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Stewards/elections 2011/votes/Jafeluv

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English: The 2011 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.
Suomi: Vuoden 2011 ylivalvojien vaalit on loppu. Uusia ääniä ei hyväksytä enää.
العربية: انتخابات المضيفين لعام 2011 انتهت. لا أصوات أخرى سيتم قبولها.
Deutsch: Die Stewardwahlen 2011 sind beendet. Weitere Stimmen können nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden.
Español : Las elecciones a Steward del año 2011 han concluído. No se aceptan más votos.
فارسی: .رای‌گیری در مورد انتخابات ویکیبدهای جدید پایان یافته است.رای‌های جدید مورد قبول واقع نخواهد شد. [update needed: en]
Français : Les élections Steward de 2011 sont terminées. Il n'est plus possible de voter.
Gaeilge: Tá na toghcháin Maoir 2011 dúnta anois. Ní féidir aon vótaí eile a glacadh as an am seo amach.
Galego: Xa remataron as eleccións a steward do ano 2011. Non se aceptarán máis votos.
Alemannisch : D Stewardwahle 2011 sin umme. Du chasch nimmi abstimme.
עברית: בחירות הדיילים לשנת 2011 הסתיימו. הצבעות נוספות לא תתקבלנה. [update needed: en]
Magyar: A választás lezárult, további szavazatokat nem fogadunk el. [update needed: en]
Italiano: Le elezioni del 2011 a Steward sono terminate. Nessun voto ricevuto dopo questa data sarà preso in considerazione.
日本語: 2011年のスチュワード選挙は終わりました。今後の投票は受け付けられません。
Nederlands: De stewardsverkiezingen van 2011 zijn gesloten. U kunt niet meer stemmen.
Polski: Wybory stewardów w 2011 roku zakończyły się. Nowe głosy nie będą akceptowane.
Português : As eleições para Steward de 2011 estão encerradas. Nenhum voto lançado a partir desta data será computado.
Русский: Выборы стюардов — 2011 завершены. Дальнейшие голоса не будут приняты.
Svenska: 2011 års val av stewarder är avslutat. Ingen ytterligare röstning kommer att accepteras.
中文: 2011年监管员选举已经结束。逾期投票将会作废 [update needed: en]
中文(简体): 2011年监管員选举已经结束。逾期投票将会作废 [update needed: en]
中文(繁體): 2011年監管員選舉已經結束。逾期投票將會作廢 [update needed: en]
Tiếng Việt: Cuộc bầu cử tiếp viên năm 2011 đã kết thúc. Không có phiếu bầu nào tiếp tục được chấp nhận.
Ελληνικά: Οι εκλογές επιτρόπων για το 2011 έχουν τελειώσει. Δεν γίνονται δεκτές άλλες ψήφοι. [update needed: en]
Türkçe: 2011 kâhya seçimleri tamamlanmıştır. Daha fazla oy kabul edilmeyecektir.
Azərbaycanca: 2011 stüard seçkiləri tamamlanmışdır. Daha səslər qəbul olunmur.

Jafeluv talk · contribs · SULutil (accounts) / stalktoy · globalcontribs · crosswiki-ness · confirm eligibility
translate: translation help, statement, template, headings

  • Languages: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Personal info: Hi, I'm Jafeluv. I started editing in the English Wikipedia in March 2008 and became an admin in September 2009. I've later become active in other projects, and currently hold adminship in the English and Finnish Wikipedia, on Commons and here on Meta. I'm also a global sysop for six months now. I'm familiar with crosswiki anti-vandalism and feel that I would have a lot to offer as a steward. Thank you for your consideration.
  • Jezici: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Lične informacije: Pozdrav, ja sam Jafeluv. Sa uređivanjem sam počeo na Wikipediji na engleskom u martu 2008, gdje sam u septembru 2009. postao administrator. Kasnije sam postao aktivan u drugim projektima, te sada imam administratorska prava na engleskoj i finskoj Wikipediji, na commonsu i ovdje na meti. Pored toga, također sam globalni administrator već šest mjeseci. Dobro sam upoznat sa globalnim anti-vandalizmom, tako da mislim da sam dobra ponuda kao stjuard. Zahvaljujem Vam se na pažnji.
