ou vos préoccupations concernant notre équipe ?)
- I am impressed about your( the new team) start. I hope your first project would meet your specifications. If it does, it would be great to work with. I wish the team well in executing its tasks and I also wish to say that I am always available for any interview/assignment in order to contribute to the success of your team and WMF at large.Din-nani1 (talk) 15:19, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
- To the new team, in particular, I wish every success in carrying out the assignments. I am delighted with the noble idea of having thought of setting up this team and encouraging the team to move forward. From this, I hope that the information the team collects from the respondents will help to be able to build a well-organized system to meet aspirations, a system that is easy to use by organizers and participants, an inclusive system. As for me, I remain at the team's disposal for any further information in order to build the very solid and successful system. --Gilbert Ndihokubwayo (talk) 20:29, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
- Given your indepth analysis of the existing systems, I want to say your team is a great one and I'm optimistic that you're going to come out with workable systems that will satisfy the needs and bring relief to both organisors and participants in the near future. I'm so excited about your team's work so far. In fact, I wish I were one of you, lol. I see you're a group of brains that anyone wanting to get innovative ideas to improve upon existing systems to make it simpler and better will associate themselves with without any hesitation. I'm always available and ready to support your team in whichever way you think I can in order for us to succeed. I say, yes, it's possible together.Alhassan Mohammed Awal (talk) 02:05, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
- I would like a tool that can register participants and also get us to track their editing journey in whatever campaign we are running at a particular point in time. --Owula kpakpo (talk) 16:19, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
- To the new team, It is refreshing to see you communicating with organizers to find solutions to our problems. If this energy is maintained, I believe most of these issues will be fixed. I am readily available to help you in your quest to make this system a better one. --kaffzz (talk) 4:27, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
@Din-nani1, Gilbert Ndihokubwayo, Alhassan Mohammed Awal, Owula kpakpo, and Kaffzz: Everyone, thank you so much for your heartfelt, encouraging words! As a new team, this means so much to us! We want to help empower campaign organizers because we so deeply believe in the work you all do and its profound impact on the Wikimedia movement as a whole.
Some of you have also mentioned that you are open to providing further feedback and testing our prototypes. This is fantastic news! We will be sharing regular updates on the project page, so please stay tuned for our next status update. Also, when we have a testable version of the new system available, we’ll be sure to let you all know. So, in total, this is just the beginning of this project, and this is just the beginning of our new team. We are ambitious and excited, and we’re so happy that you are on this journey with us! IFried (WMF) (talk) 20:56, 27 August 2021 (UTC)
- Que le projet puisse voir le jour et qu'il puisse faciliter à la fois le suivi de l'organisateur et l'ensemble des parties prenantes.--Bile rene (talk) 23:44, 18 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Bile rene Merveilleux. Merci pour votre soutien! IFried (WMF) (talk) 19:13, 28 April 2022 (UTC)
- J'aimerais que le projet se concrétise le plutôt possible pour faciliter le travail des uns et des autres Mndetatsin (talk) 18:19, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Mndetatsin Merci pour ce retour ! Nous sommes une petite équipe et une nouvelle équipe, mais nous allons travailler aussi vite que possible. Merci encore! IFried (WMF) (talk) 19:14, 28 April 2022 (UTC)
- Nous espérons que vous conduirez le projet avec beaucoup de réussite pour plus d’impacts au profit de la communauté. Nous souhaiterions également que les consultations à l’endroit de la communauté vont continuer dans le cadre de la réalisation des projets futurs pour plus d’inclusivité.--Adoscam (talk) 08:57, 21 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Adoscam Merci pour ce retour et vos mots de soutien ! Nous sommes tout à fait d'accord que les consultations avec la communauté sont absolument nécessaires. À l'heure actuelle, nous nous concentrons sur les heures d'ouverture des bureaux communautaires et nous continuerons à faire diverses formes de sensibilisation. Merci encore! IFried (WMF) (talk) 19:15, 28 April 2022 (UTC)
Anything else you would like to add?
FR : (Vous souhaitez ajouter quelque chose ?)
