Talk:Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2015/Community consultation/2015-03-04
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[edit]Response by ليبرت
ليبرت's thoughts on question 2
[edit]I'll just point out a fundamental problem with Wikipedia and one that'll always affect Wikipedia's reputation if no adequate measures are applied. Wikipedia's POV law, the most important one without doubt, is not respected in many Wikis. The Arabic Wikipedia is administrated mainly (if not solely) by Muslim users. Hundreds of articles (even featured articles) present completely false and misleading information about the Koran, the prophet, etc. For example, the article on the Koran on Wikipedia Arabic clearly states that "the Koran is so eloquent that all Arabs across history and till this very day haven't been able to write a piece as eloquent as itself", a wide misconception held my most people of Muslim faith. This statement is accompanied by a link to a page from a famous Islamic website. That is as biased as a source can get. Now, here's the problem. When I tried editting the article and added the reason for doing so on the talk page, my edits were simply reverted by two admins and my reasons on the Talk page were given little to no attention at all. This same thing applies to pages about Islamic conquests which are, quite rudely, titled "Islamic Fat-h" which is a biased expression used by Muslims to refer to Islamic conquests which basically means "Islamic openings" implying that Islamic troops "opened" the given region/people as if it was "closed" before them. Arabic has many equivalent words for "conquest" but the only expression chosen was the one that unsurprisingly goes along with the beliefs of the majority of the Wiki's users. This will probably apply to Wikipedia Farsi, as well.
I should probably mention at this point that I have nothing against Muslims. I live among them. But the amount of biased information on Wikipedia Arabic for Islam is gigantic, and given the not-so-open-minded majority's behavior towards requests of unbiased information/expressions, there's nothing that a user like myself can do about it. Therefore, I believe an unbiased intrusion is necessary in Wikipedia that are dominated by a group that shares the same ideas, belies, etc. Wikipedia Arabic, Wikipedia Farsi and Wikipedia Turkish are good examples.
- Instruction does not help, I think, as the majority has no habit to learn. Perhaps there is a need to change the ways of election of administrators. Since the WMF owns (as far as I understand) the servers, it has every right to require that servers be used by language sections per its goals. So, perhaps it ought to work in some way with administrators? That's problematic I believe (because that's costly, as that requires work of staff, not of random people with no authority), but that looks this way… - 21:34, 26 February 2015 (UTC)
- Disclaimer: My following text on this comment page is solely released under the CC BY-SA 3.0 License and the GFDL. It is not released into the public domain.
- ليبرت, your comment is very useful feedback. I think that in some ways what you discuss is the reverse version of wikipedia:WP:BIAS#Nature_of_Wikipedia.27s_bias, and the fact that on the en.wikipedia for sociopolitical (e.g. geostrategic) topics, mainstream market-funded newspapers are the main reliable source, despite their well-documented and unsurprising (no conspiracy needed) bias. Think of it this way: open editing implies that the dominant, moderately educated, best internet-connected community in a particular language will tend to dominate the Wikipedia in a given language. The en.wikipedia community cannot suddenly reject the use of the New York Times, the Guardian, the Independent, BBC and so on because we cannot miraculously convince the majority of Wikipedians editing articles that use these as sources that there exist alternative media sources that have good reputations in terms of (more or less) verifying and fact-checking their sources of information. Alternative sources of information exist, but this is a bootstrap problem: it is only as the alternative media sources gain reputations in terms of fact-checking and verifiability that they can be used, but this evolves together with sociopolitical evolution. Nevertheless, Wikipedia policies such as NPOV, RS (even with the mainstream sources with their known biases) and AGF help make it possible for articles to approach something closer to encyclopedic quality than individual mainstream sources, because the sources are used for factual type information, but using them in Wikipedia articles does not force us to omit other relevant information; omission of context and compression of information into sound bites are some of the standard biases documented by the Western mainstream media propaganda model. Somewhat in analogy to this, here are my suggestions in response to your analysis:
- use meta-processes: You may be in a tiny minority, but given that the other Arabic language wikipedians have accepted the Wikipedia culture to some degree, they should accept that you start some meta processes. E.g. create a page in the equivalent of the WP: namespace in which you present your point of view on the problem, more or less as above, but better documented using proper links, links to particular edits, and so on. Choose the name of the page and present the problem so that it's not focussed on you, but rather focussed on the problem that you believe exists. Creating this page is one aspect of going to a meta-level.
- On the "Pro-religious bias" or whatever you call the page, try to focus on core Wikipedia policies such as NPOV and RS. There are most likely many Arabic-language writers who have claimed that there is no book as eloquent as the Koran - if this is true, then the Koran can correctly be stated to be widely claimed by many Arabic-language writers as the most eloquently written book, i.e. this is likely to be an NPOV statement. If you can find some online (or in principle, offline is acceptable too, but more difficult for the online community to verify) sources to make the opposite claim, then that should be included too for NPOV. Given that eloquence is a subjective judgment, it would be difficult for anyone to refuse the inclusion of a list of various sourced POVs.
- think long term: En.wikipedia pages on the Arab Spring tend to write "regime" for "government" whenever the government has been one unliked by the Western mainstream media, but not for "friendly" governments. A useful meta page in this case is wikipedia:WP:WEASEL. Generally I have found that thanks to that metapage being well-written and clear, I can replace "regime" by "government" on one of these pages (except when used in the title of a source; then it has to be used verbatim) with a brief edit comment referring to WP:WEASEL, and my edit remains stable and uncontested, because it's clear that "regime" (in this context) means "government that I/we consider bad/illegitimate", i.e. it has a connotation which is irrelevant for an encyclopedia. With the case of "Islamic Fat-h" and your description of the interpretation, you can start the equivalent of what has been done for many of the en.wikipedia pages which initially presented the US government POV as NPOV. Create a meta page in the WP: namespace, e.g. the equivalent of WP:WEASEL, and you and the other editors will first have a rational discussion at this metalevel. When that has stabilised, it can be applied to the individual articles more easily, without having to repeat arguments ad infinitum.
- find some bilingual (en-ar) bi-active (en.wikipedia + ar.wikipedia) editors: (e.g. look at articles related to the Arab-language world in en.wikipedia) Ask them and/or propose to them to choose an appropriate meta page in the WP: namespace either on en.wikipedia or ar.wikipedia for discussing these issues bilingually.
- use meta-processes: You may be in a tiny minority, but given that the other Arabic language wikipedians have accepted the Wikipedia culture to some degree, they should accept that you start some meta processes. E.g. create a page in the equivalent of the WP: namespace in which you present your point of view on the problem, more or less as above, but better documented using proper links, links to particular edits, and so on. Choose the name of the page and present the problem so that it's not focussed on you, but rather focussed on the problem that you believe exists. Creating this page is one aspect of going to a meta-level.
- Another way of thinking about meta-processes + thinking long term: Wikipedia editing is definitely affected by majority thinking, and this is a necessary consequence of open editing, but small numbers of patient editors who assume good faith and have good arguments can in the long term, through structured meta processes such as discussing how to implement NPOV and RS, have big effects on the majority. Boud (talk) 23:25, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by Wbm1058
Wbm1058's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I don't see users realistically editing Wikipedia while mobile. Most serious editing will continue to be done while seated at a desk, and larger screens can enhance editing productivity if the software takes advantage of their size. Hoping another major trend is for increased access via public libraries and Internet cafes. Young people in the US will be looking for better ways to educate themselves without also becoming saddled with a lifetime of debt. So there should be a trend towards lower-cost but high quality education options, perhaps Wikipedia can be a part of that. Of course, reading via mobile will increase, so Wikipedia needs to continue to support multiple screen resolutions.
- I disagree regarding editing on mobile devices, especially tablets. I already see a trend wherein people don't even use a desktop computer anymore. Laptops are still "in," but for how long? More to the point, does Wikimedia want to risk assuming mobile editing will be rare? --Joe Sewell (talk) 17:25, 25 February 2015 (UTC)
- Disclaimer: My following text contribution is solely released under the CC BY-SA 3.0 License and the GFDL. It is not released into the public domain.
- The nature of knowledge and written documentation about knowledge is that it is structured, and that most edits apart from typo corrections require at least a few 10s of bytes of editing for small corrections or extensions, while moderately substantial corrections/extensions (e.g. including a reference, adding citation needed tags), and the edit comments and talk page discussion require one to a few 100s of bytes of editing. More substantial edits are in the kbytes. Entering these and checking them, opening several tabs in parallel, double-checking sources, edit pages, article pages, talk pages, and effectively communicating with other Wikipedians is unlikely to be easy without a proper keyboard and a large screen - i.e. being "seated at a desk". The next billion and the mobile users are going to have to come to terms with the nature of encyclopedic knowledge if they wish to help edit this encyclopedia, or else restrict themselves to being consumers of rather than co-organisers of knowledge. Boud (talk) 21:32, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
Wbm1058's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Healthy Wikipedia projects will have many more skilled and experienced editors actively working to clear backlogs and Wikify articles for uniformity of presentation and quality of content, i.e., more fact-checking. It's hard for me to see Wikipedia getting there without finding a mechanism for compensating the more valuable volunteers. Better dispute resolution mechanisms need to be developed. The old saying is "praise in public, but criticize in private". How does that work on Wikipedia, where everything is done in public?
[edit]Response by Celsius100
Celsius100's thoughts on question 1
[edit]obviously perhaps, more mobile devices means more variety in operating systems and browsers. While it would seem that one goes with the other it does not mean that support for one goes with the other. What I think I would like to happen is that the experience across all devices be as full as the "best implementation" (whatever "best" is) has to offer, with automatic notes to explain down shifts in performance, formatting, graphics etc if the device type causes or enforces that. Not being able to see a particular animation without knowing why, is more frustrating to new users than those of us who have some expectation of the limitations of various device/OS combinations.
As an aside to this very same issue, I still have problems as a Logged In Wikipedia user with Google Chrome and this appears to be a Google Chrome issue as it happens to other sites such as some financial institutions. Specifically if I use a link from a page in the encyclopedia to respond to a page (such as this one) I appear to the newly opened page as "not logged in" and must log in again if I wish for the additional rights to be applied on the new page. I can live with it (for now) and I haven't yet tried to work out why it happens but when it happens on a mobile device (and it does) the limited screen space makes for frustrating recovery.
- That's a good point about needing better error messages for multimedia not working on some platforms, thanks.
- For the problems you're having with getting logged-out, that might be due to either: 1) cookies expiring (they currently delete after 30 days), or 2) because this feedback page is at a different wiki ( vs, you might not have been automatically logged-in (it usually works, but not always), especially if you have per-domain cookie whitelists in your browser. Let me know at my talkpage, if you'd like assistance with troubleshooting this. Quiddity (WMF) (talk) 20:44, 26 February 2015 (UTC)
Celsius100's thoughts on question 2
[edit]It is vital that all the existing pages stay working (and not just those that have been searched in the last 1,2 or 3 years) as we progress forward (and that raises issues of how or if to cull or modify etc), on all devices - with any limitations and the cause of them made explicitly obvious to the end user of "Device/OS XYZ". I have found a number of occasions this week (last week of February 2015), while using a mobile device to access older (2010) not "ancient" articles that many of the links to examples of sound files carry out the link but then return nothing other than "please Wait".
I know how hard this is to keep functioning as there are so many across the whole of Wikipedia but what is the article (for example) on the AEolian Harp, if one cannot load any of the sound streams? This does not mean that we need to bring all the reference material inside Wikipedia (at least I don't think so), it would be a nearly prohibitive effort but for things that "characterize an article" some of them will need to have sound, visual, graphic whatever; streams generated for them to stay on Wikipedia servers. This also improves performance to mobile devices.
More mirroring of subsets of the encyclopedia on spare server space for performance and access reasons (as well as knowledge research although this could be dealt with in other ways perhaps), having said this my issues may just be because I am in the antipodes with the most pathetic bandwidth available in my area (the outcome of political and commercial wrangling), but I suspect that there is a bit more to this.
Some means of establishing an active catalog of "ideas or knowledge" Vs Wikipedia content is, I think desirable even necessary but does not have to be accessible to all users at all levels or completed at all levels - it would be large (if not overly abstracted), of course but much smaller than the whole encyclopedia. Something like a graphical Data Model in 3NF or IE TM model (of the content not of the metadata or both??) with subject areas divisions. Yes, I know its ultimately the whole of human knowledge we are talking about but there are abundant reasons why this could and should be done. One could for example see at a glance where there are knowledge areas missing articles. One might also see where there are articles orphaned from knowledge areas or very far away from their real context. My real goal would be to cover areas like Mathematics (as an example) where there appears to be no logical total statement of how concepts in subject areas relate to other subject areas despite sharing similar notations, symbols or even algorithms. Such a project has human wide implications and cost but it isn't an infinite cost to establish the core model and a self updating model (when the technology allows).
History articles must stay active and relevant. If users could see that many of the things that are bringing violence to the world have been tried before and failed, then it is my great hope this would contribute to reducing current and future attempts to solve global problems and even domestic problems through the use of violence. A potted history of the worlds ideas and consequences would be a key part, I think.
The knowledge is almost all there, why do people miss it or perhaps they do not have access or desire not to try!
- @Celsius100: Hi. For the idea about the visualization of all knowledge, there are a few steps towards this in various areas, that will hopefully make good progress as Wikidata expands, and other research efforts that use the databases directly (for links between articles, the category system, and more).
- There's a large directory of existing tools at - For example WikiGalaxy (youtube video). I too, am eagerly awaiting more developments in this area. :)
- For manual attempts at mapping existing articles, on-wiki, there are some lists such as w:en:Portal:Contents/Outlines which are topical outlines, and partially inspired by Brittanica's 1-volume w:en:Propædia; the editors of those lists look forward to making them automagically generated/updated, but I believe there's a lot of technical work necessary before that becomes possible.
- For attempts to list missing topics, there are project pages such as w:en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles. Additionally, many of the WikiProjects maintain indexes of articles, which contain redlinks to highlight missing articles, e.g. w:en:Index of anatomy articles.
- Hope that helps. Quiddity (WMF) (talk) 20:44, 26 February 2015 (UTC)
Celsius100's further thoughts on question 1
[edit] a further to my previous response (after dredging up some more thoughts) I think that a children's or school Wikipedia (some parents and some cultures will have issue with adult style articles and learning is progressive not all can jump to advanced concepts) could perhaps be an important idea and with that must go the ability to translate all articles consistently well (including modern idiom and in both directions) and to gather all local articles in local languages into Wikipedia as a whole, while retaining global and local historical integrity. I think that implies Wikipedia scholarships (??? or education classes or similar) for regional education and training at the very least. I was trying to get at that by pointing out that global history is the history of us all. Our local history is integral to global history and while important for inclusion it should not displace accepted fact (unless of course globally accepted facts are not that at all).
- Have you seen for the UK curriculum? It could be improved for a wider focus. GKFX (talk) 17:05, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
Celsius100's further thoughts on question 2
[edit]...simpler to edit and collate data for Wikipedia and a simple technique to recognize duplication of articles and components before they get uploaded and integrated and then dumped on, even if there are two stages such as a completely isolated temporary server space for storing partially completed articles for those without local storage. I make this point as many portable devices do not have suitable, secure, local mass-storage, by example the lack of USB or eSata ports on many devices is, I think a problem. The collating, editing process takes time, (end to end) and needs more than one day (often more than a month). Any simpler (but not less rigorous), more accessible authoring, storage and mark-up technology must make things easier for folks new to the system and to those who may not have seen a paper encyclopedia outside a library (irrespective of where they are geographically). Clearly the whole of Wikipedia must stay up to date with the availability of ubiquitous technology.
- Hi there. @Celsius100:, are you familiar with the Drafts namespace (apologies for the English Wikipedia link)? That might be something similar to what you're suggesting. Philippe Beaudette, Wikimedia Foundation (talk) 01:43, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]nên nhớ khi tạo web là phải nên tạo một sự chú ý đặc biệt để được nhiều người biết đén
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "remember when creating web is to create a special attention to be known"
[edit]Response by KATHREN THE GREAT
A very different view of the world.