  • Sprachen: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Informationen zur Person: Hallo, ich bin Jafeluv. Ich begann im März 2008 bei der englischen Wikipedia mitzuarbeiten und wurde im September 2009 zum Admin gewählt. Später wurde ich auch auf anderen Projekten aktiv und bin gegenwärtig Admin auf der englischen und finnischen Wikipedia sowie auf Commons und hier auf Meta. Zudem verfüge ich seit sechs Monaten über globale Sysop-Rechte, bin daher vertraut mit der wikiübergreifenden Antivandalismusarbeit und denke, dass ich als Steward viel zu bieten hätte. Ich bedanke mich für eure Aufmerksamkeit.
  • Lingvoj: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Personaj informoj: Saluton, mi estas Jafeluv. Mi komencis redakti la anglan Vikipedion dum marto 2008 kaj fariĝis administranto en septembro 2009. Poste, mi fariĝis aktiva uzanto en aliaj projektoj, kaj nun mi estas administranto en la angla kaj en la finna Vikipedioj, en la Komunejo kaj tie ĉi en Meta. Mi ankaŭ estas ĝenerala administranto dum lastaj ses monatoj. Mi havas sperton pri trovi vandalismojn inter projektoj kaj mi pensas ke mi povas multe helpi kiel stevardo. Dankon por via atento.
  • Idiomas: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Información personal: Hola, soy Jafeluv. Comencé editando en la Wikipedia en inglés en marzo de 2008 y me volví administrador en septiembre de 2009. Después me volví activo en otros proyectos, y actualmente tengo derechos de administrador en la Wikipedia en finlandés e inglés, en Commons y aquí en Meta. También soy sysop global, desde hace ya seis meses. Soy familiar con el anti-vandalismo cross-wiki y creo que tendría un montón que ofrecer como steward. Gracias por su consideración.
  • Kielet: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Henkilökohtaiset tiedot: Moi, olen Jafeluv. Aloitin muokkaamisen englanninkielisessä Wikipediassa maaliskuussa 2008 ja minut valittiin ylläpitäjäksi syyskuussa 2009. Olen myöhemmin alkanut aktiivisesti muokata muissakin hankkeissa ja olen tällä hetkellä ylläpitäjä englannin- ja suomenkielisessä Wikipediassa, Commonsissa ja täällä Metassa. Olen myös ollut globaali ylläpitäjä kuuden kuukauden ajan. Olen perillä wikienvälisestä vandalismintorjunnasta ja uskon, että minulla olisi paljon tarjottavaa ylivalvojana. Kiitokset harkinnastanne.
  • Langues : fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Renseignements personnels : Bonjour, je suis Jafeluv. J'ai commencé à contribuer sur la Wikipédia en anglais en mars 2008, et suis administrateur depuis septembre 2009. De plus, je contribue activement sur d'autres projets : je suis administrateur sur les Wikipédias en anglais et finnois, sur Commons et ici sur Meta. Je suis aussi un administrateur global depuis juillet 2010. J'ai l'habitude de contrer le vandalisme inter-wiki et je pense que j'aurais beaucoup à offrir comme steward. Merci de votre attention.
  • שפות: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • מידע אישי: דיבור כאן
Bahasa Indonesia:
  • Bahasa yang dikuasai: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Informasi pribadi: tuliskan pernyataan Anda di sini
  • 言語: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • 候補者の情報: 所信はこちら
  • Taalvaardigheid: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Persoonlijke informatie: Hallo, ik ben Jafeluv. Ik ben begonnen de Engelstalige Wikipedia te bewerken in maart 2008 en werd moderator in september 2009. Later ben ik actief geworden in andere projecten en ik ben momenteel moderator op de Engelstalige en Finstalige wiki's, op Commons en op Meta. Ik ben sinds zes maanden ook global sysop. Ik ben bekend met cross wiki-vandalisme en denk dat ik als steward veel te bieden heb. Dank u voor uw aandacht.
