![]() | 討論的第3輪現已結束。請討論起草中的策略方向。 |
We warmly invite you to review the draft, discuss, and give feedback. This review period will be open during August.
第1輪(生成) | 意義建構 | 第二輪 (辯論) | 定稿意向 | 第三輪(與新聲音內容洽談; 由起草小組起草策略方向) |
分享并完成 | 背書 | 第2階段 |
3月14日–4月18日 | 4月18日–5月5日 | 5月11日–6月12日 | 6月12日–6月30日 | 7月 | 8月 以及 9月 | 10月 | 2017年晚些時候~2018年 |
Week 5 Challenge: How does Wikimedia meet our current and future readers’ needs as the world undergoes significant population shifts in the next 15 years?
As the world population undergoes major shifts, the Wikimedia movement has an opportunity to help improve the knowledge available in more places and to more people. The continent of Africa is expected to have a 40% increase in population, along with improved internet access and literacy rates in the next 15 years. Spanish is expected to become the second most common language within 35 years. As new cultures and geographies become more dominant, the Wikimedia projects as they currently exist may be less relevant for the majority of the world’s population.
The insight above is based on the movement strategy research paper, Considering 2030: Demographic Shifts - How might Wikimedia extend its reach by 2030?
Key highlights from the report
- Global population is shifting: By 2030, the global population projections are expected to reach 8.4 billion people (15% increase). While populations in Europe are expected to plateau, and the Americas will only have moderate growth (128 million more people), Africa is forecasted to increase by 40% - a total of 470 million more people.[5 1]
- The population is aging: The median age is expected to rise from 29.6 to 33 years old. Africa will continue to be the youngest median age (moving from 19.6 years old to 21.4 years old).[5 1]
- The global workforce is changing: The workforce is expected to reduce, as the percentage of the population aged 15-64 decreases. Attributed to decreased fertility, Europe and Northern America are predicted to undergo substantial decreases in their workforce population proportions, dropping approximately 5-6%.[5 2] Currently 25% of Japan’s population is over the age of 65, compared to 15% in the U.S.[5 3] To combat this issue, Japan has raised its working age above 65. By 2050, 32 other countries will have 25% of their populations over 65, so they may likely follow suit.[5 4]
- Education levels are increasing: The world will become increasingly more educated with the proportion of literate people rising from 83% to 90% between 2015 and 2030. Africa will have the highest increase in literacy, rising from 62% (2015) to 80% (2030). Asia will increase its literacy rates by 7%, from 83% (2015) to 90% (2030). Europe and Northern America will retain their high literacy rates (99-100%).[5 5]
- By 2050, Spanish moves from the fourth to the second most common language: Researchers expect the most common languages in the world to be Mandarin (#1), Spanish (#2), English (#3), Hindi (#4), and Arabic (#5). English is projected to move from the second to the third most common language by 2050.[5 6]
According to recent research, readers in seven of our most active countries have little understanding of how Wikipedia works, is structured, is funded, and how content is created. This is especially true among 13-19 year olds. The research also found that readers mainly consider utility (usefulness), readability, and ‘free knowledge for every person,’ the most important attributes of Wikipedia. They associate Wikipedia least strongly with “neutral, unbiased content” and “transparency.” This represents an opportunity to increase brand awareness and knowledge.
This insight is based on the recent Brand awareness, attitudes, and usage research study. This survey was fielded in France, Germany, Japan, Russia, Spain, the UK, and the US via an online survey accessible on a PC, laptop, or device (tablet, smartphone).
Key excerpts from the research
- 意識
- Across the seven countries, close to 80% of internet users are aware of Wikipedia when shown the logo. Spain has the highest awareness (89%) and Japan has the lowest (64%).
- When asked “when you want to find information online what three websites do you go to most often,” Google (85% on average) is the top answer followed by Wikipedia (45%), YouTube (43%), Yahoo! (19%) and Facebook (17%).
- Overall, 20% first found out about Wikipedia on the internet and 20% through school. There are generational differences, though: 35% of 13-19 year old internet users say they first heard about it in school, while 73% of 36-49 year old internet users say online.
- 態度
- Across all seven countries, internet users that are aware of Wikipedia associate it most strongly with “free knowledge for every person” (8.5 out of 10) and “useful” (8.3 out of 10). They associate Wikipedia least strongly with “neutral, unbiased content” (7.0) and “transparency” (6.9). There are strong generational differences, with 13-19 year olds giving Wikipedia lower association scores on most attributes.