KATHREN THE GREAT's thoughts on question 1
[edit]...write here… I have a unique view nationally and globally. I began studying Sociology, Psychology, and Human Behavior in my early 20's as a way to understand the World, Life, the Insanity in my family, and myself. It was a survival instinct which has given me my unique outlook, and beliefs. Although it was "Self Education", my study of these subjects has 32 years, and is still going on. I see the global trends, not in terms of what people will be going gaga over, but in terms of how the current technology craze will effect the course of human history. As was noted, most people use mobile devices a great deal. There are some who use only mobile devices. This is where my view truly splits off from the average.... The current, and future- Mobile only- people are interested in two things...constant Communication; with anyone really. This phenomenon is far less "The future of the internet" and a lot more "The emotional instability of the users themselves. Because of technology... the last couple generations of Ignored, neglected, forgotten, and some even verbally abused... young people turn inward, electronically when their home lives are not what they should be. Constant use of mobile tech is more of an ADDICTION/COMPULSION than a MARKETING TREND. Those who are so attached to their mobile devices generally do not do well in the work place, and therefore climb the corporate ladder slowly if at all. They are not interested in knowledge, research, or READING anything other than texts, and the like. This demographic group will always exist, and are increasing only because the population is increasing. There will be decades when it is larger, and others when it is smaller. They simply replaced the "non-lethal" disgruntled and hard to control teen, the mischief makers. Instead of soothing their angst by smoking pot, hanging out, and spray painting the school buildings... they chat incessantly with other unhappy kids...turned twenty-something, turned thirty-something, and on. The constant "NEW THING" technology we have today will not be able to continue on. True advancements in technology is being made in many corners of the world, and it is only a matter of time before announcement after announcement of major breakthroughs on many fronts... will stop the current trend dead in its tracks. A new reality will be born out of the ashes.... more balanced, and accessible... out of necessity. Our markets, our Governments even, will not be able to continue functioning without becoming more balanced. As for the rest of society, who are not attached to their mobile devices 24/7... The younger crowd tend to like the mobile gadgets a great deal more than those in ; say their 40's and 50's. The smaller devices are harder to use, requires the person to sit in odd positions for hours while the painstakingly attempt to write a business plan, or??? Devices as small as a spiral tablet, to a medium laptop will always be around.... for all us grown-ups whom have gotten tired of the novelty of doing everything on a Blackberry, Iphones, Androids, ect. Its already happening. cells larger than a box of Everlasting Gobstoppers are common. Many of my friends are looking forward to cells that can replace Netbooks, and Kindles, and still be a phone. They simply got tired of lugging a briefcase full of electronics. The most important trend in the future will be for DEPENDABLE, EASY TO ACCESS KNOWLEDGE BASES. AND WEATHER THEY ARE 30 WITH THEIR GOBSTOPPER CELL/KINDEL, OR 50 WITH A LARGE DATA BASE/LAPTOP AT HOME THEY CAN CONNECT TO ANYWHERE... A SINGLE, DEPENDABLE, ACCURATE SOURCE OF INFORMATION WILL BE ON ALL THEIR MINDS. The days of having 200 accounts with different websites are over... it isn't the 'FUN' that counts, its what you can get done, and wht you know.
KATHREN THE GREAT's thoughts on question 2
[edit]...write here… I think it would be a single site with a page, or pages of links to every kind of knowledge database available. Perhaps links also to reliable journalism, as in BBC; links to webcams in The U.S. Congress, UK's Parliament, and such, where the latest political silliness is easily accessed. Wikipedia articles that have been verified as accurate, written by people whom have also been verified as experts. For the most part, wikipedia has been a wonderful, groundbreaking success. But as time has past, and more people have become aware of it, along with real experts, and good journalistic writing... there are also major crackpots whom have bluffed their way in, written articles that are not even remotely accurate... and no one at Wiki knows because they too, are not experts in that particular field, nor should they be expected to. I know this would mean a major increase in Wiki staff, so as to pre-qualify those who want to volunteer their time. However; many organizations make use of volunteers and use a verification process. A good friend of mine is a Volunteer Coordinator for a local Hospice. And if that isn't the hardest recruitment job, I don't what would be. She took time to set up online training, and some verification processes she does on line as well. For her field, they also have to fun NCIC checks to ensure the person isn't a felon, or a fake. Other than paying her salary, and miles she is required to drive... there is very little cost to her company. Another trend I see is need for more varied knowledge databases. For instance... I was trying to find a reliable dictionary for First Nation blackfoot, or cree languages. There isn't one. But if your volunteer recruitment was more aggressive... as in making calls to Chief's office, or anyone of several very good Native American, and First Nation Colleges: Explain your purpose of making important knowledge available to all without cost, as knowledge should be... I bet you would have many new recruits you wouldn't have to put through a verification process. In fact- Colleges and Universities world wide are full of knowledgeable people whom might never have thought of contributing, or perhaps the Heads of University departments, who have students needing things to do for extra credit, or simply to keep them out of the Deans hair, they could assign THE WRITING, EDITING, OR DOING VERIFICATION WORK FOR WIKI, Organizations like World Health Organization, who are trying to get information out to the public, might assign Undergrad interns to set up, and update a page, or section on their work. The same goes for Law schools, and students... anywhere getting their name out would help them, there are sure to be individuals ready, willing and able to volunteer. Archeologists, Historians, Language Professors... especially those of dead, or nearly so, native languages. Doing there things, I believe would keep Wiki in the top spot for information. Perhaps open an investigative unit... example. I ran a search on U.S. Government Organizations. I was shocked to see the number there were. What do they do? , Is it redundant, or unnecessary information they are gathering? How much are the employees of each organization being paid-or how much does it cost, overall, to keep it going? Is it important to the functioning of our nation? Who started it? That would be a section all its own, it would have so much information in ti. here is another... There is a Native American, and First Nation reservation just east of the Great Lakes that covers both sides of the border with Canada. They are restricted a great deal when it comes to crossing the river to the others side of their own land. Canada has one set of reasons tfor not allowing them free access, the U.S. has another. I venture very few know about it... but if a Wiki investigator looked into it, and wrote a report for ..."NEGLECTED HUMAN ISSUES WORLDWIDE" section, lots more people would know, and ask questions, and poke at politicians until something is done. These are the ways Wiki, can gain the top spot, and all the respect, and always be known to wvwry family, every school. I did not put my email on my account because I do not want it to be available to everyone. But I will leave it here if anyone wishes to ask me questions, or continue the conversation... it is only meant for top Wiki personal. I do not wish to get emails from volunteers, or others whom have left comments here. And I do check to insure the identity of everyone I corresponded with. I am very willing to share ideas, but only with those who can bring about change, be respectful , and please do not intrude where you are not invited. Thank You.
[edit]Response by
AI ready wikipedia's thoughts on question 2
[edit]As the AI progress, wikipedia may play major role as an open database for AI applications. In this context, the database has to be organized and created to support applications to connect, search and even modify it. Such as: "apple" fruit, yellow or red color, eatable, cultivated,... authors should specify these using the html database interface. And also several silhouette drawings(or even a 3d model since there are many 3d artists in this planet) can be useful for future pattern recognition projects. Thanks.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]i recommend to make gallery for sharing information on real time. that could be very helpful for a armatures to develop their skills and able to get a confidence from experts. who knows, you(the founder of wikipedia) could be a winner of the Nobel Prize. lol
My Thoughts
[edit]Response by
You could probably start by adding in a questionare so people cauld ask what every questions instead of having to read them. cause most of it people cant get feedback on assignments on this sight cause it doesnt have what they need. And also you should have more information on the topics illistrated in your website, there is NOT enough.
[edit]Response by
The information contained in the articles I read are of great importance to people of Norwegian ancestry. With 12 grandcgildren and 9 great grandchildren you can be sure this info wuill be passed along to most all, of them. While are all, patriotic Amercans we have not forgotten our great heritage, Today Norway is the most prosperous country on the planet and according to United Nations one of the most livable and desireable countries inthe world. Granpa Holter came over here in 1895 and would be amazed at the way things have changed since his day.It's to bad there are so few of us in the world!
Rolf Holter
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]More emphasis on Wikimedia commons and on translation. The upload wizard is convenient for adding languages.
The gap in know how is big.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Bril>'s thoughts on question 1
[edit]"And then there are the powerful pharmaceutical interests that deftly use Wikipedia to distribute their propaganda and control the message. They maniacally troll specific Wikipedia pages to promulgate positive but sometimes-false information about medicines, vaccines, and their manufacturers; and delete negative but often-true information about the same topics. They unabatedly violate Wikipedia’s own rules and disparage scientists, advocates, and reporters who research medical and vaccine controversies by controlling their Wikipedia biographical pages. Conversely, they scrub all of the controversial information from the biographical pages of those pharmaceutical and research officials whom they are paid to defend. This phenomenon is surely one factor contributing to shameful study results that compared several Wikipedia articles about medical conditions to peer-reviewed research papers, and found that Wikipedia contradicted medical research 90 percent of the time. You may never fully trust what you read on Wikipedia again. Nor should you. | SPIN CYCLE
Attkisson, Sharyl (2014-11-04). Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington (Kindle Locations 920-928). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition. "'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]I love what you guys do, but sometimes not "how" you do it
[edit]Response by RaidenB1
RaidenB1's thoughts on question 1
[edit]add more flash stuff
RaidenB1's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I am not qulified to answer this. "In order to know your enemy, you must be your enemy." Sun Tzu's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Most educational institutions do not recognize any wikimedia projects as credible despite my arguments. As a student whenever I am researching something the first result is always a very in depth wikimedia article. If students could use wikipedia as a source many more people would visit the site. A study / poll might need to be done on what teachers believe would make wikipedia a credible source. I know i have turned to visiting the wikipedia sources as my cited information.
- Hello, @, Did you check our education programs page before? We have been running an education program in collaboration with different volunteers and institutes. The program doesn't promote Wikipedia as a source, but rather encourages more academics to contribute, understand the dynamics of how WP works, and help add more cited resources. --Melamrawy (WMF) (talk) 10:56, 27 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]First thought, is make it easier to add articles. This is archaic. Second, Images are becoming more and more the thing of the internet. Make it easier for people to add pictures (with text and suggested use) and then develop ways of sorting them for value and categorization (which article) Third, Wikipedia needs to become as much an educational tool as knowledge source. There is a big difference and only some of your articles are really educational. Fourth, Reduce commercial/advertising entries. Too many Companies, sports organizations, use Wikipedia as a documentation tool or worse, for advertising.
- Hello, regarding editing articles, did you know about our visual editor? It is coming soon, and is supposed to make life easier. As for content, it is controlled via these policies. Thanks --Melamrawy (WMF) (talk) 11:08, 27 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Почему админы сего сайта не русские люди?Почему вы не админы еврейской вики?
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Why admins of this site is not the Russian people? Why do not Jewish wiki admins?"
- Hello, There are many admins who are Russian and many who are Jewish. I personally know at least one admin who is both. :) --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 16:42, 27 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by对问题一的想法
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "The emergence of the Internet cloud will likely mean more intelligent"对问题二的想法
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "For mobile client design needs to be more in line with the local user's habits, the layout should be more abundant. For politically sensitive issues related to the possible impact on special areas wiki promotion, we must adhere to restore the truth, not compromises."
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]It seems the future of Wikipedia was debated in exactly these terms years ago. Some best cases and worst cases for Wikipedia growth were outlined. Those facing the one billionth user, even 4.5 billionth user were a matter of concern as early as 2010. Is the five hundred millionth user really "the worst user of English on Earth", making vocabulary and even a defining vocabulary the major concerns? Why was she or he never named as the hundred millionth user was? Interestingly, governance did evolve more or less as predicted then, though the ideal Wikimedia board of trustees is always a work in progress.
Some of this stuff is prescient. Clearly problems arising from systemic bias of Wikipedia were anticipated at that time, and conflicts like the recent one between gamers and feminists. The idea of a "natural point of view" anticipates conflicts like science versus religion perspectives that cannot be easily resolved by NPOV alone but require intervention at all twelve leverage points to ensure that neutral editors familiar with science and philosophy have some status. What is rather amazing is that Jimmy Wales is arguing adamantly against the very idea of systemic bias at that time, Larry Sanger is arguing adamantly against needing some referees with priveleged perspective, but both reversed their positions utterly. Florence Devouard was probably most reponsible for recognizing the systemic bias issue as Wikimedia Chair, setting up ArbCom in its current form, and it seems she was doing so largely in reference to this material from 2003-10.
Of all this the questions in Five hundred millionth user seem most interesting, and they point to the more extensive discussion on vocabulary/defining vocabulary and systemic bias of Wikipedia more expansively those listed in Wikipedia:systemic bias. Perhaps a project to extensively update the list of systemic biases would be worthwhile to start?'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]The best cases and wackier visions for Wikipedia from that same time period are much more interesting in the present context than more prosaic "The future of Wikipedia" nuts and bolts discussions. Perhaps expanding a best case list and reviewing value systems that apply to Wikimedia projects, what motivates users for instance, how they achieve autonomy, mastery, purpose, satisfaction, etc., would be a useful start?
It seems Wikipedia is a thriving and healthy project now largely because of these early debates. Maybe this structure of laying out visions, threats, best cases, worst cases and an updated status quo had merit? Keeping them updated over ten years or so surely would have given more useful perspective now.
Perhaps the history of Wikipedia needs to be rewritten also to reflect the fact that people arguing against Wales and Sanger had probably more influence on the project's current form than they ever did. And that Florence Devouard is an organizational genius, if only for getting all these loons to work together. An honest assessment of history is a very good place to start with any vision. Devouard "Anthere" wrote the main articles on twelve leverage points in English and French originally so perhaps those organizing principles were important in the shift from squabbling trolls (Wales, Sanger, "24", etc.) to a more standard NGO board as Wikimedia has now.
And would be equally or more important in future evolution.
[edit]Response by
Menschenrechte, Religion, Frieden
- (Translation:) Human rights, religion, peace's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Es gibt immer mehr Konflikte auf der Welt. Menschenrechte werden teils mit Füßen getreten, Religionen werden missverstanden. Ein guter Beitrag von WIKI wäre, eigene Rubriken für "Menschenrechte" und "Religionen der Welt" zu erstellen, damit jeder Mensch weiß, was man ihm zumuten kann und was nicht (in den "neuen Regionen" wie Teile Asiens, Afrika und Südamerika fehlt generelles Wissen über Menschenrechte)- Die Religionen sollten auch eine eigene Rubrik bekommen. Denn nur, wer das Denken seines Gegenüber kennt, kann ihn auch verstehen.
- (Translation:) There are more and more conflicts in the world. Human rights are sometimes trampled under foot, religions are misunderstood. It would be a good contribution by WIKI to implement special sections for "human rights" and "religions of the world" to let every human know what he can be put up with and what not (the "new regions" like parts of Asia, Africa and South America lack general knowledge about human rights). Religions should as well get their own section, as only he who knows the thinking of the other can understand him.
Strategy 2015
[edit]Anonym's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Да, мобильные устройства очень быстро развиваются и распространяются! Неплохо было бы если вы разработаете приложения для таких платформ как: iOS, Android, Symbian, Windows phone... Это будет большим плюсом для вашей стратегии 2015.
- Machine translation; please help improve!: Yes, mobile devices are very rapidly and spread! It would be nice if you develop applications for multiple platforms: iOS, Android, Symbian, Windows phone ... It will be a big plus for your 2015 strategy.
Anonym's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Wikimedia развивался бы очень быстро если вы разработаете приложения для устройств и улучшите дизайн сайтов wikimedia & wikipedia...
- Machine translation; please help improve!: Wikimedia would develop very quickly if you develop applications for devices and improve the design of sites
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]...write here…
If Wikipedia was an mobile app, it will be like a walking encyclopedia. It will be much easier for users to find out the answers that has been bugging them for hours.
But that is not the issue here, the issue is that Wikipedia has always been deemed an unreliable source for school, college and university. Reasons may be because of the easy accessibility of the website and information available on Wikipedia.
Imagine if wikipedia was made into a popular and convenient mobile app. Everyone will be using the app for answers not only for personal self-enhancement usage but also for destructive usage such as cheating during a test or assignment. It also makes people lazy to search for answers the good old fashion way.
But long story short, people are getting lazy nowadays and there's no changing. Either way the Wikipedia mobile app will be a big hit without any innovation and with minimum effort, younger generations will be reliant on Wikipedia on EVERYTHING and so begins the destruction of the human race.
- We do have apps, for both Andriod and iOs. Thanks! --Melamrawy (WMF) (talk) 11:29, 27 February 2015 (UTC)
==='s thoughts on question 2 ===c
...write here…
Google glasses? How about WIKI GLASSES??? Genius....
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]- A dramatic shift in education with a smaller percent of people able to attend/afford college, more frequent need for career (re)education, and education in much smaller increments, esp. in technical domains.