  • Języki: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Informacje osobiste: Cześć, jestem Jafeluv. Zacząłem edytować angielską Wikipedię w marcu 2008 i zostałem adminem we wrześniu 2009. Stałem się później aktywny w innych projektach i aktualnie posiadam uprawnienia administratora na angielskiej i fińskiej Wikipedii, na Commons i tutaj na Meta. Jestem również w tej chwili globalnym sysopem przez sześć miesięcy. Znajome jest mi zagadnienie anty-wandalizmu crosswiki i czuję, że mógłbym wiele zaoferować jako steward. Dziękuję za wzięcie mnie pod uwagę.
  • Línguas: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Informações pessoais: Olá, eu sou Jafeluv. Comecei a editar a Wikipédia em inglês em Março de 2008 e me tornei administrador em Setembro de 2009. Após isto, tornei-me mais activo em outros projectos, e actualmente tenho privilégios de administrador nas Wikipédias em Finlandês e Inglês, no Commons e aqui no Meta. Também sou, há seis meses, um administrador global. Estou familiarizado com o combate anti-vandalismo cross-wiki e creio que teria muito a oferecer como steward. Obrigado por sua consideração.
  • Языки: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Личная информация: Привет, я Jafeluv. Я начал участвовать в английской Википедии с марта 2008 года и с сентября 2009 года стал там администратором. Позже я стал принимать активное участие в других проектах. В данный момент я являюсь администратором в английской и финской Википедии, на Викискладе и здесь, на Мете. С июля 2010 года я стал также глобальным администратором. Я веду борьбу с кросс-вики вандализмом и считаю, что буду полезен в роли стюарда.
  • Gjuha: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Informacion personale: Çkemi, unë jam Jafeluv. Fillova duke redaktuar Wikipedia Anglisht në Marsh 2008 dhe bëra administrator në Shtator 2009. Më vonë kam qënë aktiv në projekte të tjera, dhe tashmë mbajë privilega administrator në Wikipedia Anglisht dhe Finlandez, në Commons dhe këtu në Meta. Gjithashtu kam qënë sysop (operator sistemash) globale për 6 muaj tani. Jam i njohur me cross-wiki anti vandalizëm dhe ndihem që do kisha shumë për të ofruar si kujdestarë. Faleminderit për vëmendjen tuaj.
српски / srpski:
  • Језици: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Лични подаци: Здраво, ја сам Jafeluv. Почео сам да доприносим на Википедији на енглеском језику у марту 2008. и постао сам администратор септембра 2009. године. Касније сам постао активан на другим пројектима и тренутно сам администратор на Википедијама на енглеском и финском, на Остави и овде на Мети. Такође сам већ шест месеци глобални администратор. Упознат сам са глобалним анти-вандализмом и осећам да могу много да понудим као стјуард. Хвала Вам на разумевању.
  • Språk: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Personlig information: Hej, jag är Jafeluv. Jag började redigera på engelska Wikipedia i mars 2008 och blev administratör i september 2009. Senare jag har blivit aktiv på andra projekter, och nuförtiden är jag administratör på engelska och finska Wikipedia, på Commons samt här på Meta. Jag har också varit en global administratör i sex månader. Jag har erfarenhet av sanering av crosswiki vandalism och tänker att jag kunde ha mycket att erbjuda som steward.
  • Мови: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • Особиста інформація: Привіт, мене звати Jafeluv. Я почав працювати в англійській Вікіпедії в березні 2008 року та став адміністратором у вересні 2009. Згодом я почав брати активну участь в інших проектах, наразі маю права адміністратора в англійській та фінській Вікіпедіях, на Вікісховищі та тут, на Меті. Також я є глобальним адміністратором вже шість місяців. Я маю досвід боротьби з багатопроектним вандалізмом та вважаю, що міг би допомогти в ролі стюарда. Дякую за увагу.