- When asked what is most important to those internet users that are aware of Wikipedia, the highest attributes are “useful,” “free knowledge for every person” and “easy to read.” What’s least important is “transparency” and “free of advertising.”
- Across generations there is also broad agreement that “more trustworthy content” (57%), “higher quality content” (51%), “more neutral content” (44%), and “more visual content” (41%) would enhance their personal experience “a lot.”
- 用法
- Proportionately, Wikipedia finds its strongest audience in Spain where 91% of internet users 13-49 are aware of it and 89% read it. This compares to the average of internet users across all countries, 84.1% are aware of it and 81.1% read it.
- By country, 75% of Wikipedia readers in Russia and 73% in Spain read Wikipedia weekly or more. Twenty-four percent of Russian and Spanish readers read daily. The lowest weekly readership is found in Japan and the UK (60% of readers each).
- Overall, about half of Wikipedia readers access the site “often” from a desktop or laptop, or a smartphone. Readers ages 13-35 are much more likely to say they access Wikipedia often from a smartphone, and readers 13-19 years old are the most likely to say they often access Wikipedia through a service such as Siri or Alexa (21% of 13-19 year olds vs. 10% of 36-49 year olds).
For more information, please read the complete preliminary executive summary.
- 在元維基上:請談論對話
- ↑ a b "World Urbanization Prospects: The 2014 Revision". United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. Accessed 2017-06-15
- ↑ Lee, Ronald, and Andrew Mason. “The Price of Maturity: Aging Populations Mean Countries Have to Find New Ways to Support Their Elderly.” Finance & Development 48.2 (2011): Pages 6–11.
- ↑ Schlesinger, Jacob M.; Martin, Alexander. "Graying Japan Tries to Embrace the Golden Years". Wall Street Journal. November 29, 2015. Accessed 2017-06-15.
- ↑ Rodionova, Zlata. "Japan’s Elderly Keep Working Well Past Retirement Age". The Independent. Retrieved 2017-06-15
- ↑ “Country Profiles”. International Futures, Pardee Center. Accessed June 25, 2017.
- ↑ Graddol, David. “The Future of English: A guide to forecasting the popularity of the English language in the 21st century”. Accessed June 24, 2017
趨勢表明,所有地區 - 無論是新興市場還是移動互聯網飽和的地區,都會出現變化。
- 對於即將上線的領域,開發本地移動內容是一個很好的機會。