- More people reading articles not in their mother tongue.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Redesign the structure of Wikipedia articles -- esp. technical articles -- for more effective pedagogy and to speak to a general audience. Readers with a wide range of backgrounds should be able to understand Wikipedia articles.
Many current Wikipedia articles in technical domains such as mathematics, engineering, and science begin with a definition that's difficult or impossible to understand by people who are not already steeped in the topic. The first paragraph often depends on citations to several other Wikipedia and Wiktionary pages, making the reader have to trace through a web of interdependent articles. Too few articles begin at the beginning.
After the beginning, such articles assume the reader understands graduate level mathematics. They assume the reader already knows and remembers the mathematical notation used in the article, even though mathematicians do not agree on notation.
Some Wikipedia discussion pages debate whether the purpose of the article is to "inform" vs. "teach." That's silly. You cannot inform people about a new (to them) topic without teaching! You don't have to test them on it (although I won't entirely discard that idea) or connect them to other students, but you do have to explain it.
Article design for pedagogy:
- Write for a general audience, including people without a college education and people from other disciplines than the article.
- Don't lose the reader in a web of articles to get started. Begin at the beginning or link to an introduction/background article for that domain.
- Orient the reader with some background and the simplest possible explanation possible first, then fill in more detail, then give a precise definition. Do not begin with a precise definition that's only readable by experts.
- Don't require more mathematics or other background than necessary.
- Introduce the notation used.
- ...
Wikipedia design for pedagogy:
- Add material and structure that's broader than a single article but richer than a portal to many articles. This should organize micro-domains into approachable batches with background, recommended reading order for several articles, and connective material. Minimize external and forward references in these recommended articles.
- Add how-to articles?
- ...
[edit]Response by
i think you'd better build an offline condensed wiki dictionary .
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]One trend might be toward increasing use of smart bots not only to correct grammar and sort categories but also to write text, cite references, and automatically archive every external link. There may come a time when the encyclopedia encounters a Humpty Dumpty moment where we are not in control of content. Another trend might be toward commercialization of the encyclopedia where content is controlled by marketers. In some parts of the world our content might be managed by the ministry of information. For now, the encyclopedia is well connected online, but we could be just another image of Myspace before Facebook was invented.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]A thriving and healthy Wikimedia is able to avoid the eventualities mentioned in my answer to question one, but it takes a village.
[edit]Response by 2601:1:9800:107D:EDDD:7EF3:A804:3F66
2601:1:9800:107D:EDDD:7EF3:A804:3F66's thoughts on question 1
[edit]...write here…You have asked an interesting question. My initial thought reverts back to what is common today. My answer is opinionated. It seems that an increasing number of people wage in on subjects to which they are not necessarily adequately acquainted. This insures that their response will be less than useful. It is also disconcerting to read responses from people who are grammatically incoherent.
I would guess that you are going to see more of the same, thus making intelligence greatly masked, if not entirely missing.
Richard G. Alps, Colorado, USA
2601:1:9800:107D:EDDD:7EF3:A804:3F66's thoughts on question 2
[edit]...write here…I dare not think. Mass confusion??
UI and search engine
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]UI and search engine - people like nice looking pages to make it interesting
[edit]Response by
- Machine translation; please help improve!: For example, I think the correct information If you would share the wrong information is less likely to be recognized. I wish strongly to want to publish a UFO technology that politicians are hidden. The use of UFO technology to war is because I think not allowed. Then I want you to develop correct translation software, but I think it is difficult.
- Machine translation; please help improve!: I think Wikipedia is the future, the undesirable be viewed pages for commercial purposes as well as to a variety of changes. I think Wikipedia is an important place where it is possible to bring equal rights to all of the people in that they share the knowledge
[edit]Response by 1: More people willing to learn 2: Honestly you guys are doing great, just keep on doing what you're doing. One thing though, idk how to fix it, is making it so that not everybody can edit everything. Kind of a cooldown system where if your edits get thumbs ups for factual correctness you would get a shorter cooldown, and if got downvotes, for for example miss-information, you would get a longer cooldown.
[edit]Response by Mrwellnaulak
Mrwellnaulak's thoughts on question 1
[edit]...For the Zo people/Zomi family to harmonise in a nation. The Zo people were three groups; Kuki,Chin,Mizo. The kukies is Zomi and absorb some of the clan. The chin is also said itself zomi and absorb some clan. The mizo also absorb some clan by a key. In this therefore why i see the zo people cannot harmonise in a nation in any one of these. Besides,among these three groups(Kuki,Mizo,Chin) equal number of members cannot enter in the groups. But the new constraction is greatly opposed. My action is all the distinction are suppress with human right.
Mrwellnaulak's thoughts on question 2
[edit]...Protection of to distinc important events,culture,etc
- Machine translation; please help improve: REMOVE RESTRICTIONS. INFORMATION UNTIL they want I can give. EVEN IF THIS ADVERTISEMENT. IF THERE SOMEWHERE constraint if the growth in RESTRICT but I THINK THERE IS A MEANS
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Продолжение массового перехода на мобильные устройства
- Machine translation; please help improve: Continued mass transition to mobile devices's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Развитие мобильной версии сайта и приложений для разных мобильных платформ,возможно больше проектов где возможно задействовать участников без регистрации
- Machine translation; please help improve: The development of the mobile version of websites and applications for different mobile platforms, perhaps more projects where it is possible to involve participants without registration
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]- Further "proletarization" - more mass, less class. (I'm not sure if this is the right word.) International public use of Internet started mostly between students and university staff, tech faculties first. Then big companies (and their employees) joined and Internet changed. Then small companies and their employees joined and Internet changed. Then most of them got Internet at home, so spouse and kids and their friends joined - and Internet changed again. Then my mother and her friends joined, and Internet didn't change much ... well it did for the kids now getting daily e-mails from their parents ;)
I'd say Internet will change, the mass will grow, but the quality won't grow that much. Now all age groups participate - and it will take less time for the older to join within that next billion.
- More global village effects. Which means more opportunity to experience other cultures, but also more war on the Internet, more spam, more scam.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]- Try to build a natural project / social structure to answer the challenges. Stick to high standards of open society. Avoid bureaucratic approaches, avoid and prevent bureaucratic mindset. Fight racism. Always show quality. Stay true to the goals. Provide for the people to enable their development and exchange.
- Some of the answers above give very good ideas about what to do. E.g. online education for editors where they can learn about the best practices, about caveats and pitfalls.
[edit]Response by 2003:5B:E52:29D9:7C6B:E2E2:B0DB:5B62
2003:5B:E52:29D9:7C6B:E2E2:B0DB:5B62s Gedanken zu Frage 1
[edit]Bedeutend wäre es, wenn die nächste Milliarde persönliche Erlebnisse gleichermaßen einfließen lassen könnte, nicht nur rein Wissenschaftliche Denken. Das bloße ansammeln von Wissen ohne den Spiegel der Person erzeugt zwar reines Uran, sollte aber die Pluto "Seelische" Umsetzung implementieren. Ob das Echtzeit Internet mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit ab 2020 geistige Gerechtigkeit erzeugt, bleibt lediglich zu hoffen. Meiner Meinung nach ist es lediglich eine kleine Veränderung im Unveränderlichen. Geistige Gerechtigkeit bleibt auch nach 2020 eine Persönliche Realität und lässt sich nicht ausschließlich in Plutonisches Plasma transformieren.
- (Translation (with caveats):) It would be outstanding if the next billion would incorporate personal events as well, not only scientific thinking. The mere accumulation of knowledge without the mirror of the person creates pure uranium but should implement the Pluto "mental" conversion. Whether the real-time internet with the speed of light from 2020 on will create mental justice is something we can only hope for. In my opinion it's just some change in the unchangeable. Mental justice will stay a personal reality even after 2020 and can't be transformed to only plutonial plasma alone.
2003:5B:E52:29D9:7C6B:E2E2:B0DB:5B62s Gedanken zu Frage 2
[edit]Erfolgreich wäre es, wenn der Leser dieser Zeilen bedenkt, daß nicht nur eine HTML Seite einen Kopf und Körper hat und es ein Leben in Lichtgeschwindigkeit schon jetzt gibt. Selbstlernende Computersysteme erzeugen nicht immer die Luft, die der evulutionären Reise der Seele behagt.
- (Translation (with caveats):) Success would mean if the reader of this lines considers that not only HTML-pages have a head and a body, and that there is a live in the speed of light already there. Self learning computer systems don't always create the air that pleasures the evolutionary journey of the soul.
[edit]Response by Rberchie
Rberchie's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I think Wikipedia should be more audio visual for instance we can have a software fro reading articles again some articles may need self explanatory videos.
Rberchie's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Thriving Wikimedia project should have audio visuals and disability friendly apps.--Rberchie (talk) 10:20, 27 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I dont see any major trend other than those mentioned.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit](1) Writing / editing articles should be easy. I find it quite technical and think it requires website programming knowledge.
(2) More stress and importance should be given to authenticity of articles published.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]публичные компьютеры
- Machine translation; please help improve: shared computers's thoughts on question 2
[edit]вики-сферы - рабочие зоны.
- Machine translation; please help improve: Wiki areas - work areas.
[edit]Response by I am a junior student( grade 7) and I often use wikipedia to find information, but sometimes I have to find on another webpages.With me, instead of asking your visitors do add information, why don't you study or hire some historians and scientists to add your correct and reliable information? Once I am looking for information about bat and the information is not enough. Keeping checking Wikipedia, asking your customers their thoughts(like this), what do they want...OR you show everybody how much important you are on Internet. But snyway at the moment, you are doing a very good job and I have to say that Wikipedia is the key word of my searching list! ^_^
- I hope the information you find is helpful and please remember to check the references section -- it will lead you to addition information.LilaTretikov (WMF) (talk) 01:56, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by 伊東基成
- Machine translation; please help improve: Until now It was many were elderly of being left behind in the digital divide, come more old man familiar with the net. Volunteer activities and that can be at home with enough free time after retirement, I think than the old man come noticeable to raise the more productivity active on the net business.
[edit]...こちらに記入してください... 今はすぐに良いアイデアが浮かびませんでした。日本語のページに限っていえば警告も含めて客観性が保たれていると思います。これはこのまま継続していって欲しいです。それを踏まえた上で得意分野の事前登録などを行ってみてはどうでしょうか。
- Machine translation; please help improve: now did not float a good idea immediately. Speaking only for the Japanese of the page I think objectivity is warning including is maintained. This is the hope began to continue this leave. And what about you try doing such as pre-registration of specialty after being based on it.
[edit]Response by Semdewinter I believe that education should be a fundamental right. Today however it is expensive and inefficient. free tutorials already exist but can be beter implemented in wiki, both internal and extarnal (with a link to sites).
[edit]Response by launch a wiki app which can support mobile phones.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Internet censorship. Setting up a Tor hidden service for Wikipedia would be nice.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]A project where objectivity is valued above anything else. Transparency is also key. Also run all the wikipedia servers on free software.
[edit]Response by Collect
Collect's thoughts on question 1
[edit]The trend appears to be going from "written word with thousands of references" into "short declarative statements, capable of being transmitted orally, with visual material as needed" For those users of mobile devices who want "quick information" the articles which are "too long" or which have abstruse wording are going to be avoided, and those which have a larger gallery of images than is currently the rule become of more interest (noting the emphasis on visuals in all the social media now) In addition, we will have to provide an audio version of many articles - which will be a major technological challenge.
Collect's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Any thriving (?) project will simply have to reflect quick changes - no one here can make a sensible prediction even five years out. They will, in my view, continue some current trends - a tendency to be more clearly written, and (because of the vagaries of international political situations) likely be more carefully written in accord with being "pure information" rather than the current "reflect the proper answers" standard. Lastly, they will have to provide a great deal more visual information, which will then have to be far more carefully vetted.
[edit]Response by To include the pronunciation of the word.
[edit]Response by Make your website cooler, add bright colors and maybe even add a flag like design to make the site some-what cooler
[edit]Response by
I like this, taking suggestions from your users, it really gives us pride to contribute.
Wiki is an amazing website it has lots of text/information to feed users.
Everyone one wants information quickly While using the internet we behave more impatiently (as internet has made us to behave so) In the times to come people may not like to read text heavy information Probability is people may prioritize reading/ picking up information from easy to understand/ not much to read uses.
My Suggestion for the next billion users;
Wikipedia can use Info-Graphics where necessary to aggregated and display information. This will be, at the same time fun & engaging plus a way to hold users attention/loyalty. Long paragraphs can be in bullet points
Will keep you updating with new ideas, if any.
Thank you, Faiz
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]The anticipated new users from the 3rd & 4th worlds will very likely have the same expectations of WP that anyone else would have: prob the best, most convenient, editable and FREE [please make donations commensurate w/ the value of WP] encyclo online.
So the only significant challenge is to make WP mobile friendly for the various devices, browsers & operating systems that are anticipated.
- Wikipedia is available in a mobile version. There are also apps available on Google Play and iTunes.--GByrd (WMF) (talk) 01:22, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by Wiki App using Wifi
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]All service should be free and you do not need to have an account to publish things also everyone should be allowed to make changes and save them
[edit]Response by
ehm.. crescerà del 50 x 100 e ora nn scocciate più grazie <3 <3 <3
- Machine translation; please help improve: grow 50 x 100 and now nn peeved more thanks
[edit]Response by Jaketr00 (I'll keep my responses short)
Jaketr00's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I feel like your mobile website is slow/ unresponsive, maybe try to make the whole site faster?
- @Jaketr00: Thank you for your feedback. Have you tried our apps on Google Play and iTunes.?--GByrd (WMF) (talk) 01:27, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
Jaketr00's thoughts on question 2
[edit]First, the theme of the desktop website is perfect. It is minimalistic, responsive, quick, and readable.
Second, you should speed up all websites because with the growing number of people using internet there will be more strain on your website, hence slowing it down. If you completely speed it up it will have less strain or the strain will just be unnoticeable to the users.
Вікторія Ільченко
[edit]Response by Вікторія Ільченко
Думки Вікторія Ільченко щодо питання 1
[edit]Через те, що відомо, що дійсно велика кількість людей користуються і довіряють інформації з wiki, російські пропагандисти використовують її як можливість викрівлювати факти з пропагандистськими цілями
- Translation: Because we know that really a lot of people use and trust information from wiki, Russian propagandists use it as an opportunity too distort the facts with propaganda purposes
Думки Вікторія Ільченко щодо питання 2
[edit]Потрібен захист для статей від навмисного викривлення
- Translation: We need to protect the articles from intentional distortion
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]...در اینجا بنویسید...سلام اطلاع داشتن درمورد اکثر زمینه ها وتکمیل کردن اطلاعات بالابردن سرعت جست جو وایجاد یک شبکه بزرگ جست جو در تمام زمینه ها سرمایه گذاری در پروژه های جدید وایده های جدید با استفاده از افراد متخصص
- Machine translation; please help improve: I know you have the most complete information to improve search fields, creating a large network search in all fields
Invest in new projects using the new primary Professionals
[edit]Response by I think the trend to have noise (music?) in the background and people talking all at once is a big turnoff. For people who have a hearing problem, and there are more and more of us, this makes it difficult to hear what anyone is saying. Therefore, we tend to just turn off the television, which cuts down on your readership. Margaret Anderson
[edit]Response by Notallan
Notallan's thoughts on question 1
[edit]it is difficult to say. the possibilities are infinit
Notallan's thoughts on question 2
[edit]As time goes more and more people will hear about wikimedia and its projects. More and more people will depend on it for information and will also use it as a learning plaform to share knowledge. Hence wikimedia will only grown stronger. The question is if Wikimedia will have enough infrastructure to support the amount of data
[edit]Response by Rodhos
Rodhos's thoughts on question 1
[edit]All devices are becoming smart. We have multiple devices: PC, SmartTV, Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop. All devices will be controled by a single operative system. I'm talking about convergence. Also, small devices (as smartphones and tablets) are growing in processing power in a vertiginous way. Smartphones are the PCs of the future.
Rodhos's thoughts on question 2
[edit]I think it is important to made the content scalable in different devices. Care your mobile apps and be aware of the rising OSs. Video tutorials are the best way to teach someone about the proyect. You may use this resource.
[edit]Response by Sandiooses
Sandiooses's thoughts on question 2
[edit]- About "The next billion Internet users are coming online (including a substantial number from Asia, Latin America, and Africa). These users may have little to no preconceived notion about any Wikimedia project and may have new motivations for participating when they do." Invest in local groups ie teams, user groups, chapters etc. Give them the mandate to start other groups in neighbouring countries.