  • 可说语言: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • 个人资料: 大家好,我是Jafeluv。我從2008年3月起編輯英文維基百科(en),並在2009年9月成為了一名管理員。之後,我開始活躍於其他項目。現在我是英文和芬蘭語(fi)維基百科、維基共享資源和元維基上的管理員。我擔任全域管理員(Global sysop)也已經6個月了。我對處理跨維基破壞比較熟悉,因而我認為我適合做一名監管員。感謝您的關心。

    大家好,我是Jafeluv。我从2008年3月起编辑英文维基百科(en),并在2009年9月成为了一名管理员。之后,我开始活跃于其他项目。现在我是英文和芬兰语(fi)维基百科、维基共享资源和元维基上的管理员。我担任全域管理员(Global sysop)也已经6个月了。我对处理跨维基破坏比较熟悉,因而我认为我适合做一名监管员。感谢您的关心。
  • 可说语言: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • 个人资料: 大家好,我是Jafeluv。我从2008年3月起编辑英文维基百科(en),并在2009年9月成为了一名管理员。之后,我开始活跃于其他项目。现在我是英文和芬兰语(fi)维基百科、维基共享资源和元维基上的管理员。我担任全域管理员(Global sysop)也已经6个月了。我对处理跨维基破坏比较熟悉,因而我认为我适合做一名监管员。感谢您的关心。
  • 可說語言: fi, en-4, fr-3, ru-2, de-2, sv-2
  • 個人資料: 大家好,我是Jafeluv。我從2008年3月起編輯英文維基百科(en),並在2009年9月成為了一名管理員。之後,我開始活躍於其他項目。現在我是英文和芬蘭語(fi)維基百科、維基共享資源和元維基上的管理員。我擔任全域管理員(Global sysop)也已經6個月了。我對處理跨維基破壞比較熟悉,因而我認為我適合做一名監管員。感謝您的關心。

Questions: See Stewards/elections 2011/Questions#Jafeluv

Accounts checked till now, see result here. For the ElectCom, —DerHexer (Talk) 15:11, 27 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]


  1. -- Dferg ☎ talk 00:06, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  2. --Aleator (talk) 00:07, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  3. --თოგო (D) 00:07, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  4. --Hoo man (talk) 00:08, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  5.  fetchcomms 00:11, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  6. -- Marcus Cyron 00:24, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  7. DerHexer (Talk) 00:27, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  8. Support Support CasteloBrancomsg 00:49, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  9. Experience, tact, and language coverage. SJ · talk | translate 00:52, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  10. Support Support מתניה 01:13, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    Most certainly. 1ForTheMoney 01:28, 7 February 2011 (UTC) no SUL account, links from meta to enwiki but not vice versa --Jyothis 00:34, 28 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  11. FASTILY (TALK) 01:49, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  12. Ajraddatz (Talk) 02:28, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  13. -- Maximillion Pegasus 03:18, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  14. Support Support Bennylin 03:34, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  15. --Purodha Blissenbach 22:17, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  16. Nironen 04:12, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  17. fr33kman 05:00, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  18. --Gordonrox24 | Talk 05:04, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  19. Support Support --Cekli829 05:10, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  20. Support Support--Torin 05:35, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  21. Grunny (talk) 05:45, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  22. Support Support Saloca 06:46, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  23. Support Support--Wikiwind 07:02, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  24. MoiraMoira 07:55, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  25. --Jan eissfeldt 08:17, 7 February 2011 (UTC) :o)[reply]
  26. And strongly. Good worker, good communicator - should make a good steward --Herby talk thyme 08:59, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  27. --Roberto Segnali all'Indiano 09:10, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  28. — Tanvir • 09:24, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  29. Support SupportBruTe talk 09:49, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  30. SWATJester Son of the Defender 10:30, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  31. Gytha 11:05, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  32. Enzo^ 11:24, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  33. Support Support mickit 11:25, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  34. OlEnglish (Talk) 11:33, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  35. Ruy Pugliesi 11:59, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  36. Obviously. Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 13:59, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  37. Sasan700 14:06, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  38. --Jisis 14:22, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  39. Support SupportJepse 15:51, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  40. --Flopy 16:41, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  41. Support Support VR-Land 16:52, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  42. Master&Expert 17:52, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  43. Diego Grez return fire 18:17, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  44. yes--Nick1915 - all you want 18:34, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  45. Support Support --WizardOfOz talk 19:07, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  46. Support Support mc10 (t/c) 19:36, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  47. ChristianH 20:07, 7 February 2011 (UTC) Of course.[reply]
  48. Support Support, known and active user –Juliancolton | Talk 20:15, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  49. Davecrosby uk 20:27, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  50. Sure. Trijnstel 20:37, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  51. Lolsimon 00:02, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  52. Eddylandzaat 01:21, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  53. Jujutacular 03:33, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  54. Support Support -- බිඟුවා සාකච්ඡාව 04:38, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  55. -- Rudko 10:44, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  56. Support Support--Skydrinker 12:43, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  57. --MiPe 13:23, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  58. Support Support SoWhy 13:30, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  59. Timotheus Canens 14:32, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  60. --MaxMax 14:53, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  61. NickK 17:22, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  62. I've seen Jafeluv help out on small Wikis. Chaojoker 18:16, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  63. Patio 18:48, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  64. Support Support -- Avi 19:04, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  65. Support Support -- Station1 19:34, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  66. Support Support Looks to be a strong candidate. I especially appreciate your past policy experience. Zachlipton 20:35, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  67. Support Support after having read the questions and answers. Best wishes. Sergey WereWolf 23:22, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  68. Support Support - Romaine 23:54, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  69. Teles (Talk @ C G) 00:22, 9 February 2011 (UTC) - Continue o bom trabalho. Boa sorte.[reply]
