Talk:Affiliations Committee/Archives/2009
![]() | Please do not post any new comments on this page. This is a discussion archive first created in 2009, although the comments contained were likely posted before and after this date. See current discussion or the archives index. |
Wikimedia in Catalan
Hello. I'm from the proposal of a Wikimedia in Catalan chapter. As the page is showing by now (version of February 26th, at 13'00h.), it includes some members that have been passed the deadline according to the Wikimedia Bylaws. According to it, a resolution adopted by the Chapters comitee, and published in February 19 changed some members of the comitee, and about the rest of the persons it's telling: "all other memberships and advisory positions automatically lapse". So Barcex, Andrew Whitworth and Anders Wennersten were deleted from the list, supposedly because of that. But they're again in the list now. Please, could anyone clarify us wich are the actually memberships of the Comitee? From our proposal we need to be sure wich are the speakers we should adress to in order to talk about our proposal. Thanks you very much. --montxovs 12:46, 28 February 2009 (UTC) PD: Sorry because of my bad English.
- It's a little misleading. Barcex, Andrew, and Anders were not up for confirmation/reappointment, so they weren't discussed in the resolution but were still members. (That's what I was told when I asked this at the time.) Cbrown1023 talk 01:46, 1 March 2009 (UTC)
- Thanks Cbrown1023 but I don’t understand your explanation. The board resolution you are pointing to (December 2007) says their membership will finish on November 2008 the 30th and the only board resolution regarding chapters committee membership since December 2007 is the January 2009 one not reconfirming them. --Jordicollcosta 10:06, 1 March 2009 (UTC)
- Hmm, you're right, this is a messy situation.
Cbrown1023 talk 12:15, 1 March 2009 (UTC) - Well, thanks to another resolution, they can fix this error themselves without consulting the board... Cbrown1023 talk 18:14, 1 March 2009 (UTC)
- Hi, I'm responding to this as a member of the Chapters Committee. It's a bit less messy than it seems: The ChapCom resolution referred to says only that all the terms that were at that time up for renewal and were not renewed by that resolution would lapse. Andrew, Anders and Barcex were not up for renewal at the time ChapCom passed that resolution (September 2008), but the board took its time to approve the resolution (January 2009). It is however true, that strictly speaking the terms expired on November 30th 2008. However, ChapCom is just now voting (and has been for the last days and, yes, before we saw this comment here...) on a membership resolution which also "reinstates" Andrew, Anders and Barcex. --Mbimmler 18:36, 1 March 2009 (UTC)
- Hmm, you're right, this is a messy situation.
- Thanks Cbrown1023 but I don’t understand your explanation. The board resolution you are pointing to (December 2007) says their membership will finish on November 2008 the 30th and the only board resolution regarding chapters committee membership since December 2007 is the January 2009 one not reconfirming them. --Jordicollcosta 10:06, 1 March 2009 (UTC)
Use of other versions of logo and name
I know that each chapter is allowed to use the Wikimedia logo with their country's name under it. But I was wondering whether it would be possible to also allow a chapter the use of the logo with a regional name to be used by regional wings within the chapter. For example, people in the Canadian province of Newfoundland would likely be more willing to support "Wikimedia Canada: Newfoundland" or "Wikimedia Newfoundland" than just "Wikimedia Canada". However, Newfoundland is likely too small to ever have its own chapter and would probably operate as a committee of Wikimedia Canada. Regional logos would be useful, but not useful enough to justify founding a whole new chapter. Thanks, --Arctic.gnome 02:27, 28 March 2009 (UTC)
We need approval from Chapters committee
A month ago at the WikiMeeting in Kyiv the process of creation of a Wikimedia Ukraine chapter was initiated. On March 9, 2009, the draft Bylaws were published and then discussed. There now exists a draft translated into English.
The draft Bylaws are already signed (electronically, to date) by 17 Ukrainian Wikipedians.
We plan to organize the next WikiMeeting in Kyiv to sign the bylaws and then submit these for state registration. Probably I need to read the Information for Future Chapters, but I have no access to this private article.