- Channel outreach programmes through these groups. In summary, empower them. Let them be the bridge between WMF and the regions. That way you can ask for reports, trends etc from them to track progress and make further plans.
[edit]Response by
I have had a big concern about the quality of information on wikipedia for years now. Making sure it is edited and true is the biggest thing for me. I would advise strict editing for the next billion users, so that trust in wikipedia still remains! Thank you for all you do!
- You might find this article on the Reliability of Wikipedia interesting.--GByrd (WMF) (talk) 01:54, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by
I would fancy a more compact version of the wikipedia articles. Sometime i search for a thing on wikipedia, and i dont want to read the whole article, i just want a compact explanation, just to know what that topic is all about.
Furthermore the articles are a bit hard to read, small letters, and the lines are really long on the desktop version. I'd like something like apples "Reader" in Safari, which makes the letters bigger, and the lines as short as in the newspaper, for instance, making them easier to read
Keep up the work
- You might want to try the mobile version of Wikipedia on your desktop or laptop computer, as some readers find it easier to read.--GByrd (WMF) (talk) 02:00, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by
Considerazioni di sulla domanda n. 1
[edit]Nascita di internet-tribù
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Birth of Internet-tribe"
Considerazioni di sulla domanda n. 2
[edit]Revisione critica della storia
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Critical revision of history"
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]dear pedia,
i am fully satisfied with your services and working notion. but the major drawback that i find is that you dont have a debating corner. IF a user have a difference in the knowledge that you outsourse, there must be area where he can share his thoughts and seek clarification.
and one more suggestion is that you can start a exclusive pedia site for each subject such as science history and also create sub divisions accordingsly that which will be usefull for the users to understand the ans search. these are purely according to my opinion and hence thank you jeevan seshadri
- Hi Jeevan. There are "Discussion" or "Talk" pages attached to every article - see the "tabs" at the top-left corner of every page - these pages are intended for discussing the article itself (suggestions, concerns, etc), but not for discussing the subject of the article (i.e. it's not a "forum" for asking questions about the subject - see details about that, at w:en:WP:NOTFORUM). Everyone is encouraged to both edit articles boldly (see w:en:WP:BOLD), and to discuss anything that they're not sure about at the talkpages. Hope that helps. Quiddity (WMF) (talk) 21:23, 27 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Contextual language interpretation. We are moving towards less button pushing, more augmented reality and voice-activation. As processing power increases with power efficiency and electric cars drive battery technology forward we will see more and more interactivity with the world around us. Wiki needs accessibility through any spoken language to answer any question. This will require a dedicated AI to understand the question being asked and maybe even a different AI to find and deliver an appropriate answer. How would Wiki work for a system similar to Google Glass? How does Wiki help me understand the world around me? Wiki is the open source answer book for the human race, it is our depository for information we think is important enough to know; the key is delivery when needed. Could Wiki listen to a political debate and tell us if someone is factually lying? Could it be a real-time debate monitor? Able to prevent obfuscation and show known facts with sources while also rating the trustworthiness of that source. Wiki is great because it can change and update in realtime to reflect present actions and improved knowledge.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]More connection to the information. Who made an edit? What's their connection to the information? How does Wiki simultaneously increase its information volumetrically but also stay relevant and honest? The answers have to be connected to the sources and people that made them. Maybe the best source on a person should be that person themselves, how does Wiki verify? Multiple sources and cross-references, information can be estimated in its accuracy and articles should reflect how accurate the information can be verified to be. An easy to read scale of 0 to 100, red to green at the top could work. It could even be an easy tool for visitors to rate the information.
[edit]Response by Gedanken zu Frage 1
[edit]Als neuer Trend in den nächsten Jahren wird meiner Meinung nach hinzukommen, dass, dadurch dass viele Kinder im Alter ab 10 Jahren ein Smartphone besitzen, eine große Menge junger Menschen auf das Internet und somit auch auf Wikipedia zugreifen wird.
- (Translation)
- "In my opinion in the next few years a new trend will be added, because many children at the age of 10 years possess a Smartphone, a large amount of young people will have access to the internet and thus is also to Wikipedia." Gedanken zu Frage 2
[edit]Vielleicht eröffnen sich für Sie Möglichkeiten, Wikipedia "kinderfreundlicher" zu gestalten. Also z.B. bei manchen Seiten eine FSK-Zensierung hinzuzufügen, oder in den Kurzinfos am Kopf jedes Artikels eine Erklärung für Kinder dazuzuschreiben.
- (Translation)
- "Maybe new opportunities will open up to make Wikipedia more "child-friendly". For example, at some pages, add a kind of FSK censoring, or in the tooltips at the top of each article an explanation for children."
[edit]Response by
I was one of 10 000 people who signed a petition asking that Wiki update their page on homeopathy to reflect the fact that Homeopathy is an accepted part of the medical system in parts of Europe and all throughout India. And you know that if 10 000 people signed then many, many others are also share that view.
So wiki is not objective but is representing ONE person's views...likely one of the people at Wikipedia.
My trust in Wikipedia has therefore been damaged. So I now look for my information in other places. Unfortunately.
My future view of Wiki would be where truth is more objectively represented. At the very least, a page should aim for 'objective journalism', not representing one persons views.
best wishes, Donovan Evolver Wellness
ps maybe Wiki needs some kind of third party group to oversee it... knowledge is power, Wiki is important, it's job matters.
[edit]Response by
History in general
I find it incredibly difficult to attempt a history project for example on Midrand/Halfway House and do not have a single picture of past and present and in between to compare then and now.
Pictures are an important part of any project or interest related topics.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]- Ubiquitous surveillance and search will no longer be a government/corporate/institutional monopoly.
- It will be possible to automatically generate search bubbles and biometric profiles that pass Turing tests for consumers.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Thriving wikipedia projects will digitally sign each visit to their Wikipedia pages - kind of like validating parking. This alone will not verify identity or location, but it could be used as part of a persons’s own system of identity and location verification web that wouldn’t have to depend only on government or corporate systems.
- Why on earth would that help to reach our goals? --NaBUru38 (talk) 00:21, 1 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by Jw788
Jw788's – przemyślenia odnośnie pytania 2
[edit]Uważam,że nie powinnos się oczekiwać tak długiego czasu na zatwierdzenie poprawek!
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "I think that You could not be expected for such a long time to approve amendments!"
- "I think that we should not expect such a long time to approve corrections!" (pl:Wikipedia:Wersje przejrzane - currently, in some cases, it is about 30 days on Polish Wikipedia.)
[edit]Response by 2001:1388:B4B:3BDF:718D:6D6D:F441:57BF
Las ideas de 2001:1388:B4B:3BDF:718D:6D6D:F441:57BF acerca de la pregunta 1
[edit]creo que solo los moviles son los que estan siendo usados por el momento, pero puede que salga alguna tecnologia mas avanzada
- Machine translation; please help improve: I think cell phones are only those that are being used at the moment, but may leave some advanced technology
Las ideas de 2001:1388:B4B:3BDF:718D:6D6D:F441:57BF acerca de la pregunta 2
[edit]seria util para aprendizaje
- Machine translation; please help improve: would be useful for learning
[edit]Response by Assuming the continuation of a collectively mediated self-generating encyclopaedia is still the main project, could thought be given to making contributions less of a foray into a byzantine unintutitve world where almost anyone can appoint themselves a moderator and interpret the generally accepted principles to suit themselves? And perhaps also some attempt be made to reach a stage where all contributors accept that contributions are made ion a helpful spirit?
This might involve giving some thought to the patterns around which articles construct themselves. I', not madly sure that the eighteenth century French pioneers didn't have it right, rather than the Edinburgh ones. Objectivity is a mirage, but it should always be possible to refer to sources. And very few really know which research is original and which not. There's no reaso at all why wikipedia should not accept, as a general principle, that knowledge advances by debate, and in fact probably ceases to represent the "truth" when it is removed from debate. - sort of fundamental uncertainty principal. At least it is not a commodity to be sold.
[edit]Response by Nasrin.z
نظر کاربر Nasrin.z در مورد پرسش ۱
[edit]ویکی مدیا در یک نگاه کلی پروژه عظیم و گسترده ای است و از نظر زیرساخت مشکلی ندارد، اما اگر قرار باشد یک میلیارد کاربر تازه که اغلب آنها نوجوانان و تازه واردان به دنیای وب و اینترنت هستند به مجموعه کاربران اضافه شود، لازم است از حجم پیچیدگی و گستردگی بیش از حد که منجر به گیج شدن و زده شدن این تازه واردان خواهد شد کاسته شود. من از طرف خودم به عنوان یک کاربر عادی صحبت می کنم، محیط ویکی پدیای فارسی بسیار شلوغ و گیج کننده است. باید تا حد امکان ساده و کاربردی شود. تا بتواند کاربران جدید و اغلب نا وارد را به استفاده از آن ترغیب نماید.
- Machine translation; please help improve: Internet users set to be added to the complexity and magnitude of the excess volume, which leads to confusion and rejection by the newcomers will be reduced. I speak on behalf of myself as a regular user, the Persian Wikipedia very crowded and confusing. Should be as simple and functional. New users are often included to encourage them to use it ....
Reinhard Dietrich
[edit]Response by Reinhard Dietrich
Reinhard Dietrichs Gedanken zu Frage 1
[edit]Dogmatiker, die unreflektiert auf Regeln beharren, die vor langer Zeit einmal festgelegt wurden, um inhaltliche Qualität von Artikeln zu sichern, oder Artikel zum Löschen vorschlagen werden künftig vermehrt Autoren bei WP verschrecken, frustrieren und vergraulen. -- Reinhard Dietrich (talk) 20:30, 27 February 2015 (UTC)
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Dogmatists who insist uncritically on rules that were established a long time ago, in order to ensure the quality of content articles, or suggest to delete items in future increasingly scare authors at WP, frustrating and alienating. -- Reinhard Dietrich (talk) 20:30, 27 February 2015 (UTC)"
Reinhard Dietrichs Gedanken zu Frage 2
[edit]Das fachliche Niveau bei WP müsste gehoben werden. Wer Regeln mitbestimmen oder Löschanträge stellen will, sollte selbst zuvor seine Qualität für das entsprechende Fachgebiet unter Beweis gestellt haben. -- Reinhard Dietrich (talk) 20:30, 27 February 2015 (UTC)
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "The level of expertise in the WP should be lifted. Who wants a say in rules or ask deletion requests should themselves have previously proven their quality for the relevant subject area test. -- Reinhard Dietrich (talk) 20:30, 27 February 2015 (UTC)"
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Multi-media: GIF (a simplified form of "short video") shall become a prevalent form of content in addition to images. It's so much more intuitive especially when you are trying to explain something like physics. Multi-screen: screens shall be decoupled from computing power. It shall be everywhere as opposed to one on your computer, one on your phone (and maybe a ridiculously small one on your wrist).'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]An easy way to edit content leveraging the mobile device. Produce richer contents -- take pics and shoot videos, and edit them into concise "GIF"s. Open API for Wikipedia to be quoted in other websites (with the link to come back).
[edit]Response by
Las ideas de Victor Yair acerca de la pregunta 1
[edit]El mundo está cada vez más conectado, además de los puntos antes expuestos se podría apelar a ello, hacer Wikipedia un lugar más "humano" podría ser un tópico importante y no necesariamente en su contenido como tal sino en como este es divulgado, la simpleza hoy en día en la transmisión de información era impensable hace unos años, las interfaces mucho más amigables en su uso permiten compartir opiniones de una forma más sencilla, incluso generando acceso a un publico sin mucho conocimiento en ello, llegando a sentirse bien con ellas, tan complicado como es el encender un televisor y disfrutar el contenido que se ofrece, con la diferencia de que son reales las personas con quienes interactuamos, amigos, profesores, estudiantes o compañeros, no convertir a Wikipedia en una red social, más bien acortar el número de pasos para afianzar los conocimientos que se comparten en el sitio no solo con todos lo que lo hacen posible sino con personas cercanas al usuario y voluntarios, tutorías voluntarias, cursos virtuales, o cuestionarios. Hacerlo más sencillo para quienes quieren estudiar y para quienes quieren enseñar.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "The world is increasingly connected, in addition to the points outlined above could appeal to, make Wikipedia a more "human" place could be an important topic and not necessarily in content as such but as this is disclosed, simplicity today in the transmission of information was unthinkable a few years ago, much friendlier interfaces in use allow sharing opinions in a more simple way, even generating access to a public without much knowledge about it, coming to feel good about them, as complicated as it is the turn on a television and enjoy the content provided, except that they are real people with whom we interact, friends, teachers, students or colleagues not to turn Wikipedia into a social network, rather shorten the number of steps to strengthen the knowledge shared on the site not only do all they can but with nearby users and volunteers, volunteer tutoring, online courses, or questionnaires people. Make it easier for those who want to study and for those who want to teach."
Las ideas de Victor Yair acerca de la pregunta 2
[edit]Acercar a los usuarios aun más, convertir el sitio en un lugar en donde las personas no solo vengan a copiar y a pegar sino a compartir ideas y opiniones entre ellos, intercambiar experiencias y anécdotas con el contenido en un articulo, debatir discrepancias y problemas en los mismos, compartir conocimiento, no cerrar el sitio a un grupo si no abrirlo a todos.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Bringing users even more, turn the site into a place where people not only come to copy and paste but to share ideas and opinions between them, share experiences and stories with the content in an article, discuss discrepancies and problems themselves, share knowledge, not close the site to a group if I do not open it at all."
- I'm going to answer in English and then add a Google translation. I hope that someone better than I can come in and clean that up. It sounds to me that you might be suggesting something similar to the Article Feedback Tool (apologies for the English link). If so, our experience with something like that was mixed. What would you suggest could be done differently there? Philippe Beaudette, Wikimedia Foundation (talk) 01:34, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
- Voy a responder en Inglés y luego añadir una traducción de Google. Espero que alguien mejor que me puede venir y limpiar eso. Me suena que usted podría estar sugiriendo algo similar a la Artículo Comentarios de herramientas (disculpas por el enlace Inglés). Si es así, nuestra experiencia con algo así como que era mixta. ¿Qué le sugeriría que se podría hacer de manera diferente allí? Philippe Beaudette, Wikimedia Foundation (talk) 01:34, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
- I'm going to answer in English and then add a Google translation. I hope that someone better than I can come in and clean that up. It sounds to me that you might be suggesting something similar to the Article Feedback Tool (apologies for the English link). If so, our experience with something like that was mixed. What would you suggest could be done differently there? Philippe Beaudette, Wikimedia Foundation (talk) 01:34, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I think some of the major trends are the fact that many schools doubt the unreliability of Wikipedia, primarily because almost anyone can edit it an put whatever info they want. In order to improve this I would suggest having the articles go through a revision process in which those who are qualified on the subject should confer.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]...My suggestion on a way to fund wikimedia is to allow people to opt-in to advertising, either through mirroring the pages to a URL that has advertising (.com vs .org) or allow people to download a cookie. If a conflict of interest or other guidelines occur, allow a mechanism for users to flag the ad as being inappropriate for the page it was shown on with triggers on manual review if a particular ad is getting unnecesarily dinged. With a unique identifier for each page and feedback mechanism, a learning machine could be implemented to distribute ads with minimal conflicts.
- Having advertisements in an educational website is pointless. --NaBUru38 (talk) 00:24, 1 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 1
[edit]Pues la verdad no se nada lo de la pregunta por el momento, pero pienso que ustedes crecerían a un alto nivel si les permitieran a los usuarios hacer preguntas y ustedes miran si ya la tienen escrito en wikipedia algo relacionado con esto, y si no responder la pregunta. ESPERO QUE LES SIRVA Y QUE NO HALLA HECHO PERDER SU TIEMPO, Y TODOS SABEN DE USTEDES ASÍ QUE LO LOGRARAN PUES SON MUY FAMOSOS.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "The truth is not anything about the question for now, but I think you would grow at a higher level if they allow users to ask questions and you look if you already have written in something related to this wikipedia, and if no answer the
[edit]Response by
Considerazioni di sulla domanda n. 1
[edit]Un grande abassamento della cultura mondiale. Qualcuno vuole sempre più pecore e pochi pastori.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "A great abassamento of world culture. Someone always wants more sheep and a few shepherds."