- 在全球範圍內,產品將繼續從具有不同設備體驗(桌面,移動)的“簡單”網站演變成更複雜的集成平台,並結合人工智能,增強現實和虛擬現實等技術。
上述觀點基於運動戰略研究論文 - 2030年:未來的技術趨勢,將影響維基媒體運動。
新興平台的研究預測,平台和設備創新(移動和新技術)將影響人們如何連接,學習和保持現狀。 這來自於世界新興和發達地區的當地內容髮展,技術本身如何重塑人們的互動,使知識更加融入日常生活。 這也可能影響到誰或正在開發內容,預測更多的人造智能(AI)和商業企業將開發更多適合於虛擬和增強現實設備的多媒體內容。
近期 - 移動接入
「全球流動趨勢」報告指出:「互聯網是移動的,手機是互聯網。」[4 1]來自GSMA Intelligence。「對於整整一代來說,互聯網現在與移動互聯不可分割,反之亦然。」[4 2]研究人員指出,通過手機訪問網絡將繼續保持低於40% - 在亞洲和撒哈拉以南非洲的大部分地區。在全球73億人口中,GSMA Intelligence估計只有34億人使用移動互聯網。移動互聯網採用的障礙之一是缺乏本地相關內容。[4 1]對於維基媒體運動,研究人員建議有機會幫助本地內容貢獻者。研究人員還表示,維基媒體有機會開發更輕鬆的移動解決方案,並可能形成新的合作夥伴關係,可以幫助擴大在線國家的覆蓋面。
根據兩份報告[4 3]瑪麗·梅克爾(Amy Webb)的技術創新和使用情況進行了介紹。目前有四種內容類型和平台,可能在現在到2030年之間成熟:
- 人工智能和語音驅動應用的進步將帶來實時,個性化的教育和信息服務,成為人們日常生活的一部分。 這將使人們從文本轉移到更多的語音和語音響應系統。 創新可能會改變知識收集,組合和合成的方式。 將來,維基百科可能更多地依靠人工智能和自動化系統,這些系統可能會改變他們的工作方式和做什麼(有些可能意味著驗證和事實檢查,而不是貢獻新的內容)。
- 虛擬現實有潛力徹底改變人們與知識的互動。 在這些沉浸式的生活般的體驗中,基於文本的知識將難以整合。 然而,開源沉浸式內容可能是當前或未來姊妹項目的機會,結構化數據可能是理想的這些目的。
- 增強現實和其他可穿戴設備在用戶的世界觀上添加了一層內容。 這種趨勢可以使用戶立即獲得相關的維基媒體內容,並可能使教育,培訓和許多其他行業發生革命性變化。
- 較舊的離線通信模式可能仍然存在並增長,因為在線隱私和不總是連接的願望。
- 當人工智能產生內容時,它可能會根據人類偏見的來源創造新的內容,從而延續偏見
- 隨著人們根據自己的喜好搜索和接收更多的內容,他們將開始失去訪問其他可能不同的內容
- 每一次可用的信息過量可能導致更少的批判性處理新信息的能力
- 數字鴻溝 - 擁有在線信息的人與沒有在線信息的人之間的差距 - 將在所有社會中進一步擴大
- 用於虛擬現實,增強現實和個人助理的新設備可能會增加付費和專有內容和平台的創建。 如果發生這種情況,用戶可能會回到被動消費者的角色,而不是內容創作者,導致中性較少,免費的知識。
- 檔案工作者,教育家和歷史學家可能會發現維護和訪問這些許多不同類型的知識和內容越來越難
- ↑ a b 「全球移動趨勢」。GSMA Intelligence,2016年10月。訪問於2017年6月27日。
- ↑ 「全球移動趨勢」幻燈片8
- ↑ 注:編號列表1-4來自兩個報告:Mary Meeker,「Internet Trends Report 2017」。 帕金斯(Kleiner Perkins) 2017年5月31日。訪問時間:2017年6月27日。Amy Webb,「2017 Tech Trends Annual Report」。 未來今日學院,2017年6月27日。
“作為維基媒體2030策略流程的一部分,維基媒體基金會正在與獨立的研究顧問合作,了解將影響自由知識未來的主要趨勢,並與運動共享這些信息。這兩個報告由Dot 連接器工作室,一家位於費城的媒體研究和戰略公司,專注於新興平台如何用於社會影響,以及基於聖保羅的策略,規劃和評估公司Lutman&Associates,專注於文化,媒體的交匯 ,慈善事業“。
在他們的論文“考慮2030年:錯誤的信息,驗證和宣傳”中,[3 1]研究人員已經將趨勢分類 錯誤信息分為兩類:內容來源,以及內容的訪問方式。 他們每個人都看到了三個全球性的影響力來源:技術,政府和政治以及商業。
- 技術將改變內容如何由外部來源開發,因為人工智能被用於加速知識創造和分析。雖然這可能會使得更容易找到引文和進行質量編輯,但它也可能產生更多偏見的來源或誤導內容。這可能會成為一個更大的問題,因為人造智能開始將錯誤信息用作“事實”,當它將數據匯集在一起並創建更多的內容。[3 2]這可能會影響維基媒體人驗證來源並保持高質量內容的能力。
- 技術可能轉向更個性化的界面(移動設備,可穿戴設備,基於語音的虛擬助手),並且使用當前平台將會越來越難以使用維基媒體內容。
- 全球言論自由正在受到挑戰。[3 3][3 4][3 5][3 6][3 7][3 8]一些公司,政府和政治家有意散佈虛假或誤導性的信息,以勸說和影響他們的利益。這不僅僅是文本,因為技術使得更容易操縱其他媒體(音頻,視頻,圖像)。這削弱了整體知識網絡,並可能使維基媒體更難保持中立,並引用無偏見的文件。
- 對維基媒體內容的審查趨勢正在減少,但一些政府(如中國或土耳其)正在繼續廣泛審查。 “HTTPS”技術的部署使得阻止單個頁面變得更加困難。 這在短期內有所幫助,但需要繼續開發新的反審查工具和方法。
- 社交媒體公司如Twitter和Facebook已經成長,成為通過個人網絡傳播錯誤信息的渠道,同時信託成熟的機構已經下降。 創新是必要的,以確保錯誤信息被事實檢查,以便分發中立的準確信息。