  70. Support Support--Shizhao 00:30, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  71. I appreciate the answers. ThiagoRuiz 00:56, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  72. Friendly, skillful and active user --Zache 01:15, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  73. Support Support Junius 03:11, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  74. --Nolispanmo 09:52, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  75. Support Support--Jusjih 10:22, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  76. Support Support Lax 10:24, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  77. Support Support experienced, skilled, honest Noieraieri 10:26, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  78. Support Support -- Neelix 17:15, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  79. rubin16 17:46, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    --Purodha Blissenbach 19:39, 9 February 2011 (UTC) double-vote —DerHexer (Talk) 15:06, 27 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  80. Support Support -- Neozoon 21:48, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  81. Support Support --Yopie 23:20, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  82. Support Support :) --Millosh 23:24, 9 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  83. Support Support Alchimista 00:13, 10 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  84. Support Support - has my support and confidence. This vote is in my personal capacity and not as official statement of the Foundation...--Philippe 05:35, 10 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    Support Support Calken 09:38, 10 February 2011 (UTC) But 'm not sure if I can vote hear... Not eligible.[reply]
  85. Support Support I have seen your name a lot so you seem very active to me and I am glad to have speakers of underrepresented languages around, so you have my fullest support! Capsot 11:36, 10 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  86. Support Support axpdeHello! 14:48, 10 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  87. B25es 17:08, 10 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  88. Support Support - Hard Sin 19:05, 10 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  89. --Ziko 19:23, 10 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  90. Support Support --Aristeas 19:54, 10 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  91. --Holder 08:41, 11 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  92. Kaj 09:55, 11 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  93. Support Support --Tomo suzuki 14:32, 11 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  94. Marauder09 Long live the thrash Marauder09 17:32, 11 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  95. Support Support --Gamma127 00:42, 12 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  96. Support Support --Glad to support you--Bhawani 05:50, 12 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  97. Support Support Ingolfson 11:21, 12 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  98. Support Support Keen to see a Finn take on these responsibilities.--Bdell555 12:29, 12 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  99. Support Support Ruhrfisch 12:40, 12 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    Support Support Sympatico 15:48, 12 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    Sympatico ineligible to vote. –Juliancolton | Talk 17:43, 12 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  100. Support Support Experience in fighting vandalism. --Brandon5485 21:57, 12 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  101. Support Support. --Bff 22:23, 12 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  102. Support Support Steven Walling (talk) 22:42, 12 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  103. Support Support --Martin H. 00:56, 13 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  104. Support Support--Zeljko 03:23, 13 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  105. Support Support Banaticus 10:02, 13 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  106. Quentinv57 (talk) 10:31, 13 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  107. --FollowTheMedia 12:42, 13 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  108. Strong Support Support, VIGNERON * discut. 14:26, 13 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  109. Support Support :) Full support to that candidate having a civilic behaviour, good luck--Mayur (talkEmail) 18:34, 13 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  110. Support Support, yay. odder (talk) 17:10, 13 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  111. Ochs 20:50, 13 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  112. Support Support --UV 20:55, 13 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  113. Support Support--Shijualex 04:04, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  114. Support Support --Berny68 05:41, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  115. user:7 (talk) 07:26, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  116. --Ekeb 10:46, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  117. Support Support-qazwsx34 21:30, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  118. Support Support-Theo10011 14:56, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  119. Support Support Jon Harald Søby 15:56, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  120. Support Support Jón 16:37, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  