Considerazioni di sulla domanda n. 2
[edit]Occorre liberarsi dal falso gratis. La cultura non può e non deve essere gratis, dopo un po' è business, scarsa verità. Ci si deve iscivere a wikipedia o wikimedia dev divenire un punto di orgoglio essere iscrittie partecipare. Ossia lavoarre, sangue lacrime sudore e pii arriva da sola la gloria e la conoscenza. Io sono convinto di questo, ora asta! Vuoi info su tutto e quasi sempre vere? (lasciamo un po' di dubbio, siamo onesti!) Lo vuoi davvero!? Bene allora paghi, poco ma paghi. Grazie di aver chiesto mio parere
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "It should be free from the false free. The culture can not and should not be free, after a while 'is business, poor truth. You must iscivere wikipedia or wikimedia dev become a point of pride to be iscrittie participate. Lavoarre ie, blood sweat and tears pious arrives alone the glory and knowledge. I am convinced of this, now auction! Want info on everything and almost always true? (leave a bit 'of doubt, let's be honest!) You really want !? Well then pay, but pay little.
- Thank you asked my opinion
- Stefano"
[edit]Response by Wnt
Wnt's thoughts on question 1
[edit]First, I question the identified trends. Mobile access is getting easier, but full-featured terminals should not be far behind. Nobody really likes typing on a mobile device, and we could see game-changing technology turn things back around: flexible screens that can be unrolled to large sizes, haptic devices that allow people to type on seemingly physical keys suspended in mid-air. Don't get too carried away with those predictions; Hari Seldon doesn't work here.
An ongoing and I would say unfortunate trend is that what people are looking for will involve fewer "answers" or "knowledge", but rather how-to information and certification that they have learned how to. This is due to still-increasing global w:income inequality, automation that makes it ever less clear whether the poor can do anything useful at all for the wealthy to justify their continued survival, and the general cheapening of simple factual information by its ready, even automated, availability. To put it bluntly, we have seen colleges and students alike switch over from the concept of education for education's sake to the firm belief that the only purpose of education is to get you a job.
What this means for WMF is that it is time to give Wikiversity a long, careful examination. Why isn't it seeing better success? Why doesn't it have more complete courses on offer? Why doesn't it provide genuine certification that individuals have completed study and have specific marketable skills? Even if someone goes on, say, w:eLance (a freelancing site that offers one-off jobs with typically such low compensation it scarcely rates as legitimate) the site nonetheless manages to offer a huge line of skill tests by which individuals supposedly prove their capabilities. They are looking toward the "market" here in some sense, while Wikiversity lets everything pass it by.
Meanwhile, on Wikipedia, no longer how long someone edits, no matter how much they contribute, they never really get something to show that says, in an official voice, that they know the English language, can write good prose, understand science, work well with others, managed projects. There are no letters of recommendation written by Wikipedia. The only thing Wikipedians accumulate are teapot tempests about the supposed misconduct they do, culminating all too often in a complete ban from the project that, if they have allowed their identity to become known, is a potential black mark on their record. Nothing good ever sticks, only the bad.
WMF needs to figure out how to steal this white man's magic and use it for its own ends. How can editors be built up, accredited, certified, commended in a way that they can make economic use of, rather than being the butt of cyberbullying?
Wnt's thoughts on question 2
[edit]First, Wikimedia projects need to throw away their branding irons. No more sock puppet hunts, no more attempts to pick out users from the IP masses for special disapprovation. Sort of literal legal proceedings, if they choose to vanish, accounts in bad standing can be simply scrapped and their sordid history thrown away.
Once we make that resolve, the task before us is: how do we make the good accounts stand up above the general din of trolls and troublemakers we no longer pretend to be suppressing? Perhaps taking the first few IP edits very skeptically, then gradually certifying editors as confirmed, reliable, trustworthy, outstanding. Even let the MMORPG instincts get a little out of hand and have a set of merit badges to earn. Open natural paths by which longstanding good editors can pretty much automatically rise to management positions, either as admins or in more real-world positions associated with the WMF.
Wikiversity likewise needs to distinguish between draft courses (almost all of them, presently) and courses that are certified to be well-designed and leave the trainee with a good range of skill. Then they need to have a way to certify the trainees. Many MOOCs use that last step as an opportunity to charge the customers, but Wikiversity can call on volunteer teachers. Certify the teachers when they do a good job, and that is payment for them to do the work to certify the students. I think no money has to change hands in the end, though WMF may need to prime the pump at the start by getting some hired profs to legitimize the certified offerings.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Mobile users will tend to read articles superficially and may not want to read in-depth articles. It would be good to keep wikipedia as much as it is with in-depth articles. If necessary a summary of an article could be given for those who want to read the basic's only's thoughts on question 2
[edit]It is important that an open mind is kept and articles are written with the greatest honesty and with the best possible historical accuracy. There is a broad community of people who distrust the media in general, who believe the media is being manipulated. There are also broad communities of people who distill their truth from religion and who have a narrow scope of the world. Many groups self-limit their sources of information, and seek for information channels which confirm their own beliefs. Wikipedia should be inviting to all people and groups who want to broaden their vision and open their mind. To gain trust, it is important that wikipedia remains totally independent of government, nations, religion, interest or pressure groups.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]to garner more interest in Wiki, it should be more readily available in places people are interested in (i.e. youTube, Twitter, etc) when I watch a video of a particularly meaningful song, subject, or event I often like to know more about it (like who actually wrote the song). if the Wiki link was provided on the page, others might become equally interested
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]More users want Wikipedia to attain scholarly status. Wikipedia might, and should, in the near future begin to take initiatives to have their millions of articles confirmed by scholarly sources and/or scholarly persons.
- You might be interested in this article on the Reliability of Wikipedia.--GByrd (WMF) (talk) 01:40, 28 February 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]For Wikipedia to thrive in the future, it must introduce a ridiculously small fee for users ($0.99/month or $0.99/year).
- I prefer donations, where people can choose how much they want to give. --NaBUru38 (talk) 00:36, 1 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by Cserpell
Cserpell's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I think those two are the major trends that will move internet the following 5 years. Also existing users will move mobile mostly. Access to most human knowledge and communication will be at the pocket of everyone.
Cserpell's thoughts on question 2
[edit]I imagine Wikimedia working on giving everyone on Earth easy access to human knowledge. That means:
- Increase the number of users that participate and contribute: New people, new cultures will join, new points of view. Motivate communities. This will require major efforts on reaching more places, even further than today.
- Increase use of implicit knowledge users give not explicitely. For example, having all usage information, Wikimedia can give more recommendations, delivering personalized content that would increase its usage, specially for new users that will be discovering a new world on Wikipedia.
- Motivate editors to have short summaries. Mobile users tend to read less. Most new users won't want to read pages of content of new topics. Display better and useful summarized info.
- Push users to add more value: Users could easily evaluate content, and give feedback. Ask them to edit. An example: "You seem to know about subject X, please help us adding information on page Y".
- APIs: All knowledge must be available not only through Wikimedia apps, but for any app. Infinitely many options that we cannot think of yet.
[edit]Response by Lextipper
Lextipper's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Primary question: What percentage of the world's population can read? I don't know, but my guess is not a large percentage - especially the 'next billion users' you are considering. I believe the Internet will become voice activated to address this literacy issue. So, my answer to question 1 is voice activation.
Lextipper's thoughts on question 2
[edit]If my answer to question 1 is valid - Wikimedia must move to automated multilingual voice translation of all information/knowledge. So my answer to question 2 is: If we wish to serve the next billion users - thriving and healthy Wikimedia projects will be voice activated/contributed/translated.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]You guy's should have like question's wit answers. Where we post a question for example a history question and other people answer it and you guys correct the answer. This will help students when they are stuck on their homework.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Also add more pictures with diagrams.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]People will require more videos, but 3 minute videos only. If they are longer they will not see them.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Some sort of printing format to use less paper.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Sitespeed is a major factor. Keep improving and maintain blazing fast site speeds!
[edit]Response by님의 질문 1에 대한 생각
[edit]모바일은 컴퓨터와는 다르게 여러 창을 한꺼번에 많이 펼쳐놓고 작업을 할 수가 없어 정보를 즉흥적으로 탐색을 하는 경향이 있습니다. 또한 해당 사이트의 로딩이 길어지면 그 정보처를 포기하고 다른 곳으로 가는 동향도 있습니다.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Mobile has the tendency to spontaneously discover the information I can not do the work computer and is put spread multiple windows at the same time a lot differently. In addition, when the loading of your site longer, and there is also going to give up that jeongbocheo trends elsewhere."님의 질문 2에 대한 생각
[edit]이는 크게 두가지 기능을 추가해야 한다는 것을 알려줍니다. 위키미디어를 보면 대부분의 사람들은 모를 전문적이거나 특수한 단어에 하이퍼링크를 걸어 놓습니다. 하지만 이는 모바일로 작업을 하면 일일이 들어갔다 나오는 작업을 해야 합니다. 따라서 어떤 페이지를 사용자가 지정하면, 정보를 탐색하다가도 다시 그 페이지로 돌아올 수 있게하는 기능이 추가되어야 합니다. 둘째로 로딩을 길어지지 않게 하기 위한 방법입니다. 로딩이 길어지는 이유는 방대한 정보를 사이트로부터 다운로드하기 때문인데요, 이 때 원하지 않는 정보도 있을 수 있습니다. 그 정보를 줄이기 위해선 사용자가 정보를 선택적으로 사용할 수 있도록 정보를 축약적으로 제시한 뒤 점차 확장시켜 나가는 방법을 사용해야 합니다.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "This tells you that you need to add two functions significantly. In the Wikimedia Most people hang a hyperlink to a professional or special words you do not know. However, it should work out when working with mobile went one by one. Therefore, if the user specifies any page, navigate to the information hadagado must be added a feature that enables you to return to the page. Is no longer a way to be loaded into the second. Loading prolonged's a reason this is to download a wealth of information from the site, the information may be undesirable at this time. In order to reduce the information you need to use the method you going to expand gradually after presenting the information in a condensed information to be used selectively."
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Dear Wikipedia,
Your site will thrive for the next billion internet users by your being even more vigilant in what you already do 'so' much better than any established Encyclopeia: by not simply suggesting, but demanding, ample and adequate source citations for the information that is posted on your site. Only in this way can you vindicate me in my mission, as a Library Science Graduate Student, to repudiate those who still condemn you as a source of Hearsay and Internet Folklore. While I defend the Book and Literature--Wikipedia led me to half of the Paper Books that I own--I condemn the blatant appeal to authorial and institutional authority that lies at the very foundation of works such as Brittanica, Funk & Wagnal's and World Book."
For this reason, I find it necessary to implore your organization to be more vigilant about seeking out and marking--or preferably expelling--un-cited, undocumented, and unsubstantiated statements. The validity of Wikipedia, and its clear superiority to traditional reference sources, stems from the traceability of its information. This is due to Wikipedia's singular policy of insisting upon firm documentation, a policy not shared by any traditionally authoritative reference source. Thus, if you are to improve your service, I implore you to be more vigilant in seeking out and marking poorly written and citationless sources.
Matt Mattingly
Your Biggest Fan
- Thank you, Matt, for sharing those thoughts. I share your views that this is one of Wikipedia's strongest features. :) --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 12:10, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Learning from internet Communities forming on internet
[edit]Response by Quantumcafecoos
Quantumcafecoos's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Set up a 'Funding Category' "Funds for purchasing Literature Rights!" Then as a 'Non Profit' you can sell authorized permission for dollars, to keep the Funding Category Funded! 2015
- This is an interesting idea. Trends in charitable giving show that donors give more when they are able to have more say in where the funds are spent. I would love to experiment with ideas like these. --Lgruwell-WMF (talk) 01:20, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Quantumcafecoos's thoughts on question 2
[edit]This critics of Wikipedia, is 'Wrong Information'! This can be mediated, by forwarding 'Wrong' or 'Miss Information' to a section called: Fiction! Other names could be: Opinions, Work of Definition in progress.
Once, information has been 'vetted' and proven to be correct, then can be labeled 'Facts' or 'Non Fiction' with references as proof! Your Author's and or Writer's do a good job of listing their Sources. Even with all the 'data' provided by Wikipedia, someone will complain or file a Law suit that the information was not for Public Domain! This World of Technology cannot afford to lose another Life, like Mr Schwartz! In my opinion! 2015
[edit]Response by
نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۲
[edit]جایگذاری اپلیکیشن مخصوص "ویکی "بر روی دستگاههای همراه و تبلت این کار توسط سایر سرویس ها ازجمله وایبر و چی میل و غیره انجام پذیرفته است
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Placement app "wiki" on mobile devices and tablets
- This work was supported by other services such as Gmail, etc. Viber is accepted"
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Many people are browsing the internet on TVs with things like Chrome cast and smart tvs, perhaps a big screen mode for wikipedia would be nice, but the site looks pretty good on tvs as is.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Wikipedia is fantastic, however, many articles lack pictures or have very few, a galley for major pages would be great, especially swiping through on mobile phones. Perhaps linking to a google image search on the topic?
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "This site is more neutral, collected thoroughly more materials, more fair, you should write to incorporate more variety of opinion."
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]wikipedia is about learning. everybody learns differently. audio, visual, kinestetic learning. all should be embodied. in mobile format. audio and visual are important. what can be told in a more image and audio based approach. walking and learning. without having to stop and read small text. new users will adapt to this, as they are more in tune to multi-tasking with tech. if wiki can achieve a kinetic way of teaching. compatible with ex. google vision. apple watch etc.
wiki will break down barriers.
[edit]Response by 2602:306:3334:C8E0:190A:C716:57A2:54EF
2602:306:3334:C8E0:190A:C716:57A2:54EF's thoughts on question 1
[edit]continued social media growth, not just text-based knowledge but other forms of knowledge (picture and video, etc.), interactive learning,
2602:306:3334:C8E0:190A:C716:57A2:54EF's thoughts on question 2
[edit]better user interface on wikipedia.
[edit]'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Well make it so only trusted people could change things. thats all i have to say because someone could change on of the richest people in the worlds stuff and get away with it
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Access specific information faster. For example, if someone searches a given item on the internet, having the relevant information be immediately available, even if it is a sub article.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]I think that the current format of wikimedia articles and pages is OK for the coming years.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]accuracy data an information's thoughts on question 2
[edit]latest information
Latest n accuracy information should be given to the users
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Response by Abcdudtc
Abcdudtc's thoughts on question 1
[edit]1. As people will find the information on wikipedia less biased than the information in the media, big business would try to "influence" wikipedia articles to spin the stories in a way that is favorable to them.
Abcdudtc's thoughts on question 2
[edit]1. It has to be based on HTML 5 and be Mobile First but needs to be well thought the Mobile First part, I think the mobile version is not correct now.
[edit]Response by님의 질문 1에 대한 생각
[edit]핸드폰을 가지고다니며 수시로 인터넷웹사이트를 방문할것이므로 모바일사용자들을위해 모바일페이지를 좀더 알기쉽게 변경하는 웹사이트가 증가할것이고, 이미 많은 사이트들이 그러고 있으므로 빠르게 적응하지못하는 다른 많은사이트들이 모바일이용자에게로부터 잊혀질 것이다. 그러니 이부분에대해 보완하는것이 나쁜 선택은 아닐것이다.
- Machine translation; please help improve: Because you will be visiting often traveled own a mobile phone internet web site will have a website that changes the mobile page more clearly increased for mobile users, there are many sites and many other sites do not do it all the time, so they adapt quickly forgotten from your mobile users will be. So it would not be a bad choice for a supplement in this area.님의 질문 2에 대한 생각
[edit]한국어로 번역이 잘못되서 그런지 질문을 잘 이해하지못하겠다. 위키미디아에서 무엇을하면 좋을까 물어보는것이라면, 모바일 사용자를 고려하고 그들을위해 모바일페이지를 사용이쉽도록 꾸미는일과 영어를 쓰는 나라뿐만이아닌 다른 문자를쓰는나라에서도 좀더 이해하기쉽게 번역할때 오역을 줄이면 좋을것이라고 생각한다.
- Machine translation; please help improve: This translated into Korean would not understand the question wrong doeseo grunge. When asked what is better if at Wikimedia, better reduce misinterpretation when considering mobile users in the country to write and easy to understand more than just another character using this English-speaking country decorating work to make it easier for them to translate the mobile page I think it would.