- We're are hoping for improved systems that will take into consideration the different languages across the world. That means, people from different continents need to be consulted or added to your team or their inputs are solicited and that's exactly what you did and still doing through the interviews you had with some of us and this very platform that is created for the interesting discussions. I must commend you on that. Ours is a language usergroup;a very young one I must say and our language (Dagbani) is one of the minority languages, how do you intend to bring people like us on board so we can take part in some key programmes and projects to help us reach a level that we can all feel proud about?Alhassan Mohammed Awal (talk) 02:31, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
- @Alhassan Mohammed Awal: Thank you for this thoughtful question! You asked how we plan to include diverse people and perspectives into our product development process. We have some plans, but there's certainly room for improvement. First, before we launched the project, we had in-depth conversations with about 50 campaign organizers across the movement (which included some members of the Dagbani user group, like you!) about their motivations, pain points, aspirations, and needs. We chose registration as the first project after our conversations with organizers, based on the feedback they provided us. Now that we have launched the project, we have been conducting outreach for people to share their feedback on the project talk page. We hope that organizers and volunteers across the movement will be collaborators with us in all stages of the project. However, we want to hear from you! How would you like to engage with us? How would you like your voice to be heard? We would love to know, and thanks in advance! --IFried (WMF) (talk) 21:19, 27 August 2021 (UTC)
- This analysis is nice, particularly for the comparison of different existing methods, but it starts from the assumption that a "The Wikimedia movement needs a robust registration system designed for its needs". I would have liked to read an analysis of what makes (un)suitable for our use cases, and how difficult an integration could be. After the use cases are collected, it will be possible to determine whether it's possible to satisfy them by evolving one of the existing methods or by integrating another free software, or whether developing an entirely new software will be needed. Nemo 15:53, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
- @Nemo bis: Thanks for your comment, and we're happy to read that you liked our analysis! Also, thank you for pointing us to I tried to test, but I experienced errors when attempting to create an account. I'll try again later. In the meantime, can you let us know what you like about, or why you may recommend it as a potential solution? Generally, we're considering building our own solution since it will be specifically customized to Wikimedian needs and we can ensure that it is maintained and supported, but we're open to looking into various solutions, provided that they are stable, secure, and effective. So, any further details would be much appreciated. Thanks! --IFried (WMF) (talk) 21:39, 27 August 2021 (UTC)
- Would this system be appropriate for conference registration? WikiConference North America will be inviting people to register. We could experiment with this system to see if it covers our needs. I didn't see "conference" in the documentation though. We don't have the agenda of tracking people's edits, but we do need email addresses. -- econterms (talk) 19:12, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
- @Econterms Our main user story at this point is focused on editing event registration (any kind of community event that might be tracked via a tool like Event Metrics or Programs and Events Dashboard) so the first few iterations probably wouldn't be appropriate for an in-person conference. Registration does enable us to work on a lot of the functions that non-editing events might benefit from (participant notification for example), but its not our first application nor do we want to compete with the systems designed for those kinds of applications (i.e. what Nemo points at above). Astinson (WMF) (talk) 20:53, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
- Hello there, and thanks for your work! I don't have much experience on editing campaigns, but I'm organizing events, and I support the idea of looking around and evaluate the existing open source software that already exists, has a strong developers community, that we could host and support. I believe we should support existing tools instead of recreating one for our own purposes. Nemo mentioned Mobilizon, I wanted to highlight Pretix which is a powerful tool for registration and ticketing. Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk) 09:08, 30 August 2021 (UTC)
- @Lea Lacroix (WMDE) Thank you for your comment! Have you used Pretix before, and can you provide some information on why you recommend it? The more information, the better. Thank you! --IFried (WMF) (talk) 22:38, 31 August 2021 (UTC)
- I also support to look for extisting solutions. I think for that also existing MediaWikiExtensions are interesting. For a database there is the extension Cargo and for Forms there are also Extensions. So I think it could be also on today possible to make a registration process using MediaWiki. I dont know if someone has done it. So please look more at existing things instead of creating something new and try to add something to extisting things that they fit for the thing you want. If you add more authorization features to Mediawiki what could be needed if you want to use Mediwiki for that task then there from that other MediaWiki user can benefit. It is propably one of the reasons why it is not used in a lot of companies.--Hogü-456 (talk) 19:54, 13 October 2021 (UTC)
Pas pour le moment.--Bile rene (talk) 23:45, 18 March 2022 (UTC)
- J'aimerais que dans ce système d'inscription qu'il soit introduit la possiblité d'accorder les badges d'encourragement aux personnes inscrites selon leur niveau de contribution à la campagne. Mndetatsin (talk) 18:20, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
- @Mndetatsin Merci pour cette suggestion fantastique! Nous aimerions également créer un outil ou un système à l'avenir pour que les participants reçoivent des certificats ou des badges. Cela devra être un projet séparé, mais nous espérons le faire à l'avenir. Merci encore pour ce commentaire ! IFried (WMF) (talk) 19:23, 28 April 2022 (UTC)
- Merci beaucoup pour votre travail, personnellement je n'ai pas beaucoup d'expérience dans l'édition ou l'organisation des campagnes même si je sais tenir des événements, et j'apprécie surtout l'idée d'évaluer ce nouveau projet qui va voir le jour d'ici fin 2022 et que nous pourrions soutenir et nous en servir car c'est presque exactement ce que bon nombre d'organisateurs ont voulu aussi pour faciliter les choses, j'espère que l'application demeurera conviviale pour tous, les nouveaux arrivants inclus.
Je profite aussi pour demander s'il y aura possibilité de mettre au point un système de notification de suggestion ou d'orientation comme c'est le cas avec Facebook ou autres médias sociaux, pour prévenir ou avertir les participants que d'autres avec qui ils partagent soit la même communauté participent à un des évènements, je sais que le respect des informations privées priment mais ce n'est que mon humble avis... CapitainAfrika (talk) 16:02, 20 March 2022 (UTC)
- Non. Je n’ai plus rien à ajouter.--Adoscam (talk) 08:58, 21 March 2022 (UTC)
- @CapitainAfrika Merci beaucoup pour vos commentaires et vos mots de soutien! C'était tellement génial de le lire. Petite question : pouvez-vous fournir un peu plus de détails sur le système de parrainage ? Je ne comprends pas tout à fait l'idée, mais j'aimerais en savoir plus. Merci! IFried (WMF) (talk) 19:26, 28 April 2022 (UTC)
- Merci beaucoup @IFried (WMF) pour cette demande d'explication, j'essaie alors de reformuler ma suggestion en d'autres mots, ce que j'ai voulu exactement c'est demander la possibilité ou pouvoir permettre dans une certaine mesure aux participants d'avoir des signalements comme c'est le cas avec le réseautage social où l'on nous apprend que tel membre de notre région ou contrée participe également au même événement que nous ou si l'on ne participe pas encore à aucun des évènements que l'on arrive quand-même à nous les suggérer pour y participer peut-être parce que nous en sommes éligibles ou admissibles... Mais le frein c'est au niveau de la politique de confidentialité, est-ce que l'univers Wikimedia le permet par rapport à la collecte des données personnelles ? CapitainAfrika (talk) 04:43, 29 April 2022 (UTC)