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Tiedustelu rahojen käyttämisestä/Kysymyksiä

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Survey of how money should be spent/Questions and the translation is 45% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Kiitos että käytät aikaasi vastaamalla the 2012 Funds Distribution Prioritization Survey. Tällä kyselyllä säätiö yrittää selvittää, mitä resursseja wikipedistit haluavat ja tarvitsevat (jotkut niistä voivat vaatia rahoitusta) ja kuinka ne voitaisiin asettaa tärkeysjärjestykseen. Kaikki säätiön ohjelmat eivät ole mukana tutkimuksessa (core operations are specifically excluded) – just resources that individual contributors or Wikimedia-affiliated organizations such as chapters might ask for.

The goal here is to identify what YOU (or groups, such as chapters or clubs) might be interested in, ranking the options by preference. We have not included on this list things like “keep the servers running”, because they’re not a responsibility of individual contributors or volunteer organizations. This survey is intended to tell us what funding priorities contributors agree and disagree on.

This survey takes most people less than 15 minutes to complete. Your individual responses will remain private and confidential, though certain results may be shared in the aggregate. Published results of the survey will not contain any personally-identifiable information.

By answering these questions, you permit us to record your responses and agree to donate them to the public domain. This allows us to freely share your answers with others for the purpose of open analysis, research, and study. This survey does not ask for your name, address, phone number, or email, and we will not share personally-identifiable information except as required by law. This commitment assumes you do not incorporate your personal information in response to a question that does not ask for it.

Wikimedia is a worldwide organization. By answering our questions, you consent to the transfer of your responses to the United States and other places as may be necessary to carry out the objectives of this project.

Älä vastaa tähän kyselyyn, jos olet alle 13-vuotias.

Millä kielellä muokkaat useiten?
Mitä projektia muokkaa useimmiten?
  • Wikipedia
  • Wikiuutiset
  • Wikiaineisto
  • Wikisanakirja
  • Wikikirjasto
  • Wikisitaatit
  • Wikiopisto
  • Muu
Missä maassa asut?
Kuinka kuvailisit useimmiten tekemääsi työtä? (Valitse enintään 3)
  • Sisällön luonti (esimerkiksi artikkelien kirjoittaminen ja muokkaaminen, kuvien ottaminen, jne.)
  • Sisällön parantaminen (esimerkiksi sisällön luokittelu ja organisointi, vapaan aineiston etsiminen ja siirtäminen projekteille jne.)
  • Sisällön arvioinen (esim. muokkauksien tarkistaminen, kuvien ja tekstin laadun arviointi, jne)
  • Projektin ylläpito (vandalismin poistaminen, ylläpitotoimenpiteet, osoitepaljastin, toimihenkilö)
  • Muiden osallistujen ja muokkaajien tuki (esimerkiksi sovittelu, kiistojen ratkaiseminen, tukikanavat, jne.)
  • Lukijoiden tuki (esimerkiksi OTRS, jne.)
  • Community outreach (e.g., Education programs, GLAM, etc.)
  • Infrastructural movement support (e.g., Chapters, Chapters committee, OTRS permission channels, etc.)
  • Tekninen (esimerkiksi MediaWikin koodaus, bottien kirjoitus, jne.)
  • Muu (tarkenna)
Here is a list of things that might be helpful to contributors or groups. You’ll be asked several questions about this list, so please read it through.
  • Access to physical reference works (e.g., books)
  • Access to non-physical reference works (e.g., databases of journal articles)
  • Access to physical tools (e.g. camera, scanner)
  • Access to better software tools (e.g., image editing, audio editing)
  • Access to training and skills development (e.g., writing, photography, mapping)
  • Access to technical infrastructure (e.g., toolserver, Wikimedia Labs, keys for using commercial APIs)
  • Reimbursements (e.g., local travel, admission fees, photocopying/retrieval fees)
  • Legal defense for individuals or community groups
  • Legal advice for individuals or community groups (e.g., copyright, libel)
  • Merchandise or prizes to give away (e.g., T-shirts, buttons)
  • Funding for travel to Wikimania and other Wikimedia-related events
  • Funding to stage a small event or competition, or to participate in a large event (e.g., food, cost of room or booth, posters)
  • Funding to stage a large event or competition (e.g., venue, signage, publicity materials, equipment rentals)
  • Funding for individuals to devote time to short-term community initiatives that can't be done on a volunteer basis (e.g., research project, staging of competition)
  • Permission to use Wikipedia/Wikimedia logos for co-operations/initiatives/events
  • Funding to conduct original research where appropriate (Wikinews interviews, oral histories, etc.)
  • Access to the global or local project banners (e.g., for research or recruitment purposes)
Are there any additional resources, not listed here, that you believe you or other volunteers might want, in order to help you do your work? Please list them. (If your items are not in English, please add a Google translation of your works in English, if you can.)
Imagine a scale of 0 to 10, if 0 means “should not be offered at all” and 10 means “absolutely critical that this be offered”. Using that scale, please assign a value to each of the resources listed here, based on how important you think they are to the overall success of the Wikimedia movement. You may use numbers more than once.

Here is the same list of resources. Please mark each resource that you think you might one day want to access, yourself.