[edit]Response by
نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۲
[edit]ایجاد یک مرور گر وب ونیز ایجاد یک موتور جستجوگر
- Machine translation; please help improve: Create a web browser as well as the creation of a search engine
Professor petroglyph
[edit]Response by Professor petroglyph
- Addressing the Ongoing Problem of Information Overload/Promoting Intercultural Understanding and the Free Exchange of Information
Professor petroglyph's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Wikipedia is the greatest gift to humanity since the printing press. In my mind, the Number 1 problem that will continue to confront humanity as we move forward in our collective Adolescent Project is the problem of Information Overload. The problem is not a dearth of information, it is what the Average Jane or Joe should responsibly *do* with it. I hope Wikipedia will continue to take seriously its huge responsibility to help Average Minds make sense of the immense sea of information confronting them. As the old saying goes, "folks don't care what you know until they know that you care." The contributors to Wikipedia are the best of the best. They are the intellectual elite, no question. But I would urge Contributors and Editors to keep in mind that most of us out here are gifted with only average minds. Don't dumb it down, but walk us through it. Lead, and we will follow. Obfuscate, and we are lost.
Professor petroglyph's thoughts on question 2
[edit]As far as improving Wikipedia, if that is possible, I would suggest improving its inter-linguistic interface. Current trends point to more and more users wanting to better understand foreign cultures and languages. Wikipedia is of course the world-leader in cross-cultural language dissemination and promotion, as the majority of its content is available in all major languages of the world. But the ability to move seamlessly between languages leaves a little to be desired. A machine-language interface prominently displayed at the header of each page would enable the user to more quickly move between source and target languages, and enhance the cross-cultural learning experience. Otherwise, I would encourage all to keep doing what you do best. Thanks for keeping the lamp of learning burning bright!
Владислав Рэмби
[edit]Response by Владислав Рэмби
Владислав Рэмби's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Здравствуйте авторы такой замечательной и позновательной энциклопедии как Википедия ! Я хочу выразить вам огромную благодарность за простой и лёгкий интерфейс ! Когда мне нужно найти что-то полезное для себя , я обязательно заглядываю к вам на вашу страницу ! Я буду рад тому , что ещё 1 миллиард пользователей узнает о вашей простой и удобной энциклопедии !
- Machine translation; please help improve: Welcome authors of such a wonderful show pleasing and encyclopedias like Wikipedia! I want to thank you very much for a simple and easy interface! When I need to find something useful for yourself, I'm sure you look down on your page! I am glad that another 1 billion users learn about your easy and convenient encyclopedia!
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Because of accademic thought is necesary for man and wooman thus including social lower class.Because of What is a responsibirity of a Homo sapience at histry in the this univers thus results of that question are only know that was maked mankind at old time for investigating abilityof a estimation to a truse.that is alien.
Arjun kumar will be next CEO of Wikipedia
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]eliminate tracking sites
[edit]Response by
Mes réflexions pour la question 1
[edit]...L'écologie sera plus présente, les rechargeurs photo-voltaïques seront partouts. Les robots seront aussi beaucoup plus présents (coach sportif automatisé). Le pétrole sera très peu utilisé d'autres technologies le remplaceront (hydrogène, démultiplication mécanique)....
- Machine translation; please help improve: Ecology will be present, the photovoltaic reloaders will partout. The robots will also be much more present (automated trainer). Oil will be very little use other technologies will replace (hydrogen, mechanical advantage) ....
Mes réflexions pour la question 2
[edit]...Les dictionnaires seront plus présents et nous accompagnerons sur nos appareils les plus petits afin de comprendre toutes les connaissances du monde...
- Machine translation; please help improve: The dictionaries will be more present and we will assist our smaller devices in order to understand all the knowledge in the world
[edit]Response by对问题一的想法
- Machine translation; please help improve: when the bustling Internet boom receded, people will start thinking about how the Internet has brought us nothing. This time, they will be more refined and pursue educational online media, because they want to benefit from the Internet, rather than waste time.对问题二的想法
- Machine translation; please help improve: With the progress of scientific research, scientific frontier farther and farther away from the general public groups. To make students more quickly into research work, in order to make the public feel better communities, understand the beauty of science, education and more efficient mechanism must come into being. Wikipedia encyclopedia project as a media and, perhaps trying to make content more refined, more related articles system, even "encyclopedia" as a system of "textbook."
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]there is a need of a lexicon or indication including the relation between terms. This means explicit to respresent words (espacially nouns) with hyperonyms and hyponyms.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]gelecek için 1. koşul artık insanların kendi kendisine yönelmesinden geçiyor yani. wikimediada belirtilen fikirler açıklamalar aynı şekilde yoruma açık olan konular için fikir belirtilebilmesi ve bunların paylaşılması gerekir.günümüz dünyasında insanlar artık bilgiyi eski felsefe kitaplarında değil tam tersi olarak kendi düşüncelerinde aramaktalar. herkes için doğru olan düşünceden öte kendi düşüncesi insanlar için önemli ve kendi düşüncesine benzer insanların olduğunu bilmek ve onlarla tanışmak apayrı önemli... yani wikimedia ya tanımlardan sonra sözlük formatı getirilmeli ve beğenilen düşünceler tanımın hemen ardından belirtilmeli yazara ulaşılmalı.
- Machine translation; please help improve: 1. condition for the future that is now going through the orientation of the people itself. ideas description specified in the same way reviews can be specified Wikimedia ideas for topics that are open and sharing their knowledge gerekir.günü people now are looking at our world in their own thoughts as the old philosophy books not vice versa. important and distinct meet the know and on the people similar to their own thoughts to people beyond their own ideas of thought that is right for everyone important ... so after wikimedia or definition must be brought dictionary format and laudable be reached immediately following should be noted the author's description.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]öncelikte ilk entry i wikimedia projesinin girdiği herkese açık bir sözlük platformu oluşturulmalı.
ek olarak siteye anket, soru cevap gibi seçenekler eklenmeli ve yeni tanımlar sorulabilmeli.
daha fazla fikire sahibim fakat şimdilik yazamayacağım.dikkatinizi çekiyorsa a mail atabilirsiniz iyi günler.
- Machine translation; please help improve: priority in the first entry of a public good wikimedia projects entered Dictionary platform should be created. In addition to the survey site should be added as options and new definitions should be able to answer the question asked. If I have more ideas, but now you are the best days to yazamayacağım.dikkati cmktyzkan I can take a mail
- Machine translation; please help improve: priority in the first entry of a public good wikimedia projects entered Dictionary platform should be created. In addition to the survey site should be added as options and new definitions should be able to answer the question asked. If I have more ideas, but now you are the best days to yazamayacağım.dikkati cmktyzkan
[edit]Response by Darmokand
Currently, our only tool for quality control is the revert. But it's not 2004 anymore. Facebook and Reddit have shown the value of "likes" and "upvotes". We have flat-file discussions, but threaded discussions would allow a more robust evaluation of incoming contributions. We need to evolve beyond the revert to something less demoralizing, something that helps us not step on each others toes.
What's desperately needed is some new technological architecture to allow people to contribute without experiencing instant rejection. Social solutions have been attempted for years now, to no avail. Sue's departure is the ultimate sign that we need a technological solution to this problem-- a new platform that allows a wider audience to successfully contribute.
Wikipedia once faced a choice between Inclusionism and Deletionism. When our greatest fear was illegitimacy, we decided to err in favor of Deletionism. But now that we're faced with stagnation, the pendulum may need to swing back towards Inclusionism.
We need to move beyond the Encyclopedia metaphor. Wikipedia needs to become not just an encyclopedia, but a true collection of ALL the world's knowledge. A university library contains far more knowledge than any set of encyclopedias. There are people who want to build a knowledge base of all the world's knowledge-- give us permission to build it for you.
Let us document the knowledge currently contained in IMDB. Let us document the knowledge currently contained in for-profit genealogical databases. Let us document ALL the world's knowledge, so far as it complies with legality, BLP, etc.
The encyclopedia is just a start. We have so much more to do. Darmokand (talk) 13:35, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by رأيك بالسؤال الأول
[edit]...اكتب هنا... أن تقوموا بإنشاء مكتبة عالمية تدرجون فيها مجموعة من الكتب و المجلات و المقالات الأكثر مشاهدةً و شعبية
- Machine translation; please help improve: that you will create a global library Tdrjohn the collection of books, magazines and articles most viewed and popular رأيك بالسؤال الثاني
[edit]...اكتب هنا... إن مشروعات ويكيبيديا تبدو لي جيدة و مهمة جداً بجانب الإتجاهات التي ذكرتها
- Machine translation; please help improve: The projects and Wikipedia looks good to me and very important next to the trends reported
[edit]Response by
نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۱
[edit]...در اینجا بنویسید... ارتباطات سیال ماهواره ای و هلوگرافیک نسل بعدی شبکه جهانی خواهند بود .افراد به شکل روزمره زندگی انلاینی خواهند داشت و مرز میان کاربر بودن و انسان معمولی بودن از میان خواهدرفت . دیوایس ها به شکل موجزتر و مینیاتوری در زندگی حضور خواهند داشت و اتفاق بعدی احتمالن مربوط به فراگیر شدن عینکها و ساعت های هوشمند خواهد بود
- Machine translation; please help improve: Hlvgrafyk fluid communication satellite will be the next generation of the World Wide .afrad everyday online life will form the border between the user and the common man of the Khvahdrft. Mvjztr and miniature device to the next event in your life will be there and will probably be smart to surround the glasses and watches
- MY translation: satellite mobile communication and Holographic would next global network and people would have routine online life, and border between being human or user would be tarnished. Devices would be much simpler and miniature-like and will be in life, for sure we would have smart glasses and smart watches Mardetanha talk 18:59, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۲
[edit]...در اینجا بنویسید...اقدام برای ایجاد یک تیم قوی جهت بررسی اطلاعات جهت دار و یا بی پشتوانه در ویکی
- Machine translation; please help improve: attempt to create a strong team to review the information or lack of support for the Wiki
- My translation : creating a strong team to oversight biased and outsourced data in wiki Mardetanha talk 19:01, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by Readerfan2015
Readerfan2015's thoughts on question 1
[edit]It's hard to see trends, just look at what's hot in the internet portals on any given day. Internet has always acted just like mail order: skin care products, personal protection devices, diets, etc. Other than that the public wants celebrity news and who just got shot!
Readerfan2015's thoughts on question 2
[edit]It's not what they look like. You are thinking from simply an advertising viewpoint. It's really about licensing. Wikimedia will have to license something to generate income. You should consider a small fee in your licensing. Disney makes a buck every time a plush stuffed Mickey Mouse gets sold. Think about it.
- Donations are enough to do our activities. We don't need to charge money when we don't need it. --NaBUru38 (talk) 00:46, 1 March 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by 19malc45
19malc45's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Wikipedia will always be the official Obituary for decades to come.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I can see Wikipedia becoming the universally accepted reference of all human knowledge, an all inclusive interdisciplinary collection of knowledge, The E-source of Human Knowledge, so-to-speak. Wikipedia t needs to be:
- An accepted standard of knowledge
- Documented and dead accurate.
- Accessible
- Free
- Impartial, non-biased, non-secular, non-political,...'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Projects may include study programs and acheivement degrees in accepted areas of academic discipline.
At this point humans synthesize decisions and conduct behavior based on knowledge better than computers. However, humans will depend more on forecasting and direction by computers and their access to knowledge through modeling as seen today, but with higher levels in accuracy, predictability, reliability.
[edit]Response by
نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۱
[edit]این بنیاد می تواند از طریق برنامه های تلویزیونی خود را به دیگران معرفی کند
- Machine translation; please help improve: The foundation can be introduced through television programs to others
نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۲
[edit]سرویس وبلاگدهی ویکی-سرویس ساخت ایمیل ویکی-فروشگاه ویکی،موتور جست و جوی ویکی، اگر این ها راه اندازی شوند،این بنیاد ارتقا خواهد یافت
با تشکر: فاطمه از ایران
- Machine translation; please help improve: Store wiki wiki-wiki-service Vblagdhy email service building, search engine wiki. If these are to be launched, the Foundation will promote Thanks: Fatima from Iran
[edit]Response by
maintain multiple tracks for contentious sources that conflict - as a policy do not overwrite one with the other.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Users want to know how to verify the objectivity of the information. They cannot do this on Wikipedia. One must have a multiplicity of sites and not from a single source such as Wikimedia. Most people know that news are not reported but they are manipulated, as all media of the world is owned by just a few men. They want to see it from various sources.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Some of the pages of Wikipedia contain biased and outright false information. It is corroborated by "standard practices" such as "quoting source documents". But when the source documents are outright false and only contain slanderous lies, what value does this information have? Wikipedia keeps asking for donations - I believe one of the main reasons you would never be able to get anyone to pay for your information is simply that so much of it is hardly trustworty. To put it bluntly - any idiot can write a Wikipedia article, whether he actually knows something about the subject or not, also, for example, if he has an intention to harm that specific person or subject.
As an example, look at the page for "George W. Bush". It contains only white-washing information, but look at other sources such as Jim Mars, which describe this man as the outright criminal he was: no mention of that. Objective information? It isn't.
Then look at the page about Scientology. It mostly quotes sources which have dedicated their lives to destroy this organization. Whether one agrees with that group or not, it is blatantly non-objective. And the "standard" editing practices of Wikipedia make it impossible to report the truth. My take on this is - either Wikipedia finds a way so that truth can get its right, or it should disappear from the internet.
[edit]Response by 19malc45 I believe in the future there will be Holograms. generatated progams. You will be able to speak with all the people of the passed. ie; near ones , deer ones, loved ones. just by inserting there photo's into the computer.
[edit]Response by 2A02:8070:24A7:3600:88F4:A784:CBB9:64FA
2A02:8070:24A7:3600:88F4:A784:CBB9:64FAs Gedanken zu Frage 1
[edit]aus der analogen in die digitale Welt übertragene Sicherheit für jeden Menschen, der sich auf welchem mobilen Weg auch immer in der digitalen Welt aufhält
- Translation: from the analogue to the digital world transplanted security for every human being, that is on whatever mobile way present in the digital world.
2A02:8070:24A7:3600:88F4:A784:CBB9:64FAs Gedanken zu Frage 2
[edit]Lösungsansätze finden, wie der Atommüll der nicht nur die aktuell lebenden >7 Milliarden Menschen belastet, entsorgt werden kann
- Translation: Find solutions for the disposal of the nuclear waste, that burdens not only the current 7 billion people.
[edit]Response by
- Fucking and shitty laws are being control the Internet, what a shame!
- Locate W. servers on the neitral region (as The Pirate Bay servers)
Sorry for my English, I'm russian and I'm so evil that laws being control WWW. I think that the Net can't be controlled by real life laws.
Syed Shahansha Uddin Islam
[edit]Response by Syed Shahansha Uddin Islam
Syed Shahansha Uddin Islam's thoughts on question 1
[edit]- In addition to increase in number of users and increase in mobile usage for internet, I think there will be an increase in usage of e-books. People now-a-days want everything in there mobile starting from an app. that can handle their budget to an app. that will connect them and also all editing and stuffs in Microsoft office, everything is needed and demanded by consumers in mobile. They are going more and more addicted to their mobile as it is a part of them, they need a software for everything. So, there will be an increase in that. They are also getting more and more aware and educated so any genuine software will stand in market.
- Also people especially youngsters, Teenagers they are getting more and more enlightened and they want to connect with everyone in this planet, make friends, I mean they are getting more socialized and they want to just break the bond spread their wings and know the world and the people.
Syed Shahansha Uddin Islam's thoughts on question 2
[edit]- Wikimedia should go in mobile version now, I mean develop software that makes the search and content as easy as it was never before and not just it, it should design a software that can be accessible in almost all mobile phones so as to enable its consumers to use it without any restriction of the configuration of mobile.
- Wikipedia is available in a mobile version in addition to a Wikipedia app on Google Play and iTunes.--GByrd (WMF) (talk) 02:03, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
- It should work on improving its contents, i mean not just the basics or the concepts but the whole idea, whole information needs to there in Wikimedia when a person searches for anything.
- Wikimedia should now go for creative advertisements and connecting with people like no information provider has ever done before... To such an extent that people will go for Wikimedia for all the information required and will stick to that.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]More users - less available radiobands for Internet access!WE MUST NOT FORGET INFRARED TECHNOLOGIES...'s thoughts on question 2
[edit](due to contemporary mass-culture):convenient multi-language search in song-lyrics & movie-phrases becomes an important feature...
[edit]Response by
bu sayfanın daha sade bir şekilde yapılması aynı zamanda gruplara ulaşımın daha kolay olmasını tercih ederim.