121. Foxie001 17:55, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  122. Support Support Lakritsa 21:29, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  123. Support Support --Floflo 21:50, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  124. Support Support - the big fishes voted to support him, so the weird fishes follows. Spoladore 02:48, 15 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  125. Support Support --Jusb 12:28, 15 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  126. Support Support --Stryn 12:42, 15 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  127. Support Support Experienced candidate. Will be heplful. --Mercy 14:08, 15 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  128. Njaelkies Lea 15:22, 15 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  129. Support Support Walkerma 16:32, 16 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  130. Support Support ...calls support! --Demonaire Rai 17:17, 16 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  131. Support Support Ankry 16:11, 17 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  132. Support. AGK 20:22, 17 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  133. Support Support looks good to me WormTT 10:17, 18 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  134. --Gast32 16:24, 18 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  135. Support Support Udufruduhu 20:44, 18 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  136. Support Support --Emaus 02:18, 19 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  137. --Sergey Semenovtalk 02:57, 19 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  138. Support Support --Slon02 05:56, 19 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  139. -- -- . Shlok talk . 07:34, 19 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  140. Support Support-Henswick 09:18, 19 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  141. --Zinnmann 10:02, 19 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  142. Support Support Elen of the Roads 13:05, 19 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  143. Support Support --Poco a poco 16:56, 19 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  144. Elvaube 09:54, 20 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  145. Support Support Probably the best candidate from my point of view. VonTasha 11:01, 20 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  146. Kleuske 01:27, 21 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  147. Support Support --Otrfan 01:43, 21 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  148. Support Support --Lucas Nunes 02:34, 21 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  149. Support Support Comte0 14:27, 21 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  150. Support Support Zyephyrus 20:09, 21 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  151. ...Aurora... 10:24, 22 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  152. Support Support Rubicon 12:08, 22 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  153. Support Support -jkb- 18:44, 22 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  154. Support Support Chzz 22:26, 22 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  155. Support Support MBisanz talk 07:55, 23 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    Support Support--Modzzak 11:41, 23 February 2011 (UTC) no SUL account; links from meta to dewiki but not vice versa --Jyothis 00:35, 28 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  156. Support Support Béria Lima msg 17:28, 23 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  157. Support Support vvvt 08:33, 25 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  158. Blanket Support Support for all candidates as opposition to the blanket opposition by User:Riffic, in support of open balloting. --Yair rand 21:40, 25 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  159. Support Supportstr4nd 23:24, 25 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  160. Support Support J Hazard 13:46, 26 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  161. Support Support Kubek15T C 14:16, 26 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  162. Support Support --George Chernilevsky 14:29, 26 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  163. 32X 18:09, 26 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  164. --Outback the koala 03:28, 27 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  165. Kv75 06:47, 27 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  166. Yes --Dalibor Bosits © 17:59, 27 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  167. LeinaD (t) 19:14, 27 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  168. Support Support. Good contributions, and good communications. –Tommy Kronkvist, 20:51, 27 February 2011 (UTC).[reply]
  169. Support Support Karol007 22:09, 27 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  170. Support Support masti <dyskusja> 22:16, 27 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]


  1. Never D100a 16:01, 7 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    --Mayur (talkEmail) 12:44, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    Oppose Oppose Guido den Broeder 18:46, 9 February 2011 (UTC) Oppose withdrawn. Guido den Broeder 16:33, 11 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Blanket 'NO' votes for all candidates as a form of protest against open balloting. riffic 18:05, 11 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    What!? Theo10011 14:51, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Oppose Oppose This user seems very experienced and capable and I appreciate that the community seems to be agreeing that he is making excellent contributions to the Finnish Wikipedia. However, if this user is to be a steward then he needs to take a few hours to organize his user pages to make Wikipedians who visit his pages better able to find out how he can help them and how they should make requests to him. Not everyone uses IRC and stewards should be examples of the community's best behavior. Blue Rasberry (talk) 03:50, 27 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]


  1. Sounds ok but might as well start this space. Carolmooredc 14:54, 8 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  2. --Soenke Rahn 11:15, 19 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]