- 隨著商業公司繼續開發封閉的應用程序,產品和平台,可靠的來源可能變得更難找到,維基媒體內容可能會變得更少。 (請注意,本課題將在未來的研究中進一步發展。)
關於錯誤信息的研究表明了這些問題的潛在解決方案。 當您反思研究時,請討論您如何認為我們作為一個運動可以幫助世界追求可靠,自由和中立的知識。
- ↑ 考慮2030:錯誤的信息,驗證和宣傳
- ↑ Bilton,Nick。“假的消息要比你曾經想過的更加難以想像”。 “名利場”。 2017年1月26日。2017年5月30日訪問。
- ↑ 無國界記者。「2017 World Press Freedom Index – tipping point?」2017年4月26日,2017年5月15日更新。2017年5月28日訪問。
- ↑ Nordland,Rod。「”土耳其的新聞自由報“作為埃爾多安監獄。」「紐約時報」,2016年11月17日,2017年6月7日訪問。
- ↑ 無國界記者。「民主侵蝕的新聞減弱」。 2017年5月29日訪問。
- ↑ Paul,Christopher和Miriam Matthews。俄羅斯「虛構的火炬」宣傳模式:為什麼它可以工作和選擇來對付它。聖莫尼卡:蘭德公司,2016。
- ↑ Broderick,Ryan。「在線的特朗普支持者假裝法國人操縱法國的選舉」。「BuzzFeed新聞」。 2017年1月24日。2017年6月7日訪問。
- ↑ Tufekci,Zeynep。「尊敬的法國:你剛剛被黑了,不要犯同樣的錯誤」。來自BuzzFeed。2017年5月5日。2017年6月7日訪問。
举例来说,寻找有关许多非洲文化的可信第二手资料是很难的,因为知识传统上口述共享,或是由于手写文件是由于殖民者偏异的观点而写就的。[2 1]有些组织乐于将这些口传的知识用别种方式记录下来,而我们,若是能够找到方法容易地聚合它们,他们的成果就可以在我们的站点上被使用。[2 2][2 3]
作为维基媒体人,我们已经开始期望识别来自传统渠道的可信来源的界限,像是平等看待学院派观点与主流新闻的观点。这新一周的战略挑战提出读者正从将信任投放到那先验的所谓“名声好的”组织们上离开,并且取而代之的是更多的使用他们所信任的个人的资料。[2 4]这种趋势可以被看作是维基媒体人去构思资料来源以至减少文化约束并也为期望越来越高的读者们提供更好的服务的机会。
- 阅读文字或观看视频Uzo Iweala, Nigerian author and movement strategy advisor, interviewed by Zack McCune, 14 June 2017
- 请阅读7月7日的博客帖子,How the discovery and sharing of trusted information have evolved,第二种观点。
- ↑ Uzo Iweala, Nigerian author and movement strategy advisor, interviewed by Zack McCune, 14 June 2017
- ↑ The People’s Archive of Rural India documents the occupational, linguistic, and anthropological diversity of India, in a storytelling way with images, text, and video. Adam Hochschild, Co-Founder, Mother Jones, interviewed by Katherine Maher, 16 June 2017
- ↑ LEAP Africa captures the memories of historical leaders that are mostly oral traditions, who have little evidence in the documented histories written by colonists. 58 expert summaries (June 2017), line 10
- ↑ Indonesia research findings draft May 2017
- ↑ Nairobi, Kenya strategy salon with technology experts - May 29, 2017
- ↑ 58 expert summaries (June 2017) lines 24 and 33
- ↑ a b Indonesia research findings draft May 2017
- ↑ 58 expert summaries (June 2017) lines 9, 10, 35
- ↑ Wikimedia Polska Strategy Dinner - Warsaw June 5, 2017
- ↑ a b c 58 expert summaries (June 2017) lines 4, 5, 7, and 9
- ↑ a b Awareness, Attitudes, and Usage research - US (May 2017) - interim version, full report coming in July
- ↑ Top 10 Gen Z and iGen Questions Answered
- ↑ w:zh:各國智慧型手機普及率列表