- Machine translation, please improve...: more simply made of this page I would prefer to have easier access to the group at the same time.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]you might want to end the revert wars ? too many nerds around on here
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Many Of Your Articles Are Edited By People With No Knowledge Or Anything. I Am A Muslim And I Searched On The Internet About Islam And Terrorism And There Are So Many Fabricated Hadith. Please Show The World The Truth, We All HATE Terrorism
[edit]Response by Connorgurney1
Connorgurney1's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I reckon that as the technological advances around the world become more prominent, more content will be added to Wikipedia. I think that it is important that Wikipedia is made easier to access, and easier to edit!
Connorgurney1's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Easy to use, access, and edit. Well structure and the design could be improved. Especially for Mobile.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]1. Major trend - the further disintegration of clear, understandable writing, especially as regards grammar. This will continue to make Wikipedia and other communication platforms increasingly prone to misunderstanding, misinterpretation, confusion etc.
Coincidentally, Queston 1 here is already a typical example of this: "the world is going mobile" can reasonably be named a trend but calling "the next billion users" a trend leaves me baffled. Even small oddities or inaccuracies like this one can contribute to a cumulative adverse effect, putting the clarity of an entire paragraph in jeopardy. In this case, one might consider rewording the phrase to something like, "the further growth of internet usage in the world." Now, that's a trend!
[edit]Response by
Думки щодо питання 1
[edit]важливми є надійність інформації. У Інтеренеті є багато різної неправидивої інформації і бувають випадки, коли ця інформація потрапляє у статьї Вікіпедії. Інформація повинна бути правдива і обєктивна.
- Translation: Reliability of the information is very important. On the Internet there is a great deal of various false information and sometimes this false information is added in Wikipedia articles. The information must be truthful and objective."
[edit]Response by
bütün platformlara mobil uygulama düzgünce geliştirilmeli
- Machine translation, please improve: should be properly developed mobile applications for all platforms
[edit]Response by
we live in an express world's thoughts on question 2
[edit]as you know,everything is getting faster from internet to daily chores from flushing and stuff so not everybody is ready to ready to read lengthy articles and documentations no matter how interesting and resourceful they are so in my opinion i think there are 5 ways to address this issue 1.making articles shorter.but this will dilute wikipedia`s accurateness and overflowing information and make articles appear to be of low standard the user a choice of a shorter article which is shorter than the original article but not soo short that the article lacks basic information 3.making articles very very specific (for example if the user searches for some very specific topic just provide him/her with that very specific information) 4.highlighting data like numbers,statistics (which you people are already doing but include nearly all the data in something like bullet points) 5.although this idea is very resource consuming i believe it will be effective make the articles visual and attractive not all people like plain text with some data there may be a multimedia presentation of the article
now its time for the unofficial ideas 1.go social and connect with your readers 2.think about making wikipedia commercial even though its against your policy an app(im not sure if it exists but if it exists it has not reached the public)
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Необходимо дальше развивать направления, касающиеся коммуникационных технологий, компьютерных систем. Похоже, в рамках Проекта это хорошо получается. К сожалению, ценность знаний из областей, требующих строгого подхода, например медицина, невелика, так как представлена здесь часто однобоко, а иногда искаженно. Пусть объём информации будет меньше, но их качество и достоверность выше. Необходимо применять избирательный подход и возможно, контроль (да, вплоть до удаления). Проект нуждается в общем совете, на котором будут решаться такие вопросы, по установленной регламентации.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "It is necessary to further develop the direction on communication technologies, computer systems. It seems that under the Project are good at it. Unfortunately, the value of knowledge of the areas that require strict approach, such as medicine, presented here are often one-sided and sometimes distorted. Let the volume of information will be smaller, but the quality and reliability of the above. It is necessary to be selective and possibly control (yes, up to remove). The project needs a general council, which will deal with such issues in the prescribed regulation."
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]...In some years, it'll become very common the "Big Data", as it is becoming easier to automate things as it becomes cheapier and more powerful. ...Also, internet will become more multicultural and multilanguage, as Asiatic and Afrian countries become "online". ...I also think that a debate about the legislation around Internet will become more popular.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]...Wikipedia should care about having its data structured and universal (in a way that there are not obsolete versions in some languages). ...Wikidata must become more important; most part of Wikipedia articles should become more intelligent, getting automation with some changes of data. ...We should resolve the issue that there are a lot of versions of an article in many languages.
[edit]Response by
Free Encyclopedia should mean Freedom For All Topics
Wikipedia being Free Encyclopedia should permit absolutely anything, verifiable and unverifiable, at least in dedicated sub-wiki, where all users wanting total topic freedom should be redirected, instead of being rebuffed to nowhere.
[edit]Response by
clear rules for scientific research's thoughts on question 1
[edit]it would nice that every user of wikipedia who aims to read an article could link to another article with a map-like tool, a kind of knowledge map in wich you could see every link's thoughts on question 2
[edit]i hope that some volunteer teaches philosophy of wikipedia to new globalized countries in order to realize the dream of a unified web of knowledge in the word
[edit]Response by Gedanken zu Frage 1
[edit]Smartwatch: Spracheingabe
Smartphone: Fotografieren von Text und heraussuchen von Info...
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "SmartWatch: Voice Control
- Smartphone: shoot text and look for any of info ..." Gedanken zu Frage 2
[edit]Mehr Kontrolle und Transparenz bei Herstellung der Texte
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "More control and transparency in the preparation of the texts"
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]1) access to wikimedia on wearable platforms (google glass, apple watch, etc.)
2) collaboration to increase accuracy of translated articles
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Off the top of my head i'd say "Education". There is a huge change in how people get curricular and extracurricular material. Given that i am from an African country i can identify this trend here, online courses are at the centre of this trend given the open and free content they provide, so the next (billion) would mostly be looking for educational material. Wikipedia, although thought of as not a source for research material but almost any search starts their, so i think Wikiversity would play a huge role if we got to put some effort there.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]I am a new user, old reader but new in the participation department. I very much enjoyed the game-like guide ( wikipedia adventure). So if a theme like that would be used to yield results that would definitely be a lasting thriving project. In general, i think open and participatory projects are great. Also educational materials, i can't stress that enough.
Thoughts for Keeping Wikipedia awesome
[edit]Wikipedia is right to shun advertising. Nothing will ruin Wikipedia faster than a clutter of intrusive advertisements, but there is something that is equally as destructive as advertising: social media. It's great for the public to be able to collaborate on common interest, but I wouldn't suggest to make it any more of a social platform than it already is. I know that social media is all the rage right now, and for that reason there's probably a great push to do it, but nothing would make Wikipeida suck faster. I come to Wikipedia to find information, not to listen to the endless noise that social media creates. I don't give a shit which articles my friends like; that's not why I'm here.
[edit]Response by Aslanex
Aslanex's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I think the web is going to be very standardised and undiverted. Most of users will be using just a few websites like Facebook, Maps, online-bank, Google Play, and maybe, Wikipedia. Wikipedia as a website with enormous amount of information have a big chance to success in the future net.
Aslanex's thoughts on question 2
[edit]I would say that Wikipedia is the best as it goes. No big changes should be made in the future years, because that would make Wikipedia rather worse than better. It is for sure necessary to adapt Wikimedia projects to smartphones and to new technologies, but that is the only important thing and it should be done decently, as all nowadays changes.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]I would expect (of course) for there to be a much greater number of people looking to read Wikipedia in different languages, particularly Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, French, German, etc.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Make sure to keep pushing for multilingual Wikipedia. Multilingualism brings the world together!
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Billion people. What a number... If this continue more and more there be internet connection for everybody. But you ask for trends. If you want more people to use mobile device to (this is really happening) you need to make it extremply simple. For you, its simple enough now. But look at elders like our parents or even older people. You wont resolve a problem if you only play dying-waiting game on elders who cant use internet. People like parents and others 40+ years old people wont die that soon. Simplicity is here key. From really big icons and stuff to voice commands. It needs be friendly to elders. Like making a new mobile OS similiar to Android but for old folks. Extremly simple, fairly natural and less features = better. My mom doesnt need App store (old people never trust their money with this stores, and I know youve gonna loose money). She need connect with other elders like her mom and needs to do it like her son on Facebook. This will be future trend. Internet for older ones.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Wikipedia have almost everything what it must have. From really great moderators (love that people :-)) to extremly well database in English language. I think most of the people are using Wikipedia only for their job/school. Thats wrong from my perspective. From my point of view, Wikipedia no.1 interest must be: Friendlier to fun. Now you are respected and most used from all-world, but honestly, how much people are going here simply for fun? I bet you cant tell. Maybe some moderators do. This is extremly difficult to explain by text, but you get it. And more extremly, its harder to fix. Sorry if I get your questions wrong, Im not native English-man.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Browsers and mobile apps will basically be indistinguishable, as we're seeing with updates to Firefox and IE to compete with Chrome. This trend will be interesting to watch on a global scale. If countries such as China, which have large populations, demand public and private use of state supported browsers; it could influence web design until either global demand or individualist demand push the other until they break.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Just keep up the good work and continue to hold yourself to the highest HTML standard and watch global trends. Also, wishful thinking: a lot of universities and educational institutions see Wikipedia as a joke due to the perceived unregulated content that users can edit. Find a balance between user discourse on a subject and factual statements about that subject. You want to be an encyclopedia, not a forum.
[edit]Response by konuyla ilgili kısa vetere konula bilir mesela bir güvercinin hayatını anlatan kısa video olabilir
- Machine translation; please improve: knows to be relevant to the short chord for example, may be a short video describing the life of a pigeon
[edit]Response by Faltur
Faltur's thoughts on question 2
[edit]My suggestion is that the developers focus more on the creation of specialized functions/tools to help accelerate and facilitate the translation between interwikis, specially from the english wiki to other languages. The human translators should spend all of his time only with the translation of the text itself, not by fixing interlinks (this should be done automatically by Wikipedia engine). Tables containing lists of countries are still using the {{flag|CountryName}} template instead of the {{3-letter-code}} (eg: {{USA}}), which is portable between wikis . From my experience, there are too many non-english pages related to History/Philosophy/Sociology which lacks translation, but it involves too much work, and there are not many people for this job. Also, lots of pages are not completely translated.
[edit]Response by Mcirek
Mcirek's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Digital money (e.g. bitcoin) - it means there are no frontiers for money transfer and no limits both low (a few cents) or high. You can send money as you can send an email by now - all you need (beside money itself;) is: sender-internet-receipient. And no one else. Any device (e.g. even washing machine) can send some money to any other device (if they are connected to the net and there is some reason for).
- @Mcirek: you'll be pleased, I'm sure, to read that the Wikimedia Foundation now accepts bitcoin. :-) Philippe Beaudette, Wikimedia Foundation (talk) 01:32, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Mcirek's thoughts on question 2
[edit]To connect knowledge contained separately in Wikipedia and Wictionary - often it is perfectly enough these few words of explenation or meaning found in Wictionary and not found in Wikipedia.
[edit]منابع معتبر درموارد مختلف گزارشات رادر ويكپيديا به سادگي هرچه بيشتر عرضه كنند
- Machine translation; please improve: Reliable sources reported cases in Wikipedia more easily supply
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]1. Actually in my opinion people will move to mobile but what i thought of is people which are already on mobile will go further on smart wear's like watch, glass etc.. it will good we also look that side. In mobile website what we can do is make the website of less size.. and change's it look too. It look too much compact.. we should make it easy to use.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]2. Building a more friendly wikipedia.
[edit]Response by
نشاء صفحات بسيطة للهواتف ويمكن قراءة معلوماتها بسرعة.
- (semi machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Create simple pages for mobile and can be read information quickly." رأيك بالسؤال الأول
[edit]بما أن الإتجاه العالمي يسير إلى الهواتف والسرعة ودخول عدد أكبر من البشر (متدني التعليم) إلى الإنترنت، فأنا أقترح تبسيط ويكيبيديا وإنشاء نسخة خاصة للهواتف المحمولة تتضمن معلومات مختصرة وبسيطة ومبدئية يمكن قراءتها بسهولة وسرعة عن الموضوع المحدد بحيث لا تتضمن تفاصيل معقدة ولغتها تكون بسيطة. ومن يريد معلومات مكثفة بإمكانه تصفح النسخة المفصلة عن الموضوع، هذا من شأنه أن ينشر المعرفة على نطاق واسع عند البسطاء ومن شأنه أن ينشر ويكيبيديا إلى طبقة مستخدمين أوسع لا تحب القراءة الكثيرة والمعلومات المعقدة وتريد المختصر المفيد.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Since the global trend is to phones and speed and the entry of a larger number of people (low education) to the Internet, I suggest simplifying Wikipedia and create a special version for mobile phones include a brief, simple and basic information can be easily read and speed for the selected topic so that does not include the complex details and language to be simple. It wants extensive information can browse the detailed version on the subject, this would be published knowledge on a large scale when the simple and would be published Wikipedia layer to a wider users do not like the many complex and the information you want to read and useful manual." رأيك بالسؤال الثاني
[edit]حسب المكتوب تبدو جيدة وأدعمها، ولن تكلل بالنجاح إلا بالاقتراحات التي ذكرتها وتتضمن إنشاء صفحات بسيطة لويكيبديا تتضمن عدد أقل من المعلومات المرتبة ومخصصة للهواتف المحمولة بالغالب.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "According to the written look good and I support, will not succeed unless the suggestions that I have mentioned, and includes the creation of simple pages to Ueqibdia include fewer information ranked and customized for mobile phones about mostly."
[edit]Response by
İnsanların daha çox istifadə etdikləri sosyal şəbəkələrdə reklam yerləşdirməklə və internet axtarış saytlarında ilk başlarda yerləşdirməklə
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "By placing ads on social networks, and more and more people use the internet in search of the sites initially placing"
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Maching Translation: The main trend - a maturing information bomb. In an emerging information war. Theoretically, can be overridden any notions to the contrary, or favorable to any party. White becomes black. And all mankind will take it for granted. It is about the mass of the census (distortion, exaggeration, introducing false information) articles which in any way relate to Russia, its history, social and political life, its place in the global community. Presumably the staff of a state unit, and / or users with the IP addresses of the Russian FSB, systematically distort information in the articles. Some of them have the right to block the ability of other users to restore objective content articles. Abuse ban on the creation of articles with a particular name. Created hundreds of articles with information on only one point of view that does not even have encyclopedic value. This banal vandalism. All sorts of officials, organizations withdraw unfavorable aspects of his biography, and more than that documented violations, etc.
Основная тенденция - это созревающая информационная бомба. В набирающей обороты информационной войне. Теоретически, могут быть подменены любые понятия на противоположные, или на выгодные для какой-либо стороны. Белое станет черным. И все человечество будет считать это за аксиому. Речь идет о массовой переписи (искажении, преувеличении, внесении заведомо ложной информации) статей, которые каким-либо образом касаются России, ее истории, общественно-политической жизни, ее месте в Мировом Сообществе. Предположительно сотрудники некоего государственного подразделения, и/или пользователи с IP адресами ФСБ России, систематически искажают информацию в статьях. Некоторые из них имеют права блокировать возможность других пользователей восстановить объективное содержание статей. Злоупотребляют запретом на создание статей с тем или иным названием. Создаются сотни статей с информацией об исключительно одной точке зрения, что даже не имеет энциклопедической значимости. Это банальный вандализм. Разного рода чиновники, организации изымают невыгодные аспекты своей биографии, или более того, задокументированных правонарушениях и т.д.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Maching translation: The level of trust and the growing popularity of the Wikimedia projects require a more serious policy (and / or check) of information security for keeping and transmission of accumulated by mankind objective data to the future. Just the implementation of user rights to access to all public information without distortion, attempts to mislead, without cheating.
Тот уровень доверия и растущая популярность проектов Викимедия требуют более серьезной политики безопасности (и или проверки) информации для сохранения и передачи в будущем накопленных человечеством объективных данных. Так же реализация права пользователя на доступ ко всей публичной информации без искажений, попыток ввести в заблуждение, без обмана.