My contact details are: cell phone +380 67 505 1201, email: director at apitu dot org dot ua --Perohanych 18:57, 4 April 2009 (UTC)
From Wikimedia Macau
Ola (Hello in Portuguese), I am the Public Relationship and Liaison Officer of the Wikimedia Macau which is established legally on Apr 29, 2009. In here, As I wish to establish an association for Wikimedians in Macau, we did that by the Macau Government on Apr 29, 2009. In here, we wish our association approve by the Wikimedia Foundation with a day. However, we seems do not know the process in doing this, would anyone of the committee like to assist us for this? Please feel free to send a e-mail to cdsj75-wiki(a) --AG0ST1NH0 07:37, 28 May 2009 (UTC)
A question about Wkimedia España
Hi!, I'm working in the Spanish chapter. We are discusing some points in our bylaws and we wanted to know the Chapters Commitee position about a little question.
If you don't know it, in Spain there are many autonomías, they are regions with some administrative and legal competences. It could be that, in the future, some wikipedians try to create other chapters within Spain, and this make us same questions:
- How would be had to to organize with that chapters?.
- Would have they to coexist in the same territory or would have they exclusive territories within Spain?.
- Who would reply to communication media?
Thank you for all your responses and We wish you a Happy New Year!!.--Elisardojm 11:27, 30 December 2009 (UTC)
- ¡Hola Elisardojm! and sorry for not answering your question earlier!
- As stated in the guidelines, Wikimedia Chapters to date are specifically organised around geographical and political borders. This means one of two things.
- You can have a sub-national chapter in a given country, or several sub-national chapters, whose geographical and/or political reach do not overlap (they need to be very distinct). In Spain for example, this could be achieved by having one chapter per Autonomía. (You'd have Wikimedia Extremadura, Wikimedia Andalucia etc.). So to answer this question, these would have exclusive territories. Not so much in terms of membres (anyone coulsd probably be a member of one reional chapters if they want to) but in terms of radius of action. The Wikimedia Extremadura chapter would only work with the Extremadurians "governement" for example. The issue then is to find out who speaks to the "central" institutions. This, however can be agreed upon with all sub-national chapters who could elect/choose a representative body to talk to central institutions on behalf of Wikimedia.
- You have one national chapter, which covers the entire territory. This means that a Wikimedia España chapter would be able to address both the central institutions, as well as the regional institutions. If you look at the bylaws of Wikimedia Argentina, they have already provided for the possibility of having "regional" delegations [1]. The idea here is to have a central piece, and then "regional" sections of the chapters, which would be given more or less autonomy (it's up to the chapter to decide) in their activities.
- On a very personal point of view, and although I am a bit aware of political issues within Spain ;), I believe that Wikimedia España should probably go for the second solution, as you seem to be well aware of the questions and difficulties. I am not sure how other national organisations work in Spain, it might be interesting to look at organisations such as Greenpeace or SOS children villages to see how they are organized in Spain and maybe talk to them to see what are the advantages or drawbacks of doing one thing or another.
- That's for my answer. I hope it makes sense to you and that the English is not too "technical". I can read Spanish without any problems, so don't hesitate to answer or ask more questions in Spanish, but my written Spanish is terrible ;). You can also contact me directly by email at delphine.menard AT wikimedia PUNTO fr or contact the chapters committee on the mailing list directly at: chaptercommittee-l notafish }<';> 09:23, 22 January 2010 (UTC)
- [1] Artículo 3 - Delegaciones en el país
- La Asociación podrá establecer delegaciones descentralizadas en cualquier lugar geográfico de la República Argentina. El establecimiento de una delegación deberá ser solicitado por socios activos residentes en el lugar donde se desea establecer la misma y dicha solicitud, conteniendo objetivos particulares y plan de trabajo, podrá ser autorizada de manera provisoria por la Comisión Directiva, que deberá informar de dicha circunstancia a la siguiente Asamblea Ordinaria para su aprobación definitiva.