[edit]Response by Seedorfjohnny
Seedorfjohnnys Gedanken zu Frage 1
[edit]Wir werden uns geradezu mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit von den bisherigen Formen der Schriftlichkeit entfernen: Bibliotheken, Bücher, gedruckte Quellen überhaupt. Die fragile Datensicherheit der virtuellen Medien wird der Explosion des Wissens nicht gerecht werden können; wir müssen in den nächsten Jahrzehnten mit Wissensverlusten rechnen, die jenen der dunklen Jahrhunderte des Mittelalters in nichts nachstehen werden (eine weitere Zeit großer Wissensverluste war, so paradox das klingen mag, der Beginn der Schriftlichkeit, der zum Verlust großer Teile des Wissens etwa der keltischen Druiden führte): beides nicht nur durch das fahrlässige oder absichtliche Vernichten von Wissen, sondern mindestens ebenso sehr wegen Fehleinschätzungen über die Möglichkeiten und Notwendigkeiten des Wissensmanagements, ganz ähnlich denen, die auch jetzt drohen. Existenziell wichtig wird es sein, effektive Formen der Ordnung und qualitativen Bewertung von Wissen zu entwickeln, um im Datenwust nicht zu ersticken.
- Translation: We will stride away from previous forms of writtenness almost at the speed of light: libraries, books, printed sources at all. The fragile data security of virtual media will not live up to the explosion of knowledge; we can expect a loss of knowledge in the coming decades, that are not inferior to those of the dark centuries of the Middle Ages (another time of great loss of knowledge was, paradoxical as it may sound, the beginning of writtenness, that led for example to the loss of much of the knowledge about the Celtic Druids): both not only by the negligent or intentional destruction of knowledge, but at least as much because of misperceptions about the possibilities and requirements of knowledge management, very similar to those that are imminent now. It will be existentially important to develop effective forms of order and qualitative assessment of knowledge, so as not to stifle in the mass of data.
Seedorfjohnnys Gedanken zu Frage 2
[edit]Erfolgreiche Wikimedia-Projekte müssen in erster Linie Qualität haben. (Ich weiß, gerade dieser Begriff ist höchst relativ, missverständlich und nicht greifbar: trotzdem muss er für das stehen, wofür ich keinen besseren Begriff weiß (noch nicht?). Wikipedia steht heute für lexikalisches Wissen schlechthin - aber ich fürchte, es steht auf tönernen Füßen. Mir fehlen Phantasie und Jugend, um mir Ähnliches wie Wikipedia für andere Bereiche vorzustellen wie etwa Foto- und Video-Medien, Musik, ... Überall dort muss es dazu kommen, und die Qualitätskriterien müssen das entscheidende Merkmal sein. Es muss gelingen, völlig neue Formen eines Qualitätsmanagements zu entwickeln, das von persönlichen Verurteilungen und Vorurteilen ebenso frei ist wie von allzu rigorosen Anforderungen. Am Bedienkomfort der Eingabemasken muss verstärkt gearbeitet und verbessert werden, damit wirklich jeder in der Lage ist, daran mitzuwirken - gerade auch in sehr engem Rahmen persönlicher Befähigung.
--Seedorfjohnny (talk) 21:11, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
- Translation: Successful Wikimedia projects must primarily have high quality. (I know, just this term is highly relative, ambiguous and not tangible: nevertheless he must stand for what I don't know no better term (yet). Wikipedia today stands for lexical knowledge per se - but I'm afraid it's build on sand. I lack imagination and youth to imagine similar to Wikipedia for other areas such as photo and video media, music, ... Everywhere it has to happen, and quality criteria must be the key feature. We must be able to develop entirely new forms of quality management that is free of personal convictions and prejudices as well as of too rigorous requirements. The ease of use for data entry screens must be worked on to improve them, so that everyone is really able to participate in it - especially in very narrow limits of personal empowerment.
polemica del movimiento moderno
[edit]Response by Sara galeano
El arte: esto una de las tendencias mas importantes de esta época ademas de la música porque los jóvenes usamos esto para expresar mas que los sentimientos una forma de ser porque depende del tipo de música que escuchemos sera juzgada nuestra personalidad
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Art: this one of the most important trends of this era besides the music because young people use this to express feelings more than one way to be because it depends on the type of music we listen to our personality will be judged"
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Response by
Yogosan's thoughts on question 1
[edit]The realisation by gamers that video game NPC's are technically speaking, just as alive as we are. i.e. Video game NPC's are controlled by electric currents flowing through a human made 'brain', just as humans are controlled by electric currents running though a more complex, universe made 'brain'.
An ananlogy to explain this simply is that a video game exploit is only an exploit when a few players reap the rewards of it. When all players have access to the exploit, it is no longer an exploit. A real world example is how Saudi Arabias oil fields are an exploit when a small few humans reap the rewards of them. It is not an exploit if all humans reap the rewards of it. It's the equivalent of Saudi Arabia being a clan in Call of Duty and having access to infinite ammo. They are able to score more points (Gather currency) by distributing 'ammo' (Oil), to the richest clans in the game.
We are literally living our lives through video games in which we cannot die. We pay 'real'(Ha!) money for digital clothing which we put on virtual soldiers... Clothes we never actually see as the camera is fixed on the gun! Materialism has become a part of gaming, just as it has in 'real' life.
Yogosan's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Thriving WikiMedia projects may take the form of computer simulations which can simulate likely outcomes of real world events by noting the changing behavioural patterns of human video game players when the mechanics are slightly/drastically altered, with the benefit of players not being able to 'die', which will allow further risk to be calculated.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Tablets are also used to view wikipedia.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]I'm not sure.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]For dire warning- it is important to not get caught up in trends. Trends have crucial things to teach the world, but the trend itself is not it. In order to achieve long lasting, stable, and reliable success with a product the underlying essence of trends must be discovered and understood. The increased sharing of personal opinions and the increased desire to know others' opinions in the modern world is not the bottom answer but rather only the beginning clue. It hints at the maturing of the personal human self in today's world. It is the desire to create oneself by oneself through the most fundamental of human attributes- judgment. Wide knowledge must be gained- the broader the knowledge base is the more effective the final decision will be. The modern youth is hungry for knowledge, for opinions, for truth- not for the pointless flawed reason of knowledge for knowledge's sake- but for the very appropriately human purpose of creating themselves. Of forging their own souls. They are starving for it. Do not feed starving children garbage. Do not feed them at all if either there is not enough metaphysical food to go around or if there isn't any of acceptable mental nutrition. One half-crippled decent person that is well fed changes the world far more- for far better than any innumerable swarm of perpetually starving abominations ever will. Realize that one comes before two. That convenience, speed, accessibility, style, and comfort at the price of usefulness means less than nothing. Accept that it is is not up to any ONE person OR ORGANIZATION to uphold the world- it is up to all of humanity. Never forget that humanity is composed of ONLY individuals and that society will never be any better than the individuals who CHOSE to live in it for their own personal selfish profit. A society that has nothing or not enough to offer a man creates it's own killers, malcontents, criminals, and ultimately destroyers.'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]Stability. Reliability. For those who EARN it. Those who earn something- value it, deserve it, and will fight to support and improve it. Enable and support freedom of spending. So much wasted potential in the penny jars of the world. How many out there besides me would gladly trade their souls for the ability to improve their lives, knowledge, pleasure - at the cost of things that are currently a waste of existence, an unwelcome nuisance that just takes up space, gathers dust, and then wastes time as you have to take it to a cash machine to change it back into something useful while being ripped off in the process. What is the purpose of the existence of modern day change? It cannot be spent anywhere. It is heavy- it cannot be carried around. No one wants to be paid in change. It costs more money and resources to mint than usefulness it provides. The world does not need more money. It needs to make the money there is more useful. People do want to improve their lives and the world. Do not make it painful for them to do so. GRANT MORE POWER TO THE HUMBLE PENNY. You will be surprised how much improvement the easy spending of these cents can bring to the world. Do not let value continue to rot in pockets, in change jars, under couch pillows. Redeem these forgotten, neglected shinning pieces of precious potential. Put them to use. Give them a purpose. And the world and future will shine at the cost of mere cents.
3D printing. Support it, enhance it. Spread it's usefulness. People will create. People will innovate. People will invent. The individual shall improve the world. Do not leave the fate of the world to stale corporations and out of touch mega conglomerates. They do not know what I want, they do not know what the modern human wants. They do not care. I know what I want, I care what I want. The modern human knows what they want, they care what they want. Make it easy for the brilliant individuals in the world to CREATE- and to trade, sell, or give away the useful life and pleasure enhancing creative products of their minds.
Lastly, do not bundle. Do not tie together what should not be chained to each other. Let ideas, products, knowledge, and services succeed or fail on their own. If something is good and successful support does not have to be artificially induced. Success will naturally be rallied around. Let each triumph stand on it's own. BANISH FORCE. Success and progress will naturally come together to create more success and progress. Never forget choice. All things human must be chosen. Never abstain from making your choices. Never prevent people from making theirs- no matter how much they might differ. Most importantly- NEVER give in to others choices and never support or enable having others give in to choices that are not their own. DO NOT depend on or deal with for support ANY government, politician, lobbyist, or social group. Turn to the modern individual for help, for support, for funding. For success. Be happy only with what the modern individual is willing and able to support. Or you will fail and bring the future of the world down with you. The individual shall be yet again abandoned and the human race will suffer for it. Let the modern individual build the world. Let the average modern high schooler have enough time to discover that they want to live in this world. That this world IS worth living in and improving- not for the world's sake- but for their own sake. Step aside. Do not force improvement upon anyone. Let geniuses, the rich, the poor, the shy be free to improve the world at their own pace- for their own reasons, in their own way.
[edit]Response by Charlesmiller000
Charlesmiller000's thoughts on questions 1 & 2
[edit]The ever-increasing need for better digital security.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Perhaps a natural evolution would be to move into the dynamic, where wiki is not just publishing facts about know events and people or places but actually bringing these events in a live format by either current known avenues or future unknown undeveloped apps. For instance every day ongoings of elected officials and members of government, speeches from respected community members both local and international. its about the access of information and bring it to you right away right now. If we are at the point wheere we can hail a taxi with an app on our phone then the next step is direct live access to what is happening now. without the reporter.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]...Other trends that might arise are faster internet speeds that will soon increase in the future leading to higher volumes of people surfing the web, due to shear ease-of-use and no waiting & future increases in populations, with newer technology and more people with phones and computers. These substantially high amounts of people surfing the web will start taking advantage of these higher speeds and will possibly download bigger files and cause tremendous trafficking and slower servers.…'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]...According to the future possible trends and a few scenarios, we can conclude that servers will be upgraded. Other future projects that I personally think Wikipedia could possibly embark on are a sub-website maybe by the name of Picapedia or something contain a library of pictures. Or also an old newspaper sub-website of pictures of old newspapers and different news from around the world THAT is searchable including documents. Based on Wikipedia as a company and website, so far it has been impressive and has overcome many obstacles but who actually knows exactly what the future holds in store for us.…
Chris troutman
[edit]Response by Chris troutman
Chris troutman's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Your app needs to not suck. For example, the current app seems optimized for readers, whom you obviously have more care for than editors. Will there be an option for an app you can edit with? What about searching for content outside of the main namespace? Chris Troutman (talk) 22:38, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
Chris troutman's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Nobody wants to use a wiki that's a backwater. English speakers in the Third World migrate to English Wikipedia because the wiki in their native tongue is insufficient. More needs to be done to translate articles and have proper admin-ship on those smaller wikis. Chris Troutman (talk) 22:38, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
[edit]Response by
אתם צריכים לפתח לעצמכם אפליקציית ויקיפדיה שתעבוד על פלטפורמות ניידות ישנות או חלשות ביצועים, וכן שתוכל לסדר את ויקפדיה לפי נושאים בהתאם למה שיש לכם כבר באתר הבית, בנוסף, לפתח ממשק עריכה נוח לאפליקציה לאנשים שרוצים לעשות עריכה ולתקן ערכים בהתקנים ניידים. you need to develop a wikipedia application that will be able to work on portable devices from all kinds like old or week platforms, also try to create for the application a home page that will start from a wiki library as the same as the wikipedia archive homepage.
[edit]Response by Gedanken zu Frage 1
[edit].am handy gibt es schon zuviele sachen
- Machine translation; please improve: on the phone, there are already too many things Gedanken zu Frage 2
[edit]wiki auf den tv in videotext
- Machine translation; please improve: wiki on the tv in video text
[edit]Response by i would appreciate a cool wiki app with that i can search any informations easily and quickly (on all sites of wiki... scripts, general,... and share the correct information with all of the users
[edit]Response by راستگویی منبع خبر مطلب های از روی حقیقت نه سیاست نادرست
- Machine translation; please improve: Veracity * Fountainhead * Matter of fact, not a bad policy
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]...придумывайте и создавайте персонажей в качестве точек соприкосновения с аудиторией...
- Machine translation: please improve: ... invent and create characters as points of contact with the audience ...'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]...полная реализация присутствия в максимально возможном количестве социальных сетей через официальные страницы (АККАУНТЫ)...
- Machine translation; please improve: the full realization of the presence of the greatest possible number of social networking through the official page (account)
[edit]Response by NikolasHuan
NikolasHuan's thoughts on question 1
[edit]Затрудняюсь компетентно ответить на данный вопрос. Возможно все больше будут развиваться технологии интернет цензуры и возможно стоит рассматривать способы противодействия и недопущения цензуры. Так же в связи с увеличением количества пользователей появляются возможности создания распределенных способов хранения данных, что будет способствовать снижению затрат на обслуживание серверов и интернет каналов фонда.
- Machine translation; please improve: Difficult competent to answer this question. Perhaps more will develop technologies of Internet censorship and perhaps worth considering ways to counter and prevent censorship. Just due to the increased number of users allows the creation of distributed storage technologies that will reduce the cost of maintenance of servers and internet channels Fund.
NikolasHuan's thoughts on question 2
[edit]Затрудняюсь компетентно ответить на данный вопрос.
- Machine translation: please improve: Difficult competent to answer this question.
NikolasHuan's another thoughts
[edit]Мое предложение по улучшению проектов фонда простое - ограничить возможности модераторов или создать проект вообще без модераторов. Это просто действие позволит значительно увеличить количество информации. К сожалению, в русской части википедии сложилась такая проблема, как необоснованное удаление статей модераторами под странными предлогами "это никому не интересно", "это ты сам придумал, такого не может быть" и тп. Все это просто демотивирует писать статьи и делиться своими знаниями. А страдает от этого все человечество и фонд в том числе.
Считаю необходимым создать проект в который любой человек сможет писать все что угодно. Сейчас же к сожалению можно писать только то, что понравилось модератору (а когда у него плохое настроение, то ему может ничего не нравиться). Возможно его стоит назвать "вики справочник", или "вики база знаний", или просто "викитекст" - пиши про что угодно (про кота Ваську из соседнего подъезда, про школьную группу музыкантов и тд.), но с учетом стилистики проекта (строгий, официальный текст т.е. без сленга и смайликов).
А пока: удачного вам скатывания в написание статей для детей, политику, рекламму, расстановку запятых и правильных дефисов вместо тире (стилистические правки -это типичные 50% правок к любой статье, которые не несут никакой полезной информации).
- Machine translation; please improve: My suggestion for improvement projects fund is simple - to limit the possibility of moderators or create a project without any moderators. This simple action will significantly increase the amount of information. Unfortunately, in the Russian part of the Wikipedia there is such a problem as unjustified removal of articles moderators at odd excuses "is not interesting", "is you come up with, this can not be", and so. All this just discourages write articles and share their knowledge. And suffer from this fund and all of humanity as well.
I consider it necessary to create a project in which anyone can write anything. Now, unfortunately, you can only write what liked Moderator (and when he has a bad mood, he can do nothing to please). Perhaps it should be called "wiki guide" or "wiki knowledge base", or simply "wikitext" - write about anything (about the cat Vaska from next door, about a school group of musicians and so on.), But with the style of the project (strict official text ie without slang and emoticons).
And yet: you slide into a successful writing articles for children, politics, Publicity, placement of commas and dashes instead of the correct dash (styling is a typical 50% of edits to any article that do not carry any useful information).
- Machine translation; please improve: My suggestion for improvement projects fund is simple - to limit the possibility of moderators or create a project without any moderators. This simple action will significantly increase the amount of information. Unfortunately, in the Russian part of the Wikipedia there is such a problem as unjustified removal of articles moderators at odd excuses "is not interesting", "is you come up with, this can not be", and so. All this just discourages write articles and share their knowledge. And suffer from this fund and all of humanity as well.
[edit]Response by's thoughts on question 1
[edit]...придумывайте и создавайте персонажей в качестве точек соприкосновения с аудиторией...
- Machine translation; please improve: ... invent and create characters as points of contact with the audience ...'s thoughts on question 2
[edit]...полная реализация присутствия в максимально возможном количестве социальных сетей через официальные страницы (АККАУНТЫ)...
- Machine translation; please improve: ... the full realization of the presence of as many as possible through the official social networking pages (account) ...